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Wave power absorption by asymmetric bodies


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Wave-power Absorption by Asymmetric Bodies


Makoto KAN

February 1979 Ship Research Institute

Tokyo, Japan

Lab. y. Scheepsbouwkune

Technische Hogeschool





Numerical examples of the efficiency of the wave-power absorption by

the oscillating two-dimensional cylinders with asymmetric sectibnal shapes

are presented. The choice of the sectional shapes is made intuitively so that the maximum efficiency of the wave power absorption in a single mode

of heaving or rolling of the cylinder may be high accorthng to the theory by Evans Mei or Newman Comparisons with experiments on the Salter cylinder were also presented

A simple formala for the damping coefficièñt of a rolling Salter cylinder

in the limit as the wave number tends to zero i also given.


When a two-dimensional cylinder with a symmétric sectional shape is suspended relative to some stable reference platform by a system of

masses, linear springs and dampers and is constrained to oscillate

in a

single mode of heaving, swaying or rolling in an incident sinusoidal wave

train as shown in Fig 1, it is known that the damper can absorb 50

per-cent of the energy Of the incident wave train under the following two

conditions The first conthtion is to make the natural frequency of the

oscillation of the cylinder with the system equal to the frequency of the

incident wave by adjusting the spring constant The second condition is

to make the damping coefficient of the damper eqi.ial tO the wave damping

coefficient of the cylinder for the frequency of the wave. The second

con-dition is identical with to make the amplitude of the, oscillation of the cylinder with the damper equal to a half of that Of the cylinder without the damper. it is also known that if two modes of the oscillation such

as heaving and swaying or heaving and rolling are allowed, the damper

can absOrb 100 percent of the wave energy by satisfying the above two

conditions for each mode. These facts seem to have been clarified first

by Bessho', then by Kato et a12, and after that by Evans3, Mei4 and

Newman5 almost at the same time for the latter three. The problem of

the complete wave absorption by a fully submerged circular cylinder

os-cillating in a circular path. treated by Fuwa

is a special case of the

above mentioned.

In the case of an asymmetric section, it was shown by Evans, Mei4

* eceived on November 9, 1978. '

Ship Dynamics Division.

c nische





alid Ne*mah5 that the damper can absorb more than 50 percent of the

wave energy even in a single mode of the oscillation It is therefore an

interesting problem to study what kind of the asymmetric shape is more

efficient in the wave absorption Although the Salter cylinder" seems to

be one of the most efficient shapes, the exact calculations of the

char-acteristics such as the efficiency of the wave absorption

by using the

wave theory do not seèm to have been done. Since the exaçt

calcula-tions of the hydrodynamical forces and wave making characteristics of

the asymmetric cylinder have been already published by Kobayashf

and Katory'° ">, the subject itself is not original However, all of them

seem to have been done from the viewpomt of the motioñ of the body

In this paper, therefôre, from the viewpoint of the wave-power

absorp-tion, the exact calculations of the efficiency of the wave absorption and

the motion amplitude of the cylinder are presented by using the

two-dimensional linear wave theory, for several kinds of the asymmetric shapes

including the Salter cylinder which are intuitively considered to be


There is also given a simple expression for the wave damping

coeffi-cient of a rolling cylinder with an asymmetric shape like the Salter cylin-der in the limit as the wave number tends to zeo.


When the cylinder suspended ,elative to some stable reference plat-form by a system of masses, linear springs and dampers is oscillating in

an sinusoidal wave train incident from the positivedirection of x as shown

in Fig. i, the efficiency of the wave-power absorption E is defined as



Fig. i. Wave-power Absorber



where R and T is the amplitude of the reflected and transmitted wave

respectively for the incident wave having the unit amplitude.

