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Micropayments on Polish Internet Market


Academic year: 2021

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Łukasz Z akonnik*


W a r ty k u le tym a u to r p r z e d s ta w ia p r o b le m d o k o n y w a n ia m i- k ro p la tn o ś c i w In te rn e c ie . P o d u w a g ę b ra n a j e s t g łó w n ie sy tu a c ja o d z w ie r c ie d la ją c a sta n p a n u ją c y n a p o ls k im ryn ku in te rn e to w y m . A u to r p r z e d s ta w ia k la s y fik a c ję ró żn ych ro d z a jó w p ła tn o ś c i, w z a -le ż n o ś c i o d w y so k o śc i k w o t w y k o n y w a n y c h o p era cji. W p u b lik a c ji za p r e z e n to w a n o ta k że n a jp o p u la rn ie jsz e m e to d y m ik r o p la tn o ś c i - o d s y s te m ó w p r e - p a id p o P re m iu m S M S (S h o r t M e s s a g e s S ystem ).

In th is a r tic le a u th o r a im s to g iv e y o u a b r i e f in s ig h t in to p r o b le m o f m ic ro p a y m e n ts . E sp e c ia lly a u th o r ta k e s in to c o n s id -e ra tio n situ a tio n o n P o lish In t-e rn -e t m ark-et. In th -e a r tic l-e c la s s ifi-c a tio n o f p a y m e n ts on W eb is p re s e n te d . In p u b liifi-c a tio n a r e a ls o p r e s e n te d m o s t p o p u la r a n d m o s t p r o fita b le m e th o d s o f m ic r o p a y -m e n ts - f o r e x a -m p le p r e - p a id sy s te -m a n d P re -m iu -m S M S (S h o r t M e s s a g e s S ystem ).


In (his article I aim to give you a brief insight into problem o f m icropay-ments. I especially take into consideration situation on Polish Internet market. First o f all, we must outline definition o f word “m icropaym ents” . In everyday life language term “m icropaym ents” is associated with situation that we spend small am ount o f money. Evidently, this definition is very inaccurate. Therefore, I will use four term s presented in professional literature:

- m acropaym ents, - m inipaym ents, - m icropaym ents, - m ilipaym ents.

The main difference betw een these terms can be described as a range o f am ount o f money. In Polish literature these ranges are show ed in table 1.



Table 1 Classification o f payments on Web. Polish literature approach. Source: [ 1 ]

Term Ranges o f amount o f money (in

Polish złotych)

Ranges o f amount o f money (in EURO)

Macropayments More than 1000 zł More than 250 EUR

M inipayments From 100 zł to 1000 zł From 25 EUR to 250 EUR

M icropayments From 1 zł to 100 zł From 0,25 EUR to 25 EUR

M ilipayments Less than 1 zł Less than 0,25 EUR

F or Polish m arket, above table is very typical. However, there are differ-ences in other countries. For exam ple, British publications apply different m odi-fications o f table 1 - exam ple is presented in table 2.

Table 2 Classification o f payments on Web. English literature approach. Source: [6]

Term Amount o f money - in Pounds

M acropayments More then 1000 £ M inipaym ents1 From 10 £ to 1000 £ Micropayments From 1 penny to 10 £ Nanopayments Less than 1 penny

A lthough table 1 and table 2 look alm ost similar, there are noticeable diffe-rences. For exam ple, the last term in table 1 is “m ilipaym ents” but in table 2 it is "nanopaym ents” . The problem o f choosing the best definition is far beyond the scope o f my presentation. In my opinion, table 2 is better because it has logical and quite straightforw ard interpretation.


Table 3 Interpretation o f payments on Web. Source: [6]

Term Interpretation

M acropayments Payments that can only be made convenient and cost-effective using electronic funds transfers.

M inipayments Payments that can be made using a variety o f means ranging from credit cards to electronic cheques, where the choice depends on cost and convenience factors but not on technology.

M icropayments Payments that cannot be made convenient and cost-effective using exiting means (that’s why we still use notes and coins instead) Nanopayments Payments that cannot be made using any existing payment means

whether cost-effective and convenient or not.

T he definition o f “m icropaym ents” from table 3 is very useful for purposes o f my presentation. As we see, the main problem in m icropaym ents can be redu-ced to a lack o f profitable m ethods o f doing small financial transactions.

At the m om ent in Poland there are four main m icropaym ents methods: - pre-paid system s,

- dialers,

- Prem ium SM S,

- small money transfers betw een individual persons.

