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Indoor environmental quality related risk factors with energy-efficient retrofitting of housing


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Indoor environmental quality related risk factors with energy-efficient retrofitting of housing

A literature review

Ortiz, Marco A.; Itard, Laure; Bluyssen, P.M.



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Energy and Buildings

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Ortiz, M. A., Itard, L., & Bluyssen, P. M. (2020). Indoor environmental quality related risk factors with

energy-efficient retrofitting of housing: A literature review. Energy and Buildings, 221, [110102].


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Energy & Buildings 221 (2020) 110102





























Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands












Article history: Received 6 March 2020 Revised 22 April 2020 Accepted 25 April 2020 Available online 5 May 2020


Energy-efficiency Retrofits Dwellings IEQ-risks Health and comfort









Thereareindicationsthat energy-retrofittedbuildings cancreate risksfor indoorenvironmental qual-ity(IEQ) and thereforeforhealth and comfort ofoccupants.A reviewwas conductedto identifyand verify those risks, within three themes: building envelope, heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)-systems,and occupants. Publicationsfromthe lastfive yearsin majorpeer-reviewed journals from different fields(energy, buildings, indoorair, social sciences) were found by using avariety of keywords(healtheffects,occupantbehaviours,energy-efficientretrofitting,etc.).Forthebuilding enve-lope,retrofittedbuildingstendtobeair-tighterandmorethermallyinsulated.Hence,humidityproblems, build-upofpollutants,andoverheatingmayoccur.InstallingHVAC-systemsandissueswithin(ducts, fil-ters,maintenance,noise)mayalsocompromiseIEQ.Althoughrelationshipsaredifficulttoestablish, ev-idenceshowsthat certainretrofitsincreasetherisk ofhealth problems, particularlyfor airways,skin, andeyes.Despitetheinstallationofenergy-retrofittingtechnologies,notallbuildingslowertheirenergy consumption.Thisispartlyduetooccupants(behaviours,preferences,needs,awareness)andpartlydue totechnicalissues.Thestudiesreviewed,mainlyfocusedontheperformancegapsofenergy-retrofitted homesandonenergy-savingmeasures.“Comfort” and“health” tendtobedisregarded,withbothbeing seldommeasuredandonlyassessedbysimulation.Occupantbehaviours,preferences,andneedsare un-derstudiedandneedtobeincorporatedintotheresearchanddevelopmentofretrofittingmeasures.More interdisciplinaryapproachesareneeded,inwhichbuildings&HVAC-systems,occupants,healthand com-fort,andIEQareinvestigatedasinteractingelementsandbasedonanintegratedapproach.

© 2020TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierB.V. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense.(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

1. Introduction

Generally,people spend morethan60% oftheir time athome [1]andtherestof theirtime atwork, atschooland/or commut-ing,resultingroughlyin90%oftheirtimeormoreindoors.Inmost buildings, the indoor environment to which people are exposed can causenegativehealtheffects.Energyefficiencyimprovements aswell asconsequences ofclimatechangecan increase these ef-fects [2].

Toachievelowcarbonemissionbuildingsby2050,atEuropean andnationallevels,stringenttargetsforthenecessaryenergy tran-sition have been set [3]. In the Netherlands, the energy transi-tion has mainly focused on the renovation andrefurbishment of thecurrenthousingstock,particularlythatofsocialhousing. Resi-dential buildings, withabout 30% ofthe total Dutchfinal energy consumption, play the main role in the realization of these

tar-∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: m.a.ortizsanchez@tudelft.nl (M. Ortiz).

gets.Asof2020,all newhousingshouldbe energyneutral, while thecurrent housingstockshould be so by 2050. As a result, the Dutchgovernment hasagreed tomake morethan 300,000 exist-ing homes more energy-efficient every year. The majority of the residentialbuildingsthatshouldbeenergy-neutralby2050already havebeenbuilt.Thisisbecausethedemolitionandtheyearlynew constructionrateislessthan 1% [4].The energytransitioninthe residential sector is therefore mainly to be realized by renovat-ingexistinghouses,byusingacombinationofbuilding-related en-ergy efficiency measures (e.g.insulation, mechanical ventilation), renewableenergysystems(e.g.heatpumps,district heating,solar panels),and their relateddistribution systems(e.g. low tempera-tureheating,smartgrids) [5].

Thefirst steps forreducing energyconsumptionstartedin re-sponse to the energy crisis of the 1970s. Then, improved ther-malinsulationandincreasedairtightnessofthebuildingenvelope ledtodampnessandmouldproblems,and‘bad’indoorairquality (IAQ) [6].Apan-European studyled bythe WorldHealth Organi-zation(WHO)showedthatoccupantsofapproximately25%ofthe Europeansocialhousingdwellingswere exposedtoincreased(i.e.



30-50%) health risks associated with exposure to indoor moulds [1]. Several researchers provided evidence about the association betweenindoor mould andadverse health effects for occupants, specificallychildren [6].Additionally,manystudiesonsocial hous-ingallover theworldhaveshownthatlivinginsocial housingis oftenassociatedwithnegativehealtheffects,withhighprevalence ofrespiratoryproblemsandlinkswithlivingconditions(e.g.poor thermalcomfort, pollution dueto cigarette smoking, presence of pests) [7].

Itiswell-knownthata‘bad’indoorenvironmentalquality(IEQ) (includingIAQ,thermal,acoustical,andlightingquality)canaffect thehealthandcomfortofoccupants.IEQisdeterminedbythe out-doorenvironment (forexample location, soil andtraffic),the oc-cupants and their activities (e.g. cleaning, cooking, maintenance, laundry,showering),othernon-humanoccupants(pets,pests),and thedwellingandits systems(constructionandfurnishing materi-als,furniture,ventilation,heating,lighting,etc.)[8, 9].