For a certain frequency of the wave, the maximum efficiency of the

wave-power absorption E, which can be attained under the



where A and A re the ratio of the amplitude of the waves at x= -oc

and x= + co respectively radiated from the cylinder forced to oscillate in

the absence of the incident wave to the amplitude of the forced

oscilla-tion In the case of the rolling, the amplitude of the oscillation should

be considered as multiplied by the reference length a

Since equation (2) expresses that a highly efficient cylinder is one for

which the amplitude of the wave at x= co produced by the forced

os-cillation of the cylinder must be as small as possible compared with the

amplitude at x=+ co, for the óbjects of numerical examples we choose

several asymmetric shapes as shown in Fig 2, which may be considered





a acos3 1.5a/cos3 a (1)-(3)FOR HEAVE (4)- (6)FOR RÖLL )6) SALTER CYLINDER

Fig. 2. Shapes for Numerical Calculations

to be highly efficient by intuition. For the heaving we choosè the

fol-lowing three shapes, (1) quadrant, (2) isosceles right triangle (hereafter we call this only triangle), and (3) a remainder of a square from which a quadrant is cut off (hereafter we call this a complementary quadrant),

and for the rolling the following three, (4) a figure which consists of a

quadrant and a triangle, (5) a figure which consists of a quadrant and a

complementary quadrant, and (6) Salter cylinder Although the detailed

shape of the Salter cylinder is not clear to the author,

we decide the shape as shown in Fig. 2 by rêfering to the papers by Katory1t> and Swift Hook et al'2.

For these asymmetric shapes, the wave making characteristics and

the maximum efficiency of wave absorption are shown

in Fig 3 to Fig



when the efficiency of various shapes is compared with each other, in this

paper the draft of the floating cylinder is taken as the reference length

a except the Salter cylinder As for the Salter cylinder, since the radius

or diarnetér of a smaller circle in back side is often taken as the reference

length12 we choose the radius as the reference length also in this

pa-per However, for the convenience of comparisons with the other shapes,

the case in which the draft of the Salter cylinder (equal tó 1.5 times of

the radius, here) is taken as the reference length is also shown in the

figures sometimes. In these figures, Ka w2ä/g= 22ra/2, where w is the

circular frequency of the oscillation of the cylinder or the incident wave, and 2 is the wavé length of the radiated or incident Wave

FrOm Fig. 4 the efficihcy of the triangle seéms tö be hither than

the other two shapes. However, if the square rot of the sectional area

is taken as the reference length, the complementary quadrant seems to

become the most efficient among the three shapes as shown in

Fig 5

Therefore, if the comparisons between various shapes are made, attention

should be paid to what is taken as the reference length. In the case of

the heaving, there exists a limiting value K1a under which the resonançe

I. O +, -0.5 --I I I 0.5 LO [5 2.0



Fig. 3. Wave Making Characteñstics (Heaving)


F F F 1 a


F F LS-aT j-I F F


0.9 Emax. 0.8 0.7 T K= c..2/g=2'Vx (x:wove length) KL=0.80


(I/oO.7O7) 0.6 1 £=/sect area a = draft 0.5 K= 2/g 2/x (X:wave length) I I I I 0.5 LO .5 2.0

- Kl

Fig. 5. Maximum Efficiency vs. Kl (Heaving)

can not be realized because of the restoring

force due tp the natural

buoyancy, unless the spring constant become negative. The value of K1a

is obtained grapluca1ly such that B/Q (1 +1i1)K1a is satisfied, where B is

the breadth of the cylinder, at the water line, Q is the sectional area of

the cylinder under the water line and is the added mass coefficient for

Ka=K1a In Fig. 4 and -Fig. 5, the limiting value K1a is shown by the

1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0

- Ka


05 10 15 2.0

Ko = Jo/g

Fig. 6. Wave Making Characteristics (Rolling)

mark of a small circles Thé at of these curies for Ka lower than K1a

may be said as imaginary since E can not be attained as far as the

end of the spring is fixed to the space. There is no such a lithit in the

case of the rolling3.

