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British Chemical and Physiological Abstracts. B. Applied Chemistry, December


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B —A P P L I E D C H E M I S T R Y DECEMBER, 1938.

I.—G E N E R A L ; P L A N T ; M A C H IN ER Y.

T e m p e r a tu r e a n d h e a t- tr a n s f e r r e la tio n s in th e w o rk in g sp a c e of in d u s tr i a l fu rn a c e s. I . H e a t flo w a n d te m p e r a tu r e fie ld s. H. Sc h w ted essen

(Arch. Eisenhiittenw., 1937—8, 11, 363—374).—

Theoretical and m athem atical. Expressions are derived for calculating the h eat absorbed by the charge from circulating gases and from th e walls by radiation and convection. A. R. P.

C h e m ic a l e n g in e e rin g u n it p ro c e s s : o x id a tio n . D. B. Ke y e s (Univ. Illinois Bull., 1938, 35, No. 88, 44 pp.).—A survey of the principles underlying tho plant employed for a v id e range of oxidation pro­

cesses. The production of S 0 2, S 0 3, an d H N 0 3 from N H 3 are specifically described, and attention is drawn to the exceptionally accurate control of tem p, required for th e partial oxidation of org. m aterials generally.

F. J . B.

E ffe c ts of e x o th e r m ic re a c tio n s o th e r th a n c o m b u s tio n in th e te c h n o lo g y of i n d u s t r ia l h e a t­

in g . M a n u fa c tu re [of c a lc iu m c a rb id e ] w ith th e e le c tric fu rn a c e . H . Ca r t o u x (Chaleur et Ind., 1938, 19, 419—421).—A heat balance for a CaC2 furnace is given. Methods of utilising CO in the reaction CaO + 3C = CaC2 + CO are discussed.

R . B. C.

S u rfa c e te m p e r a t u r e of a s o lid b o d y . I, II . T. Y osm i (J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Jap a n , 1938, 41, 2 4 02 4 4b).—The m ost convenient instrum ent for m easur­

ing this tem p, is th e surface pyrom eter. I t does not indicate th e tru e surface tem p., and the vals. when compared w ith those given by th e elongation m ethod

are about 8% low. W. A. R.

D ip h en y l a n d d ip h e n y l o x id e a s h e a t c a r r ie r . W. Fr i t z (Arch. W arm ewirts., 1936, 17, 272; Chem.

Zentr., 1936, ii, 3709).—The application of a eutectic m ixture of P h 2 and P h 20 as a heat carrier (cf. B., 1936, 767) is discussed. A. H. C.

B o ile r firin g w ith b ro w n c o a l. H . Wa g n e r

(Warme, 1938, 61, 551—556).—T abulated d a ta show the high efficiencies now obtainable w ith grate-firing.

There is an upper lim it to the size of grate which can be employed, above which coal-dust firing or Kram er-m ill firing is recommended. R . B. C.

T u b e f a ilu re s in b o ile rs a n d s u p e r h e a te r s . E. Uh th o ff (Warme, 1938, 61, 687— 692).— Illus­

trate d examples of failures due to faulty design, feed- HoO, defective maintenance, etc. are given, and suggestions for avoiding such failures discussed.

R . B. C.

H e a t- tr a n s f e r coefficients f o r w a te r[-c o o le d s te a m ] c o n d e n s e rs . E. Ub e r (Arch. W arm ewirts.,

1938, 19, 263).—Calc, and experim ental d ata for th e heat transfer between th e H 20 and walls in four types of h ea t interchanger are given. R. B. C.

V a ria tio n of h e a t- tr a n s f e r coefficien t w ith lo a d on h e a tin g s u rfa c e [in s te a m c o n d e n s e rs ]. C.

Kam m erer (Arch. W armewirts., 1938, 19, 231—

235).—A linear increase in the heat-transfer coeff.

with increasing load on th e heating surface has been observed by various workers during tests on steam condensers. I t is shown b y calculation of the heat- transfer coeff. on th e steam side th a t th e anomaly cannot be explained by means of the usual heat-

transfer formula). R. B. C.

C ritic a l o b s e rv a tio n s on m o d e r n p l a n t fo r p u rify in g b o ile r fe e d -w a te r. Ha e n d e l e r (Warme, 1938, 61, 665—667).— Examples are given of defective designs of purifying p lan t an d of parallel designs in which the defects are avoided by suitable arrangem ent of preheaters, heat exchangers, an d filters.

R. B. C.

B o ile r o p e r a tio n a s i t a ffe c ts p r i m e m o v e rs . S. E. Tr a y (Mech. Eng., 1938, 60, 4 7 5 -^ 8 0 ).—The effects in boiler-H ,0 of alkalinity, suspended and dissolved solids, and org. m atter, and m ethods of counteracting their influence, and th e causes of priming, foaming, and cany-over, are discussed. An electrical conductivity method of measuring solids in

steam is described. R . B. C.

D e m in e r a lis a tio n of w a te r b y d is s o c ia tio n of s a lts . E. B r e o t l (Chaleur et Ind., 1938, 19, 245—

256, 291—298, 330— 332).— Methods of softening boiler-H.,0, e.g., b y addition of CaO or zeolites, are

reviewed. R . B. C.

P re v e n tio n of c a lc iu m d e p o s its [in w a te r ] b y C a lg o n (m e ta p h o s p h a te ). C. St e in e r (Textilber., 1936,17, 507—508, 587—588; Chem. Zentr., 1936, ii, 2821).—The quantities of N a r)P 00 18 (Calgon) necessary to prevent pptn. of Ca in H 20 of varying hardness containing N a2C 03, soap, and m ixtures of these were

investigated. A. H . C. x

O p tim a l d im e n s io n s fo r s e ttlin g ta n k s a n d f ilte r b e d s [for b o ile r fe e d -w a te r]. W. W e s ly (Arch. W armewirts., 1938, 19, 237—240).—Tests carried o u t with chemically prepared H 20 are described. Over 90% clarification was obtained when the tan k diam eter (d), th e effective ta n k depth (h), and the flow of H 20 per hr. (IF) were related as follows : h = 2-55W/d2. The filtering efficiencies of gravel beds of 1—5 mm. particle size were determ ined. The optim um size was 3 mm. R . B. C.

E v a p o r a tio n of b o ile r s a lts . B. Ko c h (Warme, 1938, 61, 219—223).—F or the purpose of determ ining 1373


whether th e presence of salts in steam is due to evaporation or to mechanical carry-over from the boiler-H20 , the partial pressures of NaCl and NaOH were calc, by m eans of Duhem ’s formula. Since the ealc. salt contents of steam a t various tem p, are <

those found in practice it is concluded th a t the presence of salts in steam is no t due to evaporation.

The moisture content of the steam accounts for a t least a p a rt of the salts present. R. B. C.