Althoughthemainpurposeofretrofittinghousesistobecome moreenergy-efficientandconsumelessenergy,inpractice,forthe occupants(whetherhomeownersorrenters)improvingtheindoor environmentisamoreinterestingincentive.InaSwedishstudyon perceptionsof benefits and barriers of energyrenovation among homeowners,itwasfoundthatenergycostreductionmaynotbe the determining factor in deciding to undertake the renovation; ratherimprovingtheindoor environmentismorelikelytobethe reason [10].

However, thereareindicationsthathomesthathavebeen ren-ovatedwiththe aforementionedweatherizationmeasures tendto worsentheIEQandtendtoleadtoill-health[11, 12],andtendto notleadtotheexpectedenergyconsumption(energyperformance gap).Theexpectedenergyperformancesarenot achieved(on av-erage 30% less than expected), leading to governmental targets notbeingreached,andhenceenergybillsandthereforepay-back timesturnhigherthanexpected[13, 14].Recentstudiesperformed by den Brom [15] showed that the effectiveness of the energy-efficientrenovationsdepends both onoccupants andon building (andsystems)characteristics.Whilemunicipalities,areahealth ser-vices,housingassociationsandtenantassociationsarewarningfor possiblehealthproblemsarisingfromlowenergyrenovation con-cepts;housing associationsandindividual owners are wondering whichmeasuresarerobusttooccupantbehaviourandachievethe expected energy, financial and comfort performances. The Euro-pean Commission’s policy report of 2016 suggested that a poor understanding ofand a lack ofdata on IEQ inenergy retrofitted homes,mayjeopardizeoccupants’healthandcomfort [16].

The underlying article presents the results of a literature re-viewontherisk factorsthatareknowntoaffecthealthand com-fort in the existing housing stock in relation to energy-efficient retrofittingandconstruction. Literaturefrommajor peer-reviewed journals (e.g. Indoor Air, Building and Environment, Indoor and BuiltEnvironment,EnergyBuild.,Energyresearch&SocialScience, BuildingResearch&Information)inthepast5yearsweresearched usingkeywordssuchasenergy-efficientretrofitting,occupant be-haviour, health effects, social housing,etc. to identify and verify possible IEQ-related risks, along three main themes: the build-ingenvelope,theheating,ventilatingandairconditioning (HVAC)-systems(andinterfaces),andtheoccupants.

2. Buildingenvelope

Controllingairtightnessincombinationwiththermalinsulation ofthebuildingenvelopeanditswindows, havebeenregardedas keymeasurestoachieveenergyreductionsinbuildings.Thisis be-causemore than half ofcarbon emissionsin the residential sec-torsareattributedtospaceheating.Thus,buildingsthatenableair leakingand/orheatloss,tendtospendmoreinheating [17].With

weatherizationandrenovationprogramsthat tendtohighlyfocus on reducing permeabilityand increasing thermal insulation with theendgoalofsavingenergy,someriskfactorscanappearinthe healthofthe occupants.Applying internal thermalinsulationand increasingbuildingairtightnessmayresultin:internalandsurface condensation,moistureexcessordampness,build-upofpollutants duetoreducedventilation,radonproblems,andoverheating.These IEQ-issues are particularlytrue ifthe mechanicalventilation sys-tem isnot properlydesigned, installed, maintained, or used (see Section3).

2.1. Condensationanddampness

Internalcondensationcausedbythermalbridging,moisture ex-cess [18],or‘dampness’(indexresultingfrom:mouldspots,damp stains, water damage, window condensation and mould odour) (becauseofreducedvapourdiffusion [19]),canresultin‘wet’ ma-terialsandsurfacesandconsequentlytomouldgrowth [20].

Almost a decadeago, it wasreportedthat inthe Netherlands fungalproblemsoccurinabout15%ofthedwellings.InBelgiumin socialhousing,itwasreportedtobe20%,inGermanyaround30%, andintheUKfrom20%to25% [6].Inarecentstudyamong stu-dentsintheNetherlands,24%reportedvisiblemouldgrowth [21]. A recent literature review on mould in indoor environments in France [22],showedthatvisiblemouldisestimatedtobe present inbetween14%and20%ofdwellings,mainlyinolddwellingsthat donot followthermal andventilationregulationsandthat suffer fromfuelpovertyandovercrowding.

Anothereffectofcondensationinconstructionsisthatthe ther-mal transmittance increases with increased water content [23]. Therefore,moreenergyisneededtoheatupthat indoor environ-ment wheretheconstruction materials are wet.Forthermal per-formance ofthermal insulation (resistance)it is therefore impor-tant tokeep theconstruction andinsulation materials dry,which canalsopreventmouldsfromgrowing.

Fungiandmouldsgrowinthepresenceofthreeelements, wa-ter,carbon,andnitrogen.Theytendtofindsuchconditionsin con-structionmaterialssuchaswood,textiles,naturalfibres,glues,and paints.Othermaterials,likemetals,concrete,andplastics,although notprovidingtherightnutrients,iftheyarenotcleaned,theycan becomebreedinggroundsforfungiasthedirtonthesurface pro-videsthenutrients.Asfungigrow,theywillreleasesporesintothe air,especiallywhentheenvironmentalconditionschangeandthe fungifeels“underthreat”[24].

Dampnessathomehasbeenassociatedwithairway,noseand skinsymptomsamongchildren inSweden [19],inTexas [25],and adults in China [26]. Moisture damage was associated with sys-temicinflammationin childrenin Finland [27],andwindow con-densation in winter (as well as recent indoor painting and liv-ing ina wooden house) withincreasedrisk of respiratory symp-toms and allergies for youngJapanese school children [28]. Visi-blemouldwasassociatedwithnew-onsetwheezinginchildrenin NewZealand [29].

Humanhealthisnotaffectedbywaterexcessitself,yet damp-ness can create a scope of issues in the environment that cause health problems.Dampness can increase moulds andhouse dust mite levels, which in their turn can causeallergic reactions and problemsintherespiratorytracts,skin,eyes,aswell asincreased prevalence of asthma [30]. Most of the health-related problems caused by dampness are related to the indoor air, andtherefore tend to affecthealth through their inhalation,although they can alsooccurthroughtheskin [31].

