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British Chemical Abstracts. B.-Applied Chemistry. December 5 and 12


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DF.C. 5 and 12, 1930 *


Chem ical engineering m em oranda. X II. E x ­ change of heat : heaters and coolers. C. H.

Bu t c h e r (Ind. Chem., 1930, 6, 404—407).—The total cost of pumping fluids or gases can bo shown by a graph as a function of the velocity. The design of a heat exchanger involves this consideration, together with the provision of a sufficient velocity for efficient heat transfer. Types of tubular heaters and double-pipe heaters are discussed, and an example is given of the calculation of the design of a heat exchanger between two liquids. McAdams and F rost’s formula ( B ., 1923, 587 a) for film coefficients is used with a 50% safety

factor. C. Ir w i n.

T he packing of particles. A. E. R. We s t m a n and H. R. Hu g i l l (J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 1930, 13, 767—

779).—Apparatus is described by means of which equal true volumes of approximately spherical particles ' can be packed to the same apparent volume. The apparent volume per unit true volume, Va, was determined1 for systems of one, two, and three sizes of roughly spherical particles. For one-size systems, Va was approx. 1-60. With two- and three-size systems, the shape of the Va curve or surface depends on the diameter ratios. I t can be calculated either directly or by using an empirical relation between the minimum Va and the diameter ratio of two-size systems. The method of calculación is capable of extension to systems of four or more sizes. In applying the packing theory to coramic problems the relative strength, colour, shrinkages, etc. of the aggregate and bond m ust be considered, as well as the solubility of the aggregate in the bond and the importance of the surface area of the

aggregate. ’ F. Sa l t.

Rem oval of water during concentration. A . A l i s o n (Ind. Chem., 1930, 6, 402—403).—A nomograph is given which enables the weight of water removed from a solution during concentration to be Tead, given the weight of liquor and the initial and final percentages of solids. The chart is equally applicable to the drying

of solids./ C. I r w i n .

Oil v isco sim eter. H . Sc h a f f e r (Petroleum, 1930,26, Motorenbetrieb, 3, 4— 8).—A viscosimeter is described which permits the viscosity of an oil to be determined directly in e.g.s. units. I t is similar in design to the Engler viscosimeter except th a t the oil flows through a capillary tube; of suitable dimensions,- e.g., 4-5 cm. in length and 1-025 nim. in internal diam. The-oil con- ' -tainer--and-tH e capillary tube • aré surrounded by a

* nrater-bath' which can be heated either Yelectrieally or - ' b y gas. T he-instrum ent’ has a viscosity range-from •

0 ‘01 to- 10 c.g.'s. units with the sam e'capillary tube.

Provision is made for increasing the air pressure in the oil container, and thereby shortening the time required for determining the viscosity of very viscous oils.

The construction and method of using the instrument arc described in detail. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Im m ersion refractom eter. A. Do l i n e k (Z.

Zuckerind. Czechoslov., 1930, 54, 627—630).—The

“ Askania ” immersion refractometer gives, without change of prism, a refractive-index range of from 1-333 to 1-378, expressed as d 1 -0000—1 -1200 (for sucrose solutions), and reads to d 0-00001. I t is mounted on a stand fitted with a mirror and a revolving tray holding ten 40-c.c. capsules. I t can be used for determining moisture in fairly light-coloured products such as raw sugars and refinery massecuites and syrups, the readings being taken on half-normal solutions. Tables for these determinations are given, together with some examples showing a maximum error of 0-09% for the moisture content of raw beet sugars. J. H. La n e,

Tunnel kiln. Ta r r a n t.S e e VIII. G as-purifi- cation plant. Mi c h e l.— S ee X.

Pa t e n t s.

Furnaces and m ethods of operating the sam e.

Ba b c o c k & Wi l c o x, Lt d. From Fu l l e r Le h i g h Co.

(B.P. 334,757, 15.10.29).—The air supply to the furnace is passed through a grate a t a velocity sufficient to keep the fuel substantially in suspension. The walls of the furnace arc preferably inclined, and the grate bars are interm ittently oscillated or tripped to discharge ash by mechanical means. B . M. Ve n a b l e s.

Preventing the form ation of deposits or incrus­

tations in rotary tubular furnaces. F. Kr u p f Gr u s o n w e r k A .-G . . (B.P. 334,868, 10.6.29. G e r .,

20.4.29).—I n c r u s t a t i o n s t h a t m a y b e c a u s e d , e.g., b y l i q u e f a c t i o n o f a c o n s t i t u e n t o f t h e c h a r g e m a y b e p r e v e n t e d b y b a f flin g t h e flow' o f g a s e s a t t h e h i g h e r e n d o f t h e k i ln a n d b y p e r m i t t i n g a p o r t i o n o f t h e g a s e s to e s c a p e f r o m t h e i n t e r i o r o f t h e k i ln a t a n i n t e r m e d i a t e p o i n t , s u c h p o r t i o n b e in g p r e f e r a b l y p a s s e d t h r o u g h flu e s f o r m e d i n t h e t h i c k n e s s o f t h e l in i n g t o w a r d s t h e lo w e r e n d ■ a n d s e r v i n g t o h e a t t h e l in in g .

B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

Charging of powders into furnaces and other reaction cham bers. F. B. Gr a n t, and Im p e r i a l Ch e m, In d u s t r i e s, Lt d. (B.P. 335,163, 14.6.29).—The outlet’ of ■ a , supply hopper is covered by a horizontal screen whiGh ’is reciprocated ..vertically to discharge the 'material./-TEe- material should be- subjected- to . a preliminary-screeiiing through apertures rather smaller th’an- those of - th« feeder. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

* The rem ainder of this set of A bstracts .wilt, appear in .next week’s issue.

1095 ' ...


B r i t is h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

1096 C l. I . — Ge n e r a l ; Pl a n t ; Ma c h i n e r y.

H eat e x c h a n g e r. Be r g e d o r f e r Ei s e n w e r k A.-G.

( B .P . 335,395, 8.10.29. Ger., 19.10.28).—A form of tubular exchanger of which the tubes can be easily removed for cleaning is described. B . M. Ve n a b l e s.

H eat-exchanging appliances. A. Mo r t r e u x (B.P.

334,795, 23.11.29).—An apparatus is described in which air to be heated is passed across a bank of tubes through which products of combustion from an adjacent oil burner or other heating means are passed in a zig-zag

manner. B. M . Ve n a b l e s.

[H eat-]insulating m aterial for covering chill ro om s, pipes, etc., and its m ethod of application.

