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Academic year: 2021

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Językoznawstwo : współczesne badania, problemy i analizy językoznawcze 3,



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____________________ JĘZYKOZNAWSTWO nr 1(3)/2009 ____________________


Emilia Fidr ysiak

The analysis of the language space in the fragment of the Polish

translation of The trial by Franz Kafka

The subject of this work is the concept of the language space which is comprehended in many different ways. The material of the research is a short fragment of the Polish translation of The Trial by Franz Kafka. In the fi rst place the author tries to defi ne the concept of space both from the linguistic and the anthropological point of view. Next, the author focuses on the analysis of the presence of the verbal suffi xes which express the space relations in this fragment and confronts the typographic space with the acoustic space of the text. Finally, the author analyses the visual space of the screen version of The Trial directed by David Hugh Jones in 1993.

Anita Szwajkowska

The movement of the body as a channel connecting the written word

with the ever yday speech

The close cooperation of the prosodic, kinezic and proxemic codes causes so called theatrical speech and determines among the interlocutors the picture images. The analysis of the communicative infrastructure, particularly taking into consideration the gesture that penetrates the language matter, comes to the conclusion that the gesture while accompanying the prosodic elements has three functions:

– determines the change in the tenor of the statement

– distinguishes additionally segmental and suprasegmental elements – substitutes the prosodic performance

In case of acting which is expressed in the community of materials: the art of words and the art of gesture, the analysis of the gesture behaviours and the contents that they carry, let us distinguish gestures which substi-tute or strengthen the melody of the sentence and those which create it, and also gestures expressing emotional accents and cases where the pause is fi lled by the phonic gesture and the movement is converted into sound.

Józef Chojnacki

The field names of the village Lądek in Słupecki district

Lądek is a big village situated on the river Warta in słupecki district. 46 names of fi elds, meadows, ponds and fl ood waters on the river Warta have been collected and discussed. The names refl ect the characteristic structures that lie by the river Warta (compare e.g Błonie, Żabiaki). They also help to reconstruct the primeval landscape (compare Brzeźnica, Dąbrowy). The names also have traces of an old economic activity (compare Kobylorz,


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Katarzyna Kot

The names of tourist offices and travel agencies in Łódź

The main aim of writing this article was to examine the motivation of giving names to tourist offi ces and travel agencies in Łódź. After analyzing 70 names, they have been divided into a few groups. The main criterion of division was the motivation of the name formation. The biggest group was that of names that had been given by the motivation of words derived from English, or borrowings from this language. The second group consisted of names motivated by advertising function. The rest of the smaller groups of motivations of name formation had their origins in mythology and geographical names.

Dorota Leśniak

Dysle xia in the process of foreign language teaching. Selected


Language infl uences all aspects of our life and it forms the foundations for our success in life. It is also one of the most fascinating effects of our brain work. However, this work is sometimes disturbed. One of the most important disorders related to language is dyslexia. In this article it was presented as a kind of communication disorder especially in terms of second language learning. In this context phonological aspect of dyslexia was also mentioned.

Furthermore, dyslexia diagnosis and some ways of overcoming this problem was presented. In this article the author based on her knowledge and experience that she gained while working as a speech therapist, educa-tor and English language teacher.

Aneta Urbaniak

The most popular langnage mistakes among students of the sixth


In the article I have presented the results of detailed analysis of sixty compositions, written by students of the sixth grade of elementary school. What is more, I have also classifi ed the language mistakes which are very often made by students and I have examined the reasons of the mistakes appearance in general. When I was doing the analysis of my students’ tests, I paid my attention to the right use of the language and students’ language effi ciency which is not on a very high level nowadays. Furthermore, I have also focused on the style of their writings and construction of the sentence in the text.