Since the numerical calculations are carried out by the usual integral équation method using the usual Green function, the discontinuity of the

curvés appeared at Kal.4 in Fig. 6 is due to the so called irregular

frequency. Although it was shown that the phenomenon of the irregular

frequency could be removed by the method by Ohmatsu'4 or by the simpler

method by Ogilvie and Shin'5, the present results which were calculated

for Ka=Öd, O.2, . 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, . . , 2;O, are shown as they are. I±i Fig. 6

and Fig. 7, the results of the Saltei cylinder are shown for the both

cases in which the reference length is the radius of the smaller circle,

and is the draft of the cylinder

It seems that the Salter cylinder is


0.9 E max. i0 0.8 Q.7 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.9 E max. 0.8 0.7 / K= c2/g=2l!/x (x:wave length.) - ---1 - I I I 0.5 .0 LS 2.0


Fig. 7. Maximum Efficiency vs. Ka (Rolling)

1.134) j=J sect: area 0.6 o= draft = 2/x I-0 i/aI.I72) I i i I 0.5 1.0 --I.5 - 2.0


Fig. 8. Maximum Efficiency vs. Kl (Rolling)

as the reference length.

Although the following limit can be proved

11m EmaxO.5 ( 3),

according to Fig. 4 or Fig. 5, in the case of the triangle and the com-plementary quadrant there exists the frequency range where Emax is less

than 0.5, namely the wave amplitude at x=± oc is

ess than one at x


co contrary to expectation by the intuition.

If we denote the maximum efficiency of the cylinder put in. the in-cident wave from x= + co and x= - co, by Eax and E;ax respectively, the


following relation can be proved easily

'- 1

max P+maz

This means that the shape which is reversed right and left is the worst

one, if the original shape is the best one concerning the maximum




If the spring constant and the danipifig coefficient of the damper are

decided at a certain fixed wave number Ka=K0a such that the efficiency

become maximum as mentioned in the preceding chapter and are kept to

those values, the efficiency in waves with Ka other than K0a, namely in waves öut of the resonance, is expressed by



- {(m' + ,i)K2ã (rn' + p)Ka}2 ± Ka(/K2 + s/K0a20)



p=cï/M, m'=m/M


ß is the wave damping force coefficient (héreafter in the case of the roll-ing "force" should be replaced by "moe±it"), a is the added mass (here-after in the case of the rolling "mass" should be replaced by "moment

of inertia"), m is the mass of the cylinder itself and M

is the mass of

the fluid displaced by the cylinder. In the case of the heaving m' is

gen-erally equal to unit while in the case of the rolling m' can be varied by

changing the weight distribution Suffix O shows the values for Ka=K0a

The definition öf M differs from oné by Evañs.

The ratio of the amplitude of the oscillation to the wave amplitude

A is expressed by

/A 2 = E/{2(Ka)2AoS/Koa/Ka}


where S=M/pa2.

Therefore in the case of the rollig, if S is taken

as the dimensionless moment of inertia M/pa4, the left hand side of equation (7) is regarded as

Ia/AI2, where is the rolling amplitude.

If we denote the efficiency of the cylinder put in the incident wave

from x= + co by E, and from x==


co by E respectively, the following

relation can be obtained



-Fig. 9. Efficiecy of Wave-power Absorption (Quadrant, Heaving)

Fig 10. Heaving Amplitude (Quadrant)

This relation shows also that the shape which is reversed right and left is the worst one if the original shape is the best one.

3.1 Heaving

Numerical examples of the efficiency for the three shapes, (1) quadrant,

(2) triangle, and (3) complementary quadrant are shown fôr a few casés

of K0a as parameter in Fig 9, Fig 11 and Fig 13 In those figures the

curves noted as "partial turnng" are the results calculated with the zero spring constant since the resonance can not be realized at lower wave

number than K0a as mentioned earlier. The damping coefficient of the

damper, however, is adjusted to be equal to the wave damping coefficiet

of the cylinders at Ka


In the case of the partial tumng, those

figures show that there is no much thiference even if the parameter K0a is varied largely.