J. Ga r l a n d (B.P. 334,884, 10.6.29).—A mixture of 90 pts. of granulated cork, 8 pts. of calcined magnesite, and 2 pts. of crystallised magnesium chloride in water is applied to the surface, allowed to set, and then faced with a mixture of calcined magnesite, magnesium chloride solution, and wood flour. C. A. Ki n g.

T reatm ent of steam -b oiler w ater. R. E. Ha l l, Assr. to J . M . Ho p w o o d (U.S.P. 1,759,615; 20.5.30.

Appl., 4.12.26).—Foaming in steam boilers or evapor­

ators may be reduced by the continuous admission of a small am ount of insoluble gas in the form of fine streams distributed over and slightly below the steam - water interface. This method may be used either alone or in conjunction with certain anti-foaming compounds, e.g., those of the tannin type or higher alcohols derived from waxes, all of which accelerate the coalescence and disruption of the liquid bubble films with certain classes

of water. C. Je p s o n.

D rying apparatus B. J. Ow e n and R. 0. Da v i e s

(B.P. 334,940, 13.6.29).—In an apparatus of the type in which currents of air or other drying gas pass upwards through a pervious conveyor, the air currents are divided and subdivided so th a t they may be regulated according to the decreasing moisture and increasing permeability of the m aterial under treatm ent on the

conveyor. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

Drum dryer. Ma s c h i n e n f a b r. Im p e r i a l Ge s.m.b.H .,

and A. Sc i i w i e t e r (B.P. 334,515, 1.6.29).—In a drum dryer of the type where the material is contained in the annular space between an outer imperforate drum and an inner perforated one, and in which the drying gas is adm itted a t points distributed over the length of the kiln by means of an axial perforated conduit, p art of the drying gas is caused to move concurrent with the fresh m aterial and another p art countercurrent to the partly dried m aterial by drawing off the gas a t some intermediate point in the length of the kiln through a stationary hood which surrounds it a t th a t point. The m aterial may be conveyed across the necessary openings in the shell either by covering them with gauze or by permitting the m aterial to accumulate, a t first, in the bottom of the hood. B. M . Ve n a b l e s.

Centrifugal d ry ers. G. H. El m o r e (B.P. 335,469, 16.12.29).—The straining surface is conical and the slope rather greater than the angle of repose of the retained solids, viz., 38° or more with respect to the axis.

An internal distributor with spiral flights rotating a t a different speed restrains the solid from passing too quickly down the cone. F an blades are provided

outside the screen to create draughts in such a direction as to prevent re-mixing of solid and liquid.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s.

G yratory crushers. E . B. Sy m o n s (B.P. 335,011, 6.8.29. U .S ., 10.5.29).—A method of excluding dust from the main spherical bearing of a gyratory cone crusher is described. B . M. Ve n a b l e s.

T um bling m ills. Am er. F o u n d r y E q u i p m e n t Co., Assees. of L. D. Peik (B.P. 317,002, 9.7.29. U.S., 8.8.28).—The casing of the apparatus is stationary, and within it is a slat conveyor which follows a course forming, in side view, a semi-circle within a V, the former being the active part and having one arm higher than the other, so th a t the material may be discharged by reversing the conveyor. Sand-blast jets and means for continuously removing the used sand may be

provided. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

Tube m ills. J. S. Fa s t i n g (B.P. 335,062, 24.9.29).—

Preliminary to the long compartment of a tube mill is a coarse-grinding section having apertured grinding plates and sectionalised screens. Each screen is in the form of a half-round trough, and is provided with an internal hook-shaped guide for the material, thus render­

ing the whole screening surface effective. The bolts for securing the grinding plates are accessible from

outside. B. M , Ve n a b l e s.

F ilters. J. A. Pic k a r d and F. Ro g e r s ( B .P . 334,569»

7.5.29).—A constructional form of filter having passages tapering in the direction of flow for retention of filter aid is described. One form comprises washers of sheet material, alternately large and small, the former having projections of definite height raised up out of the sheet on both sides, and the latter being plain.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s.

F ilter p resses. Al l i a n c e Ar t i f i c i a l Si l k, Lt d.,

W. H . Ya t e s, and J . A . Bl a c k ( B .P . 335,191,13.6.29).—

In a filter press of the closed-outlet type having an inspection chamber to each section to locate a broken cloth, a cock is provided on each side of each inspection chamber, and one of each pair is of the three-way type, so th a t a sample of liquor can be taken.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s.

[Pressure] filtration of liqu ids and like operations involving the contact of liquid and solid m aterial.

A . R . Ja h n (B.P. 334,663, 17.7.29).—The liquid is passed in a serpentine course through charcoal or similar material and then strained. Such apparatus is suitable for the decolorisation of sugar solutions, for recovery of precious metals from ore-bearing sands by cyanide solutions, etc. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

C entrifuges. Ra m e s o h l & Sc h m id t A .-G . (B.P.

335.466.10.12.29. Ger., 10.12.28).-—The bulk of the solid m atter is separated on the wall of the bowl, but a num­

ber of clarifying filters are situated within the bowl and rotate w ith i t ; these are in the form of vertical cylinders -with axial outlets, and are surrounded by adjustable casings which are slit down the circumfer­

ence a t one point only, the slit forming the inlet to the filter. By fixing the casings in different angular posi­

tions the partially clarified liquor may be adm itted to the filters under variable centrifugal pressure.

B. M. Ve n a b l e s.


B r i t is h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s - B .

C l. I .— Ge n e r a l ; Pl a n t ; Ma c h i n e r y. 1097

Centrifugal m achin es. A. F. Du n s m o r e (B.P.

335,055, 18.9.29).—A centrifuge is provided with a detachable inner basket which, together with the per­

m anent outer basket, forms a cone clu tch ; the use of positive driving lugs, and of drop doors in the bottom of the inner basket only, is also claimed.

B. M. Ve n a b l f s.

Separation of solid s from liqu ids. Br i t. Gl u e s &

Ch e m i c a l s, Lt d., A .-G . f. Ch e m. Pr o d., a n d W . Wa c h t e l ( B .P . 334,585, 6.6.29).—A d e v ic e i s d e s c r i b e d b y w h ic h t h e b u l k o f t h e l i q u o r i s d r a w n a w a y d o w n w a r d s ( t h r o u g h a p e r t u r e s w h i c h a r e t o o la r g e t o c h o k e ) i n a s u b s t a n t i a l l y c la r if ie d s t a t e , w h ile t h e s o lid m a t t e r p a s s e s s t r a i g h t o n h o r i z o n t a l l y i n t h e r e m a i n d e r o f t h e l iq u o r a n d i s a f t e r ­ w a r d s s c r e e n e d o u t . B . M . Ve n a b l e s.

