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Heat N Serve - Rats on a Budget (ft. Majka Jeżowska) tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Heat N Serve, Rats on a Budget (ft. Majka Jeżowska)

Rats on a Budget it desert!

We’re Americans – you know we love junk food These commercial make it sound so good We buy more and more if the slogans are cool Though it might not taste the way they say it should You deserve a pest today

It tastes better Have it your way

Our sadwithces , they only cosrt a dime And we serve no pest, before it is time You pai dat Wend’s and the Colones Fried whooppers and chicek McNuggets So there’s no need to wory

If you scurry down to Rats on a budget I love Rats on a budget

Haveobe withe everything on it You love Rats on a budget It is tine , time has finally come You deserve a pest today It tastes better

Have it your way

Our sadwithces , they only cosrt a dime And we serve no pest, before it is time

Heat N Serve - Rats on a Budget (ft. Majka Jeżowska) w Teksciory.pl


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