The first three m ethods are typical B2C (business to custom er) relations. The last one is an exam ple o f C 2C (custom er to custom er) relations.

P re-paid system s

The theoretical bases for a pre-paid Internet system has been know n for years. From time to time in Poland we also have a possibility to see som e new technical solutions. H ow ever, solutions proposed in this field are usually unsuc-cessful and unpopular (a good exam ple was a collapse o f Polish web site W ell- Pay.pi). At the m oment in Poland exists web site M ikroplatnosci.pl [11]. This site offers possibilities to buy non-expensive goods and services via web sites, using M ikroplatnosci.pl. The whole system works in a very sim ple way (see Figure 1).


Custom er creates account in M ikroplatnosci.pl.

Custom er gets in stan t access to product (for example mp3 file).

Custom er chooses p roduct on any web site th at accepts m icropaym ents.

Custom er pays (m oney are taken from account in M ikroplatnosci.pl).

Figure 1. How pre-paid system M ikroplatnosci.pl works.

Firstly, a custom er needs to specify a kind o f account. Secondly, he or she must transfer som e money (about 25 - 100 zł /6 - 25 EUR) on the account. A fter these operations the custom er is able to perform fast paym ents directly on web sites (for exam ple in Internet shops). The sm allest paym ent required is at the level o f 1 grosz (0,0025 EUR). Evidently, the system is very convenient for small transactions. For exam ple, one can buy article or collect mp3 file. Table 4 show s advantages and disadvantages o f this system.

Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages o f pre-paid system Mikroplatnosci.pl.

Advantages Disadvantages

The smallest possible paym ent is at the level o f 1 grosz (0,0025 EUR).

The need to create special account on the web site M ikroplatnosci.pl

Custom er can buy interesting goods or serv-ices very quickly.

Custom er choice is reduced to goods or services only in these internet shops that cooperate with M ikroplatnosci.pl.

First o f all, we m ust understand w hat dialer is and how it functions. D ialer is a kind o f softw are that changes configuration o f dial-up connection to Internet. After dialer installation, user can connect to Internet only by using new ISP (Internet Service Provider) telephone num ber (how it w orks - see figure 2).



C ustom er opens dialer executable file.

Dialer software changes configurations in dial-up connection.

C ustom er gets in stan t access to special web sites.

Custom er connects to internet u sin g new dial-up connection.

Figure 2. How dialer works.

O bviously, the new ISP is much m ore expensive than previous one, but user has a possibility to access special web pages. These web pages have often erotic contents w hat does not give dialers a good opinion. This bad reputation is even exceeded because o f their com parison with worm s and viruses (this com parison is caused by the fact that users are often not inform ed about how dialers work). The last draw back for dialers is extra fee that is paid by user for the whole time o f connection to Internet, not only for reviews o f special pages. H ow ever, we must adm it that the last dialers generation is better. Users are inform ed about total cost and can use program exclusively for view ing o f concrete materials. Table 5 show s advantages and disadvantages o f this system.

Table 5 . Advantages and disadvantages o f using dialers.

Advantages Disadvantages

Fast access to interesting materials. System is quite expensive for customer. There are still cases when clients are not informed about all aspects o f using dialers Generally, user can use one program to view content o f one web page.

Customer can use dialers only to watch content o f special (often erotic! web n.iops Dialers are generally for dial-up connections only.

Prem ium SM S

Prem ium SM S is, technically speaking, ordinary SM S but m obile telephone user must pay extra fee for sending it to a special num ber. O rdinary SM S in Poland usually costs 25-50 grosze (0,06-0,12 EUR). Prem ium SM S costs from 2 to 9 zł (0,5 - 2,1 EUR). Launching o f Premium SM S was connected with


popu-lar I V quizzes. In these quizzes spectators can play and win by sending answ er using SM S. This system was quickly transferred to Internet. The m ost important feature in Prem ium SM S is the fact that the m anner o f operation is very sim ple for any user (how it w orks - see Figure 3).


Cuitom er chooses product on any web site that accepts micropayments

Customer gets instant access to product(for

example mp3 file).


Customer u se s own mobile telephone to send special SMS.

Customer receives SMS with special code. Code enables access to product

Figure 3 . How Premium SMS system works.

U ser can choose interesting good or service on web page (o f course web page must support Prem ium SM S as a method o f paym ent). W e assum e that user decided to buy som ething. He sends a SM S on telephone num ber that he Finds on web page (telephone num ber and content o f SM S are associated with good or service). As a replay he receives special code which enables access to concrete goods or services (for exam ple mp3 file). A lthought this system is very easy, there is nessecity o f having a m obile telephone (last research indicate that only in Poland we have 11,6 m illions o f m obile telephones2). T able 6 show s advan-tages and disadvanadvan-tages o f this system.

