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1 Locally nilpotent derivations


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Andrzej Nowicki

N. Copernicus University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, ul. Chopina 12–18, 87–100 Toru´ n, Poland

(e-mail: anow@mat.uni.torun.pl) December 29, 1993

Let k be a field of characteristic zero, let n > 1 be a natural number, and let k[x1, . . . , xn] be the polynomial ring over k.

The well known result of Weitzenb¨ock [22] states that every linear action of the additive group Gaon Anhas a finitely generated ring of invariants. In the vocabulary of differential equations this means that every system of polynomial differential equations of the form




 dx1

dt = a11x1+ · · · + a1nxn

· · · dxn

dt = an1x1+ · · · + annxn

where [aij] is a nilpotent n×n matrix over k, has a finite subset of k[x1, . . . , xn] generating over k the ring of all polynomial first integrals.

In the vocabulary of derivations this is equivalent to the following assertion. Let d be a locally nilpotent k-derivation of the polynomial ring k[x1, . . . , xn] which is linear (i. e., the polynomials d(x1), . . . , d(xn) are linear forms). Then the ring of constant of d is finitely generated over k.

Recently, A. Tyc [21] generalized this fact. He proved, using Weitzenb¨ock theorem, that every (that is, not only locally nilpotent) linear k-derivation has a finitely generated ring of constants.

A modern proof of Weitzenb¨ock theorem is due to C.S.Seshadri [17] (see also [9]). All the known proofs are not constructive. Given a linear k-derivation of k[x1, . . . , xn] it is not easy to describe its ring of constants even if we assume that the corresponding matrix is nilpotent.

We say that a k-derivation d of k[x1, . . . , xn] is Weitzenb¨ock if d is linear and its matrix is a Jordan’s matrix with the zeros on the main diagonal.

It is obvious that when studying the ring of constants of a linear locally nilpotent k- derivation d, without loss of generality, we may suppose that d is a Weitzenb¨ock derivation.



Let us make precise some notations. Assume that n > 2 and let Rn = k[x0, x1, . . . , xn−1] be the polynomial ring in n variables over k. Consider only one Jordan’s cell:

J =

0 1 0 · · · 0 0 0 0 1 · · · 0 0

· · · · 0 0 0 · · · 0 1 0 0 0 · · · 0 0

 .

Let dn : Rn−→ Rn be the Weitzenb¨ock derivation of Rn corresponding to J , i. e.,





dn(x0) = 0 dn(x1) = x0

dn(x2) = x1

· · ·

dn(xn−1) = xn−2.


Such a Weitzenb¨ock derivation will be called basic.

We would like to find (for any n) a finite set of generators over k of Rdnn, the ring of constants of dn. If n = 2 then it is easy. Since d2 = x0∂x

1, Rd22 = k[x0]. For arbitrary n the problem seems to be difficult. In [8] we may find a finite set of polynomials which is proposed as a generating set of Rdnn. But, as shows L. Tan in [20], it is not a generating set. Full lists of generators, for n = 3 or 4, are described in [20].

The case n = 5, as it is mentioned in [20] (see also [13]), is complicated and a finite set of generators was unknown. We present here (see Theorem 6.2) such a set. We present also finite sets of generators for n 6 4 and we give some observations for n = 6. Several cases of nonbasic Weitzenb¨ock derivations are also described.

Our calculations are based on methods from the theory of Gr¨obner bases and we use A. van den Essen’s algorithm [5], [6].

We assume that the reader is familiar with the basic notions of Gr¨obner bases (see for example [2], [14]). If I is an ideal then we denote by GB(I) its reduced Gr¨obner basis.

We say that an k-algebra A is a k-domain if A is without zero divisors.

Acknowledgments. The author wishes to thank Jean Moulin Ollagnier for his sug- gesting introduction to Gr¨obner bases. Also the author wishes to thank Kazuo Kishimoto and Jean-Marie Strelcyn for many inspiring discussions.

1 Locally nilpotent derivations

In this section we recall some facts concerning to locally nilpotent derivations.

Let A be a finitely generated (commutative) k-domain and let d : A −→ A be a nonzero k-derivation. We denote by Ad the ring of constants of d, i. e., Ad = {a ∈ A; d(a) = 0}.