Housedust mites need an environment of above 70% relative humidity forperfect breedingconditions, astheir composition is of75%waterby weight,andneedtomaintainsuch ratioinorder tosurvive.Humanscanhaveallergicreactiontosecretionsanddry


M. Ortiz, L. Itard and P.M. Bluyssen / Energy & Buildings 221 (2020) 110102 3 body partsofthemites. Fieldstudieshavesuggestedthat

humid-ity levels ofbelow 50% willsignificantly reduce housedust mite reproduction; in addition to that, specialized vacuum cleaning is required,andhotwashingofupholstery,carpeting,mattresses, pil-lows,etc.,areallbreedinggroundsforthemites [32].

Mouldscanproducemicrobialvolatileorganiccompounds (rec-ognizedasmouldodour)andmycotoxins.However,notallmoulds cancausenegativehealtheffectsandnotallofthemproducetoxic chemicalsthat the occupantscaninhale orbe exposed to [6].As anexample,theCladosporiummoulddoesnotproduceany signif-icanttoxins,whiletheStachybotrys,atoxicblackmould,does.

Althoughmanycomplaintshavebeenmadeon‘mouldy’homes orindoor dampness,andthesehavebeenassociatedwithseveral healtheffects,nostrong,consistentrelationshipshavebeenfound withquantitativemicrobialmeasurements[33, 34].Itissuggested by Lorentzen et al. [33] that chloroanisoles (microbial volatiles) contributetohealtheffectsbyevokingodourwhichinduces stress-related andinflammatory symptoms andis enhanced by the be-lief ofexposure beinghazardous.WhileJärvietal. [35] suggested to take microbial measurements from building material samples (specificallyincludingactinomycetes),Mendelletal. [34]suggested tomeasurebuildingmoisture(i.e.themoistureinwalls,the“water activity”),asanindicatorofmoisture-relatedhealthrisks.

It is currently recommended to control mould growth by in-creasingthe operation time of airconditioningsystems or dehu-midifiers.However, astudyonthegrowthofindoor mouldunder differentwaterconditions,showedthatextendeddryperiodseach daydoesnot necessarilycontribute toa longdelayingrowth(at leastofthecommonindoormould,CladosporiumCladosporioides) [36].In fact, it hasbeen known forsome time that the material constituentsandmoistureretentioncharacteristicsofaproduct de-terminetheriskofmicrobialgrowth [37].Thisindicatesthateven withalow relativehumidity,mouldgrowthcan stilloccur. Other measures than ventilation are requiredto control mouldgrowth: fromprotectingmaterials frombecoming wet, tosimply cleaning ordisinfectingasurfaceorproduct,toremovingpartsof‘infected’ material, to completely breaking down constructionswith severe moulddamage.

2.2. Build-upofpollutants

Indoorairpollutants,suchasVOCsandfineorultrafine parti-cles, causedby emissionsfrom activities, buildingandfurnishing materials, cleaning productsorother chemicals, andpeople,have all beenassociatedwithairway,noseandskinsymptoms aswell asheadachesandtiredness [8].Evenperceiveddryness(perceived dry air),suggested to be causedby pollutants ordust in theair, hasbeenassociatedwithchildren’sallergies [38].InaDutchstudy performedonstudenthomesinthreetechnicaluniversitiesinthe Netherlandsin2016,396studentsansweredaquestionnaireabout their health, comfort, other personal variables, and housing con-ditions [21]. It wasfound that 33% of respondents suffered from rhinitis, which after adjustment, was concluded to be positively related to having family history of rhinitis and having less than one-yearoldparticleboardfurnitureinthebedroom.However,the condition was negatively related to people who worked out fre-quently, andto thosewho didnothavepets.Finally,openingthe windowsinthebedroomatleastonceaweekwasalsoassociated withreducedriskofsufferingfromrhinitis [21].Therefore, biolog-ical andchemicalpollutantswere associatedwithhaving rhinitis, aswellasphysicalhealthandventilation.

The indoorchemistry ofthedwelling canhavea negative im-pact on the health of the occupants when sealing the home for energyreductions[39, 40].Nexttounwantedemissionsofthe in-sulationproductsapplied [41],indoorpollutantscanbecomemore prevalentinanairtighthome.Forexample,thecomparisonof

in-doorairqualityofenergy-efficientdwellingstoconventional build-ingsinFrance,showedhigherconcentrationsofterpenesand hex-aldehyde, possibly related to wood or wood-based products and humanactivities [42].Ina studyontheeffectsofenergyretrofits on theIAQ of multifamilybuildings in Finland andLithuania, an increaseinthe chemicalsbenzene,toluene, ethylbenzeneand xy-lene(BTEX)andinradonconcentrationswasfound inthe Lithua-nian cases while mechanical ventilation in the Finnish buildings wasassociatedwithlowerformaldehydeconcentrations [43].


Radonhasbeenassociatedwithlung cancerandisconsidered to be the second main cause of this disease after smoking [44]. Radonis aradioactive gasthat occursin nature(e.g. releasedby soil, stone-like materials), but also in buildings (e.g. released by soilintothehouseorbyconstructionmaterials).

In a study on the association of indoor radon concentrations andenergyefficiencymeasures that increased theairtightness of morethan470,000UKhomes,itwasfoundthathomeswith dou-ble glazing had higher indoor radon levels than homes without it,asdidthosewithloftinsulation andwall insulation [45].Also, in Germany it was seen that houses with energyefficient refur-bishmentshadnearlytwiceasmuchradonasthenon-refurbished houses [46].InFrance,itwasconcludedthat radonlevels are as-sociated primarily withconstruction materials (especially granite andother stones)foundationtype, andconcentrationsare higher in older houses [47], The results also showed that this increase can be avoided by installing ventilation systems with overpres-sure.Othermeasuresaregroundcoversatthefoundationleveland sealedsumppumpstopreventtheradongasleakingintothe liv-ing area of the house [48]. Ventilation of the crawlspace, when present,isalsorecommended.However,inthecasethesourceof radonisnot thesoil,buttheconstructionmaterial,the last mea-surewillhavenoeffect.


