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St. Michael the Archangel Church


Academic year: 2022

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St. Michael the Archangel Chur ch

On the corner of Ridge Rd. and Page Ave.

St. Michael’s the Archangel RC Parish

Served by:

Rev. Marek B. Wysocki, M. Div., Pastor Pastoral Vicar, (vacant)

Deacon Reynaldo Trinidad, Retired

Gene DeHaven and Michelle Latko, Trustees Agnes Kalinowski, Director of Music and Pastoral Assistant

Roberta Pocius, Director of Angel Academy

Telephone Numbers:

Parish Office: (201) 939-1161 Fax: (201) 939-7571 Parish Website:


Parish e-mail:


Music Director:


CCD Religious Education:



Chrzty po angielsku: w niedziele o 12:30.

Chrzty po polsku: w niedziele o 13:30.

Prosimy o zgłoszenie się po informacje do kancelarii parafialnej.

Sakrament Chorych:

W sprawie odwiedzin chorych, w domu lub w szpitalu, proszę dzwonić do kancelarii parafialnej Sakrament Małżeństwa:

Należy zgłosić się do jednego z księży mini- mum rok przed planowanym terminem ślubu Spowiedz sw. w soboty od 15:00 16:00.

GODPARENTS’/SPONSORS’ CERTIFICATES Any Certificate of Eligibility (Godparents, Spon- sors, etc.) will be issued for REGISTERED PAR- ISHIONERS ONLY (who have been registered here and are currently in good standing with the Canon Law Reqs.— Canons 872-874)


Zaświadczenia będą wydawane tylko dla osób, które są zapisane w Parafii, uczęszczają syste- matycznie na Msze św. oraz spełniają wymogi Prawa Kanonicznego—kanony 872-874.

Rectory and Parish Office:

624 Page Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Sacrament of Baptism:

Sundays in English at 12:30PM Sundays in Polish at 1:30PM

Call the rectory for scheduling and preparation Sacrament of Matrimony:

Engaged couples should make arrangements at least one year prior to their wedding. Call the rectory to speak to one of the priests for scheduling and preparation

Sacrament of the Sick:

Urgent calls at any time. Holy Communion and visitation by arrangement.


Confessions take place on Saturdays between 3pm—4pm .

With Song:

St. Michael’s English Choir and St. Cecilia’s Polish Choir welcome new members. Please, contact our Music Director

CCD on Sunday Mornings:

Religious education and Sacramental preparation for Public School Students in grades 1-8. Class begins with Mass at 9:00 AM in Church and ends in the classroom at 11:00 AM. Two years of preparation are required for the Sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion, and 8 years for the Sacrament of Confirmation

The 20-21 school year is virtual per the Archdiocese of Newark directives.

Angel Academy: (201) 939-0350

Angel Academy: Offering Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4 Program

Our new website is .https://



SATURDAY-MARCH 13—SOBOTA 5:00PM † Deceased Members of the Parish SUNDAY—MARCH 14—NIEDZIELA 7:30 † Arnie Abad—Ruby Heberer 9:00 † Dennis J. Karst—Aunt Meg 10:15 † Henryk Drazyk– Wife, Ewa, Son, Konrad, Daughter, Ania & Family

* Health & God’s Blessings for Jozefa Wrocenski—Jan & Krystyna Kornak &

Family (In Polish)

11:30 † Brendon Dolaghan—Mom & Dad MONDAY—MARCH 15—PONIEDZIALEK 7:00 Thanksgiving to St. Joseph—Elora 12:00 † Vincent Massa—JoAnne & Family TUESDAY—MARCH 16— WTOREK

7:00 Blessings for Nathaniel Navas—Jan &

Krystyna Kornak

12:00 † Patricia Bulger (Birthday) - Goddaughter, Jacqueline




MARCH 14, 2021

THURSDAY– MARCH 18- CZWARTEK (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)


FRIDAY—MARCH 19—PIĄTEK (St. Joseph) 7:00 † Jose & Maria DaLuz Almeida—

Daughter, Maria Goncalves

12:00 † Gertrudis Milanes—Garcia Family

SATURDAY– MARCH 20—SOBOTA 5:00PM † Stefan Rokoszak—Jim & Rose


SUNDAY—MARCH 21—NIEDZIELA 7:30 † Georgianna Wisniewski(Birthday)

—Husband & Children 9:00 † Patricia Bulger (Anniv) - Goddaughter, Jacqueline

10:15 † Jozefa Trzeciak (Anniv) - Family In Polish)

11:30 † Henry Chung (6th Anniv)- Nikki, Janet, Nico

†Daniel P. Bucci—Bucci & Potozney Families

For the week of March 14th , the Altar Candles were given in loving memory of Teofilo Gonzales from the Gonzales Family.

