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Widok Telerehabilitation in speech-language therapy as exemplified by aphasic patients. A research review


Academic year: 2021

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ANICKI Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland

Telerehabilitation in speech-language

therapy as exemplified by aphasic patients.

A research review

ABSTRACT: Krystian Manicki, Telerehabilitation in speech-language therapy as exempli-fied by aphasic patients. A research review. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Peda-gogy, no. 31, Poznań 2020. Pp. 379–390. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2020.31.18 The present paper discusses application of telerehabilitation services in speech therapy management in aphasic adults. The author presents theoretical issues relat-ed to the specifics of therapeutic effects of at a distance approach and indicates its recipients, focusing on neurological patients with language difficulties. Further on, the author reviews the selected studies on telerehabilitation used in diagnoses and therapies of aphasic speech disorders.

KEY WORDS: aphasia, speech-language therapy, information technologies,

telereha-bilitation, speech disorders


Speech therapy is today, undoubtedly, a very rapidly growing ac-ademic and practical field of study both in Poland and in the world. This incredible acceleration in its growth guarantees the development of new approaches to diagnostic procedures and speech disorder therapies. Some trends in contemporary speech therapy easily perme-ate into the practical sphere and gain approval of therapists, the others



become subjects of many disputes and objects of multiple controver-sies. The second trend is exemplified by application of a wide range of the latest technologies, not only in complementary relation to tradi-tional speech therapy management1 as well as, or perhaps most of all, as a substitute for the latter. Continuous progress of advanced tech-nologies makes this substitute approach possible through application of telerehabilitation services in therapeutic processes.

Telerehabilitation and its possible applications

in aphasic patients

Telerehabilitation is an innovative approach that refers to provid-ing rehabilitation services at a distance usprovid-ing information and com-munication technologies. The first attempts at its definition were made in the late 90’s in the USA. However, it is worth resorting to more recent and complete definition of The American Occupational Therapy Association that perceives telerehabilitation as: clinical

appli-cation of consulting, preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic services based on interactive telecommunication technologies.2 Such a wide scope of services may be provided in two major ways: synchronous one – based on a constant, real-time communication between a therapist and a patient and an asynchronous one – based on deferred com-munication, i.e. not requiring the presence of both parties at the same time. The tools aiding the first model include, among the oth-ers: chat rooms, audio and videoconference equipment, such as phones, Skype and Zoom. In case of the second approach this co-vers the instruments such as e-mails, messages and forums.3


1 In this paper traditional speech therapy approach refers to the therapy

per-formed in person (at a therapist’s surgery or a patient’s house).

2 M. Łukowicz, S. Śmigiel, M. Andryszczyk, Telerehabilitacja, Wydawnictwa

Uczelniane Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Przyrodniczego, Bydgoszcz 2015, p. 11.

3 J. Jatkowska, B-learning w diagnozie i terapii logopedycznej dzieci, Grupa

Wy-dawnicza Harmonia, Gdańsk 2019, p. 20.

M. Kuciapski, Podstawowe technologie e-learningowe, https://www.slideshare.net/ mkuciapski/podstawowe-technologie-elearningowe-presentation [05 Aug. 2020].



Telerehabilitation services are dedicated to a wide range of re-cipients; both children and adults suffering from somatic diseases, consequences of accidents, mental disabilities, hearing difficulties and disorders requiring psychological supports or others including speech pathologies. In English-speaking countries telerehabilitation services are often referred to as telespeech. As it appears from literature re-view main recipients of these services are often aphasic persons.

The logopedic classification of speech disorders developed by Stanisław Grabias places aphasia in a group of disorders associated with the breakdown of communication system. Accordingly, apha-sias are perceived as disorders resulting from cortical damage of all types

of competences, manifested by a complete or partial disintegration of all types of competences (sensory aphasia) and/or impairment of the ability to speak (motor aphasia).4 This language deficit may result from many nosological aspects of neurological nature, such as ischemia and hemorrhagic stroke and craniocerebral injuries. However, these are not the only disorders inducing aphasic speech disorders and an-other group of pathogenic factors includes an-other brain changes such as tumours and neurodegenerative processes as well as intoxica-tions related to ethyl alcohol or carbon monoxide.5