We say that d is locally nilpotent if for any a ∈ A there exists m > 0 such that dm(a) = 0.

In such a case, if a 6= 0, then we denote by degd(a) the number s such that ds(a) 6= 0 and ds+1= 0.


Assume that d is locally nilpotent.

If there exists an element b ∈ A such that d(b) = 1 then it is well known (see for example [15], [4], [7]) that Adis a finitely generated k-algebra and there exists an explicit formula for a finite generating set of Ad.

Now we do not assume that there exists an element b in A with d(b) = 1. Since d is a nonzero locally nilpotent k-derivation of A, there exists an element c ∈ A such that degd(c) = 1. Put h = d(c). Then, from [20], [5] and [7], one can deduce the following Proposition 1.1. Let A = k[a1, . . . , an] be a finitely generated k-domain, and let d be a nonzero locally nilpotent k-derivation of A. Then

k[h, ˜a1, . . . , ˜an] ⊆ Ad ⊆ k[h, ˜a1, . . . , ˜an][1/h], k[h, ˜a1, . . . , ˜an][1/h] ∩ A = Ad,

where the elements ˜a1, . . . , ˜an are defined by the formula:

˜ ai =





p!dp(ai)(−c)phsi−p (1.1) for i = 1, . . . , n, with si = degd(ai). 

Let M be the family of all k-subalgebras of A containing h such that B ⊆ Ad⊆ B[1/h]

and, if B ∈ M, then denote by B the k-subalgebra of A generated by the set {a ∈ A; ah ∈ B}. Proposition 1.1 implies that there exists a finitely generated k-algebra B belonging to M. Moreover, if B ∈ M then it is easy to see that B ⊆ B and B ∈ M.

Assume that A = k[a1, . . . , an] and let ˜a1, . . . , ˜an be the elements of A defined by (1.1).

For every integer m > 0 we define (as in [5]) the following sequence (Bm) of k- subalgebras of A:

( B0 = k[h, ˜a1, . . . , ˜an],

Bm = Bm−1, for m > 1. (1.2)

Each Bm is a finitely generated algebra over k belonging to M ([5] Lemma 2.5).

Moreover, B0 ⊆ B1 ⊆ · · · ⊆ Ad, S

m=0Bm = Ad, and we have

Lemma 1.2 ([5]). If Ad is finitely generated over k, then Ad = Bm for some m > 0.  As a consequence of the above facts we get

Proposition 1.3. Let k be a field of characteristic zero, A = k[a1, . . . , an] a finitely generated k-algebra without zero divisors, and d a nonzero locally nilpotent k-derivation of A. Let (Bm) be the sequence of k-algebras defined by (1.2). The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) Ad is finitely generated over k.

(2) Ad= Bm, for some m > 0.

(3) The sequence B0 ⊆ B1 ⊆ . . . is stationary.

(4) There exists m > 0 such that Bm = Bm+1.

(5) There exists a finitely generated k-algebra B ∈ M such that B = B.


Proof. The implication (1) ⇒ (2) follows from Lemma 1.2. The implications (2)

⇒ (3) ⇒ (4) ⇒ (5) are evident. It remains to show (5) ⇒ (1). Let x ∈ Ad. Since Ad ⊆ B[1/h], there exists s > 0 such that hsx ∈ B. Hence hs−1x ∈ B = B, and consequently hs−2x, . . . , h1x, x ∈ B. So, Ad= B is finitely generated over k. 

From the proof of the implication (5) ⇒ (1) we obtain the following

Corollary 1.4. Let k be a field of characteristic zero, A = k[a1, . . . , an] a finitely generated k-domain, and d a nonzero locally nilpotent k-derivation of A. Assume that there exists a finitely generated k-algebra B ∈ M such that B = B. Then Ad is finitely generated over k and Ad= B. 

2 An open problem and A. van den Essen’s algorithm

Let A denote the polynomial ring k[x1, . . . , xn].

We know that if d is an arbitrary k-derivation of A and n 6 3 then Ad is a finitely generated k-algebra. This result is due to Zariski [23] (see [12] for details). H. Derksen in [3] showed that if n = 32, then it is possible to construct such a k-derivation d of A that Ad is not finitely generated. His example is based on the well known Nagata counterexample [10] to the fourteenth problem of Hilbert. The existence of derivations of A with the non-finitely generated algebra Ad follows also from the author paper [11].

