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Reichsgesetzblatt : herausgegeben im Reichsministerium des Innern, 1885 nr 20


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J \ i 2 0 .

Snljfllt: ©ef e f e, betwffenb ben ® $ u * beS ju r A nfertigun g non SReid^ätaffenfc£)exncn oennenbeten ^tapierä gegen unbefugte SRacMtnung. ® . i« 5 . — S o n n e n t i o n m it bem ßöuigteic^ Sftabagaäfai. © . i « « -

W x . 1609.) ©efe^, betreffcnb ben ® $ u * beb jur Anfertigung toon $Reicptaffenfcf)änen cer<

»enbeten «papierS gegen unbefugte 9tacf)af)mung. 55otn 26. 9Jiat 1885.

S ßtibeltn, »on ©Otteg ©naben ©eutföer M fc r, fionig Don ^teufen x.

»erotbnen im ta rn e n beb SReid)b, nach erfolgtet S u flim m u n g beb ©unbebrathb uttb beb Sfteic^btagb, wab fo lg t:

$• 1.

p a n ie r, welcheb bem ju r £ e tjM u n g »on ^ f a f m f ^ e m e n »erwenbeten, burcb äußere SÄerfmale erfennbar gemachten R a pier i)m|td)tltd) btefev S lerfm ale glcidjt ober fo ähnlich iffc, baf? bie fBexfc^iebenbett n u r burcb Slnmenbung be=

fonberer Slufm erffam feit wahrgenommen werben fa rm , b a rf, nac^bem ue 2fterf>

male in ©em äfibeit beb §. 7 beb ©efe|eb oom 30. S lp ril 1 8 7 4 , betreffenb bte Ausgabe oon ^Reicpbfaffenfc^einen ( 9 t e ic ^ b ^ e f# l- © • 4 0 ), öffentlich befannt gemacht worben fm b , ohne (Srlaubnih beb 34etchbfan|erb ober einer von beim fetten ju t (Srtbeiluna ber (Stiaufmif) ermächtigten SSeJorbe webet angefertigt ober aub bem Slublanbe eingeführt, noch 0e rla u ft, fetlgehalten ober fonft m

©erfe£)t gebracht werben.

§• 2.

Sßet ben © eftim m ungen im §. 1 »orfäf)lich juw iberhanbelt, w irb m it

© efängnifi bib ju einem 3 a l)te , unb wenn bie £ a n b tu n g ¿um gwecf etneb 5Jiünwerbrechenb begangen worben ift, m it © efängnifj von bret m onaten btb ¿u rwei W e n beftraft. 3 f t bie ß a n b lu n g aub g a h rlä fftg fe it begangen worben, fo ift au f ©elbftrafe bib ¿u eintaufenb SJtarf ober ©efängntfj btb ju fechb M onaten ju erfennen.

§• 3.

Sieben ber © trä fe ift auf © n jie b u n g beb 8papierS ¿u erfennen, ohne Unter«

fchieb, ob babfelbe bem © erurtbeilten gehört ober nicht. $ lu f bie @mjiel)ung

«Reut,«, ©efefebl. 1885. 3 5

Aubgegeben ¿u 93eriin ben 8. Juni 1885.


be§ Spapierg ift aud) bann ju erfennen, wenn bie Sßerfolgung ober bie 93er=

urtl)eilung einer beftimmten Eperfon nicpt ftattfinbet.

_ U rfunblici) unter Unferer <pöd)ftcigenl)änbigen Unterfcf)rift unb beigebrucftem Staiferlicfyen ^nftegel.

©egeben B e r lin


ben 26. M la i 1885.

(9tr. 1610.) Äonoentiott jlmfcben bem ©eutfcfyen (N o . 1610.) Fanekena am y n y G erm an