Traditional speech therapies directed at aphasic persons often re-ly on didactic aids such as workbooks and handouts.6 First references to possibilities of expanding the existing rehabilitation methods in this group of patients by supplementing the therapeutic process with modern technologies go back to the 80’s of the last century. At that time many scholars ventured their bold assumptions that in the near future computers will not only aid but partially or even completely

re-place therapists in their work with patients.7 Although these predictions


4 S. Grabias, Mowa i jej zaburzenia, „Audiofonologia” 1997, no. 10, p. 34.

5 J. Panasiuk, Afazja a interakcja. Tekst – metaTekst – konTekst, Wydawnictwo

Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2013, pp. 58–67.

6 M. Kręcichwost, Z. Miodońska, Technologie informatyczne w procesie rehabilitacji

logopedycznej na przykładzie terapii afazji, „Edukacja – Technika – Informatyka” 2015, no. 3(13), pp. 339–344.

7 M. Pąchalska, Terapia chorego z afazją, [in:] Logopedia. Pytania i odpowiedzi.

Podręcznik akademicki, vol. 2, eds. T. Gałgowski, G. Jastrzębowska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole 2003, p. 764.


  Table 1 . Review o f selected studies on t he use o f telerehab ilitatio n in ap hasia Study Study de scription Study resul ts Au tho rs Co un tr y Study a im A nn e J. Hill et al. 2009 A u st ralia Det erm in at io n of t he effect s o f a pha sia o n th e po ssibilit y of evaluat ion of s pe ech disorders via telere-ha bilit at ion servi ces. 32 aph as ic pa rt icipan ts were s im u lt an eou s-ly evaluat ed wi th two m et ho d s, i.e. t elere-ha bilit at ion an d direct on e (fac e t o face) ba sed on BDA E a nd BN T . T he fir st type of diagn ost ic s, developed by th e Q ueen sland U niversi ty , was provided by th e sy st em allowin g for on lin e evaluat ion . Th e sub

-jects were grouped in

accordance with the




t of aph

asic speech disorders

an d th e a nalyses of th e obt ain ed dat a were perf orm ed by 22 evalu at ors . Th e result s sh ow ed t ha t th e grade of aph as ia ad van cem en t d id n ot significa ntly affe ct the accuracy of telereh abilit at ion assessm ent of the ma jo ri ty o f B D A E b at te ry ( th e ex -cep tio ns w

ere the att

em pts o f n am-in g an d paraph as ia evalu at ion ). Moreover, t he o bt ain ed resul ts i n direct an d telereh abilit at ion m odes were com pared wit h regard to each grade of advan cem en t. Mich ela Ago sti ni e t al. 2014 It aly C om paris on of th era-pi es fo r na mi ng di s-orders in pat ie nts w it h aph as ia of v ar i-ou s ty pe s o f spee ch the ra py ( tr adi ti on al an d at a d ist an ce ). Th e st udy in cl

uded five of 32 pat

ien ts wh o previously suffe red from isch em ic st roke of th e left hemisph ere and ha d speec h difficul ties. T he st udied pat ie nts ha d an om ic de fici ts dia gno se d by A A T a nd a t the sa me ti me s ho w ed no o the r di so rd er s with re gard to attent io n focus or non -v er ba l in telligen ce. A ll part icipan ts received t w o ty pes of th erapies: direct (face t o face wit h a t herapist in th e st udy) and “t ele” on e. Som e pat ien ts start ed session s i n person, ot hers o nlin e. Each t ype of a th erapeut ic program en com passed 8 eq ually lon g sessio ns. I n ea ch sessio n the pa ti ents per -fo rm ed ta sk s b ased o n na min g o bjects or act ivit ies sh own in pictures. Th er e w as Th e evaluat ion perform ed directly aft er each cycle of t herapy of n a-m in g defici ts showed a sig nifica nt im pr ov em en t. No s ig ni fic an t di ff er -en ces were f ound with regard to the type o f pe rf or me d a cti vi ti es . Th e auth ors of th e study, consider -in g th e above, b elieve t hat t elere-ha bilit at ion of post -st roke pat ient s wit h aph as ia is probably as ef fec-tive as a conven tion al th erapy per fo rmed fa ce to fa ce. Mo re ov er , no part icipan t re port ed m ajor d if fi-cult ies w hile usin g th e video con -fer ence pla tfo rm .  