Apparatus for separating liquids from fluids containing sam e. H . Ho c k in g (B.P. 334,200, 24.5.29).

—The apparatus is of the deflecting type, the deflecting surfaces being concentric cylinders with outlets on opposite sides alternately. The interior parts may be withdrawn without disturbing the pipe connexions.

B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

E xtraction of em ulsified , suspended, or dissolved substances from liqu ids b y m eans of volatile solven ts. E. La n g f e l d t and R. He l l e r u d (B.P.

334,950, 14.6.29).—The solvent is introduced in a state of vapour into the liquid from the top or bottom, according to whether the condensed vapour is heavier or lighter 'than the liquid under treatm ent. The in­

coming vapour may be finely distributed by being passed through a porous wall. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

Evaporating plant. J. A . Re a v e l l (B.P. 334,623, 11.6.29).—A solution containing a volatile constituent, a salt, and impurities th a t may be precipitated (e.g., ammonia, calcium acetate, and cellulosic m atter, such as may result from the production of acetic acid by fermentation of cellulose and neutralisation of the acid with ammonia) is passed through an evaporator, a filter, and second evaporator in series, and then through a set of multiple-effect evaporators again in series. The first two evaporators are heated in parallel by live steam, and are a t approximately the same temperature, the combined vapour from them serving as the heat supply to the first of the multiple-effect evaporators. Heat exchangers are used at suitable points.

B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

C atalytic gas reactions. Ho l z v e r k o h l u n g s- In d.

A.-G. (B.P. 335,411, 23.10.29. Ger., 28.11.28).—In processes in which the catalyst has to be heated or cooled, and as a substitute for a large number of small tubes, vessels of which the width is small compared with their length and breadth are used to contain the catalyst, any p a rt of which is only a short distance from the heat- transm itting wall. A number of vessels may be placed abreast, and each may have external projections or shelves which intercalate with those on its neighbours, forming zig-zag passages for the external fluid.

B. M. VenaSles.

D eodorisation, p asteurisation, and concentra­

tion of flu id s. Te Ar o h a Da i r y Co., Lt d. (B.P.

314,022, 14.6.29. N .Z .,19.4.29.)—The liquid is sprayed,

preferably by saturated steam, into a horizontally disposed cylindrical chamber heated by a steam-jacket and maintained under vacuum. W ithin the chamber are longitudinal paddles rotating a t centrifugal speed, which spread the liquid in a layer round the wall to a depth which is determined by the position of the outlet to the vacuum-producing and condensing apparatus.

Owing to the rapid treatm ent and low pressure, the temperature of the liquid does not substantially rise, and the process is suitable for delicate fluids such as milk ; if operation at an elevated temperature is desired the liquid should be preheated. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

E lim inating or recovering substances from gaseou s bodies. Ca r r i e r En g. C o ., Lt d., and C. L . Sa i n t y (B.P. 335,241, 18.6.29).—The gas is scrubbed by sprays of a liquid which is used repeatedly in counter- current stages. The liquor from the most concentrated stage only is run to waste, or may be treated for recovery of dissolved m atter and re-supplied as fresh liquor to the dilute or gas-outlet end. Preferably the gas flows in a horizontal flue and the stages are divided from each other by moisture-eliminating baffles which drain into a launder which is also sectionalised by weirs and from which the spray pumps draw. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

Production of cleansing and polishing com p osi­

tions. W. J. A. Hu y z e r (B.P. 335,005, 26.7.29).—The compositions comprise natural magnesite ground to 250-mesh and mixed with the usual ingredients to form a cream or paste. L. A. Co l e s.

Apparatus for quantitative spectrum an alysis.

Ad a m Hi l g e r, Lt d., and F. Tw y m a n (B.P. 334,618, 11.6.29).—One part of a spectrum is brought alongside another part so th a t a line produced by a constituent which is to be determined is adjusted to be a continua­

tion of a line belonging to a constituent present in known quantity. The adjustment of position is effected by blocks of glass with parallel faces, one or both of which may be pivoted ; a tin t wedge may be provided to match the brilliancy. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

D etecting and determ ining the quantity of m oistu re in a substance. H. C. Fr e e m a n (B.P.

335,308, 17.7.29).—The substance, e.g., flour, is mixed with another substance, e.g., calcium carbide, th a t will generate gas by reaction with water. The mixing is effected, if desired with the aid of coarse sand, in a closed vessel provided with a pressure gauge. A correction for undecomposed water is necessary, and is of the order of 20% of the moisture. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

Cooling tow er. R. A. Le w is (U.S.P. 1,778,364, 14.10.30. Appl., 29.4.27. U.K., 29.4.26).—See B.P.

272,325 ; B., 1927, 639.

Apparatus for carrying out exotherm ic catalytic gas reactions. H . Ha r t e r (U.S.P. 1,779,092, 21.10.30.

Appl., 9.7.28. Ger., 10.8.26).—See B.P. 275,983; B., 1928, 391.

[Controlling the com bustion of fuel in boiler]

furnaces. J. Go r d o n & Co., Lt d. (B.P. 315,000, 5.7.29.

U.S., 7.7.28).

[Continuous] lin in gs for furnace arches, w alls, etc. H. W. Sp e n c e r (B.P. 336,520, 28.1.30).


B r i t is h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

1098 Cl. I I . — Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

[Cooling the w a lls of] furnaces. Ba b c o c k &

W ii.c o x , Lt d. F r o m Ba b c o c k & Wi l c o x C o. ( B .P .

336,263, 10.7.29).

[B oiler-steam ] d ryers. T. Su g d e n (B.P. 335,186, 16.3.29).

Cooling or drying m achinery [for cattle cakes etc.]. A. W. Si z e r (B.P. 334,875, 9.3.29).

Cooling s y s t e m s . El e c t r o l u x, Lt d., Assees. of

Pl a t e n- Mu n t e r s Re f r i g e r a t i n g Sy s t e m Ak t i e b. ( B .P .

334,696, 27.8.29. Swed., 2.3.29).

[Absorption] refrigeration [apparatus]. El e c t r o­ l u x, Lt d., Asses, of A. Le n n i n g a n d R. S. Ta y l o r (B.P.

336,506, 31.12.29. U.S., 4.1.29).

A bsorption refrigerating apparatus. H. D.