In flu e n ce of c r y s ta l s e p a r a tio n o n flo w of m e lts . E. Lip s and H . Nip p e r (Giesserei, 1938, 25, 369—

372).—Particles of quartz or graphite of different sizes were added to solutions of H g l2 + K I of the same d and the change of 7) was determ ined. The am ount of graphite required to prevent flow of the liquid is < the am ount of quartz, due to the difference in particle shape. The casting of hot conc. solutions of K N 0 3 into a glass spiral immersed in H 20 was also investigated. W ith long pouring times (badly- conducting mould material) the castability depends on the kinem atic rj of the liquid, b u t when solidification is rapid (mould of good therm al conductivity) the crit. concn. of crystals in the liquid is tho controlling factor. A m elt has optim um castability when it has low kinem atic tj and high crit. crystal concn.

C. E . H.

C lassified g r in d in g re s e a r c h . L. An d r e w s

(Bull. In st. Min. Met., Preprint, Oct., 1938, 25 pp.).—The necessity for standard units of measure­

m ent in connexion w ith grinding research is emphasised and th e aggregate surface area in sq. cm./g.

of sample is suggested as being suitable. The heat generated in a grinding p lan t is considered to be due to the mol. stretching and shearing of the strained suspending medium surrounding the solid particles, and the mol. agitation in particles not fractured by the blows received. The principles underlying the opera­

tion and the design of classifiers to be used for grinding research are investigated. F. J . B.

S tr e n g th p r o p e r tie s of b r it t le m a te r ia ls . W.

We ib u l l (Ingeniors Vetensk. Akad. H andl., 1938, No. 149, 27 pp.).—B y measuring tho force required to produce cracks in a glass plate subjected to tho pressure of steel balls of various diam eters it was found th a t the ultim ate strength depends on the rate of application of the load and th a t the relation between the breaking load and the ra te of load application may be expressed by a linear extrapolation formula. I f the plate is contiguous to certain electrolytes, e.g., aq. CuS04 and H N 0 3, the ultim ate strength may increase by > 100%. A uerbach’s law (ultim ate strength directly cc ball radius) was experim entally verified. The ultim ate strength of glass and bakelite plates is probably determ ined by the max. tensile strength and no t by the shearing stress or the shear-

strain energy. R. B. C.

R eflex io n s on r u p t u r e [of s o lid m a te r ia ls ] . P. W. Bridg m an (J. Appl. Physics, 1938, 9, 517—

528).—-A generalised theoretical discussion is given of mechanical rupture from the viewpoint of mol.

equilibrium and displacement. Effects observed a t high pressures, including cases o f ru pture after the

release of pressure, are described. J . A. K.

M e a s u re m e n t of p e r m e a b ility of p o ro u s m e d ia b y a ra d ia l-flo w m e th o d . 0 . T. Ko p p iu s and W . G. Holton (Physical Rev., 1937, [ii], 51, 684).—

A theory and m ethod by which the perm eability of a consolidated medium to gas and to liquid flow m ay be determ ined are presented. D ata for diam ond drill cores from oil sands are discussed. L. S. T.

A lte rn a te b e n d in g te s t s . E . Er l in g e r (Arch.

Eisenhiittenw., 1937—8 ,1 1 ,4 5 5 —456).—The machine described is constructed to apply stresses of

± 1 -5 m.-kg. under a static bending m om ent of 1-5 m.-kg. w ith 1500 cycles of stress per m in .; it can he used for testing sheet, round, and angular rods, tubes,

etc. A. R . P.

N e w s e d im e n to m e te r. E. Sz in g e r (Chem. Ob- zor, 1938, 13, 10— 12).—A modification of th e Andreasen apparatus and tests w ith suspensions of cement, brick dust, different sands, glass, calcite powder, etc. are described. The accuracy of observ­

ation is ± 0 -5 % . (Cf. B ., 1937, 852, 1285.) F . R.

M o is tu re c o n tro l. R . S. McBr id e (Chem. Met.

Eng., 1938, 45, 520—524).—An illustrated description of a plan t and controls for th e Guardite process of conditioning goods is given. The goods (e.g., grain, tobacco) are subm itted to a pressure < th e v.p. of H 20 a t the prevailing tem p, in a chamber. H 20 a t the necessary tem p, is sprayed into the chamber and th e pressure raised. This cycle is repeated until the desired H 20 content of th e goods is reached, tho final moisture being introduced after heating the goods to th e appropriate tem p, b y steam. D. K . M.

[A p p a ra tu s fo r flo ta tio n a n d w a s h in g e x p e ri­

m e n ts .] H. A. J . Pie t e r s (H et Gas, 1938, 58, 169—170).—A glass cylinder is constricted in th e middle and ground internally so th a t th e two halves can be separated from one another b y means of a glass stopper fitting into th e constricted p art. The constric­

tion m ay conveniently take th e form of a ground joint, th e bottom of th e upper h alf of the composite cylinder fitting into th e top of the lower half. The apparatus is particularly suited for carrying ou t washing tests with various liquids on coal, minerals, etc. S. C.

D is tilla tio n . S o m e p re s e n t-d a y p r o b le m s . W.

Co w e n (J. Inst. Fuel, 1938, 12, 28—33).—The graphical m ethod of McCabe and Thiele for determ in­

ing th e no. of ideal plates required for a given separ­

ation of a binary m ixture, for which the necessary therm al an d equilibria d a ta are known, is described.

I t is shown th a t th e d a ta a t present available on th e factors affecting plate efficiency are either insufficient or too anomalous in character to perm it a reasonable approxim ation to be m ade for th e actu al plate efficiency to bo expected for a postulated output, thereby hindering th e design of columns having th e highest capacity for size and cost. I t is considered th a t p late efficiency cannot be investigated to best advantage unless the effect of entrainm ent is studied simultaneously, preferably on th e actual liquids used in industrial distillations. A. C. M.

A z eo tro p ic d is tilla tio n in in d u s tr y . H . Gu in o t

and F . W. Clark (Inst. Chem. Eng., Advance proof, Nov., 1938, 8 pp.).—The principles involved and th e apparatus used in th e azeotropic purification of


C l . I.—GENERAL; PLANT; MACHINERY. 1375 E tO H , EtOAc, P r^ O , CHMe(OEt)2, AcOH, H C 02H,

and Ac20 are given. K . W. P . F a c to r s in v o lv ed in p la te efficiencies fo r f r a c ­ tio n a tin g c o lu m n s . D. B. Ke y e s (Univ. Illinois Bull., 1938, 35, No. 90, 14 pp.).— Methods of attack on the problem of plate efficiency which have been so far worked out are discussed. F . J . B.

In flu e n ce of o p e r a tin g c o n d itio n s o n th e h e a t- tr a n s m i s s i o n co efficient of R o b e rt e v a p o ra to rs . K . Jaro schek (Warme, 1938, 61, 654—659).—The influence of the ra te of heat input and th e level and d of the liquor on the efficiency of a steam -heated four-stage evaporator for the thickening of syrup was investigated. D ata are tabulated. The reason why th e ra te of heat transference in th e second stage m ust be -t th a t in the first stage is explained. The experim ental work of Kirschbaum in this field was

confirmed. R. B. C.