a 3-week break wit

h no t herapies bet w een both cycle s. Yoon -Hee Choi et a l. 2016 South Korea E laborat ion an d e ff i-cacy e val ua tio n o f t ele -reh ab ili ta tion p ro gr am fo r ch ron ic po st -s tr o-ke aph asia on mobile devices. Ei gh t pa tie nt s wi th ch ro ni c p os t-s tr ok e aph asia wer e i ncl uded i n a 4 -week inper so n sp eech th era py progra m usi ng iAp ha sia m ob ile a pp lic at io n on an iP ad . A t th e be -gi nn in g, th e p art ic ip ants w ere as ke d to t ake part in th e te st on a m obile de vi ce , de sig ned bas ed o n Korean abrid ge d ver si on of FAST te st . In o rd er to ev al ua te th e eff ec tiv en ess of iAph asia progra m al so , before and one m onth aft er th e th era py , th e exa m base d on W A B, Korea n ver sio n, wa s per for m ed. Tele -re ha bi lit at ion pr og ra m in cl ud ed 6 t her a-peut ic do m ai ns a nd enco mpasse d: liste ni ng co mpreh ens io n, read in g co mpre he ns io n, rep eat in g, n am in g, writ in g an d verb al fl ue ncy. Ea ch do m ai n i ncl uded 6 level s of di ff ic ul ty o ut o f wh ic h a sp eech th erap ist, co ns id er in g th e re su lts of t he a bo ve st ud ie s, sele ct ed th e m ost a ppro pria te o ne for ea ch sub je ct. T he s ub je cts we re a ske d to u se t he ap pl ic at ion as of te n an d as lon g as p os si bl e. A ft er a 4-w eek t her apy u sin g iA ph a-si a applicat ion t he m ean results of WA B were sign if ican tl y h ig her in com parison with th e results o b-ta in ed before th e program (th e d if feren ce s were obs erved in al l 6 do ma ins ). O ne mo nth a fte r t he th erapy com plet io n t he perform ed eval ua tio n co nfir m ed th e sust ai ne d im provem ent . A lso, it h as be en pr ov ed tha t t he ti me spe nt usi ng th e applicat ion h igh ly correlat ed wit h th e in crease d W A B scores.

Joël Macoir et al.

2017 Ca na da Eva lua tion of tel er e-ha bilit at ion effec tive-ne ss pe rfo rme d in order t o im prove fu nct ion al comm un i-cation in aphasia . U sin g t ele re ha bi lit at ion p lat fo rm a nd s oft -ware ba se d o n PACE ap proa ch 20 par tic i-pa nts wi th ch ro nic po st-st ro ke a ph asia un-de rwen t 9 s pee ch t he rapy s ess ion s in 3 we eks . Th e co nd uct ed a ct iv iti es r el ie d on synch ro nous m odel a nd re quir ed the pr es en ce of a c ar er of an a ph as ic p ers on . Th e st udy in cl ud ed o nl y th ese p er so ns th at A

few week lon

g PACE t elereha-bilit at ion led t o im proved fun c-ti on al co mmu ni ca ti on ma ni fe ste d by bet te r effect iv en ess of co m m u-ni ca ti on , s ho rte r ti me o f i nfo rm a-ti on exch an ge bet w een speake rs an d in

creased usage of comm

uni-ca ti on c ha nne ls .  


  sh ow ed t he fe at ur es o f an om y, w er e c rit ic al to wa rd s th ei r o w n l im ita tio ns re ga rd in g sp ee ch an d di d n ot us e t rad ition al sp ee ch th er apy. Qium in Zh ou et al. 2018 C hi na E valu at ion of ef fec-ti ve ne ss o f co mb in ed speech th erapy an d cogn it ive t rain ing in aph asic pat ient s usin g telereh abilit at ion . Th e st udy in vol ved 40 pat ien ts , in cludi ng 20 h os pit alized an d 20 d is ch arged on es . I n bot h groups th e s ubjects were r an d om ly allocat ed eit her t o a st udy subgroup or a con

trol subgroup (10 person

s in every gr ou p). Ea ch of the 4 subg ro ups ha d a di fferr ent thera p y: • h ospit al study group – comp ut erized com bin at ion of speech th erapy an d cog-ni ti ve tr ai ni ng fo r 14 da ys; • h ospit al cont rol group – rout in e th erapy 2 t im es a d ay for 14 d ays ; • di sc ha rg ed st udy gr ou p – e ver yda y 3 0-mi -nute co m m uni ca ti on pr ac ti ce o n fa mi ly relat ed t opics co m bin ed with a 3 0-m inut e speech th erapy t elereh abilit at ion and cogn it ive tr ain

ing for 30 days;