Fi t z p a t r i c k. From N.V. “ Ko d o w aRe f r i g e r a t o r

Co. (B.P. 336,275, 12.6.29).

R efrigerators for cooling liqu ids. El e c t r o l u x, Lt d., Assees. of R. S. Ta y l o r (B.P. 316,139, 16.7.29.

U.S., 23.7.28).

Apparatus [gun] for spraying liquids. R. E.

Se r p o l l i e r a n d M. A. Dr o u o t (Se r p o l l i e r & Dr o u o t)

(B.P. 336,173, 27.12.29. Fr., 13.8.29).

F ire-extin gu ish ing sy ste m s. Fy r e- Fr e e z Co r p.

(B.P. 336,330, 29.7.29. U.S., 23.11.28).

G astight unions or join ts. C. R. Bu r c h, F. E . Ba n c r o f t, a n d As s o c ia t e d El e c t r i c a l In d u s t r i e s, Lt d. (B.P. 336,015, 13.7.29).

Gas detector (B.P. 334,640). D istillation apparatus (U.S.P. 1,755,778).—See II. Friction- and h eat-resistin g articles (U.S.P. 1,758,055).—See V.

C om pressed m ixtu res (B.P. 334,448).-—See VII.

T unnel k ilns (B.P. 334,951). Refractory cem ent (U.S.P. 1,763,882).-—See V III. Heat-conducting cem en t (B.P. 335,086).—See IX.


Econom ic value of coal cleaning in relation to the p roblem of dust and sulphur em ission from ch im n eys. R. Le s s i n g (Fuel, 1930, 9, 348—358).—

The ash collected from various points in a pulverised-fuel- fired boiler installation has been compared physically, chemically, and microscopically with th a t prepared by incinerating the coal fractions (dust through 50 I.M.M.

sieve, clean coal d <C 1 • 35, middle fraction d ^>1 ■ 35 and

<^1-5, refuse d^> 1 -5) in the laboratory. The results indicate, th a t the portion of the coal ash which reaches farthest in the boiler system is th at derived from the refuse. The ash from the fines and from the clean coal is largely retained at an earlier stage in the combustion chamber and economiser, probably because its lower fusing point causes the particles to sinter together to form larger aggregates. The abolition of the flue dust nuisance, can -'therefore - be brought about' by removing the refuse from the coal, a process now commercially -possible by gravity, separatum.. .Coal, cleaning--also .•.dimin.k£ea"theiroublii‘duelto clinker fOTnVatioji.in. plants using mechanical stoking, and'offers a more-rational'and more economical means of removing sulphur from the fhie'gases'than Iby washing the. latter with water'. ■ I t is calculated th a t "the use of cleaned instead of uncleaned

coal effects a net saving of about Is. per ton in the case of mechanical stoking, and Is. 3d. in the case of powdered

fuel. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Carburetted w ater-gas and influence of te m ­ perature on the com position of the tar form ed.

T. B. G l o v e r (Gas J., 1930, 191, 702—704; 192, 38—

42).—Tar samples were collected from a carburetted water-gas plant during periods in which .different cracking temperatures and rates of oil injection were maintained. These tars were analysed- by sulphonation and nitration, and the formation of naphthalene was particularly noted. As the temperature was increased, with approximately constant rates of oil feed, from 720°

to 740°, 770°, 800°, and 820°, the paraffin content of the tar decreased, b u t the percentage of hydrocarbons attacked by concentrated acids and of those forming crystallinepicratesincreased. T estsat770° with different oil rates showed only small changes in the composition of the tar ; in these tests another plant and a different oil were used, so th a t the results are not directly com­

parable with the first series. Many incidental measure­

ments are recorded for changes in gas composition, rates of gas production, efficiency of oil cracking, and time of contact in the cracking chambers. R. H. G r i f f i t h .

T herm al decom position of low -tem perature tar of Fushun coal. I. T. BIiz o s h i t a ' (Rep. Lab. S.

Manchuria Rly., 1929, 33—35).—The therm al decom­

position of the tar under various conditions of tempera­

ture and pressure has been studied. The yield of cracked distillate, and the distillation ranges, compositions of gas and of cracked gasoline, together with the charac­

teristics of refined gasoline, are tabulated. The yield of 13 -5% of gasoline which is obtained a t 430° and under 25—30 atm. is somewhat lower than th a t from neutral oil, owing to the presence of acidic m atter. The cracked gasoline affords a good fuel having antiknock properties.

H. J. Do w d e n.

U tilisation of high-tem perature coal-tar pitch.

I. Preparation of creosote oil su bstitute from pitch. M . Ta n a k a, K . Mo r i k a w a, and I. Mo r i k a w a.

II. Preparation of active carbon from the extraction residue. S. Wa t a n a b e (Rep. Lab. S.

Manchuria Rly., 1929, 29—32, 32—33).—I. By extract­

ing pitch a t different temperatures and pressures with various solvents a mixture of hydrocarbons and resinous m atter with high b.p. and viscosity was obtained.

Benzol and naphtha give yields of 65—70% of highly viscous oil containing much resin, which can be removed by dilute chromic acid solution. The presence of aluminium chloride before extraction destroys resins, bu t reduces the yield of oil to 30—40%. Extraction for 3 hrs. with gasoline-naphtha (equal vols.) a t 100—110°

and 1 atm . gave a yield of 46% of good quality oil needing no further refining. The solvent m ay be com­

pletely recovered, b u t it is desirable to leave 15—20%

of solvent'to lessen'the viscosity. When mixed-' with an equal-volume of creosote, the-m ixture-is- a -suitable substitute for creosote oil: -' s:.- ... :

II. The residue from the extraction of pitch with organic solvents consists of about 30% óf “ free carbon ”

• which ;:by calcining with-potassium sulphate i n equal proportions yields--a- highly activated carbon, -the


Cl. IT.—Fotsl ; Qa s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. B r i t is h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .


decolorising power of which is superior to th a t of either animal charcoal or commercial active carbon.

H . J. Do w d e n.

T ar-form ing value and oxidisab ility of hydro­

carbon oils and fa ts . R. Bu r s t e n b i n d e r (Chem.-Ztg., 1930, 54, 782—783).—The determination of the tar- forming value (cf. Kissling, B ., 1908, 1053) by the usual method leads to uncertain re su lts: with many oils relatively greater changes occur if oxidation is prolonged beyond 70 hrs., and oxidation is also markedly affected by the use of metallic catalysts. A more useful value is obtained by heating the oil (100 g.) a t 120° with 1 g.

of pure finely-divided copper oxide for 9, 70, or 360 hrs.

