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Harry Styles - Sweet Creature tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Harry Styles, Sweet Creature

Sweet creature

Has another talk about Where it’s going wrong But we’re still young

We don’t know where we’re going But we know where we belong No, we started

2 hearts in 1 home It’s hard when we argue We’re both stubborn I know but

Sweet creature Sweet creature Whenever I go You bring me home Sweet creature Sweet creature

When I run out of hope You bring me home Sweet creature

We’re running through the garden Where nothing bothered us

But we’re still young I always think about you

And how we don’t speak enough No, we started

2 hearts in 1 home It’s hard when we argue We’re both stubborn I know but

Sweet creature Sweet creature Whenever I go You bring me home Sweet creature Sweet creature

When I run out of hope You bring me home No, we started 2 hearts in 1 home It’s hard when we argue We’re both stubborn I know but

Sweet creature Sweet creature Whenever I go You bring me home Sweet creature Sweet creature

When I run out of hope You bring me home

Harry Styles - Sweet Creature w Teksciory.pl


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