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Methodological Aspects of Accounting in Lithuanian Companies


Academic year: 2021

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FO LIA O EC O N O M IC A 173, 2004

Genovaite Adomaitiené*, Jolanta-Dalia Staliüniene**


Abstract. Accounting policy is based on general principles, m ethods and rules. It is one

o f the seventeen procedures to be perform ed a t the end o f the financial year. A ccounting is the essential tool in the m anagem ent o f the company. M ultistage price setting is recom m ended as a guarantee o f maximum profit.

1. Introduction

The complicated and continuously changing environm ent of accounting creates the need for m ore accurate and relevant accounting inform ation. Therefore, accounting itself as well as its priorities m ust undergo changes, including the way o f thinking of both accountants and businessmen. Basic changes in accounting include its transition from the passive technique of recording economic processes to the active constituent which, a p a rt from being successful, results in greater difficulties in the period o f its form ation. W hat is becoming increasingly im portant in accounting is provision of full and reliable inform ation related to the operation o f the com pany and its assets, which is absolutely necessary for the inside users of the accounting data, i.e. for the m anagers, participants and owners of the com pany’s assets, as well as for the outside users o f the data, i.e. investors and creditors. The inform ation available is also utilized by the auditors to check whether the economic operations of the company are in compliance with the legislation o f the Republic o f L ithuania as well as w hether they

* K aunas University o f Technology, Economics and M anagem ent Faculty, A ccounting D epartm ent; genovaitea@ hotm ail.com

** K aunas University o f Technology, Economics and M anagem ent Faculty, A ccounting D epartm ent; jostal@ evf.ktu.lt


are reasonable. Also, the inform ation serves as a tool to check the am ount o f assets, their mobility, liabilities and whether the m aterials and hum an as well as financial resources are m ade use o f in accordance with the approved standards, norms and estimates. It could also ensure the avoi­ dance o f negative results in economic operations o f the com pany and reveal the existence of inner resources required to prom ote its financial dealings.

The realization o f the accounting tasks depends on the description (form alization) of all processes occurring in the com pany at the end of the financial year and on the accounting policy which provide all conditions necessary for the improvement o f the accounting m ethodology.

All the economic dealings o f the com pany m ust be recorded and the inform ation should be based on the main principles o f accounting. The occurrence and development of these principles are stipulated by the fact th at the financial statem ents must accurately reflect the inform ation on dealings occurring during a certain period o f time; the inform ation should not be misleading but, rather, useful for the potential investors. The general principles o f accounting defining the m ain features of its functioning are the following: the principle o f accounting entity (econom ic unit), the principle o f the com pany’s continuous operation, the principle of m onetary evaluation and the principle of periodicity. The four postulates o f accounting m entioned above supplem ent the following principles: the principle of expenses (cost price), the principle of d ata accum ulation, the principle of recording revenue and the principle o f comparison.

All the above m entioned principles m ean that every business com pany is an individual unit of accounting separated from the owners o f the com pany and other companies. Accounting for assets and liabilities of the com pany is disjoined from the accounting o f the owners’ assets. The board o f the com pany are responsible to the owners for the operation of the company. Every com pany is assumed to be operating for a long time to be able to realize all projects and fulfil all liabilities. In accounting, all supplies, activities and changes in assets are m easured in terms o f money. Economic operation o f the com pany is divided into time intervals.

By means o f accounting the inform ation abou t economic activities of the com pany is conveyed to those interested in the economic results o f the company, and, primarily, in the profit. The flow of inform ation m ust be utilized at the highest degree.

2. The main aspects of the accounting policy

The development o f m arket relations and the growth o f technology level result in the possibility to meet the dem ands o f the m ost fastidious customers. An increasing num ber of companies are becoming very specific,


or even unique. M ore often th an n o t the changes in the accounting m ethodology bring about dram atic changes in the final results o f operation o f individual companies and, occasionally, even of the international con­ cerns. It is for this reason th at one o f the specific purposes o f the accounting system adjusted to the m arket relations is to correctly and impartially reflect the economic processes o f the com pany and its financial situation.

The success of the com pany to a great extent depends on the accoun­ ting policies o f the company. The 9,h article of the Law o f Accounting provides for the following: the accounting policy comprises general prin ­ ciples, m ethods and features o f accounting designed for the organization o f accounting and financial accountability of the economic entity; the m anagem ent of the economic entity is obliged to establish the policy of accounting and ensure its implem entation taking into consideration the concrete conditions, the nature o f business and the operating standards. The following are the m ain aspects of the com pany’s accounting policy (fig.