The acid and saponification values of the oil are deter­

mined before and after the oxidation, and the differences between the corresponding values are returned as the

“ acid-” and “ saponification-oxidation values !! after the stated times of treatm ent. A blank test should

be made. E. Le w k o w i t s c h.

Separation [from high-tem perature tar] and syn th etic preparation of phenol. T. BIi z o s h it a

(Rep. Lab. S. Manchuria Rly., 1929, 36).—High- tem perature ta r from the Anshan Iron Works was found to contain phenol 0-1897% and cresols 0-5691%, the values being relatively low owing to the high tem perature of coking. In the synthesis of phenol a yield of 84% is obtained by the interaction of 2 mols. of sodium chloride and 1 mol. of chlorobenzene for 2 hrs.

a t 320°, using cupric or cuprous chloride or metallic copper as catalyst. H. J. Do w d e n.

D eterm ination of naphthalene in m ixtu res with phenols and w ith anthracene. M. M. C a s t i l l a

(Anal. Fis. Quim., 1930, 28, 1084—1088).—Phenols do not interfere with the formation of hydrocarbon picrates if the proportion of phenol in the original mixture does not exceed 50%. Knublauch’s method (B., 1917, 702) for the determination of naphthalene yields accurate results if not more than the theoretically necessary quantity of picric acid be added and if the precipitate be washed with sufficient 0 • 2% picric acid solution;

with anthracene the results are unsatisfactory.

H. F. Gi l l b e.

Determ ination of the acid constituents of shale oil and its resid u es. E. v o n P e z o l d (Chem.-Ztg., 1930, 54, 678—679).—Of several methods used to determine the acid constituents of a “ topped ” Esthon- ian shale oil the following was the most accurate, and is recommended for the purpose. A solution of the oil (5 g.) in 40 c.c. of benzene was extracted with dilute (2%) sodium-hydroxide. The extract was washed with benzene to remove dissolved neutral oils. The alkaline solution was then freed from colloidal suspended m atter by being boiled, set aside, and filtered. The filtrate was acidified and extracted with ether. The ethereal solution was washed with water, dried over anhydrous sodium sulphate, filtered, the ether removed by evapor­

ation on the water-bath, and the residue dried a t 50°

to constant weight. The result is probably slightly low owing to polymerisation. of p a rt of the acid con­

stituents by the alkali. A. B. M a n n i n g .

Ichthyol oil from Kashpir sh ale. E. V. Ra k o v s k i

and S. I. So k o l o v (J. Appl. Cheni., Russia, 1930, 3,

81—89).—The characteristics of the oil and its fractions are described. The oil differs from the Scottish shale oils. Ch e m ic a l Ab s t r a c t s.

Vanadium in petroleum ash . R. K. Br o z (Arh.

Hemiju, 1930, 4, 86—91).—Maracaiba (Venezuela) petroleum ash contains 43-58% V. R. Tr u s z k o w s k i.

V iscosim eter. Sc h a f f e r.—See I . C onsistent fa ts. Pi t i a l a.—See X I I . Petroleum oil for sp ra y s.

Ri c h a r d s o n.—See X V I . A ctivity of decolorising carbons. Va s a t k o.—See X V I I .

Pa t e n t s.

Coal and refuse tester. H . Mo r g a n ( U .S .P .

1,758,756, 13.5.30. Appl., 5.9.29).—An apparatus for determining the proportion of coal and slate in a, mixture comprises a tank containing a liquid, e.g., zinq chloride solution, in which the coal will float and the slate sink, a container for the sample to be tested, which-fits within the tank and has a perforated wall, and a trap, which fits closely within the container and has also a perforated wall. A hinged rod extends across the lower end of. the trap, the bottom of which is composed of two parts hinged to the rod and capable of being closed after the trap has been inserted into the container. Thus after the separation of the coal and slate is complete the bottom of the trap may be closed and the separated coal removed by lifting the trap from the container.

A . B . Ma n n i n g/ .

Production of com paratively sm ok eless fuels from lig n ites, bitum inous coals, and the like.

Me t a l l g e s. A.-G., and O. Hu b m a n n ( B .P . 333,811, 29.10.29).—The raw fuel is separated into dust'(0— \ in.) and coarser material. The latter is subjected to 16#- temperature carbonisation and the product, either as a whole or after screening off the large lumps, is . mixed with the dust and briquetted. If necessary, the carbon­

isation product is treated with air before briquetting in order to diminish its tendency to spontaneous ignition.

A . B . Ma n n i n g.

Carbonisation of coal and the like. S. R. Il l i n g­ w o r t h, and Il l i n g w o r t h Ca r b o n iz a t io n Co., Lt d.

(B.P. 333,597, 18.4.29).—The charge of coal is tamped as it is fed into the retort, suitable apparatus for which is described. A quantity of fines is charged with the coal. The process yields a coke of increased density and hardness, and permits the use of coals of lower caking

quality. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

[Carbonisation] retorts. F. E. Ho b s o n ( B .P .

333.563.13.5.29).—A vertical retort has a central heating tube and a number of radially disposed, vertical heating flues arranged between the central tube and the outer casing. The central heating tube is provided with angular vanes on its outer wall, and can be given a combined reciprocating and rotary motion. The other heating flues are separated by louvres, which may be either fixed or interchangeable. The m aterial1 to -be carbonised is fed from a hopper into the space between the central tube and the surrounding heating flues, and is agitated and a t the same time conveyed through the retort by the motion of the former. The volatile products of carbonisation pass between the louvres into the outer annular spaee and thence to a gas chamber and discharge pipe. A. B. Manning.


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

1 1 0 0 Cl. I I . — Fu k l ; Gas ; Ta» ; Mu ía b a l Oil s.

Coke ovens, carbonising ch am bers, and the like.