Table 6 . Advantages and disadvantages o f Premium SMS system.

Advantages Disadvantages

Fast access to interesting goods and services. System is based on principle o f ex-change o f goods (for example - SMS for service).

Custom ers need only mobile telephone. He or she does not need to create special ac-count or something alike.

System is easy for accustoming by creators o f web pages (simply - they only need to copy and paste some fragment o f script) but they usually must pay big margin to operators o f mobile networks.

Telephone number can easily identify customer.


Sm all m oney transfers between individual persons.

As I have m entioned earlier this method o f paym ent is typical for C 2C rela-tions (previous m ethods was characteristic for B2C relarela-tions). We will concen-trate on two considerable web sites that exist in Poland at the m oment. They enable quick small money transfers between two individual persons. Solutions for both sites were originally introduced by Am erican web site PayPal [9]. Pay-Pal offered m oney transfer by em ail. C learly, it is a sim plification o f the prob-lem, because in transaction PayPal must mediate. This m ethod was firstly intro-duced in Poland by Internet Bank Inteligo [8] (how it w orks - see figure 4).

Sender of money creates Sender of money bank account c ^ i > 2 generates (in Inteligo

in Inteligo system) email with

information for Recipient.

After identity verification Recipient gets money

Recipient receive« email and logs into Inteligo



Figure 4 . How “EmailM oney” works (source : f3j).

Inteligo called this service “Em ailM oney” (there is also a m odification o f this service called “SM SM oney” - custom er can use SM S instead em ail). The whole process relies on generating email (within a service o f „Em ailM oney”). Email is generated on behalf o f user that want to transfer m oney to another per-son. Recipient receives em ail, logs on to web site Inteligo and indicates ow n account. To sum up, all procedure is not very sim ple and is more com plicated than sending ordinary em ail. The main disadvantage is a fact that both parts of transaction must have bank account in Inteligo.

The second sim ilar system in Poland is PayU [7]. C ustom er sends email and must also have account in the system (in all procedure PayU m ediates). W e must indicate that procedure o f creating account is very quick and custom er can do this straightforw ardly.

G enerally speaking, both system s enables quick and efficient small money transfers (in PayU the lowest transfer is at the level o f 10 groszy - 0,0025 EUR). U sefulness o f these system s is obvious, especially for users w ho buy and sell goods at the internet auction (it is important because - for exam ple - the biggest


Polish internet auction web site achieved grow th o f trade turnover at the level 80%, last year3). T able 7 show s advantages and disadvantages o f the system .

Table 7 . Advantages and disadvantages o f system.

Advantages Disadvantages

Fast and efficient method o f doing small payments. User must create account via intermediate web site.

Transaction could be anonymous for each part. There could be margin for each transaction.

System is quickly accessible for every individual.

Sum m ary and prospect o f developm ent

W hen we speak about problem o f m icropaym ents, we can find many propo-sition o f solutions. Some o f them that I have outlined in my presentation de-scribe only situation on Polish Internet market. W e m ust rem em ber that m i-cropaym ents are not a com pletely new issue. This problem has appeared at the mom ent when people have realized that internet is good for m aking money (we must rem em ber that first M icro Paym ent T ransfer Protocol (M PTP vO .l4) was introduced in 1995). M oreover, we must also notice that m icropaym ents are only a part o f the whole paym ents system in Internet. In many situations credit card is perceived as the m ost efficient solution for individual custom er (on the other hand in Poland are still popular trivial m ethods - for exam ple in the m iddle o f 2001 most popular m ethod (90 % 5) was postal collecting). U nfortunately, we cannot use credit card in really small paym ents (at the level o f a few złotych or euro) because it is econom ically inefficient. U niqueness o f Internet business causes that custom er can buy goods o r services that are worth less than 1 zł (or 1 Euro). These goods are, for exam ple, press articles, m usic files, m elodies for m obile telephones etc.

We can see that most w eb sites cannot exist with on-line advertisem ents as a sole source o f income. Introducing subscription fee is probably not the best alternative because custom er must pay for everything, often for som ething he or she does not need. This is the reason why we look for further enhancem ents.