E m u ls io n s in in d u s tr y . I I . H . L. Be n n is t e r

and A. Kin g (Chem. and Ind., 1938, 990—993).—The uses of emulsions in biology, medicine, pharm acy, cosmetics, and foods are discussed, with special reference to different emulsifying agents and their

sp. advantages. F . M. F .

M a c h in e ry u s e d in s p ra y in g . V. N ozzle je ts . C. Dav ie s and G. R . B. Sm y th-Homewood (J.

South-East. Agric. Coll., Wye, 1938, No. 42, 9—36).—

Form s of distribution and relative atom isation pro­

duced by nozzles of varied types are recorded.

A. G. P . D e te rm in a tio n of m o is tu r e in te c h n ic a l (d u sty ) g a s e s . A. Schwartz (Messteob., 1936, 12, 144—

146; Chem. Zentr., 1936, ii, 3706).—An electric psychrometer fitted with a dust protector is described.

A. H. C.

S m o k e -d e n s ity m e a s u r e m e n ts . H . E . Bu m- g a r d n e r (Engineer, 1938, 166, 372—373).—An instrum ent depending on the absorption of light over a p ath of adjustable lengtjh*i-?m-s~ indicator and/or recorder operated by a Se cell, is described and its d a ta are compared w ith those o f other instrum ents.

A. R. Pe. N e w -ty p e v a c u u m s e a l. W. E . Ba h l s (Elect.

Eng., 1938, 57, 373—378).—A device for leading an electrical conductor into a vac.-, gas-, or air-tight m etal container is described. Porcelain bushings are sealed to m etal by glass which serves as the bonding agent. N i-C o-F e alloy is used for th e m etal sections of th e structure. R . B . C.

D a n g e r in co n se q u en ce of s ta tic e le c tric ity . Me y e r (Farbe u. Lack, 1938, 463— 464).—Dangerous conditions m ay be produced b y washing th e hands w ith cloth containing benzine, liquids streaming through fibrous m aterial or glass tubes, rubbing celluloid w ith wet muslin, centrifuging cryst. masses, washing wool and silk with benzine, lacquer spraying, the movements of liquids in their containers (e.g., in stirrers and kneading machines), and during the filling of containers with liquids. Of these th e last is the commonest cause of fires. Exam ples of each

are cited. S. M.

C oal p u lv e r is e r s .—-See II. A d s o rp tio n of g a s e s .

— See V II. R e fra c to rie s [for b o ile r fu r n a c e s ] .—

See V III. C o rro s io n of s te e l w a te r - p ip e s .— See X- P p tn . of d u s t f r o m g a s e s .— See X I. C e n trifu g a l s e p a r a to r s in o il a n d fa t i n d u s tr y .—See X II.

D is tilla tio n -re c tific a tio n c o lu m n s .—See X V III.

M ix in g fo o d . A rtific ia l d r y in g of a g r ic u l tu r a l p r o d u c ts .—See X IX .

Pa t e n t s.

H e a t-e x c h a n g e tu b e s . E. Gr e e n & So n, Lt d., and H . Lcvsey (B.P. 492,10S, 22.4.37).—The tub e walls are built up solidly to diamond or rhom bus section (angles specified) and are disposed w ith th e long diagonal in th e direction of flow of the outer fluid; gills of rectangular shape, nearly touching their neighbours, are also provided. B. M. V .

S p ir a l- p la te h e a t e x c h a n g e rs fo r flu id s . A.

Be n t e l i (B .P . 492,241, 12.2.38. Switz., 25.2.37).—

Three spiral passages are provided, th e th ird being filled with insulation to improve th e therm al

efficiency. B . M. V .

Im m e r s io n o r u n d e r - w a te r b u r n e r s . Sil e s ia, Ve r. Ch e m. Fa b r. (B .P . 491,678, 8.6.37. Ger., 2.11.36).—The gases are burned w ith flameless combustion in a porous plate within a diving bell.

B. M. V.

L im e -z e o lite w a te r-s o fte n in g p ro c e s s e s . R . Fu r n e s s, H. J . Wh e a t o n, and J . Cr o sfie l d &

So n s, Lt d. (B.P. 484,494, 5.11.36).—Zeolite-soften­

ing to remove the remaining hardness is carried o u t after softening by Ca(OH)2 has proved unsuccessful on account of th e “ delayed p p tn .” of CaC03 causing blockages etc. I n th e processes claimed, tem porary hardness is first removed by Ca(OH)2-softening, then the H 20 is passed over “ sulphonated coal ” (prepared as described in B.P. 455,374; B., 1937, 13) to remove both free Ca(OH)2 and CaC03 and finally through zeolite softener. This coal product is used in the “ spent ” base-exchange condition as the action depends on absorption. 0 . M.

A p p a r a tu s f o r p r e p a r i n g d is e n c r u s ta n ts fo r s c a lin g b o ile rs . J . Ko b se ff (B.P. 491,909, 8.11.37).

—A pparatus to be placed over or near a boiler to form an emulsion of seed ex tract and H 20 comprises three com partm ents separated from each other by foraminous partitions, th e centre one containing seeds which are completely drowned in H 20 circulated from and to th e boiler via th e other com partm ents.

B. M. V.

C oo lin g a p p a r a tu s fo r v isc o u s liq u id s . J . H . Robertso n (B.P. 491,731, 12.3.37).—In an oil cooler, the m ain regulation of the air shutters is effected by the tj of th e oil, b u t a therm ostatic control is also provided to prevent any substantial congealing of th e oil due to overcooling. B. M. V .

J a w c r u s h e r . No rdberg Ma n u f g. Co. (B.P.

491,986, 5.5.37. U .S ., 9.5.36).—A double-faced jaw, directly operated by an eccentric shaft, swings between two fixed jaws about a pivot a t th e top. B . M. V .

H a m m e r m ills . Pe n n s y l v a n ia Cr u s h e r Co. (B.P. 491,632, 1.11.37. U .S ., 2.11.36).—The ap ­ paratu s is sym m etrical and th e ro tation is reversed a t intervals, whereby the hammers and screen bars are

kep t sharp. B. M. V.


G rin d in g , p u lv e ris in g , a n d lik e m a c h in e s . G. and W. Clark (B.P. 491,552, 21.6.37).— Means for securing a renewable grinding periphery is described.

B. M. V.

A p p a ra tu s fo r d ry in g g r a n u la r m a te r ia ls . Ai r Control In st a lla t io n s, Lt d., and G. V.

Oholm (B.P. 492,178, 15.3.37).—A tower is claimed in which transverse /\-shaped channels are alternately arranged for inlet and outlet of gases in each storey, and these are tapered to promote uniform ity of flow.