The frequency range of the high efficiency, namely the bandwidth, of the triangle and the complementary quadrant is wider than the quadrant

For instance, the range of Ka of E 0 8 for K0a

=1 0, is 0 88< Ka <1 14

(identical to 5 5.(À/a<7 1) for the quarant, O 79<Ka<1 76 (3 6<A/a<8 O) for the triangleand O.82<Ka<3.O (?) (2.I?<2/a(7.7) for the complementary.


lo 1.0W HeEve(EvrT.tu) --+Swy IEvof.0 OEU3 / 0.5




0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Ko

Fig. Il. Efficiencj of W è-pdwer Absorption

(Tiiangle, Heaving) io E s 0.5 E s s = K0*L13 K00L4 Kó048 Heave aÇ/ Evrtiol tung K,Û5l. IO ,Ev00E41 Ç,-KoOIÖ PorEoltunin '(portoItuno9I.7 ---::. KoOL0 (I<,OEI.I0)


0.5 LO 1.5 - 2.0

Fig. 12. Heaving Axñplittidê (Tñangle)

1.0 KoOI.4 ãI n,ng -- -- -K0L4I -- -Ev0l.8 ./ ,1 '-Kò0I.0 0.5


j P1OI?umflQ K0010 / ---- -- ---. / Po1,ol ?Uflfl9 -y.-KOvI.47 0.5 .0 L5 2.0 KO

Fig. 13. Efficiency of Wavepower Absorption (Comp1èméntthr Qüadraht, Heaving)

In these figures there arè also shoWÍi the efficiency of the cylinder with the symmetrical sectional shape which consists of the corresponding

two asymmetrical shapes as shown in the figures Although in general

the efficiency of the asymmetrical shape in a heaving mode is higher

than one of the symmetrical shape in a single mode (here only the

heaving is shown), the situation is reversed in a lówer frequency range.

Fig 9 shows that in the case of the quadrant, the bandwidth of the


E '.5 0L4I -Ko0O.4 - ,'1o0L4J 0.5 / ---._-.




0.5 .0 - - - .5 - 2.0

Fig. 14. Heaving Amplitude (Complementary Quadrant)

and swaying is wider than that of the asymmetrical shape (quadrant) in.

a single mode of heaving

For example, the range of Ka of E 0 8 for

K0a=1.0 is 0.67<Ka<1.34 (identical to 4.7(2/a-(9.4) for the half circle

in two modes However this is not the cases of Fig 11 and Fig 13 In

the cases of the triangle and the complementary quadrant the efficiency curves cf the Symmétrical shapes in two modes of heaving and swaying seem to be shifted to the lower side of Ka from the curves of the

asym-metric shapes in a single mode of heaving. For example, the range of

Ka of E08 for K0a=10 is 062<Ka<169 (3 7.c(A/a<10 1) for the metrical double triangle and 0 61 <Ka Kl 96 (3 2< 2/a <10 3) for the

sym-metlrjca.l double complementary quadrant. These comparisons, however, are not of very significance as well as the case of the maximum

efficien-cy Emax mentioned in the preceding chapter, since they are variable if

other length such as the breadth of thé cylinder or the square root of

the sectional area is taken as the reference length

It should be said these figures have a meaning only in a sence of giving some numerical


The curves of the heaving amplitude are shown in Fig 10, Fig 12

and Fig 14 For the symmetric shapes the curves of the swaying

ampli-tude are also presented.

In the case of the partial tuning, in the limit

as Ka tends to zero the curves of I I tends to i O Elsewhere, by using

thé limiting value of À as Ka-0

liin2=B2IQ (9),


where B is thé breadth of the cylinder at the water line ad


is the

sectional area of the cylinder under the water line, the following can be obtained easily



I=BaI{Q(m'±po)Koa} (10).