D-Fig. 1. M ain aspects of accounting policy

The m anagem ent o f the com pany are obliged to control the accounting policy by means o f its decisions to be publicized as well as by explanatory notes o f financial accounts. This is required by the governm ent regulations (9,h article, 2nd paragraph of the Law o f Accounting).

The aspects o f the elements o f accounting policy o f the 1“ and 2nd group are analyzed by the science o f accounting. T he 3rd group com prising the issues of accounting and accountability is dealt with by the science of creative accounting.

The m anagem ent o f the company m ust control the accounting policy as provided for in the Law o f Accounting o f the Republic of Lithuania.


3. Formalization of procedures at the end of the financial year

Practical activities indicate a few different things: presently, the existing technologies of com puter-aided accounting very often fail to encom pass all operations related to the final record of the accounts at the end of the year as well as the annual accountability. The people who install the program mes m ust formalize (describe) the standard accounting operations in the accounting software so that they could be practically applied. As described below, the formalized procedures encompass “ the review and approval o f the rules determining the com pany’s accounting policy and financial accountability” (procedure 1 o f the accounting). The following are the groups o f the accounting procedures at the end of the financial year:

• Review and approval o f rules determ ining the accounting policy and financial accountability.

• The account of the com pany’s taxes, review and approval o f the rules determining the policy o f preparing accountability o f payments.

• Review, supplement and approval of the individual plan of accounts of the com pany’s accounting.

• Preparation o f the agreement with the auditing company and signing or updating the formerly signed agreement.

• Preparation and conducting o f inventory.

• C orrection o f errors identified and recorded in the accounting. Recording o f new errors and their correction in the financial statem ent.

• Review o f completed economic operations and distributive docum ents. • Review of valid documents (primary and official) especially o f those related to accum ulation.

• Review o f docum ents (advertisements) confirming the economic ope­ rations.

• Check-up of all obligatory taxes having been accounted for and settled in the course o f the accounting year.

• Preparation o f advanced balance sheet. • C orrection of inscriptions.

• The form ation o f reserves and postponem ents designed for the distribution of profit.

• Preparation of preliminary annual financial accounting.

• Recording of the owner’s decisions and their reflection in accountants. • Fulfilment o f obligatory procedures in the accounts following the general meeting of shareholders.

• Preparation of primary and accumulated documents, registers, statements and other documents of the accounting departm ent and their transfer to the archives.


The developed algorithm o f standard accounting procedures for the end o f the financial year facilitates their description (form alization) in the software o f computer-aided accounting - an increasing num ber of enterprises make use o f the programmes of computerized accounting for the improvement o f their work efficiency.

4. Multistage pricc setting as a guarantee of maximum profit

The development of IT has encouraged competition, expanded the m arket scope as well as provided the rapid growth o f business and new opportunities. The efficient management of all aspects of business results in the form ation of favourable conditions for the company. It is the appropriate information basis that ensures the efficient m anagem ent o f all basic processes in business and, eventually, the profit. The profit of the company largely depends on the scale of the production costs. Their extent is a very im portant factor in setting the internal wholesale prices, therefore, the calculation of production costs as well as their reduction is the essential step to be m ade by every business company.

One of the m ethodological aspects o f accounting is the calculation of production costs which are closely related to the price setting process. M ulti-stage price setting is considered to be the m ethod o f establishing the price. According to the system of four equations given below, the optim al price of the product (curd) has been calculated. The given system of equations is a completed model o f price setting in term s of which the profit level could be readily calculated. There is only one variable and controlled value, i.e. the price. The demand and cost are constant values.

F o r any level o f dem and and cost the price m ust be such as to bring the biggest profit. T he presented m odel o f “m ultistage price setting” establishes the optim al price o f the product which ensures the m aximum profit for the company. The analysis of practical application o f the model in Lithuanian dairy farm s is the evidence o f its validity. The graphical picture o f the dependence between the curd price and dem and is presented in fig. 2. The relationship between cost and dem and could be represented by the following equation:

U = a + z ■ к (1)


- U is the sales volume,

- a, z are the coefficients indicating the relationship between price and sales am ount,


- a is the straight segment of the line, - z is the inclination angle o f the line, - к is the price.

