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Statystyczna Analiza Danych - Dr M. Nowak-Kępczyk. Statystyczna Analiza Danych. Załącznik nr 5 do dokumentacji programowej KARTA PRZEDMIOTU


Academic year: 2022

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Statystyczna Analiza Danych - Dr M. Nowak-Kępczyk

I. Dane podstawowe

Nazwa przedmiotu

Statystyczna Analiza Danych

Nazwa przedmiotu w języku angielskim Statistical Analysis of Data

Kierunek studiów Informatyka, matematyka

Poziom studiów (I, II, jednolite magisterskie) I

Forma studiów (stacjonarne, niestacjonarne) stacjonarne


Język wykładowy ANGIELSKI

Koordynator przedmiotu/osoba odpowiedzialna dr Małgorzata Nowak-Kępczyk

Forma zajęć (katalog

zamknięty ze słownika) Liczba godzin semestr Punkty ECTS

wykład 30 2 or 4 or 6 5


ćwiczenia 30 2 or 4 or 6

laboratorium warsztaty seminarium proseminarium lektorat praktyki

zajęcia terenowe pracownia dyplomowa translatorium

wizyta studyjna

Wymagania wstępne Elements of calculus. Basics of probabilistic methods.

II. Cele kształcenia dla przedmiotu

C1. The main aim of the course is to familiarize students with the methods and procedures of descriptive statistics and mathematical statistics.

C2. Students will get acquainted with the basic methods and objectives of descriptive statistics, such as the use of statistical measures, charts and methods of statistical inference, such as estimation and statistical testing principles.


III. Efekty uczenia się dla przedmiotu wraz z odniesieniem do efektów kierunkowych

Symbol Opis efektu przedmiotowego Odniesienie do efektu

kierunkowego WIEDZA

W_01 The student understands the importance of mathematics and its applications, in particular, its role in the context of contemporary civilization dilemmas.


W_02 The student has advanced knowledge of the basic areas of higher mathematics, in particular in statistics and other selected fields of mathematics and its applications.



U_01 The student can employ statistical characteristics of population and

their sample analogues K_U35

U_02 The student is able to use his knowledge to formulate complex and unusual mathematical problems in a correct and

understandable way, discuss them and the methods of solving them and present mathematical results and contents, in particular using information and communication techniques.


U_03 The student can determine parameters of distribution of random variable with discrete or continuous distribution; can apply limit theorems and laws of large numbers to estimate probabilities.


K_01 The student is prepared to appreciate the role and importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems, typical of occupations and workplaces appropriate for graduates in the field of mathematics/informatics and consulting experts in the case of difficulties in solving the problem


K_02 Student is ready to present selected achievements of higher

mathematics in a popular way. K_K05

IV. Opis przedmiotu/ treści programowe

1. Main goals, advantages and disadvantages of statistics - examples of statistical problems, basic definitions (population, sample, random variable), measurement scales.

2. Basic statistical concepts - empirical distribution, data series, time series, types of data, quantity, cumulative quantity.

3. Measurements of descriptive statistics - average, median, quartiles, quintiles, standard deviation, variance, range. Other measures of descriptive statistics.

4. Statistical charts - histogram, side-and-must chart, pie chart, line chart, other charts.

5. Review of some distributions of random variables - discrete distributions and continuous distribution (binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, exponential distribution, Student\'s t- distribution).

6. Estimation - point estimation, estimator features, moment method, estimation of the maximum probability, methods and examples of interval estimation.

7. Statistical tests - the concept of zero hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, level of significance, types of errors, critical value. An example of statistical test tonnage.

8. Selected examples of statistical tests (chi-square tests, tests of means, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, etc.).

9. Introduction to multidimensional analysis, concept of variable dependencies (covariance and correlation coefficient). Basics of regression analysis (linear and nonlinear).

10. Time series - smoothing time series, dynamics indicators. Discussion on the basics of forecasting time


11. Introduction to simulation methods - Monte Carlo method and its application.

V. Metody realizacji i weryfikacji efektów uczenia się Symbol

efektu Metody dydaktyczne

(lista wyboru)

Metody weryfikacji

(lista wyboru)

Sposoby dokumentacji

(lista wyboru)


W_01 Problem lecture Test, written test, written

exam. Evaluated test.

W_02 Conventional lecture Test, written test, written

exam. Evaluated test.



U_01 Guided practice Test. Evaluated test.

U_02 Guided practice Test, written test, written

exam. Evaluated test.

U_03 Guided practice Test, written test, written

exam. Evaluated test.

KOMPETENCJE SPOŁECZNE K_01 Conversational lecture Test, written test, written

exam. Evaluated test.

K_02 Group work, work in pairs Test, written test, written

exam. Evaluated test.



The completion of classes is required.

Based on written exam:

86 – 100% (5,0) 76 – 85% (4,5) 66 – 76% (4,0) 60 – 65% (3,5) 50 – 59% (3,0) less than 50% (2,0) CLASSES:

80% of attendance is required.

Final grade based on two tests:

86 – 100% (5,0) 76 – 85% (4,5) 66 – 76% (4,0) 60 – 65% (3,5) 50 – 59% (3,0) less than 50% (2,0)


The detailed description of assessment is given during the lecture/classes.


Forma aktywności studenta Liczba godzin Liczba godzin kontaktowych z nauczycielem 90

Liczba godzin indywidualnej pracy studenta 60

VII. Literatura Literatura podstawowa

1) William Mendenhall, Robert J. Beaver, Barbara M. Beaver “Introduction to Probability and Statistics”

2) David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Pruves “Statistics” Viva Books, 2011 3) Andrzej Stanisz, "Przystępny kurs statystyki", Kraków 2001

4) Amir D. Aczel “Complete business statistics” Wohl Publishing; 8th edition (2012) Literatura uzupełniająca

1) Starzyńska W., Statystyka praktyczna. Wydawnictwo naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2002 i wydania późniejsze

2) Ostasiewicz S., Rusnak Z., Siedlecka U.., Statystyka. Elemety teorii i zadania. Wydanie 4, poprawione. Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2001.

3) Sobczyk M., Statystyka. PWN, Warszawa 2001 i późniejsze wydania.

4) Roxy Peck, Chris Olsen, Jay Devore “Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis” Cengage Learning, Jan 1, 2011


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