By [16] and [11], it is possible to show that if n = 7 then also exists such a derivation.

This fact implies that if n > 7 then there always exists a k-derivation d of A such that Ad is not finitely generated. There is a still open question for remaining n, for instance, if n = 4. This question is open even if we assume that d is locally nilpotent.

In 1989 L. Tan in [20] gave a method of computing generators of the ring of constants for basic Weitzenb¨ock derivations. In this case it is known that the ring of constants is finitely generated.

Later, in 1992, A. van den Essen ([5], [6]) showed that this method works in a more general case. He gave an algorithm computing a finite set of generators of the ring of constants for any locally nilpotent derivation (of a finitely generated k-domain), in case when the finiteness of the ring of constants is known.

Assume now that A = k[a1, . . . , an] is a finitely generated k-domain, and d is a locally nilpotent k-derivation of A. By A. van den Essen’s algorithm we may compute a finite set of generators of the algebras Bm defined in (1.2). If we know that Ad is finitely generated than we know, by Lemma 1.2, that Ad= Bm, for some m. The ascending chain B0 ⊆ B1 ⊆ . . . becomes stationary after a finite number of steps where they are equal to Ad. Using the theory of Gr¨obner basis we may compute Bm from Bm−1 for all m > 1 (see [5] Section 3 or [6] Section 4.2) and also, using the algebra membership algorithm given in [18], we may decide if Bm = Bm−1.

It is remarkable that the assumption of finiteness of Ad, which is in A. van den Essen’s algorithm, is unessential. By this assumption we know only that our calculations must be stopped in a finite number of steps, but we do not know when. We may use the same procedure for arbitrary locally nilpotent derivation of A. If we obtain the success, i. e.,


the calculations are stopped, then, by Theorem 1.3, we have a proof that Ad is finitely generated, and we have a finite set of its generators.

The author was trying to use the above algorithm to several derivations of polynomial rings. There exist some difficulties. If we start from the algebra B0 than, in many cases, we must (for the next steps) introduce new polynomial rings in much bigger number of variables. This number is often too big for a computer.

However there exists an another way. We may start not from B0 but from an algebra B which is in family M described in Section 1 and, in the next steps, we construct the algebras of the form B. By this way the author described generators for some locally nilpotent derivations studied in the next sections.

3 Properties of the basic Weitzenb¨ ock derivations

Let d = dn be a basic Weitzenb¨ock derivation. Then dp(xi) = xi−p, for p = 0, 1, . . . , i, and degd(xi) = i, for i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. The variables x0 and x1 play the same role as elements h and c from Section 1, that is d(x1) = x0 6= 0, d2(x1) = 0. Thus, by (1.1), putting ai = xi, si = i, c = x1, h = x0 , we get


x0 = x0, ˜x1 = 0 and, for i > 2,

˜ xi =





p!xi−p0 xp1xi−p

= (−1)i1

i!x00xi1x0+ (−1)i−1x10xi−11 x1+





p!xi−p0 xp1xi−p

= (−1)i−1i − 1

i! x0· ( xi1+ i!

i − 1





i!xi−1−p0 xi1xi−p ).

We know, from Section 1, that d(˜xi) = 0, for i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1.

Let us denote by t the variable x0.

Multiplying every element ˜xi (for i > 2) by (−1)i−1 i!i−1 and dividing by t (recall that d(t) = 0) we obtain the polynomial zi such that

zi = xi1+ i!

i − 1





i!ti−1−pxi1xi−p (3.1)

and d(zi) = 0.

In particular,





z2 = x21− 2tx2,

z3 = x31− 3tx1x2+ 3t2x3,

z4 = x41− 4tx21x2+ 8t2x1x3− 8t3x4,

z5 = x51− 5tx31x2+ 15t2x12x3− 30t3x1x4+ 30t4x5.



The above polynomials we may find also in the mentioned Weitzenb¨ock’s paper [22] p.242.