• disc ha rged con trol group – e veryday com m un icat io n pract ice on fa m ily relat -ed topics 2 t im es a d ay f or 30 m in ut es f or 30 d ays . Speech th erapy m ode include d t asks of lis te ni ng co mpr ehe ns io n, r ea di ng co mpr e-he ns io n, r epe ti ti on , na mi ng a nd wr it in g. Cogn it ive m ode in volved th e t asks relat ed to at tent ion , m em ory an d execut ive fun c-ti ons . Com bin at io n of speech th erapy an d cog nit ive train in g im prove d gen eral scores relat ed t o verbal speech , a nd conseq ue nt ly , every-day com m un ica tion skills. T hera-peut ic program in cludi ng h ospit al -ized st udy gro up also prove d effect ive w hen it was im plem en te d in t elere hab ili ta tion m ode for di s-ch ar ge d stu d y gr oup (persons w ho ha d bee n a lr ea dy di sc ha rg ed h om e) . Th e aut hors of th e study conclude th at a com p ut eri zed speec h th era-py with cog nit iv e t rain in g, either perform ed in a ho spit al sett in g or as t elereh abilit at ion in i n-h ome setti ng, ma y su ccess fully suppo rt th e process of recoverin g f rom aph as ia.


  Stephan Moreno Gerber et al. 2019 Switzer- lan d A pplicat ion e valua-ti on : Bern Aphasi a in telereh abilit at ion of ap ha sic per so ns. 11 s peech t hera pis ts and 15 aph as ic pa-tien ts were in cluded in t he st udy based on ad apt at ive and m ult im od al B er n Aphasia applicat ion evaluat ion for a t ablet . It is com pos ed of two bas ic part s: pat ien t’ s in te rface an d t herapist ’s in te rfac e. It en a-bl es the pa ti en ts to do l ang ua ge ta sks au to no mo usl y i n a ho me se tt in g an d t he r-apist s t o allocat e person alized t ask rem ot e-ly in an easy and t im e-savin g man ner, as well as t o follo w t he progress of pat ien ts an d to cr ea te ne w ta sks . Pa ti en ts a nd the ra pi st s, wi th the us e of quest ion na ires, assessed th e applicat ion for it s useful ne ss an d mo ti va ti on . Regardin g it s useful ne ss th e p a-tien ts evaluat ed th e applicat ion as perfect an d th e th erapist s, as good. Th e pat ien ts s tres se d th at th ey liked doin g t ask s an d bot h groups em ph asized th at t he applicat ion is user-friendly. T he auth ors of th e stu d y no te t ha t the fu nc ti on o f difficul ty grada tion allows fo r usage of applicat ion s i n ap ha sic pat ien ts at varied levels of a d-va nc em ent. T her efore , i t m ay co m -plem en t a t radi tion al speech th er -apy. So urce: own wo rk on the ba si s o f the anal yz ed p ap er s.  



have not come true entirely there is an indisputable fact that is worth stressing showing that more and more often these tools are used by speech therapist during sessions with patients. The studies of Joanna Gruba prove that in 2008 almost 90% therapist used a computer during therapies.8 It might be assumed that today this percentage is even higher. This concerns high-technology applica-tions that complement a traditional speech therapy procedure car-ried out in person.

Alarmingly increasing numbers of patients suffering from apha-sia9 imply decreasing availability of rehabilitation centers offering comprehensive care of speech therapists. Thus, scholars are contin-uously searching for new strategies that are aimed at providing care to people with speech difficulties by ensuring proper diagnostics and therapies in home settings. This type of activities appear to al-low for two above-described models of telerehabilitation. However, in order to implement such unconventional type of care dedicated to aphasic patients its value should be first properly and scientifical-ly proved.

