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Academic year: 2021

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PHOTOCOPIABLE Password Reset A2+/B1 Teacher’s Resource File © Springer Nature Limited 2016 & Macmillan Polska 2019

2 describing a picture


Dopasuj zwroty (a–p) do odpowiednich pytań (1–7) porządkujących opis ilustracji. Następnie opisz ilustrację, wykorzystując zwroty z ramki.

1 Who are they?

2 Where are they?

3 When is it happening?

4 What are they doing?

5 What are they wearing?

6 What do they look like?

7 How are they feeling?


a a middle-aged baseball coach b excited and calm

c giving the players instructions d holding a bat

e holding some notes in one hand f in a sports field

g in the open air

h listening to the coach’s advice i of medium height, slim and fit j on a warm, sunny day

k seem interested, listen with attention l stainding in front of the team m teenage baseball players

n light trousers, a dark shirt, trainers and a baseball cap

o sports outfits, trainers and baseball caps p well-built and quite tall

Znajdź po jednym błędzie gramatycznym w wyróżnionych fragmentach opisu ilustracji znajdującej się obok.

Wpisz poprawione fragmenty w luki 1–10.

On the picture1 I can see three young men on the basketball court. They are in their teens and they play2 basketball in the open air. It is a warm summer day because I can see the clear sky and some green trees on the background3 . The players wearing4 light summer clothes: comfortable T-shirts, shorts, jumpers and tracksuit bottoms.

The boy on the foreground5 sits

6 in a wheelchair and he plays

7 with his friends. The other two boys try8 to put the ball in the basket and they are quite successful. Everyone looking

9 up at the basket.

In my opinion, all three men seem very happy and I think they enjoy10 the game because there are smiles on their faces.

EXAM TASK 3 minuty Opisz ilustrację.

Użyj poniższych zwrotów.



garden some ball, trees stretch your arms

hands ahead elder people


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