It is not difficult tu see that they are algebraically independent over k(t, x1) and hence, they are algebraically independent over k. It follows from Proposition 1.1 that

k[t, z2, . . . , zn−1] ⊆ Rdnn ⊆ k[t, z2, . . . , zn−1][1/t] (3.3) and

k[t, z2, . . . , zn−1][1/t] ∩ Rn= Rndn.

Therefore the k-algebra k[t, z2, . . . , zn−1] is an element of the family M defined in Section 1.

The derivation dnis homogeneous in the usual sense. If F is a homogeneous polynomial from Rn of degree m then dn(F ) is homogeneous of the same degree m.

There exists also an another homogeneity of dn. Consider the finite sequence α = (0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1). We say that a polynomial F ∈ Rn is an α-form of degree s if every monomial of F is of the form axi00xi11. . . , xin−1n−1, with a ∈ k, where

0i0+ 1i1+ 2i2+ · · · + (n − 1)in−1 = s.

It is easy to see that if F ∈ Rnis an α-form of degree s then dn(F ) is an α-form of degree s − 1. Thus we get

Proposition 3.1. The ring Rdnn is generated over k by homogeneous polynomials which are α-forms. 

Note that every polynomial zi is homogeneous of degree i and it is also an α-form of degree i.

4 Three variables

Proposition 4.1. Rd33 = k[t, z2].

Proof. Let B = k[t, z2]. By (3.3) we know that B ∈ M. Consider the ideal I = (t − y1, z2− y2, t) = (t, y1, x21− y2)

of the polynomial ring k[t, x1, x2, y1, y2]. Then

GB(I) = {t, y1, x21− y2} and GB(I) ∩ k[y1, y2] = {y1}.

Hence B = B and Rd33 = B, by Theorem 1.3. 


5 Four variables

Proposition 5.1. Rd44 = k[t, z2, z3, u],

where u = x21x22− 2x31x3+ 6tx1x2x383tx32− 3t2x23.

Proof. Let B = k[t, z2, z3, u]. Observe that 3t2u = z23 − z32. Thus d4(u) = 0 and we see, by (3.3), that B is a finitely generated algebra from the family M.

Now consider the ideal

I = (t − y1, z2− y2, z3− y3, u − y4, t)

= (t, y1, x21− y2, x31− y3, −2x31x3+ x21x22− y4) of the polynomial ring A = k[t, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, y4].

Let us fix in A the lexicographic ordering x1 > x2 > x3 > t > y2 > y3 > y4 > y1 and let GB(I) be the reduced Gr¨obner basis of I with respect to this ordering. Then we have

GB(I) = {t, y1, x21− y2, x1y2− y3, x1y3− y22, y32− y32, x22y2− 2x3y3− y4, x1y4− x22y3+ 2x3y22, x22y32− 2x3y22y3− y22y4 }

and thus

GB(I) ∩ k[y1, y2, y3, y4] = {y1, y23− y32}.

Now it is clear that B = B. Therefore, by Theorem 1.3, Rd44 = B. 

6 Five variables

In view of Proposition 3.1 we know that all generators of the ring Rd55 are homogeneous in the usual sense and also they are homogeneous with respect to the direction α = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). It is not difficult to find such homogeneous polynomials which are of small degrees. Here are four of them:

Table 6.1.

z2 x21− 2tx2 2 2

p2 2x1x3− x22− 2tx4 2 4 z3 x31− 3tx1x2 + 3t2x3 3 3 p3 6x21x4− 6x1x2x3+ 2x32− 12tx2x4+ 9tx23 3 6

In the first column we write the name of a polynomial and in the last two columns its degree and α-degree respectively.

We will show that {t, z2, z3, p2, p3} is a set of generators of the k-algebra Rd55. For this aim let us denote:

B = k[t, z2, z3, p2, p3].

Observe at first that the polynomial z4 (see (3.2)) belongs to B. In fact, z4 = z22+ 4t2p2.


So we have:

B ⊆ Rd55 ⊆ B[1/t], that is, B is an element of M.

Note that the polynomial u from Proposition 5.1 also belongs to B (since u = −z2p2

1 3tp3).

Theorem 6.2. Rd55 = B = k[t, z2, z3, p2, p3].