Fuel poverty and poorly insulated homes have led to many complaintsaboutthermalcomfortinhomesduringthecolder win-terperiods.InarecentstudyinstudenthomesintheNetherlands, 41% of the 396 students reported it to be too cold in the win-ter,while30%complainedabouthavingstuffyair [21].Therefore, improvingthethermalinsulationofhomesintheenergy-efficient retrofitting is welcomed. However, improving thermal insulation to reduce energyconsumption duringthe winterraises concerns aboutpotential summertime overheating [49].While overheating occursinvariousdwellings,theneworrefurbisheddwellingsthat complywithenergyefficiencyregulationsappeartobeatahigher risk of overheating [50–54]. Measures such as(night) ventilation andshadinghaveshowntoreduceoverheating [49],butmightnot beenough.Climatechangemightincreasethisrisk andmight in-creasethecoolingdemand inthesummerperiod.Overheating in houses is associatedwith a higher risk of heart problems, dehy-dration, and with increased mortality, especially in the vulnera-blepopulations(elderly,infants,andimmunocompromisedpeople) [53].

3. HVAC-systemsanditsinterfaces

Inthepastyears,particularlyinthesocialhousingsector, sev-eral types of heatingand ventilation systems (usually in combi-nation with thermal insulation) have been improved or newly-installedforretrofitting [5].Someofthemeasuresinstalledor im-proved involve balanced ventilation and demand-controlled ven-tilation systems, air-water heat pumps and ground source heat


pumps.However,eachofthesecomponentsmayevokeIEQ-related risks.


From the previous review on the risks of increasing the air-tightness forreduction ofenergy loss, it is clearthat ventilation isimportantinpreventingthebuild-upofcertainpollutantsinthe home.Whetheranincrease inventilationwillalsoprevent mould growthinconstructionmaterials andonsurfaces,dependsonthe waythethermal insulationhas beenadded, andonwhetherthe ‘infected’buildingpartshavebeenwell-treatedorremoved.

In the past decades, many studies haveshown that mechani-cal ventilationcanboth improvee.g. [43, 55]anddeteriorate the airquality,thelatterbeingduetopoormaintenanceorwrong de-sign[56–61].BadIAQhasbeenassociatedwithmanydiseasesand disorders [8].Areviewoftheliteratureshowedthatdifferent sys-temscan causedifferenthealtheffects, fromodourannoyanceto symptoms in nose, eyes and skinto severe allergies andasthma symptoms [62]. HVAC-systems andtheir components can pollute thesupply airand can thereforecause health problemsand dis-comfort [9].

IntheEuropeanAirlessproject,itwasconcludedthat [56]: 3- Bothnewandusedairfilterscan pollutetheair;inparticular


3- Ductswithoilresiduals canbeasourceofsmell;ascanducts withdust/debris accumulatedduringconstruction atthework siteand/orduringoperation.

3- Badly installed and/or maintained air humidifiers can pollute theair.Inparticularmicro-organismsplayanimportantrolein thispollutingeffect.

3- Pollutioncausedbyheatingandcoolingcoilsisingeneral neg-ligible,exceptwhencondensedorstagnantwaterispresentin the drainpanofthecooling coil. Heatpumpsdonot havean effectonairquality.

3- Withthe exception ofrotating heatexchangers, heat recovery systems are not a source ofpollution becauseof their closed nature.Rotatingheatexchangers cantransportpollutantsfrom thesupplytothereturnsidewheninuse.

Poor systemmaintenance cangeneratebiological proliferation, whichmaybethereasonofincreasednegativeeffectsinthe respi-ratorytractamongstoccupiers [59].Othermaintenanceissuesthat canleadtorisksofmucousmembranesymptoms,canbethe fail-uretocleancoolingcoilsordrippingpans [61].Generalpoor venti-lationsystemmaintenance,dirtyfilters,andblockedductsorvents hasalsobeenrelatedto higherprevalenceofacutehealth symp-toms [57].

Recommendations for design and maintenance of HVAC-systemsandits components,to prevent a ‘bad’quality ofthe air supplycanbefoundin [9].


Noisefromheatingandventilationsystemsisanimportantrisk factor.Someofthemorecommonnoisesourcesinhomesarefrom ventilatorsofthemechanicalventilation,fromairflowinducts,and frompumps.Therehasbeenevidencethat peopleshutdownthe systemsthatareproducingthesenoises,duetotheannoyancethat theycause.

Highlevelsofnoisecancausehearingloss,butatrelativelylow environmentalsoundlevels,negativeeffectsofnoisecan also oc-cur,especiallywhencertainactivitiessuchasconcentration, relax-ation orsleepare disturbed [63].Annoyance isan important as-pectintheanti-stressmechanism.Withprolongedstress(chronic stress),anti-stresshormonessuch ascortisol are increasedanda

chronicimbalanceinthehormonesreleasedduringstresscan oc-cur.Thisimbalancecancontributetochangesincarbohydrateand fat metabolism, it can lead to anxiety, depression, heart disease, fatigue,allergiesandasthma [64].

Itis thereforeimportanttomake appropriate designdecisions forboththesystemsandtheenvironmentinwhichthesesystems areinstalled,topreventthesetypesofnoisebeingcreated.For me-chanicalventilationsystems,thedesignandmaintenancerulesare prettywell-established [9],butboththeinstallerandtheoccupant areoftennotaware.However,thesewell-establishedrules (inthe Netherlands30dB(A))arejustatthelimitofacceptabilityanddo notaccountforindividualsensitivity [65].

Forlow-temperatureair-airorair-waterheatingpumps,which aregenerallysystemsrunningalsoduringthenight(to makeuse oflowelectricitytariffsand/orbecauseheatpumpsaremost effi-cientwhenrunningcontinuously),nighttimefanactivityhasbeen reportedasaburden [66].Manyheatpumpsareequippedwitha silent mode,butthismodeworksatthe expenseofitsefficiency [67], and there is ongoing research on reducing the noise levels (e.g. [68]).