3.2 Rolling

As for the rolling the curves for the both shapes made by the quad-rant and triangle, and by the quadquad-rant and complementary quadquad-rant are

shown in Fig 15 to Fig 18 Although the bandwidth of the former

(quad-rant +triangle) is narrower than the latter (quad(quad-rant+ complementary quadrant), the both shapes have a qualitatively simñar tendency of the

narrow band. For example, the range of Ka Of E08 fOr K0a=1.0 and

m'=l O is O 98<Ka<1 02 (6 2(2/a<6 4) for the shape made by the

quad-rant and triangle. It can be understood that these both shapes aré not

suitable for the wave-power absorbing device Most calculations in this

case were carried out for m'=1 0, that is an uniform distnbution of mass

If m' is decreased by concentrating masses close to the center of

gyra--taon, the bandwidth of the efficiency might be fairly improved An

ex-ample for m'r0.3 is added to those figures for Ka=1.0. The frequency

range of E0.8 for K0a=1.0 and m'=0.3 are spread to 094<Ka<1.07

(5.9< 2/a< 6.7).

Judging from the comparisons of the maximum efficiency in Fig 4 and Fig 7, these shapes look like more efficient than the three shapes

in the heaving mode or at least equivalent to them However, it can be

LU ,K0I.0 -Ko0I.4 ,.-I(o0I.8

'...-á / r.'.l.O fl.LO ,«.i.o

<,0.0.4 / i \ 0.5 \ i E' - -,,, 0.5 .0 LS - Ko

Fig. 15. Efficiency of Wäve-power Absorption (Quadrant + Triangle, Rolling)


m.03 /








Fig 17. Efficiency of Wave-power Absorption (Quadrant+ Complementary Quadrant, Rolling) /K0004 a»1O n,.3 I(oO 1.0 // Ko0 .4 coo-l.a

said from Fig. 15 and Fig. .17 that they (both shapes (4) and (5) in Fig. 2) are not suitable for the wave absorber.

3.3 Salter Cylinder

The efficiency curves of the Salter cylinder calculated for m'= 1 0

(üíiîfòrm distribution of masses) and m'=O.3 are given in Fig. 19. Though

the accurate shape of the cylinder, and the values of the moment of inertia

CAL. m=O.3.KoQ=LO \ EXP CSWIFT-FOOKeloI) CAL. m"0.3,KoQO.3 .._.=_ -0.5: Ko

Fig. 19. Efficiency of Wave-power Absorption (Salter Cylinder, Rolling)

10 .5 2.0


Fig. 18. Roffing Amplitude (Quadrant± Complementary Quadrant)



of the cylinder and the damping coefficient of the damper such as the

dynarnometer used in the experiments by Swift-Hook et al12 or Salter et

al' are not reported in their papers, a numerical example for m'=O 3

and K0a 1.0 agrees very well with the Swift-Hook's experiment and an example for m' = 0.3 and K0a = 0.3 agrees fairly well with the Salter's

ex-periment. However these comparisons might be meaningless because of

the above mentioned unknown factors The efficiency curves for m' = 0 3

are improved in comparison with those for m'=l.O in this shape too. In

general it might be said that the bandwidth can be spread by reducing. the moment of inertia of the cylinder in the case of rolling

Fig. 20. Rolling Amplitude (Salter Cylinder)

Fig. 20 show the rolling amplitude. According to this figure the ratio of the rolling aplitude to the maximum wave slope tends to infinity in the limit as Ka-+0. This is the remarkable difference from the tendency that the curves for the shapes treated in the previous section tends to

the finite value as Ka tends to zero. The difference can be explained by

the following limit of the damping, coefficient 2

hm 2=(x-x)2/(4P) (11)

where X,. and x1 are the x coordinates of the right and left end of the cylinder at the water line provided that the center of rolling is located on x=0, and P is the moment of inertia of area of the cylinder under

the water line around the center of rolling. If I i =lxii is satisfied as

the shape (4) or (5) in Fig, 2, 2 tends to zero as Ka tends to zero. In

the case of the

Salter:cylinder, however, 2 does not tend to zero as Ka

p0 since iX,. I lxii This is the reason why there exists the difference of

the tendency of the rolling amplitude in the limit as Ka-0 between the

Salter cylinder and the other two shapes.

It is needless to say that

though the ratio of the rolling amplitude to the maximum wave slope


itself tends to some finite válue.

Furthermore the followings are also needless to be said Although

the efficiency curve for some K0a as a parameter versus Ka has the value E = Emax at Ka = K0a, the curve always does not have a maximum there.