Jimiqeim l. , jcom g con ’pneupen, ttn n y German, iVIpanjaka n y P ru ssia Xiamen beg ® eutfc|en Sftetcps einerfeitg, a m y n y a n a ra n n y G e rm a n E m p ire unb ßfn'e SMajejMt M anaoalotnanjafa II., a m y n y a n k ila n y ; a r y H e r M a je s ty K ö n ig in oon SMabagagfar, anbererfeitg, R a n a v a lo m a n ja k a II. M p a n ja k a n y Don bem 2Bunfd)c geleitet, bug ¿toifd)en M a d a g a sca r a m y n y a n k ila n y , n o h o bem (Deutfd)en Meid) unb bem Königreich J z y s a m y m a n iry h ita n a n y fih a - SJiabagagfar gh'tdlidpnoetfe beftebenbe v a n a n a fifa n k a h a la la n a ts a ra iz a y efa gute ©inoemebmen ju erhalten unb ben m is y soa a m a n ts a ra , a r y m b a h a m p i-

£anbeigoerfet)r ¿tbtfdjert beiben ftin b e rn to m b o n y fira h a ra h a n a a m y n y V a - ju förbern, l)abeu befcploffen, ben Unten r o tr a a m y n y G e rm a n E m p ire s y n y tbanen unb Singeborigen beg einen Sanöeg F a n ja k a n y M a d a g a s c a r, d ia n ifa - in bem anberen ßanbe alle Med)te ju n a p a - k e v itr a h a n a o n y hcahazoan fid)ern, Welche bie Hntertl)anen unb 9ln= n y v a h o a k a s y n y o lo n y iz a y a n y gehörigen ber meiftbegünjtigten M otion a m y n y ta n in n y a n a n k ira y , n y soa bort genießen; ¿u biefem g w ed ftnb bie re h e tra to ra k a iz a y azon n y v a h o - folgenben S lrtifel poifd)en bem © rafen a k a sy o lo n a a v y a m y n y fire n e n a E p a u l o o n t£ > a |fe lb t = S B ilb e n b u rg , m a h a zo soa be in d r in d r a . K a n o h o

© taatsm inifter unb ©taatofefretar beg iz a n y , izao T o k o m a n a ra k a iza o no Slugmärtigen 3 lm ts , ber bierju oon efa n ifa n a ra h a n a a r y n a s ia n y C o u n t

©einer M ioje|M t bem £>eut[d)en K oifer, P a u l v o n H a t z f e l d t - W i l d e n - iiö n ig Oon EPreufjen, gehörig beoolb b u r g , M in is te r a m y n y F a n ja k a n a ,

(L . S .) S iü lholm.

g ü r jl o o n S M g m a r d .

SReid) unb bem Königreich ®taba»

gaSEar. 33om 15. SDiai 1883.

E m p ire sy n y F a n ja k a n y M adagascar.


m ä d jtig t worben if l, unb S ta tt o n i*

n a b ü t i n i a r i t t o , bet 15. Slangflaffe, Offizier bes ^ a la jle g unb etiler S ta a te fefretär fü r bie auswärtigen Ungelegen*

^eitert, unb S l a m a n i t a f a , ber 1 4 .Slang*

f taffe, O ffizier be§ «palafteS, SJlitglieb beS ©efcietmen © taatSrat^S , welche fiierju tton 3 t)re r SRajeftät bet K ö n ig in tton SJtabagaSfar ermächtigt worben fmb, ttereinbart unb unterzeichnet worben:

S lr t iie t I.

Triebe, $reunbfd)aft unb gutes (Sin*

oernehmen fott fü r alle Seit jwifchen

© einer SJtajeftät bem D tu tffh e n Halfer, K ö nig tton ^ te u fte n , unb 3 h l'er je jlä t ber K ö n ig in tton SHabagaSlar, 3h ren @rf>en unb Stachfolgem, unb jwifchen ben Ilnterthanen unb Singe*

hörigen beS Deutfchen SteicliS unb beS Königreichs SJtabagaSiar fortbefteben.

S l r t i f e l I I .

'Die biptomatifchen, fonfularifchen unb m aritim en V e rtre te r, Slgenten unb £)ffi*

jiere beS einen ttertragfd)liefenben %l)eiteÖ follen in SluSübung ihrer Pflichten inner*

halb ber V e fi|u n g cn beS anberen S l)i’i(eS, unb bie ilnterthanen unb Slngcbörigen beS einen ßanbeS follen fü r ihre iperfon unb ih r (Sigentbum unb in Slnfebung beS ^»anbelS, beS ©ewerbeS unb ber