3.3. Thermaldiscomfort

Thermal discomfort can occur from feeling too cold or too warmorfromexperiencingdraught.


Thermaldiscomfortin olderresidentialbuildings hasbeenfor a long time an area of concernand it is generallyassumed that energyefficientrenovationsalsohelpintheimprovementof ther-malcomfort. ThiswasshownforinstanceinSchniedersand Her-melink [69].However,fromaliterature studyinenergyefficiency and thermal comfort in historical buildings [70], it was shown that occupants report greater satisfaction in warm weather with thermal sensations in traditional buildings with natural ventila-tion than in modernized buildings withair conditioning. Notice-ablythereisverylittleliteratureonperceivedthermalsensationin thecoldseasonincold/moderateclimatesinenergyefficient build-ings, andevenlessforrenovatedbuildings.Mostpapersrelate to warmclimates,summersituationandnewlybuiltdwellings. Addi-tionally,inmanypapersclaiming athermalcomfortanalysis,this thermal comfortis just a theoretical one, resultingfrom simula-tionsoftwareusingeitherPMV(predictedmeanvote)oradaptive comforttheory,andnottheresultofasurveyormeasurements.

InPiasecki,Fedorczak-Cisak,FurtakandBiskupski [71]the ther-mal comfort in one NZEB (nearly zero energy building) office buildingwasanalysedthrougha survey andmeasurements, lead-ingtotheobservationthattheperceivedthermalcomfortwas bet-ter than thetheoretical one. Similar resultswere also mentioned for residential buildings in Ioannou and Itard [13] and Ioannou, Itard and Agarwal [72], stressing a possible knowledge gap be-tween current theories and actual perceived thermal comfort in residentialbuildings.

In Berge,Thomsenand Mathisen [74]an analysis ofthe ther-malcomfortin62passivehousesinNorwayispresented.Because ofaverylimitedheatingsysteminthepast,relyingonlyonfresh air heating leading to complaints such as bathrooms being too coldandbedroomstoowarm,thesystemshavebeenadaptedand most Norwegian passive houses are equipped withfloor heating in the bathroom, radiatorheating inthe living room, and a me-chanicalventilationwithheat recoveryandelectrical heatcoilfor peakheating.Consideringthethermalcomfortinsummer, approx-imately 50% ofoccupants considered the living room to have an acceptable temperaturewhile itwastoowarmfortheother 50%. This was worse in the bedroom. Almost all occupants were sat-isfiedwiththebalance ventilationsysteminthelivingroom,but muchlessinthebedroom.Asfortheheating,mostoccupantswere


M. Ortiz, L. Itard and P.M. Bluyssen / Energy & Buildings 221 (2020) 110102 5 satisfiedwiththelivingroom,butnotwiththebedroom,inwhich

noadditionalheatingpossibilitywaspresentandthetemperature ofwhichseemsdifficulttocontrol.

When it comes to low temperature water systems for space heating, whichare generallyusedincombinations withair-water or ground source-water heat pumps or with low temperature geothermic applications (see forinstance [73]), here too,no sci-entificliteratureonperceivedcomfortispresent.


Whole house ventilation tends to produce more complaints, as opposed to personalized ventilationsystems withoutdoor air into the breathing zone, asshown in Kaczmarczyk, Melikov, Bo-lashikov, Nikolaev and Fanger [75]. This is often related to the turbulencesproducedbymechanicalventilationsystems.Although it is well known fromventilation standardsthat air velocity and direction (and therefore the quality and/or setting of the valves) are of mainimportance for preventingdraughts, almost no post-occupancyevaluationsarereportedinscientificliterature.Inmost studies thePMViscalculated,buttheperception oftheoccupant isnotstudied.Nguyen,McGuinnessandDai [76]isanexampleof averyrecentdetailedstudy,butwithoutanyoccupantperception. Finally,inanotherstudycolddraughtsandoccupantsblockingthe mainairinletsto avoiddraught arereportedasproblemsinboth ChinaandDenmark [77].

3.4. Noorlackofcontrol

The quest for energy efficiency and carbon reduction for retrofitsandthetransitionsometimesmakesuseofmore automa-tion systems in the buildings. It is argued that automation sys-tems, operating with building sensors, will control andoptimize theuseofcomfort-providinginstallations.Sensorsmonitoringthe indoorandoutdoorairtemperaturearebeingusedinmosthomes to controltheheatingsystemandrespondtothe requested ther-mostat settingsoftheoccupant.But morerecently,CO2 or(other

chemical)-controlled ventilation systems are introduced to con-trol ventilation,as well asinfra-red sensors to detect occupants’ presence and/or daylight sensors to control blinds. However, as is shownin the next section, these tend to be by-passedby the behaviour of the occupant as such systems do not always sat-isfy whattheoccupantdemands [78] ortheysimplydonotwork properly. Therefore,occupantstendtohavethe feelingthat auto-matedsystemswork erratically,withlightsshuttingoff whenthe occupant isthere,automated blindsdrawing whenitisdark,etc., whichleadstofeelingsoflackofcontrol andbeingcontrolled by thebuilding [79].

Havingtheabilitytocontrolortheperceptionofbeingableto controltheenvironmentandsurroundings,hasbeenshownto re-duceeffectsofstress,andincreaseoverallhealth.Thisisaprocess thattendstobestudiedinpsychoneuroimmunology(PNI)studies, however, asofthe writingof thisarticle,no PNI studies existin dwellings[80–82].

A number of studies have shown that personalized feedback can be successful to satisfy personal comfortlevels while reduc-ingenergyconsumption.Onestudydesignedapersonalized HVAC-control system, integrating environmentaldata fromsensors, and physiologicalandbehaviouraldatafromhumans,gatheredthrough wearable devicesandsmartphones. Althoughthisstudywas lim-itedtothermalcomfort,itfoundthatthermalpreferencesof occu-pants,weresuccessfullypredictedandmaintained [83].