Scrip Gift Card Program

Easter is approaching very soon! Have you thought about giving a gift card to your family for Easter?

Remember that our Scrip Program is an all year fund- raiser for St. Michael’s. You would not only be giving a great gift, you would be helping our wonderful

Parish! If you would like to place an order for gift cards, or need more information, please call the rectory at 201- 939-1161 or email at


Thank you for your continued support with this program!


Please pray for those who are sick, especially:

Deacon Reynaldo Trinidad Madison Cantarelli Diann Bulfone Irene Serzan Jay Goodwin Laura Turano Denise Swantek Julie Hildebrand Jaime Ardizzone Judy Binkowski Ed Hanratty Doria Marchak Catherine Gomez Joseph Gehrmann Allison Russell Cathy Dzialo David Dzialo Alexa Dzialo Denise Ayers Shannon Ayers Beverly Caracciolo Loretta Kiczek Paul T. Komisar, Jr. Louis Bottone Joseph Caramanico Anna Gouveia Gary Trippiedi Maureen Casciano Simplicia Ramirez Jasmine Dursyn Celeste Ladagona Bobby Travieso Theresa Brooks Tracy Wright Felicia D’Ascheberg Malgorzata Taraska Camille Moglia Annette Bartone Darlene Romano Thomas Mauriello Richard Thumann Anna Movo

Ana Araujo Diana Araujo

John Zazanis Fernando Araujo Jim Drzymkowski

Please note that IT IS NECESSARY to call the rectory every two weeks if you want a name in the bulletin for Prayer for the Sick. If you do not call in each week, the names will be deleted from the list. You must call the rectory or drop off a note with the name before the bulletin goes to print. Bulletin goes to print on Tuesdays.

We would like to dedicate this section of our bulletin for any immediate family members of parishioners who are currently active in the Mili- tary. If you would like a family member included on our ―Service Prayer List‖, please call the Recto- ry.


Franklin Chapman Laura and Brian Falk

Anthony Avella David Pickard Stephen Dillon Michael DiGesu Joseph Campolattaro

Ryan Lee Robert Tagliabue Anthony Tagliabue

Stephen Kaufman Janette Faulk Harold Faulk Marc Anthony Picciano

Alex Bazanos David Merle Nicholas Merle Michael Scillia

Lectors needed….

We are in need of lectors at St. Michael’s. We have lost several of our lectors over the past year.

If you are interested, please call the rectory office and give your name and phone number and you will be notified of your schedule.

Stations of the Cross during Lent….

Every Friday at 6:00pm in English Every Friday at 7:00pm in Polish St. Michael’s

Angel Academy

If you are interested in enrol- ling your child in our PreK 3 or PreK-4 Pro- gram, please call the school at 201-939-0350 or email them at

stmichaelangelacademy@gmail.com to make an appointment to visit the school.

They will give you all the information about the program.

Have you submitted your

personal e-mail address to the rectory office yet?

In an effort to ―reduce‖ the ever- increasing ―operating costs‖ of our beautiful parish, we are instituting an ―up to the moment‖ notification sys- tem to keep all of our parishioners and friends informed of all that is happening at our beautiful parish.

The success of this program is totally ―dependent‖ up- on you, the parishioner, to call the rectory office at 201- 939-1161 and submit your personal e-mail address or you can email us at

stmichaellyndhurst@gmail.com and give us your name and email.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this mat- ter.


My dear Parishioners,

Today we are asked to take an active role in the 2021 Annual Appeal. We are faced with

difficult and uncertain times.

Your support of the Annual Appeal enables essential programs and ministries to be available to the people of our archdiocese. Your gift has a direct impact in the lives of these people. The goal set for our parish: $ 33,332. As of today, only 54 people have made a pledge of $14,600.

Twenty-one parishioners have already donated $5,450. We are in need $27,850 to reach our goal set by the Archdiocese. For your convenience you will find Annual Appeal envelopes at all the church exits. Please take an envelope, and consider how much you are able to donate to the Annual Appeal. Please complete the envelope and place it in the collection basket. If you take it home, I ask that you kindly return it completed to the parish office or place it in the col- lection basket next weekend. Many parishes have already reached their goal. This allows these parishes to get a rebate from Archdiocese. I encourage all our parishioners to participate in this Appeal. Hopefully we will reach our goal and be able to receive a nice rebate from the Archdiocese to our parish.