B. M. V.

M ix in g a n d k n e a d in g m a c h in e , p a r tic u la r ly fo r p la s tic e x p lo siv e s o r th e lik e . Norsk Sp r a e n g st o fin d u st r i A ./S . (B.P. 491,644, 23.2.38.

Norw., 4.2.38).—A bowl with sloping sides is rotated about its vertical axis, and a separately ro tated mixing screw is approx. parallel to the side of the bowl bu t is no t situated in th e axial plane of the bowl. The downward pushing effect of the helix exceeds the am ount of m aterial brought to it by th e rotation of

the bowl. B. M. V.

(a ) L a u n d e r m e th o d fo r, (B) a p p a r a tu s fo r u se in , s e p a r a tin g a n d s o r tin g m a te r ia ls . J . S.

Wit h e r s. From Battelle Mem orial In st it u t e

(B.P. 491,791 and 491,839, 4.3.37).—(a, b) The m aterial is stratified while flowing down a launder (upward currents of liquid are preferably applied) and tho heavy m aterial is caught in wedge-shaped pockets th e apical (lower) angle of which is adjustable by flaps, whilst other flaps adjust the angle of the outlet for compacted heavy m aterial, the first angle determining the degree of separation and the second - th e ra te of discharge. B . M. V.

F il te r s . J . Wie b e (B.P. 491,307, 28.11.36).—A ro tary drum filter divided into a large no. (e.g., 400 for a filter 2 m. in diameter) of cells is described, the period between removal of vac. and stripping of cake

being very short. B. M. V.

F ilte r s . Un it e d States Ho ffm a n Ma c h in e r y Co r p., Assees. of H . C. A. Me y e r (B.P. 492,234, 3.1.38. U .S ., 3.2.37).—Scrapers for filter leaves are

described. B. M. V.

F ilt e r s o r s t r a i n e r s . T. C. Ma k i n s, and Ru s t o n

& Ho r n s b y, Lt d. (B.P. 491,957, 7.1.37).—A plug in th e form of a fluted column is inserted in a conduit for the oil supply to an engine or the lik e ; the small clearances over the ridges of th e flutes form the

filtering apertures. B. M. V.

S e p a r a tio n of liq u id s a n d s o lid s . Sim o n- Ca r v e s, Lt d., W . E. Ra y b o u l d, and L . Wright

(B.P. 492,039, 13.3.37).—A filter for coal slurries or the like is cleaned by back-flushing w ith a flocculat­

ing solution or suspension. B. M. V.

A d ju s ta b le e v a c u a tio n of d e p o s its of m a t e r ia l in liq u id s . S o c . A n o n , d e s C h a r b o n n a g e s d e l a G r a n d e B a c n u r e (B.P. 491,566, 3.3.37. Belg., 4.3.36. Addn. to B.P. 474,903; B., 1938, 118).—

Stream-lined obturators for underflow discharges are

described. B. M. V.

M e a n s fo r c o n tro llin g th e e v a c u a tio n of h e a v y m a te r ia ls f r o m a jig w a sh -b o x fo r c o a l o r o th e r m a te r ia ls . S. H. Gib s o n (B.P. 492,259, 12.2.37).—

A float (controlling th e discharge gate) is situated in a separate chamber which tends to em pty through a const, orifice. The chamber is filled from th e jig below th e screen b y a weir device which perm its flow only a t the crests of th e w aves; as the bed of heavier m aterial becomes thicker, so th e crests become higher and th e float rises. A djustm ent is facilitated b y th e provision also of an entirely independent supply of clear H 20 . B. M. V.

D ry in g of s lu d g e o n th e s u rfa c e of a filte r m a t . G. J . Fo w ler (B.P. 491,735, 18.8.37).—Floc- culent sludge is dried by rad ian t heat projected on th e upper surface of th e mass while travelling on a filter m at. Tho surface m ay be scratched a t intervals, and auxiliary heaters m ay be situated beneath.

B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r d r y in g o r c o o lin g p a s te s a n d s l u r r i e s . I . G. Fa r b e n i n d. A.-G. (B.P. 492,176, 15.3.37. Ger., 14.3.36).—A tran sp o rt channel is vibrated (vertically is indicated) and tran sp o rt effected by a band or chain conveyor therein. Exces­

sive caking or adhesion m ay be prevented by toothed

rolls. B. M. V.

R e g e n e ra tio n of u s e d b le a c h in g c lay s a n d e a r th s . G. S ta lm a n n , and N o b l e e & T h o r l Ge s. m .b.H . (B.P. 491,388, 9.6.37).—T h e en train ed oil an d th e lik e are first rem oved b y so lv e n t ex traction and stea m in g ; th e resid ue is th e n ag ita ted , h eated in air a t 500—550° u n til com b ustib le gases cease to b e evolved , and th ereafter cooled slow ly. B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r t r e a t in g fib ro u s s o lid s w ith g a s e s . K. A. Sh er w tn, and Im pe r ia l Ch e m. In­ d u s t r ie s, Lt d. (B.P. 491,858, 9.3.37).—A pparatus similar to a multi-deck roaster is adapted to th e drying of fibrous m aterial by provision of worm conveyors rotating about their horizontal axes (as well as around th e axis of the tower) in place of th e usual

inclined rakes. B. M. V.

A p p a r a tu s fo r d e g r e a s in g n o n -a b s o rb e n t a r t i ­ c le s b y m e a n s of v o la tile so lv e n ts . N. R . Ho o d, and Im pe ria l Ch e m. In d u s t r ie s, Lt d. (B.P. 491,897, 12.3.37).—H 20-cooling means for p arts of the walls of tho drying com partm ent and insulation to prevent undesired flow of heat are described. B. M. V.

[G as a n d liq u id ] c o n ta c tin g p ro c e s s a n d a p ­ p a r a t u s . W. W. Tr ig gs. From Ce n t r if ix Co rp. (B.P. 492,305, 18.3.37).—The gas is caused to flow vortically and spirally (i.e., w ith forward motion along th e axis) and th e liquid to flow from th e centre outwards across th e base of th e vortex. Application to a fractionating tower is described. B. M. V.

C yclone d u s t s e p a r a to r s . H . C. Re e v e s (B.P.

491,431, 25.2.38).—A straight-through type of cyclone is provided w ith a convergent-divergent th ro a t beyond th e point where whirling is initiated, and th e d ust outlet is around th e whole periphery a t th e largest p a rt of th e divergence. Subsequently the stream of gas, passing through ejector-like cones, m ay produce a suction on th e dust-collecting chamber.

T h e r m o m e te r s . Short & Ma s o n, Lt d. From K. H . Hu b b a r d and L. E. Smith (B.P. 491,494, 1.3.37).—Good conductance between a therm om eter


Cl. n .—FUEL; GAS; TAR; MINERAL OILS. 1377 bulb and a protecting thimble is afforded b y in ter­

position of a sleeve, or lune-shaped part-sleeve, of corrugated resilient m etal. B. M. V.