Especially in the frequency range in which E curve varies rapidly as

a function of Ka, the location of the maximum is shifted slightly from

Ka = J10a In the frequency range in which Ema curve does not vary

rap-idly, the maximum of the efficiency curve seems to occur at aimost Ka

= K0a.


By using the tWo dimensional linear wave theory, numerical examples

of the efficiency of the wave-power absorption for the cylinders of several

kinds of asymmetric sectional shapes have been given Although the

de-finite conclusions about the problems such as what kind of shapes is the best as the wave absorber, or how to determine the mechanical constants like mass, moment of inertia or damping coefficient for the best quality

of the efficiency have nct been obtained yet, the followings are summarized

as concluding remarks of this paper.

Suitable shapes for the wave absorber should be chosen not only from the quality of the maximum efficiency, but also from the total quality

of the efficiency ut of resónance.

Bandwidth of the efficiency seems to be improved by reducing the mass of the body in the case of the heaving, and the moment of inertia in the case of the rolling

Simple expression for the wave damping coefficient in the limit as the dimensionless wave number Ka tends to zero has been obtained as

equation (11).

Numerical calculations were carried out by using the electronic com-puter TOSBAC 5600 in the comcom-puter center of the Ship Research Institute.


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Wave I)amping Çoefficient in the Limit Ka=--O

The simultaneous integral equations for spiving the potential flow field accompanied with the wave making phenomenon are written as



J3(rGrn_ Gin)dS=f TYnGrds





GcdS (A.2),


G+iG=ln rIii r1-2



±i2re' cos K(xx')


r2 = (x x')2 + (yy')2, (xx')2 ± (y +y')2 (A.4),

and the velocity iibténtial Of tie flow field fdr thé unit velocity of

Oscil-lation is expressed by the real part of S is the body

suiface under the mean water line. Suffix n expresses normal derivatives.

Since we have the limit as

lùn G1=O and um G=27r (A.5),


bErJ ds (A.8) In the case of the rolling,



where m=6y/dn= ax/as, l=ax/an=ay/as and the center of rolling is

assumed to be located at (Ô, YG). Therefore we have


S.s x

s-5 (Y_Ya)f_ds



x'dx_f yy6dy=



and. hence from (A.8)

(A.11) where x,. and XL is the x coordinate of the left and right end of the

sec-tion at the water line.

Damping coefficient A is defined as

A = ß/Ma pw J ds/(Mw) (A.12.

Using (A.1O) and (A.11), we have

A = (x - x)2/(4p) (A.13),

where P= M/p, namely the moment of inertia of area of the section around the center of rolling.

In the case of the heaving,

(A.14). we have the following expression in the limit Ka=-+O from (A.2)



íGrds2J øds


Since ø must be independent on the space in: the case of the limit of Ka-+O, and the relation





TherefOre we have


... (A16),



where B is the breadth of the section at the water line and Q is the area of the section under the water line



Nô. i Model Tests on Four-Bladed Controlláble-Pitch Propellers, by Atsuo Yazaki,

March 1984.

No. 2 Experimental Research on the Application of High Tensile Steel to Ship Struc-tures, by Hitoshi Nagasawa, Noritaka Ando and Yoshio Akita, March 1964.

No 3 Increase of Sliding Resistance of Gravity Walls by Use of Projecting Keys under

the Bases, by Matsuhei Ichihara and Reisaku moue, June 1964.

No 4 An Expression for the Neutron Blackness of a Fuel Rod after Long Irradiation

by Hisao Yamakoshi, August 1964.

No. 5 On the Winds and Waves on the Nothern North Pacific Ocean and South

Ad-jacent Seas of Japan as the Environmental Condition for the Ship, by Yasüfuimi

Yamanouchi Sanae Unoki and TarO Kanda, March 1965.

No 6 A code and Some Results of a Numerical Integration Method of the Photon Transport Equation is Sláb Geometry, b Iwäo Kataoka and Kiyoshi Tákeuchi,

March 1965.