In prayers,

Fr. Marek, Pastor




Raz jeszcze uprzejmie kieruję słowa przypomienia odnośnie Archidjecezjannego Dorocznego Apelu (AAA). Poprzez ten Apel jesteśmy proszeni o odegranie aktywnej roli w trudnych i niepewnych czasach bieżącego roku 2021. Wasze poparcie dla Dorocznego Apleu

Arcybiskupa umożliwia mieszkańcom naszej archidiecezji udostępnienie niezbędnych programów i udzielenia pomocy tym, którzy są w potrzebie. Każy dar ma bezpośredni wpływ na życie tych ludzi, którzy licza na naszą pomoc. Główny gol tego Dorocznego

Apelu dla naszej parafii wynosi $33,332. Na dzień dzisiejszy tylko 54 osoby złożyły zobowiązania na kwotę sięgającą $14 600. Niestety, ale tylko 21 parafian przekazało

jak do tej pory ofiary na sumę 5,450 dolarów. Aby osiągnąć nasz gol jaki podaje

Archidiecezja, potrzebujemy jeszcze $27,850 dolarów. Wspaniale by było, aby każda rodzina wzięła kopertę i wspólnie zastanowila się w domu, ile może przekazać na ten apel

arcybiskupa. Po wypełnieniu koperty można ja wrzucić na tacę, to znaczy do koszyczka gdzie składa sie niedzielne ofiary w czasie Mszy swietej lub przynieść do biura parafialnego.Pragnę nadmienić, ze wiele parafii już osiągnęło swój gol. Dzięki temu te parafie mogą otrzymać zwrot od Archidiecezji. Zwrot, który przewyższa wyznaczony gol dla poszczególnej parafii.

Zachęcam wszystkich naszych parafian do wzięcia udziału w tym Apelu. Miejmy nadzieję, że osiągniemy nasz cel i będziemy mogli otrzymać od Archidiecezji należny „rebate” dla naszej parafii, a może nawet tak bardzo potrzebnego wikariusza będzie łatwiej dostać, by jeszcze intensywniej rozwijać naszą parafię i uczynić ją bardziej silniejszą i aktywniejszą wspólnotą modlitewną.


Our 2022 Mass Book will open on Tuesday, March 16th.

Tuesday 10am—3pm (in person) Wednesday 10am—5pm (in person) Thursday 10am—3pm (in person) Friday 10am—3pm (only by phone bookings)

Sunday and Holy Day Masses are $15 each

Weekday Masses are $10 each


Jesli znasz osobę, która cierpi w wyniku doświadczeń aborcji - zaproś ją na uz- drawiajace REKOLEKCJE prowadzone w jez- yku polskim, w Amerykanskiej Czestochow- ie.

Najbliższe rekolekcje odbędą się w dniach 23-25 kwietnia 2021roku

Informacje i zapisy: 201-754-8201 (można dzwonić lub tekstowac)

E-mail: kontakt@WinnicaRacheli.org

Wiecej informacji: www.WinnicaRacheli.org

We received a letter from Cardinal Joseph W.

Tobin in reference to the observance of absti- nence from eating meat on all Fridays of Lent as well as Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

He writes:

―Every year our Lenten austerity is interrupt- ed by one of two solemnities, feast days of the highest rank that celebrate a mystery of faith such as the trinity, an event in the life of Jesus, his Mother Mary, or another important saint. The solemnity of saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is commemorat- ed on March 19th and this year, that celebra- tion falls on a Friday. What is more, last De- cember, Pope Francis announced a special

―Year of St. Joseph‖ to be celebrated from December8, 2020 to December 8, 2021.

Some of the faithful have asked me to dis- pense the Archdiocese from abstinence from meat on Friday, March 19, 2021. I am hap- py to grant that dispensation to all as part of the celebration of this Solemnity during the Year of St. Joseph.

A most fitting way to celebrate the Solemnity is a festive meal with your household and a gift to one of our food pantries or soup kitch- ens to ensure that the poor will eat as well.‖

Angel Academy will be selling dec- orated palm Crosses.

They will be available in the church lobby the weekends of March 20 and 21st and March 27th and 28th after all Masses.

Palm Crosses are $10.00 each.

We appreciate your continued sup-

port. Wishing you and your families

a Happy and Blessed Easter.



CHURCH NAME: St. Michael the Archangel

BULLETIN NUMBER: 911048. 314

Date of Publication : March 14, 2021

Number of Pages Transmitted: Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6

Special Instructions We would like 250 bulletins printed


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