[C onical] g y r a to r y c r u s h e r s . H . H . Ru m pe l

(B.P. 491,436, 17.3.38).

V alve [-o p eratin g ] s y s te m s fo r u s e in w a te r- tr e a tm e n t p la n t. Un it e d Wate r So f t e n e r s, Lt d. From Pe r m u tit Co. (B.P. 491,535, 5.3.37).

H e a t-in s u la tio n p r o d u c ts .—See V III. S e a lin g - off v e sse ls c o n ta in in g g a s . R e s is ta n c e t h e r m o ­ m e te r s .—See X I. A p p a r a tu s fo r c la rify in g liq u o r s .—See X V II.

II.—F U E L • G A S ; T A R ; M IN ER A L O ILS . Id e n tific a tio n a n d c o r re la tio n of c o a l s e a m s . A. E. Tr u e m a n (Sci. Progr., 1938, 3 3 , 257—269).

R a d io g ra p h ic e x a m in a tio n of c o a l. D iffu sio n of a q u e o u s so lu tio n s of le a d s a lt s th r o u g h co a l.

R . B e e c h i n g (J. Inst. Fuel, 1938,12, 35—39; cf. B., 1938, 472).—In bright coal, th e absorption results from the penetration of th e solution into cracks, whilst in dull coal, quite a p a rt from any penetration of cracks which m ight occur, there is a slow diffusion of th e solution into th e coal substance itself. Fusain is, in general, much more absorbent th a n durain. In th e durain samples examined, th e diffusion was more m arked in th e band w ith th e highest ash content.

Calculations based on measurem ents of the ra te of diffusion of a P b solution through Scottish splint coal show th a t th e m ean diam eter of th e capillaries in the coal is of the order of 50 mil, H. C. M.

D e te rm in a tio n b y a s a lt-flo ta tio n m e th o d of th e q u a n tita tiv e re la tio n s b e tw e e n th e b itu m in ­ o u s a n d h u m ic c o n s titu e n ts of c o a l, a n d a n e w c la s s ific a tio n of c o a ls b a s e d th e re o n . P. D.

Lis e n k o (Koks i Chim., 1938, No. 4, 10—15; No.

5, 30—35).—Finely-powdered coal is heated a t 280°

for 50 min., and th e product agitated w ith 0-5% NaCI for 3 min., when th e m aterial rising to the surface consists m ainly of bituminous coal. The fusibility index, VA^, where V is th e % of volatile constituents and A th e % of flotational concentrate, is a more reliable index of the coking properties of coals th a n are plastom etric indices. High V w ith low A is characteristic of young coals with a high humus content, low V and A of anthracites, and high V and A of young, and low V w ith high A of old, bituminous coals. The coking properties of coals can be predicted from th eir position on th e V - A i diagram, and optim um compositions of coal m ixtures

m ay hence be derived. R. T.

C au se of c o a l-m in e fire s e x p la in e d b y p e tr o - g r a p h ic a l e x a m in a tio n of co a l. B. Fe r r a r i

(Gliickauf, 1938, 74, 765—774).—The relative in­

flammabilities of th e petrographic constituents of the R obert coal seam, W estphalia, were investigated.

The prim ary cause of fires was traced to th e presence of pulverised vitrinite. D urain and fusain do not appear to be responsible for fires. R. B. C.

U .S . B u re a u of M in e s c o a l- s a m p lin g tr u c k . R . H . Kudl ic h (Fuel, 1938, 17, 280— 284).—The

truck, which is used for sampling coal a t th e mine, is fitted w ith a swing-hammer crusher capable of crushing th e gross sample (1000 lb.) to <■& in. in 5—15 min.

and driven by a 20-h.p. petrol engine. The crushed coal is subdivided by means of a riffle attach ed to th e discharge hopper of the crusher and is th en furth er reduced to th e 5-lb. laboratory sample by means of th e U.S. Bureau of Mines-type riffle buckets. A. B. M.

R e v ie w o f s t a n d a r d m e t h o d s u s e d i n v a r i o u s c o u n t r ie s f o r s a m p l i n g a n d a n a l y s i s o f s o l i d f u e ls . A. C. Fie l d n e r and W. A. Selvig (Fuel, 1938, 17, 266—271).—Methods used in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Norway, R um ania, Sweden, and th e U nited States are briefly summarised. A. B. M.

U se of th e c a lo r im e tr ic b o m b fo r d e te r m in ­ a tio n of c a rb o n in co a l. J . Adam (J. Chem. Met.

Soc. S. Africa, 1938, 39, 1—6).—The 0 2-inlet tub e and th e cup-holder are shortened to perm it the in tro­

duction of about 100 c.c. of 0-2N-Ba(OH)2 into th e bomb w ithout its interfering w ith th e combustion of th e coal. The la tte r (0-15 g.) is ignited in 25— 30 atm . of 0 2. After shaking for 5 min. to ensure com­

plete absorption of the C 02 the excess of 0 2 is blown off slowly and th e pptd. B aC 03 transferred to a flask.

The excess of Ba(OH)2 is neutralised exactly w ith 0-2n-HC1 (phenolphthalein), 100 c.c. of 0-2n-HC1 are added, and th e solution is boiled to expel C 02. The excess of HC1 is titra te d with O-lN-NaOH (Me-red).

The m ethod is rapid, and accurate enough for all practical purposes; it is of especial val. for the analysis of coals and oil shales of high ash content.

A. B. M.

D e te rm in a tio n of p y r ite s in c o a l, ro c k , a n d p y r ite s c o n c e n tra te s . An o n. (Gliickauf, 1938, 74, 777—778).—Detailed laboratory regulations relating to th e above, issued by th e German Coke Oven Committee, are given. The M antel-R adm acher technique (B., 1938, 120) is employed. R . B. C.

D e te rm in a tio n of v o la tile c o n s titu e n ts [in s o lid fu e ls] in th e e le c tric a lly h e a te d q u a r tz c ru c ib le . An o n. (Gliickauf, 1938, 74, 778—'779).—Detailed laboratory regulations relating to th e above, issued by th e German Coke Oven Committee, are given.

The R adm acher technique (B., 1938,1002) is employed.

R. B. C.

C o n s id e ra tio n s a ffe c tin g s e le c tio n of [coal]

p u lv e ris e r s . S. H. Re id (Combustion, 1938, 10, No. 4, 26—28).—The effect of coal characteristics and desired fineness on mill capacity is discussed.

Recommended finenesses for high- and low-volatile coals used for boiler firing are given. R . B. C.

S u lp h u r c o n te n t of p e a t a n d p e a t co ke. G.

Ke p p e l e r and K . Wie s e (Arch. Eisenhiittenw ., 1937—8 ,1 1 , 623—625).—The S content of peat from high moors and of th e coke from i t is usually well below 0-2%, generally about 0-1%. W hen th e S is determ ined by combustion in 0 2 in a tub e th e S con­

te n t of the ash is > when the sample is burned in a bomb w ith 0 2 a t 25 atm . A. R . P.