1 Source: http://www.computerworld.pl/news/news.asp?id=.51083& m=l 4 Source: httn://www.w3.ori’/TR /W D -m ptP-951122


Existing solutions were found quite unsuccessful (for exam ple digital money - C yberC ash, DigiCash etc.). W hat are main reasons o f the unsuccessfulness? Generally, they were said to be unpractical o r unsafe. M oreover, we cannot for-get about psychological reason that people sim ply do not want to pay for som e-thing they used to get for free. M any internauts have been accustom ed to free o f charge access to “know ledge” . We can see it clearly when we look at the results o f European internauts opinion poll (see figure 5):

Percent of internauts who do not want to pay for on-line




Figure 5 . Percent o f Intranets who do not want to pay for on-line contents. Sour-ce: httP.7/w w w .in tern etsta n d a r d .c o m .p l/n ew s/n ew s.a sD ? m = 2 9 & id = S n X 4 ń

We can see that above figure confirm s our earlier speculations. One prom -ising feature is that bad trends have been inverted. Now we can concentrate on reasons o f this change in trends. The answ er is showed in Figure 6.

H broadband access □diul-up access

Percent of internauts who want to pay for streaming video files Percent of internauts who want to pay

for mp3 files

Figure 6 . Percent o f internauts who want to pay for streaming videos and mp3 fi-les. Source:


We can assum e that the developm ent o f m icropaym ents could depend on broadband technologies. The observed trends in G reat Britain, USA and also in Poland are quite prom ising (see figure 7).

□ Great Britain □ USA

□ Poland

0 % 50 % 100% 150% 200% 250% 300%

Figure 7 . Growth o f popularity o f broadband access to Internet in 2002. Source: http://www .computerw orld.pl/new s/news.asp?id=51181&m= I and http://www.internetstandard.eom.pl/news/news.asp?in=29&id=5IQ85

We also see drop in dial-up access technology. O f course we have to re-member, that m ost o f broadband access to Internet is reserved for com panies, not for individuals. But I think that investm ent into m icropaym ents system s could be profitable.

W hich dom ain (goods and services) could be most profitable? Not only m u-sic files and press articles are “in sale” . The m arket research indicates that Japa-nese collect 80 m illions m elodies for m obile telephones each month. European m arket for m obile telephone gam es (o f course we can find gam es in Internet!) is estim ated at 3 billions Euro. Even m arket for small press announcem ents has brought revenue o f 1,6 billion Euro6.

U nfortunately, we still cannot find any dom inant standard for m icropay-ments. Situation in Polish reduces to two good m ethods - Prem ium SM S and small m oney transfers betw een individual persons. In case o f small m oney trans-fers we cannot estim ate revenue but we can try to do this in case o f Prem ium SM S. The results o f researches7 indicate that in Poland, Prem ium SM S turnover was at the level o f 60-70 m illions zł (about 15 m illions Euro) in 2002. T here are forecasts that assum e 120 m illions zł (30 m illions EUR) next year. One o f the Polish web site [10], which offers Prem ium SM S services for another web sites, has presented data show ing 100% monthly growth interest in the services. It

Source: Internet Standard, press review 30 XII 2002.


looks very good but there are still serious problem s - for exam ple very high m argin for m obile telephone operators (about 50%).

The main aim o f my article was to show chances and threats standing be-hind m icropaym ents. W e can see that problem o f m icropaym ents has not been definitively solved. I suppose that evolution o f m obile technology and generali-sation o f broadband access to Internet will cause m ore than one positive revolu-tion in this field.

R eferences

1. B.Gregor, M. Stawiszyński, E-Commerce, W ydawnictwo „Brania” , Czerwiec 2002.

2. D. Dziuba, Ewolucja rynków w przestrzeni elektronicznej. Nowy Dziennik. Katedra Infor-matyki Gospodarczej i Analiz Ekonomicznych, W arszawa 2001.

3. Ł. Zakonnik, Usługi dodatkowe w bankowości internetowej, X Konferencja „Sieci i Systemy Informatyczne", Łódź 2002.

4. K. Kozerski, M egabivies mikroplatności,


5. J. Kytöjoki, V. Kärpijoki, M icropayments Requirements and Solutions, Department o f C om -puter Science Helsinki University o f Technology 2000,

http://w w w .tm l.hul.fi/Qpinnot/Tik-l 10.50 l/l 999/papers/rnicropavmenls/m icropavm ems hi ml 6. Dave Birch „New E-payment mechanism s”,

http://w ww.birches.org/dewb/av/pdf/9806 newpav.pdf. 7. http://www.pavu.pl 8. http^/www.inteliĽo.pl 9. http://www.pavpal.Lom 10. h»p://k(xlv.wapaez.pl 11. http://www.mikroplatnosLi.pl


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