Anotherstudyfocused on thetype offeedback tobe givento theoccupant,inordertoimprovethequalityofthecomfort provi-sion.Through 40weeks,usersacrossthree buildingsrated differ-enttypesoffeedback,andtheoutcomesshowedthatuser satisfac-tionwiththermalconditionscanbeincreasedupto60%,while re-ducing20%ofenergyuse,whenusingavotingfeedbacksystem,as

comparedtoanon-votingsystem. Furthermore,itwasfoundthat a‘driftingcontrolstrategy’offeedbackcanincreaseenergysavings upto almost40%,while maintainingastablethermalsatisfaction [84]. One study alsofound that asdata shown to occupants be-comesmoreprecise,energyusecan bereducedby an averageof 10% to 15%, onlyby showing moredetailedand frequentdata in thefeedback [85].

Unfortunately,moststudies so farhavefocused on the reduc-tionofenergyconsumption inrelationto thermalcomfort.There isclearlyaneedforstudiesonthetypeofsensorsusedtocontrol thosesystemsandtheeffectonIEQ.Thereisaneedtodesign sys-temsalongwiththebehaviouralpatterns,motivations,and(health and comfort) needs of the building occupant. Especially, the ac-tions andcontrol measures that affect health havenot been un-derstoodwell.However,itisproposedthat,differenttypesof occu-pant,withdifferentmentalmodelswillneedspecifictypesof feed-back,dependingofwhatismeaningfulforthemtoseeintermsof energyuseandcomfort.Yet,itcanbeconcludedthatthefeedback needstoshowenvironmentaldata,comfort,andhealthdata,while beingeasyto access,personalizedinterms ofdetailsshown, and frequency.

4. Occupants

Anotherimportantrisk factorinhouses istheoccupant. Their activities, preferences and needs, and the interactions they have withthebuildinganditssystemstoadapt/changetheindoor con-ditionstotheirneeds,arepossibleriskfactorsforIEQ,andpossible associatedwithhealtheffects.

4.1. Activities

Theactivities an occupant performs, alsonamedoccupant be-haviour,havebeenshowntocontributetotheenergyperformance gap [15].

A large part of the issues between predicted and actual en-ergy consumption of energy retrofitted buildings is due to the humanbuildinginteraction component, especially,how the occu-pants (mis)use the control systems of the comfort-providing ap-pliances,bycertainactivities,such asradiatorcontrol(thermostat operation),windowopening,lightswitching,shadecontrol.Several studieshavecomparedtheseactivitieswithmeasurableand moni-toredfactors(illuminancelevel,CO2concentrations,temperatures),

somecontextualvariables(timeoftheday,week,season)and per-sonal (gender, age, position of person) [86–93] or less common variables such as useof other electricappliances, electric equip-ment,anddomesticwateruse [94].

Moststudies typically concludethat occupants are at fault of performance gaps, and that occupant behaviour has to be ac-countedfortoreduce gapsandsavemoreenergy.However,most renovation initiatives, at least in Europe,tend to fail to consider occupant behaviour equally to the energy efficiencyprocess and thereforefailtoconsideroccupant behaviourasarisk toIEQand consequentlytotheirhealth [95].Buildingtechnologyandthe oc-cupantinteractwitheachother andthereforeaffectnot only en-ergyconsumptionbutalsohealth [96].Itisimportanttoconsider the interrelationship and interactions of building design, indoor environmentalquality,andtheoccupant [97].

Willandetal. [98]investigatedthelinkbetweenpracticesand health in homes with low carbon retrofits. Qualitative data was gatheredtounderstandoccupants’behaviourspractices,andtheir experiencesabouttheirhomeandhealth.Thestudyassessed vari-ablesfrombehaviours,health,energyuse,andtemperature read-ingsoverthewinter.It issuggestedthat smallretrofitsmay pro-vide improved comfort. Specifically, it was proposed that health behavioursmainlyrevolvedaroundaccessibility,safety,andmould


control. The health benefits in retrofits were, however, minimal andnotstatisticallysignificant [98].Subjectiveopinionsofthe par-ticipantsregardingbenefitsof theretrofits were focusedon their physiological,social,andmentalhealth,butoccupantsdidnot re-portchangesincardiovascular,respiratory,orpainsymptoms,after retrofits.

Wierzbicka etal. [99] proposed that occupant activities create changes that can affect both positively and negatively the envi-ronment,andultimately health. Therefore,it wasconcluded that architectural interventions might change behaviours into health-ier ones [100]. A final study addressing health, behaviours, and retrofits was performed by Bunker et al. [101], in which they claimed that to produce positive health effect in dwellings, one must first focus on the interactions with the building, then the technical andphysical points of interaction need to be fixed, so astoimprovethecontext ofbehaviours,andfinally,focuson be-haviouralchangeforhealthybehaviourscanbedone.


Various environmentalfactors triggerphysical and psychologi-cal changes in the human body.The environment is a collection ofpositive and negativestimuli,and people respondto them by behaving in certain ways, in order to adapt to the environment, andeventually reducestress (consciouslyandunconsciously).The individualdoesnot reacttotheenvironmentassuch,rather,they react totheir perception andthe meaningthey give toit andto thestimuli.Usually,such behaviouralresponsesare drivenbythe person’sneeds, preferences, or desires. Humans are sentient and cognizant beings, with needs, attitudes and emotions, combined withtools offered by their environment, they are active makers andchangers of comfort (and health), dependingon their needs [81].

Technological changes in the home and energy efficient im-provements,have the potential ofchanging the residents’ prefer-ences.Thesechangescanresultinconsumingboth moreandless energy [102].Thishasbeenidentifiedasthecauseofthe“rebound effect”.Preferences can change when newtechnologies alter the cost-benefit ratio of a particular behaviour. If an efficient tech-nologyis installed, thebehaviour ofusing itmaybe expectedto costlessmoney,lessenergy,andhencemaytriggerlessfeelingsof guilt,andeventuallybemoreacceptedbytheperson,andthus en-couragemorefrequentusage [103].Similarly,socialnormsmaybe changedwithnewenergy efficienttechnologies, asthe usermay feelorexpect highersocialacceptanceiftheyincrease theuseof suchtypeoftechnologies [104].