D e b a sin g of N ew J e r s e y p e a t. L. N. Ma r k- w ood (Ind. Eng. Chem., 1938, 30, 1199).—The p eat is dried down to a m oisture content < 1 0 % , immersed


in 2% HCl, and th en centrifuged, th e resultant debased p ea t being used for th e m anufacture of nicotine-peat insecticides. Drying of th e p ea t prior to the acid treatm ent is essential if difficulties in filtration are to be avoided. H. C. M.

E xtraction of lig n ite w ith organ ic so lv en ts.

Weiler (Chem.-Ztg., 1938, 62, 761—702).—A re­

view, m ainly of p a te n t literature. A. R . P e.

A ction of so lv en ts on Italian coa ls and lig n ite s an d h yd rogen ation of th e ex tra cts. M. G. Le v i, E. d e Bartholom aeis, and P . Mag aldi (3rd Cong, in t. Carbonio Carb., 1937, S e p t.; Studi Ric. Comb., 1936—7, 6, 259—274).—The extraction of 6 Italian coals with tetralin under pressure gives semi-liquid products which contain practically all the original combustible m aterial. Hydrogenation of these extracts leads to products which are comparable as regards nature and yield w ith the products obtained by the direct hydrogenation of the original coal. I t is n o t y e t certain, however, w hether the extraction process can be worked economically on th e industrial

scale. 0 . J . W.

B u lk d en sity of related b row n co a ls. E. W o lk (Braunkohle, 1936, 3 5 , 650—654, 664— 668; Chem.

Zentr., 1936, ii, 3499).—The determ ination of the average density of s tra ta of the lower Rhenish brown coal deposits is described. I t depends on th e wood content and th e location of th e coal in the seam (i.e., the pressure of formation). A. H . C.

Influence of th e cap illary fine stru ctu re of b row n coa ls on th eir b riq u ettin g b ehaviour.

G. Ag d e and K . E. Ve tte r (Braunkohle, 1928, 37, 421—427).— The v.p. has been determ ined as a function of H 20 content for th e four brown coals studied previously (cf. B., 1938, 472), and the results have been used to calculate the size and distribution o f the capillaries in the coals (cf. Anderson, B., 1914, 829). Three of th e coals have similar capillary structures, whereas the fourth possesses a relatively large no. of capillaries of small d iam eter; th e results can be correlated w ith the observed differences in the mechanical strength of briquettes prepared from the

coals. A. B. M.

S w ellin g p h en om en a of b row n -coal b riq u ettes an d th eir p reven tion . K . F r i t z s c h e (Braunkohle, 1938, 3 7 , 561—580).—The disintegration of brown- coal briquettes on weathering is due to the swelling of the coal in presence of H 20 , which can be correlated with th e Ca hum ate content of th e coal. Laboratory experiments show th a t this effect can be reduced by (a) acid treatm ent, (b) regulated drying and remoisten­

ing, (c) drying, steam treatm en t, and remoistening, an d (d) drying, superheating (200°), and remoistening.

A full-scale p lan t (described) has been operating the last-m entioned process for th e last 2 years. The process is satisfactory from the viewpoint of economics as well as of efficiency. A. B. M.

Im p rovem en t of q uality of [b row n -coal] b ri­

q uettes b y d eterm in in g th e o p tim u m d rying tem p eratu re and op tim u m size-g ra d in g of the r a w m a teria l in a non-hygroscop ic condition.

A. Vollmater (Braunkohlenarch., 1938, No. 49— 50,

30—82).—The optim um H 20 content of coals of uniform composition for briquetting is independent of th e drying tem p, and size, bu t the hygroscopicity increases w ith th e drying tem p, according to a p ara­

bolic law. The higher is th e drying tem p, th e lower is the bending strength of th e briquette. I f th e raw m aterial is m ade completely non-hygroscopic the strength of th e briquette is reduced. The resistance of th e briquette to H aO is increased by raising the drying tem p., b u t is decreased by increasing the hygroscopicity of the raw coal. The d of the briquette decreases with rising drying tem p. The expansion of non-hygroscopic briquettes is < th a t of those made from hygroscopic m aterial. The loosely-heaped, settled, and compacted wts. and th e void vol. of individual sized fractions have a direct bearing on the d and bending strength of the briquette. The max.

resistance to H 20 is shown by briquettes from m aterial

< 0-5 mm. size. The expansion of briquettes from individual sized fractions decreases w ith th e diam eter of th e particles. The higher is th e com pacted w t. of a m ixture of different sized particles th e smaller is its void vol. and the greater the d and bending strength of th e briquette. W ith proper size-grading, the con­

ditions for th e production of briquettes of m ax.

bending strength are satisfied by dry m aterial of 0— 1 m m . diam eter. The adm ixture of fractions of larger sizes reduces th e bending strength in accordance with th e size of the particles and the proportion of fraction added. Sieve curves for th e optim um grading are compared with those for m aterial used in

practice. R . B. C.

O xidative influence of the a tm osp h ere on coa ls fro m th e S ou th M osco w field at different tem p era tu res. N. K a r a v a i e v and A. I v a n o v (Honit. Prod, chim., 1936,1 8 , No. 207, 6— 13; Chem.

Zentr., 1936, ii, 3499—3500).— On heating or drying in air at 60—180° absorption of 0 2 varies w ith com­

position and results in increasing (carbonyl) 0 and decreasing calorific val. A. H. C.

D estru ctive d istilla tio n [of coa l]. R . V.

W h e e l e r (J. In st. Fuel, 1938, 1 2 , 8— 19).—The Melchett Lecture. A complete account is given of work on this subject carried out during th e p ast 28 years by th e author and his collaborators. The general conclusions to be drawn from this work are as follows. W ith m ost bituminous coals having C

> 8 0 % there is no extensive decomp, of any con­

stitu en t a t <300°. Between 220° and 300°, th e m ajor p a rt of th e free hydrocarbons in the coal distils u n ­ changed. A t 300°, or ju st above, any p lan t entities in th e coal begin slowly to decompose; th e gaseous products of the decomp, are rich in oxides of C, and the liquid products are H 20 together with much heavy oil, m ainly u nsaturated hydrocarbons and neutral oxygenated compounds. The tem p, range over which this decomp, occurs, viz., 310—350°, is nearly th e same for all bituminous coals. A t a well-defined tem p., usually above 300°, m arked decomp, of the ulm in compounds begins, th e products being gaseous paraffins, H 20 , phenolic oils, and liquid arom atic compounds. This “ active decomp, point ” increases with th e rank of the ulmin compounds and m arks the breakdown of their nuclear structure. Over the range


C l. n . —FUEL; GAS; TAR; MINERAL OILS. 1379

of bituminous coals studied (C 77—90%) it increased from 290° to 365°. Above th e active decomp, point of the coal, ulmin compounds, organised plan t entities, and 'resins decompose and distil simultaneously, yielding a complex m ixture of liquid products. The exact contribution m ade by each ingredient of the coal to this distillate is difficult to trace, b u t the simultaneous liquation and decomp, of resins can be detected a t about 325°, continuing to 375°. The am ount of resins distilled unchanged is usually < th a t extractable from the coal by solvents. H. C. M.