No 7 On the Fast Fission Factor for a Lattice System by Hisao Yamakoshi June


No. 8 The Nondestruôtive Testing of Brazéd Joints, by Akira Kannö, November 1965. No. 9 Brittle Fracture Strength of Thick Steel Plates for Reactor Pressure Vessels, by

Hiroshi Kihara and Kazuo Ikeda, January 1966.

No 10 Studies and Considerations on the Effects of Heaving and Listing upon Thermo Hydraulic Performance and Critica] Heat Flux of Water Cooled Marine Reactors

by Nàotsugu Isshiki, March 1966.

No. 11 An Experimental Investigation into the Unsteady Cavitation of Marine Pthpél-1ers, by Tatsuo Ito March 1966.

No. 12 Cavitation Tests in Non-Uniform Flow on Screw Propellers of the

Atomic-Power-ed Oceanographic and Tender ShipComparison Tests on Screw Propellers De-

-signed by Theoretical and Conventional Methods by Tatsuo Ito Hajime

Tákahashi and Hirôyüki Kadoi, March 1966.

NO. 13 A Study on Tanker Life Boats, by Takeshi Eto, Fukutaro Yamazaki and Osamu. Nagata, March 1966.

No 14 A Proposal on Evaluation of Brittle Clack Initiation and Arresting Temperatures

and Their Application to Design of Welded Structures, by Hiroshi Kihara and

Kazuo Ikeda, April 1966.

No 15 Ultrasonic Absorption and Relaxation Times in Water Vapor and Heavy Water Vapor, by Yahéi Fiijii, Jùe ]966.

No. 16 Further Modèl Tests on Four-Bladéd Controllable-Pitch Propellers, by Atsüo

Yazaki and Nobuo Sugái, August 1966. Supplement No. 1

Design Çharts for the Propulsive Performances of High Speed Cargo Liners with CB=

0.575, by Koichi Yokoo, Yoshio Ichihara, Kiyoshi Tsuchida and Isamu Salto, August


No. 17 Roughness of Hull Surface and Its Effect on Skin Friction, by Koichi Yokoo, Akihjro Ogawa Hideo Sasajima Teiichi Terao and Michio Nakato September


No. 18 Experimets on a Series 60, C5=O.70 Ship Model in Oblique Regular Waves,

by Yasufumi Yamanouchi and Sadao Ando, October 1966.

No. 19 Measurement of Dead Load in Steel Structu±e by Magnetostriction Effect, by Junji Iwayanagi, Akin Yoshinaga and Tokuharu Yoshii, May 1967.

No. 20 Acoustic Response of a Rectangular Receiver to a Rectarígular Source,


No. 21 Linearized Theory of Cavity Flow Past a Hydrofoil of Arbitrary Shape, by Tatsuro Hanaoka, June 1967.

No 22 Investigation into a Nove Gas Turbine Cycle with an Eqm Pressure Air Heater

by Kösa Miwa, September 1967.

No 23 Measuring Method for the Spray Characteristics of a Fuel Atomizer at Various Conditions of the Ambient Gas, b Kiyoshi Neya, September. 1967.

No 24 A Proposal on Criteria for Prevention of Welded Structures from Brittle Frac ture, by Kazuo Ikeda and Hiroshi Kihara, December 1967.

No 25 The Deep Notch Test and Brittle Fracture Imtiation by Kazuo Ikeda Yoshio Akita and Hiroshi Kihara, December 1967.

No 26 Collected Papers Contributed to the 11th International Towing Tank Conference January 1968.

No 27 Effect of Ambient Air Pressure on the Spray Characteristics of Swirl Atomizers

by Kiyoshi Neya and Seishiro Sato February 1968

No 28 Open Water Test Series of Modified AU Type Four and Five Bladed Propeller

Models of Large Area Ratio by Atsuo Yazaki Hi.roshi Sugano Michio Takahashi and Junzo Minakata March 1968

No. 29 The MENE Neutron Transport Code, by Kiy6shi Takeuchi, November 1968. No 30 Brittle Fracture Strength of Welded Joint by Kazuo Ikeda and Hiroshi Kihara

March 1969.