Faced with the above the review of selected papers was per-formed concerning the applied rehabilitation at a distance in this group of recipients. The analyzed material is collected in the table below.


The development of advanced technologies and informatization of societies lead to revolution of the hitherto existing forms of reha-bilitation practices. In many highly-developed countries providing services at a distance using telecommunication devices more and more often refers to doctors and physiotherapists as well as speech ______________ 

8 J. Gruba, Technologia informacyjna w logopedii, Wydawnictwo Komlogo, Gliwice


9 J. Rosińczuk, M. Kazimierska-Zając, A. Kołtuniuk, Diagnoza i terapia



therapists. Therefore, it is natural that scholars are interested not only in verifying the effectiveness of already implemented telereha-bilitation tools for speech pathology therapies but also in develop-ing new programs and applications for patients with speech diffi-culties.

The above-described studies focused on a possible application of speech therapy telecommunication techniques in post-stroke pa-tients with aphasia. As part of each approach the papa-tients were in-volved in distant therapeutic intervention and in some cases also in diagnostic evaluation. The authors of the studies stress the greatest assets of this type of approach, such as the elimination of inconven-iences related to transportation to a therapeutic centre and related savings of time and costs, as well as the limited number of special-ists needed near a patient’s location. It is also a good alternative for persons who have walking difficulty due to motor disability. When analyzing the results of all six studies telerehabilitation should be also perceived as beneficial with regard to therapeutic effects. How-ever, very small groups of study subjects (mostly consisting of a few or several persons) raise certain objections. They are referred to by the very scientists who advocate performance of further, deeper studies, including more subjects.

Despite certain features highlighting positive effects of telereha-bilitation on people with aphasia this approach carries certain limi-tations. In author’s opinion, the most critical one is the lack of direct contact with a patient as it affects to therapy success. Similar atti-tude is represented by Monika Stepnowska, Kinga Leszczyńska-Iwanicka and Dorota Piotrowska.10 Although these scholars refer to psychological consultations provided at a distance the author of this paper deeply believes that an identical reservation concerns speech therapy at a distance, including aphasia telerehabilitation. In case of aphasic disorders language deficits are often revealed in the sphere ______________ 

10 M. Stepnowska, K. Leszczyńska-Iwanicka, D. Piotrowska, Wsparcie

psycholo-giczne w telerehabilitacji, [in:] Telerehabilitacja, eds. R. Piotrowicz, E. Piotrowicz, Wydawnictwo Tekst, Warszawa 2011, pp. 70, 74.



of speech production. It is when non-verbal communication is very important in the relation between a patient and a therapist as it helps to convey information through mimic, gestures, eye contact, posture and body movements and touch. Therefore telerehabilita-tion hinders, particularly in an asynchronous model, this form of communication.

Another objection raises application of telerehabilitation in speech therapy management for diagnostic purposes. This is exem-plified in case of combination of aphasic speech disorders with oth-er deficits related to poth-eriphoth-eral noth-erve palsy, which requires a poly-sensory attitude from a therapist, who will employ sight, hearing and touch, for evaluation of articulation and swallowing. Inability to use the last of the above-mentioned senses may result in many difficulties and thus, in incomplete or improper diagnostics.

Here it needs to be stressed that the presented doubts and re-marks are not meant to undermine telerehabilitation methods or techniques applied in speech therapies of aphasic persons or others who need support of a therapist. It is very important to realize, though, that there are certain limitations which hinder the compre-hensive exploitation of telerehabilitation potential of speech therapy.


It appears that regardless of critical opinions, even the ones that are convincing and well-grounded, the overall balance of pros and cons of telerehabilitation speech therapy is positive. Thus, it might be expected that soon it will become a popular form of speech ther-apy management; perhaps not an alternative yet, but surely a com-plementary approach to a traditional method. Nevertheless, even today in certain cases it is the only available option that has been particularly highlighted by COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with lim-ited access to medical care facilities and speech therapy offices many patients have a difficult decision to make of either choosing a speech therapy at a distance or no therapeutic approach at all.



This choice appears obvious but it depends not only on the access to modern technologies but also, perhaps above all, on psychophysical abilities of a patient.


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