P rod u ction of free-bu rn ing coke in continuous v er tica l reto rts. J . Ja m ieso n and J . G. Kin g

(Inst. Gas Eng., 1938, Comm. 199, 34 pp.).—The carbonisation experiments were conducted on a setting of 4 W oodall-Duckham vertical retorts which formed p a rt of a larger bench. The setting was specially equipped with its own collecting system and with facilities for measuring and sampling. Five coals (C 82%) drawn from four Scottish coalfields were selected for examination. The tem p, of carbonisation norm al to gas m anufacture was lowered so th a t the coke was not heated for any length of tim e above 700°.

The yield of gas varied from 10,000 to 12,000 cu. ft., or 52 to 60 therm s, per to n of coal. The lump coke was tested empirically for combustibility and found to burn alm ost as well as a standard low-temp. coke.

The average yield of coke per to n of coal carbonised was 12-1 cwt., of which 10-5 cwt. were suitable for sale as lum p smokeless fuel for use w ith open grates.

H. C. M.

F ailu re of coke-oven w a lls by reaction w ith coal ash . W. C. Ru e c k e l (J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 1938, 21, 354— 360).—A comprehensive chemical, mineralogical, and phase-rule exam ination indicated th a t tho S i0 2-brick walls were attacked by tho coal ash, due to th e high chamber-wall tem p. used. The reducing action of th e gases a t th e flame side of the wall limited th e slagging effect to th e layer on the oven side. Washing of the coal m ay prolong th e life

of th e refractories. J . A. S.

H ot p atch in g of reto rts by b low p ip e sp ray - w e ld in g . T. F . E. Rh e a d, S. K. Ha w t h o r n, and V. H . Deacon (Inst. Gas Eng., 1938, Comm. 198, 48 pp.).—The evolution of a successful and practical process for repairing leaks in continuous vertical retorts by hot-patchng is described. The process in essence consists in spraying a refractory cement through an 0 2-coal-gas flame, th e cement forming adherent patches of fused m aterial and filling up the leaks. Details are given of the cements and fluxes used and of th e apparatus and technique adopted, together with th e devices used for feeding the dry m aterials into the flame. The cost of repairs has thus been reduced by one half, and the period between cold repairs greatly extended. The subject is dis­

cussed from the viewpoint of the fundam ental properties of adhesion and cohesion. H . C. M.

R ecen t d evelop m en ts in extern ally-h eated r e ­ to r ts for low -tem p eratu re carb o n isation [of coal]. A. Th a u (Gluckauf, 1938, 74, 795—SOI).—

Illu strated descriptions are given of various known

processes. R . B. C.

S u ita b ility of R uhr co a ls for cok in g at h ig h and m e d iu m tem p eratu res, w ith sp ecia l refer­

ence to th e ir preparation. A. Kir c h e r (Gluckauf, 1938, 74, 725—732, 750—756).— Carbonisation tests a t 600— 1100° on 5-kg. coal samples in gas- and electrically-heated ovens are described. The tem p, a t the end of th e coking period influences, and addition of finely-ground substances such as coke breeze and more m ature coal to the charge improves, tho coke strength. I f th e raw coal is crushed so th a t 80—90%

is <2-m m . size all types of R uhr coals, if suitably blended, can be utilised for coking. R . B. C.

Caking co a ls of N o rth China, w ith sp ecia l reference to th eir co k in g p ro p erties. A. and K.

Shimomura (J. Fuel Soc. Jap an , 1938,17, 75—76).—

The coals (volatile m atter 20—30, ash content 9—

17%) yield good-quality cokes. H . C. M.

S w ellin g co a ls. An o n. (Coal Carbonisation, 1938, 4, 153— 155, 158).—The cause and detection of dangerous coal-swelling pressure in th e coke oven are

discussed. R . B. C.

Influence of in o rg a n ic com pou n ds on c o m b u s­

tion of coal. I. T h eir effect on p rop ag ation of a zone of co m b u stion in pow dered coal. H. E.

Ne wall (Fuel, 1938, 17, 260—265).—The m ethod of m easuring th e ra te of propagation of the zone of com­

bustion has already been described (cf. B., 1935, 291, 706). Tho powdered coal was im pregnated with 1—4% of the inorg. compound by moistening it with an aq. solution of the la tte r and subsequently drying it over conc. H 2S 0 4 in v a c .; m aterials insol. in H 20 were simply mixed w ith the coal. Many halogen compounds, e.g., FeCl3, CaCl2, K B r, and some oxides, e.g., F e20 3, Mo03, increased the ra te of combustion, whereas H 3B 0 3, borax, A12(S04)3, N aH 2P 0 4, ctc.

decreased th e rate. Addition of 6— 10% of th e com­

pounds in th e latter group prevented initiation of the

zone of combustion. A. B. M.

D eterm in ation of cok in g resid u e. C. Bla c k e r

(Brennstoff-Chem., 1938, 19, 365—366; cf. B., 1938, 1002).—The coal is heated in a suitable gas atm . (preferably coal gas which has been passed over coke heated a t th e gasifying tem p.) until no further volatile m atter is evolved. The crucible m ay be supported near the inner cone of a Teclu burner, the lid and upper p a rt being simultaneously heated by a similar burner held in the hand. C deposited on the inner wall of th e crucible by decomp, of the volatile m atter is n o t included in the coking residue. The ra te of evolution of volatile m atter has been studied by heating the coal in a small P t cup supported inside a

P t crucible. A. B. M.

In vestig a tio n s on so lid d o m estic fu els and open fires a t th e F u el R esearch S ta tion . I.

M eth ods and eq u ip m ent. A. Bl a c k ie. II. E x ­ p erim en ta l w ork. A. Bl a c k ie and J . M. Br u c k- sha w (J. Inst. Fuel, 1938, 12, 20—24, 24—27).—

I. The tests on th e burning qualities of coal in the domestic grate were m ade on som ewhat similar lines to those on low- an d high-tem p. cokes (B ., 1938, 123), except th a t i t was usual to refuel a t intervals and thereby to carry the te st on for a longer period. The tests were also extended to include direct gravim etric


m easurem ents of the smoke concn., while simul­

taneously observing its optical density. A building recently completed a t the Station and specially designed to facilitate th e work is described.