Wo o d a l l- Du c k h a m (1920), Lt d., and,A. McD. Du c k h a m

(B.P. 334,050, 16.8.29).—The individual offtakes from the ovens, which are connected to the common collecting main during carbonisation, are connected to the suction or foul main during the charging period in order to avoid abnormal pressure fluctuations in the collecting main. For this purpose a valve-controlled by-pass is provided between the gas offtake of each oven and the suction main ; the valve can be autom atically and gradually closed when charging is complete. The ducts connecting the offtakes with the collecting main may also be provided with valves. The fresh charge is preferably introduced into the chamber through charging holes near the ends thereof, the gas offtake being arranged

centrally. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Coking retort. H. Te a t e r (U.S.P. 1,758,183, 13.5.30. Appl., 19.11.27).—A vertical retort of sheet metal has a narrow, annular, carbonising chamber, surrounded on the outside and inside, and also on top, by heating chambers through which superheated steam can be circulated. The retort is provided with charging doors a t the upper end and with a hinged drop-bottom through which the treated material is discharged. The process is carried out in two stages : in the first the coal is externally heated to drive off the volatile products, and in the second superheated steam is passed through

the charge. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Coking retort oven. J. B e c k e r , Assr. to H o p p e r s

Co. (U.S.P. 1,755,381, 22.4.30. Appl., 16.5.21. R e­

newed 24.1.30).—Each of the heating walls of a coking retort oven consists of two series of horizontal combus­

tion flues. The regenerators below the coking chambers and parallel thereto are arranged in two series, one a t each side of the battery, one series operating for inflow while the other operates for outflow. The regenerators of each series are disposed in groups of three, the central inflow operating generator supplying gas and the other two supplying air. The groups of generators of each series respectively are connected by ducts with the opposite ends of both series of combustion flues. The ovens may be heated by a gas, e.g., producer gas, obtained from a separate generator. A. B. M a n n i n g .

Recuperative coking retort oven. J . v a n Ac k e r e n,

Assr. to Ko p p e r sCo. (U.S.P. 1,758,544,13.5.30. Appl., 29.9.21).—The heating walls of a coking retort oven comprise two series of vertical combustion flues. Below the coking chambers are recuperator u n its . disposed into two series operating alternately with one another.

The inflow and outflow passages of the recuperator units of both series are connected by ducts with the tops and bottoms respectively of both series of combustion flues of each heating wall. Separate fuel gas connexions communicating with the tops of both series of combustion flues are provided. The setting may be operated with an extraneously derived generator gas or with coke- oven gas burned in an atmosphere of ordinary preheated air or in a mixture of air and a neutral gaseous diluent.

A . B. Ma n n i n g.

Production of coke and apparatus therefor.

H. Ko p p e r s (U.S.P. 1,758,524, 13.5.30. Appl., 5.6.22.

Renewed 7.7.27. Ger., 7.10.21).—Coal which has been

ground to uniform size is distilled in continuously operated vertical retorts or oven chambers. Each chamber is provided with a superstructure which is open a t the top and along the walls of which are rods which are interm ittently moved up and down. In this manner passages are formed and m aintained open in the upper portion of the heated distillation chambers so th a t the gases can escape readily from the coking material to suitably placed offtakes. The fine coal dust forms a gastight closure of the chamber so th a t special closing devices may be dispensed with.

A . B. Ma n n i n g.

Furnaces for briquetting sm a ll coal and the like. H. Al e x a n d e r (B.P. 333,713, 19.7.29).—Pow­

dered bituminous coal, either alone or blended with another coal, is charged into metal containers having removable perforated caps. The charged containers are carried on trucks into an externally heated furnace, wherein the material is heated a t 315—425°. When the heat treatm ent is completed the trucks are withdrawn from the furnace and the briquetted material is discharged from the containers. The volatile products evolved during the treatm ent are collected, and the non-condensible gases utilised for heating the furnace.

The furnaces are arranged in batteries, and the spent gases from each heating process utilised for preheating the charge in the next furnace. A . B. Ma n n i n g.

Production of finely-divided carbon. N . Go o d­ w i n, Assr. to De l a n o La n d Co. ( U .S .P . 1,758,152, 13.5.30. Appl., 10.3.24. Renewed 23.10.29).—A mix­

ture of a hydrocarbon gas or vapour and air, in propor­

tions insufficient for complete combustion, is burned in an externally heated chamber, the temperature during combustion being maintained a t above 650°. The air for combustion and the hydrocarbon gas are preheated, the former in a suitably arranged regenerator, and the latter by the waste gases from the external heating of the combustion chamber. The yield and quality of the carbon produced may be varied by varying the degree of preheating of the air and gas.

A . B. Ma n n i n g.

Reactivation of charcoal. E. W. Ri c e (U.S.P.

1,758,202, 13.5.30. Appl., 31.12.25).—Charcoal laden with adsorbed organic m atter is passed through an inclined rotary kiln wherein it is subjected to the action of hot gases containing sufficient oxygen to burn the adsorbed impurities. The tem perature in the kiln is maintained a t 200—400° and the hot gases are preferably continuously recirculated through the apparatus.

A . B. Ma n n i n g.

A pparatus for reactivating charcoal. C. N.

Wh i t a k e r, Assr. to Sh e l l Oi l Co. (U.S.P. 1,744,429, 21.1.30. Appl., 7.12.26).-—The charcoal is placed in a cylindrical basket which is supported within a vertical cylindrical chamber in such a manner th a t superheated steam entering the basket through a central nozzle a t the bottom thereof passes up through the material, down through the annular space between the basket and the outer vessel, and thence to a discharge pipe. Treatm ent of the charcoal with superheated steam a t 600—650° for 1 hr. restores its efficiency to at least 92% of the initial efficiency. A. B. Ma n n i n g.


C u II.—Fubl; Ga s; B r i t is h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

W ater-gas generators. A. Br e i s i g ( B .P . 333,842, 2.12.29. Austr., 3.12.28).—In a water-gas generator working with alternate “ blow ” and “ run ” periods, a part of the waste gases produced during the “ blow ” is utilised for producing and superheating the steam required for the production of water-gas, by means of a regenerator with superposed vaporiser. The other part of the waste gases is burned in a second regenerator which is connected to the waste-heat boiler. During the period of steaming (“ run ” ) the heat stored in the second regenerator is carried over to the waste-heat boiler by means of a carrying gas, e.g., air or the water- gas produced. When heat is supplied continuously to the boiler in this manner its heating surface can be considerably reduced. A. B . Ma n n i n g.