The costs are described as follows:

S = Sp + S k ' и (2)


- Sp is constant costs,

- S k is variable product costs, - и is the sales am ount.

The coefficients a and z are calculated by the least squares m ethod:

Ь и = а - п + г Ь к

E {u ■ к) = a I k + z I k 2 where n is the num ber of members in the row.

Now the revenue can be calculated, too:

P = / - S (3)

The income obtained on selling the product is calculated as follows:

I — к • и (4)

The system o f four equations forms the completed m odel o f price setting by m eans o f which the level of profit can be readily calculated. It includes only one variable and controlled value, i.e. price, the dem and and cost being constant (fixed) values.

F or different levels of dem and and cost such a price m ust be selected as to ensure the biggest profit.

The possible results are based on the example o f a real dairy plant in accounting the sales o f a single product out of all production output, i.e. curd, are presented below.


Table 1. D ata o f the dairy plant on curd sales throughout the whole year 2001


January February M arch April May Jun

Volume, tonnes Net Price, Lt Price o f 1 tonne, Lt Constant costs (expenses), Lt

Variable costs (expenses), Lt Profit, Lt 81 455 5 617 20 000 310 709 144 291 67 401 5 985 20 000 260 463 140 537 120 717 5 975 20 000 450 680 266 320 107 634 5 925 20 000 404 023 229 977 216 1 057 4 893 20 000 795 224 261 776 17 104 6 117 20 000 81 013 22 987 July August September O ctober N ovember December Volume, tonnes

Net price, Lt Price o f 1 tonne, Lt Constant costs (expenses), Lt

Variable costs (expenses), Lt Profit, Lt 79 474 6 000 20 000 303 531 170 469 81 504 6 222 20 000 310 709 193 291 106 657 6 198 20 000 400 434 2 566 666 122 751 6 155 20 000 457 858 293 142 136 831 6 110 20 000 508 104 322 896 119 783 6 579 20 000 447 091 335 909

The relationship between the price o f curd and dem and is represented in fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The dependence of the price o f 1 tonne o f curd on sales volume

In the above figures the influence o f the season has been neglected. The sales volume depending on the price varies in the following way:

U = 476,63 - 0,0623 • к

The negative coefficient z = - 0,0623 indicates th at the sales volume decreases with the increase o f prices. The correlation coefficient D = R 2


on the price. The d ata presented in table 1 show that the highest profit was obtained in the 12й1 m onth o f the year 2001, when 1 tonne o f curd was sold for 6 579 Lt.

S. Conclusions

The success o f business enterprises to a great extent depends on the accounting policy of the enterprise. The really existing policy of accounting is a guarantee for the improvement o f the accounting m ethodology.

• M ain aspects of accounting organization: - organizational aspects o f accounting; - technical aspects of accounting; - m ethodological aspects o f accounting.

• The standard accounting operations carried out in the enterprise at the end of the financial year must be described (formalized) in the software o f the com puter-aided accounting.

• M ultistage price setting is a guarantee for obtaining m aximum profit. • The proposed model of m ultistage price setting sets the optim um price for the product which ensures the m aximum profit for the enterprise.

• The analysis of practical operation o f the m odel is carried out with reference to the really existing dairy plant in Lithuania.


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Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin 2001, 9-114.

„Lietuvos Respublikos Buhalterinés apskaitos istatyraas” 2001, m. lapkričio 6 d., N r. IX -574. Vilnius.


Genovaite Adomaitiené, Jolanta Dalia Staliuniené



Polityka rachunkowości obejmuje zasady i metody działania, w ybrane i konsekw entnie stosowane przez podm iot gospodarczy. Jest to jedna z informacji, ja k ą jednostka pow inna podać pod koniec roku finansowego. Rachunkowość stanowi podstawowy instrum ent zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. W celu osiągnięcia maksymalnych zysków zaleca się stosowanie wielostopniowej kalkulacji cen i kosztów.

Genovaite Adomaitiené, Jolanta-Dalia Staliünieni



Apskaitos politika - tai apskaitos vedimo ýnonéje bendrieji principai, m etodai ir taisyklés. Viena iś septyniolikos finansiniij metg pabaigos procedury yra apskaitos politika, (monés vadybininko perspektyvinio valdymo jrankis yra apskaita. R ekom enduojam as taikyti daugia- pakopés kainodaros modelis - maksim alaus pelno garantas.


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