II . Three coals were examined, and each coal, sized 1—3 in., was burned in th e same stool-type grate joined to a 13-ft. flue. A general linear relation­

ship was found to exist between the optical density and th e concn. of solids in th e smoke. On ignition th e smoke emission rose rapidly to a max. and then decreased, each subsequent coal charge producing a rapid increase in the emission followed by a steady decrease to zero. On an average tho to tal wt. of solids passing into th e atm . was ju st over 1% of tho coal burned. U p to a certain % there was a general tendency for th e smoke to increase w ith volatile m atter, bu t it was also found th a t for coals of roughly th e same volatile m atter the smoke increased w ith th e caking index. A longer chimney flue resulted in an increased smoko emission. The size of coal has a pronounced effect on its combustion so th a t it is essential to use narrow limits of sizing in com parative W'ork. Prelim inary tests of certain methods of ignition a n d modifications of grate design show th a t large reductions of smoke emission can be obtained by

such devices. H. C. M.

R e su lts attained w ith so lid fu els u sed in open g r a te s for h ea tin g liv in g r o o m s. W . Da v id s o n

a n d H . Ha r t l e y (Inst. Gas Eng., 1938, Comm. 200, 45 pp.).—The behaviour in open grates of both coking and non-coking bitum inous coals, steam coals, anthracites, high- and low-temp. cokes, and pitch coke has been determined, using grates of a type most suitable for their burning. The highest radiant efficiency was attain ed with gasworks coke, which also proved the m ost economical in use. In the case

•of the cokes and coals, the efficiency was unaffected by the ra te a t which the fuel burned, when the grate was kept full. The rad ian t efficiency of th e coke grates used was uninfluenced by the chimney pull.

The properties desirable in cokes intended for use in open grates are enum erated; th ey include a high combustibility, low ash and m oisture content, grading of the coke according to its combustibility, high bulk d, and uniform ity of product. H . C. M.

W ood d istilla tio n . V. Ch a r r in (J. Usines a Gaz, 1938, 62, 407—408).—Wood is carbonised a t 1000° in a continuous vertical re to rt having a rotating

■conical base whereby th e charcoal is dropped into a H 20-seal. The gas is quite free from H 2S, N H 3, and C10H 8; its d is probably about 0-75 and its calorific val. about 4000 kg.-cal./cu. m. A. R . P e.

W ood charcoal and p ortab le charcoal k iln s.

N . C. Jones (Ind. Chem., 1938, 1 4 , 3 9 6 -1 0 1 ).—

Various types of portable charcoal kilns developed during recent years both in this country and abroad for the utilisation of w aste forest wood are described.

In general, a yield of 2328% of charcoal is obtained.

H. C. M.

In d u strial u tilisa tio n of fo s s il w ood [w oody lig n ite ]. F. Se id e n s c h n h rand F . Win t e r (Braun- kohle, 1938, 37, 741—746).—W oody lignite, mixed with hard pitch in the ratio 70 : 30, is briquetted and

■carbonised in a current of superheated steam a t 450—

550°. Strong briquettes of low ash and S content are produced, particularly suitable for use in gas producer- driven m otor vehicles. There is also obtained about 20% of an oily distillate, which can be readily hydro­

genated. Similar briquettes are obtained when lignite from wood-sugar processes is treated in th e

same m anner. A. B. M.

D istilla tio n of Italian lig n ite s at lo w tem p er­

atu res in presence of c a ta ly sts. C. Pa d o v a n i

and D. Pa g a n i (Energia Term., 1937, 16, N o v .;

Studi Ric. Comb., 1936—7, 6, 247—257).—Distil­

lation of Italian lignites in presence of a Ca(OAc)2 catalyst containing Fe filings does n o t increase the yield of ta r, nor is there any m arked reduction in the am ount of phenols in th e distillation products of the tar, in contrast to th e results obtained by Michot and D upont with French and Spanish lignites. Distil­

lation under pressure, however, appears to give more favourable results. Analyses of th e products of distillation under various conditions are recorded.

O. J . W.

P ro p erties of lig n ite b riq u ette coke com pared w ith th a t fro m co al. H . Hock and O. Sc h r a d e r

(Braunkolile, 1936, 35, 645—650; Chem. Zentr., 1936, ii, 3500).—The deviation of properties (porosity, d, reactivity, etc.) depends on the hard capillary natu re of brown coal, of which, however, suitably pressed briquettes give satisfactory cokes despite their lack of softening power. A . H. C.

P ro d u cts of p eat-co k in g p la n t. F. Godeice

(Techn. in Landw irts., 1938, 19, 67—68).—Analyses of peat, S products, tar, and coke are recorded.

A. G. P . F ab ricated porou s carbon. L. C. We r k in g

(Trans. Electrochem. Soc., 1938, 74, P rep rin t 29, 443—452).—The porosity is controlled by careful grading during m anufacture. Articles are fabricated in th e usual way and m ay be graphitised if necessary.

J . W. C.

P rep aration of active charcoal fro m P eru vian w o o d s. M. N. d e l Aguxla and J . Lopez (Bol.

Soc. Qufm. Peru, 1938, 4, 115— 121).—Satisfactory samples are obtainable from S a liz alba and Ochroma piscatoria charcoals by activation w ith steam . 0-10-g.

samples of these have an absorptive capacity for 0-00001% m ethylene-blue of 20-75 c.c. and 18-0 c.c., respectively, compared with 27-15 c.c. for Merck charcoal. D eterm ination of th e absorption of H 20 , PhO H , and antipyrine shows th a t similarly treated charcoals from Sambucus nigra, Ricinus communis, and Populus alba are no t greatly activated.

F . R. G.

P o ss ib ility of u tilisin g lig n in in p rep aration of active ch arcoal. B. Rassow and R . Lu d e (J. pr.

Chem., 1938, [ii], 151, 191—203).—Tornesch lignin (I), obtained as a by-product of th e saccharification of wood, is carbonised (a) by ignition in a covered Fe crucible, (b) by adm ixture w ith 25% aq. ZnCl2 followed by desiccation, ignition in a covered crucible, and extraction with hot H 20 or with conc. HC1 followed by ho t H 20 , (c) by adm ixture with aq.

Na2S i0 3 followed by 2n-HC1, filtration, desiccation, ignition, and extraction with hot conc. HC1 and H 20 , (d) by treatm en t with 20% N a3P 0 4 a t 100° and


Powiązane dokumenty

(in standard cuprammonium solution). I t is produced from screened sawdust by any digestion m ethod, and m ay be used after suitable bleaching or alliali-re-

the latter. graduated flask, the precipitate of metastannic acid being washed, ignited to stannic oxide, and weighed. of the filtrate are treated with sulphuric acid for

C. Separation and concentration of m inerals by flotation. Lime scale as a concentrate. of sodium carbonate per litre. Increasing the carbonate content of the bath

tion, gives quite accurate results. Aluminium sulphate is best separated from calcium sulphate when the solution has d 1-47. Iron may be removed with

tion in the manufacture of aluminium sulphate and the electrolytic preparation of Jbhe metal. Ger., 31.12.27).—A neutral, anhydrous alkaline-earth or magnesium

Zeitschrift für die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Seliiess- und

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Journal o f the Chemical Society o f Japan. Iron and Steel Inst. Smoke Abate­..