© d )iffa h rt unb in jeber anberen Ve=

Ziehung in bem anberen fianbe benfelben

© d)uh unb biefelben Siechte, Iprittilegien, V o r te ile , Im m u n itä te n unb ^Befreiungen genießen, weld)e nach ben (Beferen biefeS ßanbeS je |t ober in S u fu n ft ben biplo*

matifchen, fonfularifchen unb m a ritim e n V e rtretern, Agenten unb Offizieren unb ben Ilnterthanen unb Singehörigen

sady Lehiben ’ny Mpanao Raharalia amy ny Vahiny, sonia, izay nomena fahefana hanao izany amy ny anki- lany His Majesty Emperor ny Ger­

man, Mpanjaka ny Prussia; sy Ra- v o n i n a h i t r i n i a r i v o , 15 V tra O. D. P. Lehiben ’ny Mpanao Raha- raha amy ny Vahiny, sy Ram a ni- ra k a , 14 Vu-a 0. D. P. Isan ny Mpanolotsaina, nomena fahefana hanao izany amy ny ankilany Her Majesty Mpanjaka ny Madagascar:

T o k o I.

Isy hisy ady, ary fihavanana sy fifankahalalana tsara, hisy mandra- kizay amy ny His Majesty Emperor ny German, Mpanjaka ny Prussia, sy Her Majesty Mpanjaka ny Ma­

dagascar sy amy ny Mpandova sy Mpandimby Azy, ary amy ny Va- hoaka sy olona amy ny German Empire sy ny Fanjakany Madagascar.

T o k o II.

N y maso-wohon ’ny diploma,tika sy ny an ’ny consular ary ny an

’ny tantsambo sy ny agents, ary ny manamboninahitra avy amin

’Izy koatonta mi faneky, raha ma- nao ny fanompoany ao amy ny fanjakan ’ny iray amin’ Izy mi faneky ireo, ary koa ny vahoaka sy olona avy amy ny tanin ’ny ira y amin’

Izy koatonta, na ny tenany, na ny fananany, na ny momba ny fandra- toana sy ny varony, ary ny fiton- dran-tsambo, sy amy ny zavatra rehetra na inona na inona ao amy ny tanin ’ny iray, din samy hahazo fiarovana mitovy, sy izay soa rehetra, ary izay fanom e sy famelana, ary fanafahana sy fahalalahana omena


ber meiftbegunftigten N a tio n eingeräumt werben.

S l r t i f e l I I I .

£)iefe ^onoention (o ll non beiben £>oi)en

»ertragfchliejjenben Tbeden r a t ifijir t, unb bie 5Ratififrttion§»U tfunben (ollen beiben Regierungen burd) V e rm itte lung beS beutfchen ^o n fu la tS in %amata»e über»

fanbt Werben.

£)iefe Sbonüention w irb in bem ^önig»

rcid) üRabagaSfar m it bem ‘Xage ber R a tijrjiru n g burd) 3b re SRajeftät bie K ö n ig in »on SRabagaSfar, welche (o frü l) al§ möglich innerhalb non brei SRonaten tiad) ber Unterzeichnung ex»

folgen (oll, unb in bem ©eutfchen Reich m it bem Sage ihrer R a ttfrg ru n g burd)

©eine SRajeftät ben £)eutfd)en ^ a ife r, V ö llig non ipreujjen, weld)e (obalb als möglich innerhalb non fed)8 SRonaten nach ber R a tiftjiru n g burch 3E)re ?Ra»

jeftät bie K ö n ig in non SRabagaSfar flatt=

ftnben (oll, in Ä x a ft treten.

3 n hoppelten, in beutfchcr unb male»

gafftfd)er ©brache auSgefertigten D rigi»

nalen, unter 5Inl)e(tung einer englifcpen / Ueberfepung, unterzeichnet unb geregelt / zu ^Berlin, ben 15. SRai beS 3al)ree 1883.

amy ny ankehitriny, na homena amy ny aoriana, araka ny lalan

’izany tany izany, toraka izay omena ny masoivohon ny diplomatika sy ny an ’ny consular ary ny an ny tantsambo sy ny agents, ary ny manamboninahitra sy amy ny va- hoaka sy olona avy amy ny fire- nena mahazo soa be indrindra.

T o k o HI.