Behavioursaretheresultofaresponsetoenvironmental stim-uli,guidedby an emotionalresponse(distress) [105]. Thereis no such thing as the average occupant behaviour, rather household energyconsumptionpracticesthatmaygreatlyvaryduetoa num-beroffactors,including,social-economic,cultural,household com-positionandoccupantpracticesresultingfromtheaffordances,the interfacesandperformancelevelsofhomeindoorenvironmentand energysystems.

To understand occupants’ behaviour better, researchers have alsotriedtocreatepatternsofdifferentkindsofactivities,and cre-ateprofilesthatrelatetoquantitativehouseholdordwelling char-acteristics(cleaning,room use,spaceheatingtimes,income, edu-cationlevel, type ofhouse, etc.), forincluding differentoccupant variables to simulation,in order to give more margins of results andsmallerperformancegaps[106, 107].Morerecently,globaland qualitativevariableshavebeenstudied,suchaseaseofcontrol, lay-out, freedom ofmovement of the occupant, occupant knowledge aboutenergyortechnology,ordifferentusabilityfactors[108–111], aswell asunderstanding ofenergy, energy use, and meaning of comfort.

Apopularprofilingmethodamongresearchersistimeusedata (TUD).TUDhasbeenusedforprofilingschedulesinseveral coun-tries (UK,USA, France,Spain, Denmark,etc.). Based on this type of data,researchers typically develop occupant profiles, by using varyingtimespansofdatacollection,andtheresultsprofilestend to be used for both simulations and predictions [112–116]. Time use has also been used to create clusters of energy consuming activities (cooking, laundry and television), rather than creating schedule patterns.Such studies propose that interventions based onthoseusagepatternsmaybemoreefficienttosaveenergy[117, 118].

Questionnairesalso haveused tofind profiles orpatternsand to eventually createsimulation models or to propose retrofitting strategies depending on the occupancy profile [119–122]. Typical questions askedconcern theoccupants heatinghours, set points, whilesometimes they alsohaveto self-reportbuilding character-istics,orapplianceusage,sociodemographicvariables,and psycho-logicalconstructs(i.e.norms,attitudes,control,emotions).

Pereira et al (2018) and Pereira & Ramos (2019) in Portugal, usedenvironmentaldatafromsensorsandjournaldatato under-stand motivations behindcertain actions suchas closingshutters oropeningwindows[123, 124].Amorerecentapproachfor occu-pantdatacollectionthathasbeenproposedisthemobile-internet baseddatagatheringwhichinvolvestrackingindividualsviatheir mobiledevices.Pangetal. [125]claimthatsuchapproachismore accurateandcanhelpimprovepredictionsofenergyconsumption andthusreduceperformancegaps.

Inhisdoctoralthesis,Ortiz(2019)appliedamixedmethods ap-proach to develop archetypes that contained variables pertaining to comfort-related energy-consuming behaviours [126]. The vari-ables used pertained to psychological constructs (attitudes, emo-tions, habits, needs, locus of control, unconscious meanings of comfortandofenergyuse) andseveralbuilding-related variables (actualenergy,buildingcharacteristics,IEQ monitoring).Based on amixedmethodsanalysis,fivearchetypesorprofileswerefound: Restrainedconventionals,Incautiousrealists,Positivesavers, Sensi-tiveWasters,andVulnerablepessimists [126].

Thearchetypesandtheresultssuggestthatalthoughoccupants canbeunique,itispossibletogroupthemintobehaviouraltypes, in terms of comfort and energy. Each of the archetypes reflects differentcharacteristics,andbuildingsshouldbedesigned accord-ingly,soastoreduceenergyconsumptionwhilemaintaining com-fort.

Allofthesestudieswere,however,focusedonthe understand-ing ofenergy-use relatedbehaviour ofoccupants,inorder to ex-plaintheperformance gap.Nonewasfocused onthe explanation ofpreferencesandneedsinrelationtoIEQ,healthorcomfort. Re-centstudiesonschoolchildren ofprimaryschoolsshowedthatit isalsopossibletoclusterchildrenintodifferentgroupsofchildren withdifferentneedsandpreferencestowardsIEQ [127].

4.3. Awareness

Alackofawarenessofbehaviouralrepercussionsisalsoan im-portant factor to consider. According to several behavioural the-ories (theory of planned behaviour, theory of interpersonal be-haviour, social cognitive theory), it is proposed that human be-havioursare interplaysofenvironmental,personal,andsocial fac-tors.Forexample,howanoccupantunderstandsenergy,control,or comfort willinfluence their actions andthe environment. There-fore,it isimportant to understandhuman perception froma be-haviouralpointof view,by understanding theirknowledge ofthe contextsurroundingthem [128].

Awareness of the reduction of the costs may trigger changes inperceivedandactual control.Iftheuserperceives alower cost ofusage innewly installed energyefficienttechnologies, the


per-M. Ortiz, L. Itard and P.M. Bluyssen / Energy & Buildings 221 (2020) 110102 7

ceivedcontrolmayincrease,whichcantriggerincreasedfrequency of the behaviour. Energy efficient technologies may increase the occupant’sawarenessthat environmentalimpacts canbe reduced. Such awarenesscan increasetheinternal control andself-efficacy beliefs, which can also cause and increase in usage of the new product [129].

From such studies, itcan be seen that energyandbehaviours tendtobecloselyconnected.Therefore,research,especiallyinthe social sciences,has targetedtofindwaysto changeoccupant be-haviours towardsmoreenergy-efficientones, andseldomtowards better IEQ or health. Creating campaigns for occupants to gain more awareness, so as to try to persuade them to change their attitudes, habits and behaviours into more energy-efficient ones. However,ithasbeenshownthatsuchapproachesfallshort,asthe averagepersonwillnot changetheir behavioursbecauseof infor-mation givento them,while attitudesneed morethan one tech-niquetobechanged [130].