Gas generators. Hu m p h r e y s & Gl a s g o w, Lt d.,

Assees. of J. M . Ru s b y (B.P. 334,133, 19.11.29. U.S., 21.1.29).—In a gas generator using bituminous coal as fuel, a number of diaphragms, preferably of metal, extend downward through the upper part of the fuel bed, thereby effecting a better distribution of the gases passing through the carbonising zone. The diaphragms may be tapered in cross-section, and may be given a slow, vertical, reciprocating motion. They may be radially mounted, but do not extend to the walls of the generator. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Production of com bu stib le ga s. Se m e t- So l v a y En g. Co r p., Assees. of C . II. Hu g h e s and F. W. St e e r e

(B.P. 312,071,13.5.29. U.S., 18.5.28).—The formation of clinker on the lining of a gas generator is prevented by introducing a liquid, preferably water, into the fuel bed through orifices in the side of the generator. W ater may be injected also into the base of the fuel bed in order to chill the clinker therein and facilitate its crushing and removal by the rotary grates, which are preferably of the type adapted to operate in conjunction with a verti­

cally reciprocating poking device. A flux, e.g., soda, m ay be introduced into the generator in order to lower the fusing point of the clinker. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

Producer-gas ¡process. H. Ko p p e r s, Assr. to

Iv o p p e r s De v e l o p m e n t Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,743,717, 14.1.30.

Appl., 31.8.21. Ger., 14.3.18).—A water and steam reservoir is arranged above a producer provided with a water-jacketed metallic shaft, and the two are so connected th a t water circulates by a thermosiphon system from the reservoir to the bottom of the water- jacket and from the top of the latter back to the reser­

voir. The water enters the lower part of the jacket a t a temperature (about 100°) sufficiently high to prevent condensation of steam on the shaft wall in the ash zone, and so avoid excessive corrosion of the wall.

The circulating system is under sufficient pressure to permit steam formation only in the reservoir. The steam, mixed with air, is supplied to the generator for the production of gas therein. A. B. Ma n n i n g.

G as-purification p rocess. C. J. Ra m s b u r g, Assr.

to Ko p p e p s Co. (U.S.P. 1,743,479, 14.1.30. Appl., 24.1.23. Renewed 6.12.27).—The gas is purified in two stages. In the primary absorber the greater part, preferably about 90%, of the hydrogen sulphide and hydrocyanic acid is removed by washing with a solution of sodium carbonate (cf. U.S.P. 1,390,037 ; B., 1921,

{ f O U T E C K w K i j

Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 1101

762 a), or similar process. A b o rtio n of the revivified solution is treated with ferric oxide or other compound capable of removing the last traces of sulphide therefrom, and is then used to effect a final purification of the gas in the second absorption stage. The used solution may be returned to the primary absorber or may be again treated with ferric oxide and recirculated in the second

absorber. A. B . Ma n n i n g.

G as detector. M. H. Es p e s and B. We i s e r (B.P.

334,640, 19.6.29).—An electric circuit is closed by the differential expansion of two adjacent wires one of which is provided with pellets of spongy platinum.

B . M . Ve n a b l e s.

[D istillation] retort. J. N. Va n d e g r i f t, Assr. to

C. M. Ba r n e t t (U.S.P. 1,758,770, 13.5.30. Appl., 8.6.23).-—The shale or other material to be distilled is fed continuously on to a rotating horizontal table, which forms the floor of the retort, and is spread thereon in an even and comparatively thin layer by means of a vertical blade arranged a t an angle to the radius of the table and suitably spaced therefrom. A second blade held close to the surface of the table serves to direct the treated material into a discharge shute. The table, which is heated from below, is formed of two parallel plates, the space between them being filled with molten lead. The walls of the retort, which is of bee-hive form, are of firebrick, or are lined with refractory material. The volatile distillation products are with­

drawn through a central flue in the top of the retort and are passed through a treating chamber, which is main­

tained a t such a temperature th a t only the higher- boiling products, e.g., paraffin wax, are condensed

therein. A. B . Ma n n i n g.

D istillation apparatus [for o ils]. J. A. Gi b b,

Assr. to Zi e l e y Pr o c e s s e s Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,755,778, 22.4.30. Appl., 20.11.25).—In a multi-unit still for the continuous distillation of oil in vacuum, means are provided for separating sediment from the oil as it passes continuously from one still unit to another. The oil is pumped up through a vertical separating chamber, the lower end of which opens into a sediment tank, and is sealed by the oil therein. The height of the chamber is sufficient to provide a head of liquid equal to the differ­

ence between the atmospheric pressure and the vacuum maintained in the still. A. B . Ma n n i n g.

T reatm ent of hydrocarbons, including hydro­

carbon derivatives. J . H. Ja m e s, Assr. to C. P.

By r n e s (U.S.P. 1,759,620, 20.5.30. Appl., 5.11.19).—

Mixed hydrocarbons in a finely-divided condition are subjected to partial oxidation to produce alcohols and aldehydic compounds, and the product is passed through a heated reaction zone in which oxygen is present and in the presence of a catalyst containing a compound of a metal having high m.p. and low at. vol. (e.g., oxides of molybdenum, chromium, tungsten), under con­

ditions preventing complete oxidation of the major portion of the material treated. H. S. Ga r l i c k.

Purification of hydrocarbons. J. C. Bl a c k and J. R. McCo n n e l l, Assts. to Ri c h f i e l d Oi l Co. (U.S.P.

1,759,730, 20.5.30. Appl., 7.6.27).—A hydrocarbon distillate, e.g., gasoline, is treated with aqueous caustic alkali containing manganese dioxide in suspension, at



B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s — B .

1102 C l. I I I . — Or g a n i c In t e r m e d i a t e s.

about 163° and under sufficient pressure to prevent substantial volatilisation of the hydrocarbons. The treated distillate is separated and subjected to steam distillation a t not above 163°. H. S. Ga r l i c k.

Refining of hydrocarbons. R. Cr o s s, Assr. to

Cr o s s De v e l o p m e n t Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,760,585, 27.5.30.

Appl., 21.11.23).—Hydrocarbon oil, heated to a maxi­

mum of 315° and under sufficient pressure to maintain it in the liquid phase, is filtered through a bed of ben­

tonite intim ately combined with a copper salt adapted to remove sulphur ingredients, and the treated oil collected separately. H. S. Ga r l i c k.

[Continuous] decolorisation of hydrocarbons.

I . C. Ca r p e n t e r a n d A. R. Mo o r m a n, Assrs. t o Co n t a c t Fi l t r a t i o n Co. (U.S.P. 1,759,343, 20.5.30. Appl., 17.9.26).—Petroleum oil is heated to above 100° by circulation through a system comprising a tank, a pump, and a heater. Mixed oil and decolorising clay are fed to the main bulk of oil, whereby any water in the clay evaporates on contact with the heated oil and is perm itted to escape. Any scale-forming material which may be present in the water is deposited in the oil in solid form, and, mixing with the clay, is carried through the heater. Oil and clay are discharged from the heater in sufficient amount to maintain substantially constant the volume of fluid in the tank, and are treated in any suitable manner to cause their separation. The mixture of oil and clay is heated to a temperature at which the eSectiveness of the clay is increased, bu t not sufficient to vaporise any substantial amount of oil.