Ity Fanekena ity ho hamarinin

’ny Olona Ambony koa tonta mi faneky; ary ny taratasy fanamari- nana, hampanaterina amy ny Go- vernamenta roa amy ny alalan ’ny Consulate ijy German ao Tamatave.

Ity Fanekena ity hanankery ao amy ny Fanjakany Madagascar hatr ’amy ny andro izay hanamarinany Her Majesty Mpanjaka ny Madagascar azy; ary izany fanamarinana izany dia hataony faingana, araka izay azo atao, ao anatin ’ny telo volana nanaovana sonia ity ; ary hanankery ao amy ny German Empire izy, hatr ’amy ny andro nanaovany His Majesty Emperor ny German, Mpanjaka ny Prussia fanamarinana azy; ary izany fanamarinana izany, dia hataony faingana, ao anatin ’ny enim bolana, aorian ’ny nanamarina ny Her Majesty Mpanjaka ny Ma­

dagascar azy.

Nasiana sonia sy kasę amy ny taratasy roa nosoratana amy ny teny german sy malaga,sy, izay samy misy dikany teny engilisy nakam- bana aminy avy, tao Berlin tamy ny faha 15 May, ny taona 1883.

(L. S.) R a v o n in a h itr in i R am aniraka.

riv o . (L . S.) @ raf » o n £ a | f e l b t .


(T ran s la tio n .)

C o n v e n t i o n

betw een

the German Empire and the Kingdom of Madagascar.

H is Majesty the German Emperor W illia m L , K ing of Prussia, in the name of the German Empire, on the one part, and Her Majesty Rana- valomanjaka IL , Queen of Madagascar, on the other part, being desirous to maintain the relations o f good unterstanding w hich happily subsist and to promote the commercial intercourse between the German Empire and the Kingdom of Madagascar, have decided to secure to the subjects and citizens of either country w ith in the other country a ll the rights there enjoyed by the subjects and citizens of the most favoured nation;

for that purpose the follow ing articles have been agreed upon and signed between the Count P a u l vo n H a tz fe ld t- W ild e n b u r g , State-Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, duly authorized to that effect on the part of His Majesty the German Emperor, K ing o f Prussia, and R a v o n in a h itr in ia r iv o , 15th honour, Officer of the Palace, Chief Secre­

tary of State for Foreign Affairs, and R a m a n ira k a , 14th honour, Officer of the Palace, Member of the P rivy Council, duly authorized to that effect on the part o f Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar:

Article I.

Peace, friendship and good understanding shall for ever continue to subsist between His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, and Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar, Their heirs and successors, and between the subjects and citizens of the German Empire and of the Kingdom o f Madagascar.

Article II.

The diplomatic, consular and naval representatives, agents and officers o f either Contracting Party shall in the exercise of their duties w ith in the dominions of the other Party, and the subjects and citizens o f either country shall for their persons and property and w ith regard to commerce, trade and navigation and to any other matter whatsoever, enjoy w ith in the other country the same protection and a ll the rights, privileges, advantages, immunities and exemptions, w hich under the laws of that country are now, or may hereafter be granted there to the

Efteitbê. ScfcfeBI. 1885.


diplomatie, consular and naval representatives, agents and officers and to the subjects and citizens of the most favoured nation.

Article III.

This convention shall be ratified on the part o f Both High Con­

tracting Parties, and the instruments of ratification shall be forwarded to both Governments through the German Consulate at Tamatave.

This convention shall come into effect, in the Kingdom of Mada­

gascar from the date of its ratification by Her Majesty the Queen of Madagascar, w hich shall take place as soon as may be w ith in three months from the date of its signature, and in the German Empire from the date of its ratification by His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia, which shall take place as soon as may be w ith in six months from the ratification by Her Majesty the Queen o f Madagascar.

Signed and sealed in duplicate originals, drawn up in the German and Malagasy languages w ith an english translation attached to each, at B erlin, this 15th day of May, in the year 1883.

(L. S.) Count von H a tz fe ld t. g. R a v o n in a h itr in ia r iv o . ' ' ' R am aniraka.

2)er t)orjM)enfee 23ertrag ifI beiberfeitê r a t if iâ t toorben.

gcrau8gege&en im Sfteid)êamt beê 3 nneItt- SBerlin, gebfuift in b n SReid)Sbvuc£erei.


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