No. 31 Some Aspects of the Correlations between the Wire Typé. Pènetrameter

Sensi-tivity, by Akira Kanño, July i69.

No 32 Experimental Studies on and Considerations of the Supercharged Once-through

Marine Boiler, by Naotéüg'u Isshiki and Hiroya Tarnaki, January 1970.

Supplement No. .

Statistical Diagrnis On the Wind and Waves on the North Pacific Ocean, by Yasufumi

Yamarouchi and Akihiro Ogawa, March 1970.

No. 33 Collected Papers Contributed to the' 12th International Towing Tank Conférence, March 1970.

No 34 Heat Transfer through a Horizontal Water Layer by Shinobu Tokuda February


No 35 A New Method of C O D MeasurementBrittle Fracture Initiation Character istics of Deep Notch Test by Means of Electrostatic Capacitance Method by Kazuo Ikeda Shigeru Kitamura and Hiroshi Maenaka March 1971

No. 36 Elasto-Plastic Stress Analysis of Discs (The ist Report in Steady State of

Thermal and Centrifugal Loadings), by Shigeyasu Amada, July 1971.

Ño. 37 Multigroup Neutron Transport with Añiotropic Scattering, by Tornio Yoshimura, August 1971.

No 38 Primary Neutron Damage State in Ferritic Steels and Correlation of V Notch Transition Temperature Increase with Frenkel Defect Density with Neutron Ir

radiation, by Michiyoshi Nomaguchi, March 1972.

No 39 Furthèr Studies of Cracking Behavior in Multipass Fillet Weld, by Tàkuya Köbayashi, Kazumi Nishikawa and Hiroshi Tamura, March 1972.

No 40 A Magnetic Method for the Determination of Residual Stress by Seiichi Abuku May 1972.

No. 41, . An Investigation of Effect of Surface Roughness on Forced-Convection Surface

BOilin Heat Transfer, by Masanobu Nomura and Herman Merte, Jr., December


NO. 42 PALLASPL, SP A One' Dimensional Transport Code, by Kiyoshi Takeuchi,

February 1973.' '

No. 43 Unsteady Heat Transfer from a Cylinder; by Shinobu Tokuda, March 1973. No. 44 On Propeller Vibratory Foces of the Container shipCorrelation between Ship


Takahashi, March. 1973.

No 45 Life Distribution and Design Curve inLow Cycle Fatigue by Kunihiro lida and

Hajime moue July 1973

No 46 Elasto-Plastic Stress Analysis of Rotating Discs (2nd Report Discs subjected to

Transient Thermal and Constant Centrifugal Loading) by Shigeyasu Amada and Akimasä Machidá, July 1973.

No 47 PALLAS 2DCY A Two Dimensional Transport Code by Kiyosln Takeuchi

NvembeE 1973.

No 48 On the Irregular Frequencies m the Theory of Oscillating Bodiesin a Free

Stfrfaôe, by Shigeo Ohmatsu, January 1975..

No 49 Fast Neutron Streaming through a Cylindrical Air Duct inWater by Toshimasa

Miura Amo Yamaji Kiyoshi Takeuchi and Takayoshi Fuse September 1976 No 50 A Consideration on the Extraordinary Response of the Automatic Steering Sys

teth for Ship Model in Quartering Seas by Takeshi Fuwa November 1976 No 51 On the Effect of the Forward Velocity on the Roll Damping Moment by Iwao

Watanabe, February 1977.

No 52 The Added Mass Coefficient of a Cylinder Oscillating in Shallow Water in the

Limit KO and K., by Makoto Kan, May ]97.

No 53 Wave Generation and Absorption by Means of Completely Submerged Horisontal Circular Cylinder Moving in a Circular OrbitFundamental Study on Wave

Energy Extraction, by Takeshi Füwa, Oötobér 1978

In addition to the above-mentióned reports, the Ship Researôh Institute has another senes of reports entitled Report of Ship Research Institute The Report is


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