H. S . Ga r l i c k.

D eodorisation of petroleum . A. E . Pe w, j u n.,

Assr. to Su n Oi l Co. (U.S.P. 1,761,152, 3.6.30. Appl., 27.8.26).—Lubricating oil distillates are freed from compounds of objectionable odour, not removable in the distillation process, by turbently flowing such distillate, heated in order to reduce its viscosity, in a thin film over a series of surfaces of substantial area, while subjecting the oil, without the aid of external heat, to reduced pressure to effect the release of the contained gases, which are continuously withdrawn and removed.

H. S. Ga r l i c k.

Purification of lubricating oil d istillates. M. L.

Ch a p p e l l, Assr. to Ri c h f i e l d Oi l Co. (U.S.P. 1,761,328, 3.6.30. Appl., 31.7.28).—Mineral lubricating oil stocks, after treatm ent with sulphuric acid and separation of the acid sludge, are treated with the requisite quantity of sodium hydroxide solution a t approx. 65° to neutralise the free mineral acids alone and the aqueous solution of the mineral acid salts is removed. The lubricating stock is then treated, a t 121—137°, and under a pressure of approx. 50 lb./in.2, with sufficient caustic potash solu­

tion to neutralise all organic acid emulsifying constit­

uents present, and separated from the aqueous solu­

tion. H. S. Ga r l i c k.

[Insulating] oil treatm ent. S. Bo y e r, Assr. to

Ge n. El e c t r i c Co. (U.S.P. 1,760,539, 27.5.30. Appl., 2.2.25).—Mineral oil intended for electrical insulating purposes is brought into contact with oxycelluloge resulting from nitric acid oxidation of cellulose for sufficient time to remove water and acid substances from the oil, and is then filtered. H. S. Ga r l i c k.

Manufacture of paraffin. C. A. Wa r d, . Assr. to

St a n d a r d Oi l De v e l o p m e n t Co. ( U .S .P . 1,760,096, 27.5.30. Appl., 20.11.25).—A foots oil from the trea t­

m ent of hydrocarbon oils by the wax-sweating process is reduced approx. 50% by redistillation without substantial cracking to obtain a residue which on cooling is solid a t about 38° and can be sweated directly.

H. S . Ga r l i c k.

R ecovery of organic acids from oxidation p ro­

ducts of solid paraffin and like w a x es. J . Y.

Jo h n s o n. From I. G. Fa r b e n i n d. A.-G. (B.P. 333,904, 14-.3.29).—The crude products are treated with an amount of an inorganic alkali sufficient to neutralise exactly the free acids present, and, after drying if desired, the unsaponifiable material and esters are re­

moved by extraction with an organic solvent. The residual salts are then decomposed with a mineral acid.

A . B. Ma n n i n g.

Cracking and rectifying p etroleum o ils and the like. J. M. Wa d s w o r t h, Assr. to Un i v e r s a l Oi l Pr o d u c t s Co. (Re-issue 17,831, 14.10.30, of U .S .P .

1,692,476, 20.11.28).—See B., 1929, 120.

D istillation of crude [m ineral] o ils. F . Ti n k e r,

Assr. to Si n c l a i r Re f i n i n g Co. ( U .S .P . 1,779,222, 21.10.30. Appl., 9.2.27. U.K., 28.4.26).—See B.P.

274,959 ; B., 1927, 741.

Coke-oven doors. II. Go u r l e y (B.P. 336,544, 13.3.30).

Road-surfacing m aterials (B.P. 334,336).—See IX . Ink (B.P. 334,370).—See X III. M ulches (B.P.

319,783).—See XVI.


D ecom p osition of m eth y l alcohol in presence of the zin c-ch ro m e catalyst. V. A. Pl o t n ik o v and K. N. Iv a n o v (J. Chem. Ind., Russia, 1929,6, 940—943).

—The catalyst of zinc and chromic oxides (10:1) employed was carried on iron-free asbestos. Decomposi­

tion was first observed a t 240—250°, and was vigorous a t 300°. Increase in the speed and change in the character of the decomposition were observed a t 335—350°, as compared with 320—325°. Polymerides of formal­

dehyde, together with hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide are formed. The carbon dioxide, although strongly absorbed, does not act as a catalyst poison. The catalyst is very stable.

Ch e m i c a l Ab s t r a c t s.

Reaction of d iallylm alon ylcarb am id e (dial). F . La g a r c e (J. Pharm. Chim., 1930, [viii], 12, 364—365).—

A freshly-prepared 1% solution of vanillin in sulphuric acid gives with minimal quantities of diallylmalonyl­

carbamide, on warming, a stable, cherry-red colour which is not given by any other alkyl derivative of malonylcarbamide. C. C. N. Va s s.

N itration of trim ethylbenzenes and properties of their nitro-derivatives. N. A. Kh o l e v o (J. Appl.

Chem., Russia, 1930, 3, 251—-254).—Trinitromesitylene and trinitro-i/'-cumene are more susceptible to me chanical shock than is trinitrotoluene, although they have a high ignition temperature and do not easily detonate with mercury fulminate. Ch e m i c a l Ab s t r a c t s.

D ehydrating action of coal ash . Ta n a k a. S y n th esis of phenol from tar. Mi z o s h i t a. D eter­


Powiązane dokumenty

phuric acid, and the tartaric acid is destroyed by cautious addition of nitric acid. After cooling and diluting, a slight excess of nitric acid is added, the

described. Carrying out chemical reactions.—See XI. Preferably the dye mixture.. CuS04 until no further change in dyed shade is produced, the methoxy- or ethoxy-groups

bonate is not removed, its mixture with ammonium chloride may be dried and calcined, so as to yield anhydrous magnesium chloride. The heat evolved is sufficient

Five stages may be employed, the tem perature and hum idity (in lb. of water vapour per lb. of water are lost in each stage except the last, where only one is lost, the

S. Preparation of anhydrous perborates. During both stages dry inert gases m ay be passed over the material, and the tem perature during the second stage may be increased

tillate are withdrawn. B itum en and tar em ulsions. The amount of alkali present, beyond th a t required to neutralise the organic acids, must be 3—5 mols. of silicic

New process and apparatus for production of bromides and bromine from brominated m other- liquors. The process has worked well on both the laboratory and

Results are given to show the influence of different factors on the choice of the conditions of drying, and the effect of the latter on the dried product..