Energy-efficiencymeasures tendto focuson increasingenergy performance of the technologies through their efficiency. How-ever,accordingtoScottetal. [131],thefocusshouldratherbeon theinteractionbetweenhumanandtechnologies,throughthe be-haviours. It should be acknowledged that behaviours are not al-waysin linewithdesign orengineeringintentions andthat they lead to unexpected interactions like rejectionof the technologies (shutting off),misusing(usingmorefrequentlyordifferentlythan expected), or hacking (changingsettings) [131].All of these new behaviourscanleadtounintendedworseningoftheIEQ,and ulti-matelyill-health.

Finally, studies propose that there is a tendency ofoccupants not to understand how ventilation systems work, and therefore they don’tknowwhentoadjustventilationrates.Occupantshave often difficulties tocorrectly operateHVAC-systems oreven shut themdownbecauseofexperiencednuisance[132, 133].Perception of stuffyairtends to be copedwith byopening windows,rather thanincreasingmechanicalventilation.

5. Synthesisandrecommendations

From theliteraturereviewcan beconcludedthatmoststudies on energy-efficientretrofittedhouses,so far,focused ontheir en-ergyefficiencyandgapbetweenpredictedandactualenergy con-sumptions.Energy-efficientretrofittingisfocusedonenergy reduc-ing measures andto some extentthermalcomfort. Although few studieshavebeencarriedoutonenergy-efficientretrofittedhouses focused on IEQ and possible health effects, there are indications thattheretrofitcanleadtocomplaintsaboutmouldgrowth, built-upofpollutants(includingradon),lackofcontrol,thermalcomfort stress (people feeltoo cold, ortoo warm,draught), noise annoy-ancefromheatingandventilationinstallations,andawholerange of health problems. Underperformance of mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems and air source heat pumps has been found to resultfrominadequatecommissioning andmaintenance procedures andpooroccupant controlduetocomplexcontrol in-terfaces.

Homes areenvironments that shouldofferhealth andcomfort to the occupant, through the services and systems of the build-ings. Inenergy-efficient retrofittedhomes,theprovision ofhealth andcomfort needs tobe done while maintaininga “low” energy consumption,throughtheperformanceofthebuildingandits sys-tems.However, theseretrofitsare rarelyperformedbyaccounting forthepreferences andneeds oftheoccupantsandtheinfluence oftheoccupantbehaviours [134].

Research into occupant behaviour tends to fail to propose a connection between behaviours and health effects. With energy retrofit studies,the focustends to be oncomparisons ofthermal comfortorenergyconsumption changes,yet,studyaboutthe

im-pactofretrofitsonhealtharerare.Onlyfewstudieshavebeen per-formedontheeffectsofbehaviourorretrofitsonhealth.In addi-tion,thesetendtofocusonparticularpopulations(childrenorthe elderly).

Additionally,the information about energy renovation is very fragmented. There is little knowledge how to design both the building and the energy technologies in a home as such that it interactswith occupant preferences, capabilitiesandneeds inan energy-efficientway,andcreatesahealthyindoor environmentat the same time [135]. Which measures to take, their prices and benefits, their operational performances: the sources of informa-tionarediverse,incompleteandcontradictory.Neither governmen-tal sources nor private sources can be trusted: the government hasinterestinrealizingtheenergytransition,producersinselling their products andinstallersin makingthe realizationwith prof-its as high as possible. Numerous studies in the past (e.g. [60]) have pointed out the lack of knowledge of many installers con-cerning newtechnologies. Ageneralprobleminthe HVAC-sector, althoughoftenmentionedinreportsandliterature[136]isthelack offeedbackmechanismsbetweentheoperationalaspectsof HVAC-systemsandtheirdesign:becauseofthefragmentedsupplychain, maintenanceisgenerallycarriedoutbyother companiesthanthe oneswhohavedesignedthesystem,thereforeverylittlefeed-back onactualperformancesanduserexperience isfedback todesign companies andproducers, inhibiting this waythe possibilities to improvethedesigns.

Thedesign processofcontrol systemsandbuilding infrastruc-tureneeds to be done inconjunction withtheoccupants, asthe interactionshavetwoactors:thehumanandthebuilding (includ-ingits systems).Onthehumanside,it hasbeenproposedto un-derstand in a qualitative and quantitative manner their comfort perceptions, emotions, behaviours, awareness, as well as control levels, attitudes towards energy, needs, and habits, while on the building& systemsside elementssuch asusability,quality, affor-dances,layout, have to be considered [137, 138]. As the building systems- environment-occupantare so closely interrelated, espe-ciallyintheindoor environment,every action,behaviour,orhabit exercisedbytheindividualwillinfluencetheenvironment,andthe environmentwillinitsturninfluencetheactionandthebehaviour oftheperson.

Itis,therefore,necessarytounderstandthecomponentsbetter through an integratedanalysis of:(a) occupants’preferences and needs, their profiles, e.g. their intentions (locus of control, emo-tions,attitudes,social factors);their habits(frequencyofpast be-haviourstoachievethesamegoals);their healthandcomfort sta-tus;(b)butalsotheindoor environmenttheyareexposed to:the positive and negative stressors to influence their behaviour and other effects,the patternsofstressors, alsonamed facilitating fac-tors(appliances,environmentalfeatures,affordances)[135, 139].


betweenoccupants’behaviour,preferencesandneedstowards en-ergy and comfort, their health and comfort, the energy-efficient systemsand theindoor home environment are studied, integrat-ing and synthesizing knowledge from indoor-environmental sci-ences, energy sciences and behavioural sciences and design sci-ences.Learningfromreal-worldcasestudies,fromdesigntoearly occupationwillcontribute tounderstandingthe driversofenergy efficiency,IEQandhealth inhomesandhowit canbe addressed inenergy-efficientdwellings.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.



Marco Ortiz: Writing - original draft, Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Laure Itard:Writing-originaldraft,Conceptualization,Methodology, In-vestigation.PhilomenaM.Bluyssen:Writing-originaldraft, Con-ceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Supervision, Writing -review&editing.


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