Later I have examined students’ communication abilities because each student who fi nishes the elementary school should be able to use language consciously and should be familiarized with different language norms and rules. Detailed researches proved that students of the sixth grade make a lot of language mistakes, their word bank is not highly developed and their knowledge about the syntax structure is not mastered enough. What is more, it is still diffi cult for them to deal with stylistic, orthographic or punctuation norms, in the text which they produce. Furthermore, by examining the language correctness, I have noticed the connection between mistakes made by students and their lack of grammar knowledge. Student who had got the lowest grades from their grammar tests, made serious syntax mistakes in their next compositions.

Joanna Bończyk

A medieval dialogue in the contemporar y reception

The author of the article ‘A medieval dialogue in the contemporary reception’ deals with the subject of the problems with the reception of an Old Polish work. The subject of the research is the text The Dialogue

between Master Policarp and the Death, this literary dialogue that comes from the fi fteenth century has a

high communicative quality and presents the ideas characteristic for the minds of that epoch. The distance of time and space is the main diffi culty in the reception of a medieval text by a contemporary reader. In the second part of the article, the author concentrates on the writer of The Dialogue, about whom the con-temporary reader tells us on the basis of the conclusions drawn from the analyzed text. The whole article fi nishes with the author’s punch line about the mysterious writer of The Dialogue between Master Policarp


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Anna Piotrowska

The records of Regina Salomea nee Rusiecka against the background

of the 18th centur y journalism – introductor y remarks concerning

literature and linguistics

This article is only a short introduction to the work of Regina Salomea Pilsztynowa (nèe Rusiecka), which is undoubtedly a special literary and lingual phenomenon. I tried to show the originality and uniqueness of the text in relation to other forms of diaries from that period. I highlighted the image and the attitude of the author – the woman who shines out and is a colourful individuality. I highlighted some defects within the author’s language that make specifi c portrayal of 18th century Polish language.

It is hardly possible to review all the issues, especially those connected with the language, in such a short article. The language of Regina Salomea Pilsztynowa (nèe Rusiecka) needs a thorough case study.

Anna Kr upska-Perek

Message in the media conte xt of the Szkło Kontaktowe programme

on TVN 24

The subject of the description and the material of the research of the present article is the message with a huge degree of complexity from the point of view of quantity (e.g. activating several channels of perception and many means of transmission) and from the point of view of quality (e.g. creating various sending-receiving confi gurations and presentation of journalist materials rich in content and form).

The author has also made an attempt to interpret the psycholinguistic possibility of reception of such a compound message. The attempt has been checked empirically by means of a survey that was made by a group of respondents after watching one of the programmes.

Magdalena Bilińska

Rumour as a form of speech and te xt

The popularity of rumour has made the author to concentrate on the problem of the communication act within the processes of communication through the language signs. The most important point was to create the model of the explication of the media rumour. The created by the author pattern consists of six formulas which defi ne the rumour. They include both initial elements and the author’s intentions which are necessary to create a short information form. It is easy to perceive on the presented examples that the model defi nitions carry out the explication in different ways. It is caused, fi rst of all, by the complexity of the form and the fl exibility of its structure. Not every rumour statement demands six defi nitions, because the pattern changes while creating the communication act according to the purpose of the statement its character and subject.

Paula Korczyńska

The literature as a matter of interests of the editors from “Polityka”


The “Polityka” magazine publishes on its columns the articles about literature. These are both reviews and writers’ profi les. They also take a closer look at the contemporary events from the widely known concept of the culture of a book. The author gives examples and quotations which make it possible to confront the information presented above with the reality and to show what issues about the literature are presented in this social and political magazine.

Anna Leszczyńska

Registers as a translational problem

This article focuses on registers, such as frozen, formal, consultative, casual, intimate and vulgar one. It demonstrates that they are frequently neglected in the process of translation, which signifi cantly changes the exceptionality of the source text. The research is based on The Shining by Stephen King and its Polish transla-tion, Lśnienie by Zofi a Zinserling. The study shows that the unsuccessful translation of registers contributes to the negative perception of the original masterpiece.


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