Proof. Consider the polynomial ring

A = k[t, x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5] and its ideal

I = (t − y1, z2− y2, p2− y3, z3 − y4, p3− y5, t)

= (t, y1, x21− y2, 2x1x3− x22− y3, x31− y4, 6x21x4− 6x1x2x3+ 2x32− y5).

Using the computer program CoCoA [1] we compute that the elements

b1, . . . , b27 below form the set GB(I), the reduced Gr¨obner basis of I (with respect to the lexicographic ordering x1 > · · · > x4 > t > y2 > · · · > y5 > y1).

b1 = y1, b2 = x21− y2,

b3 = x1x3− 1/2x22− 1/2y3, b4 = x1y2− y4,

b5 = x32+ 3x2y3− 6x4y2+ 2y5, b6 = t,

b7 = x22y2− 2x3y4+ y2y3, b8 = x1y4− y22,

b9 = x1x22+ x1y3− 2x3y2, b10 = y32− y42,

b11 = x22y4− 2x3y22+ y3y4,

b12 = x2x3y4+ x2y2y3− 3x4y22+ y2y5, b13 = x22y3− 6x2x4y2+ 2x2y5+ 4x23y2− y32, b14 = x1x2y3+ x1y5+ x2x3y2− 3x4y4,

b15 = x2x4y2y4 − 1/3x2y4y5− 2/3x32y2y4− 1/3x3y22y3+ 1/3y23y4, b16 = x2x4y22 − 1/3x2y2y5− 2/3x23y22− 1/3x3y3y4 + 1/3y2y23, b17 = x2x3y22 + x2y3y4− 3x4y2y4+ y4y5,

b18 = x22y5+ 2x2x23y2− 2x2y32− 6x3x4y4+ 6x4y2y3− y3y5, b19 = x1x2y5− x1y32− 3x2x4y4+ 2x23y4+ x3y2y3,

b20 = x2x4y42 − 1/3x2y22y5− 2/3x32y24− 1/3x3y2y3y4+ 1/3y22y23,

b21 = x2x23y2y3 + 3x2x4y2y5− x2y33− x2y52− 2x23y2y5− 3x3x4y3y4+ 3x4y2y32, b22 = x1y33+ x1y25− 2x33y22 − 3x23y3y4+ 9x24y2y4− 6x4y4y5,

b23 = x33y4+ 3/2x23y2y3− 9/2x42y22+ 3x4y2y5− 1/2y33− 1/2y52,

b24 = x2x3y2y5 + 3x2x4y3y4+ 2x33y22+ x32y3y4− x3y2y32− 9x24y2y4+ 3x4y4y5,


b25 = x2x4y2y33+ x2x4y2y52− 1/3x2y33y5− 1/3x2y53− 2/3x43y22y3+ 5/6x23y2y33

−2/3x23y2y52+ 3x3x24y2y3y4− 2x3x4y3y4y5 − 9/2x24y22y23+ 3x4y2y32y5

−1/6y53− 1/6y32y25,

b26 = x2x3y33y52+ x2x3y54+ 9x2x24y43y4+ 9x2x24y3y4y25+ 2x53y22y3y5

+6x33x4y22y33+ 6x33x4y22y52− 5/2x33y2y33y5+ 2x33y2y53− 9x23x24y2y3y4y5

+3x23x4y34y4+ 9x23x4y3y4y25 + 27/2x3x24y22y32y5− 3x3x4y2y35 − 12x3x4y2y32y25 +1/2x3y35y5+ 1/2x3y32y35 − 27x34y2y33y4− 27x43y2y4y52+ 9x24y33y4y5+ 9x24y4y35, b27 = x2x23y33y5+ x2x23y53− 3x2x4y35− 3x2x4y23y52+ 2x63y22y3+ 6x34x4y22y5− 5/2x43y2y33

+2x43y2y25+ 27x23x24y22y23− 63/2x23x4y2y23y5+ 1/2x23y53+ 1/2x23y32y52

−27x3x34y2y4y5− 9x3x24y33y4+ 9x3x24y4y52− 81/2x44y3y42+ 189/2x34y22y3y5 +9/2x24y2y34− 81/2x24y2y3y52+ 9/2x4y34y5+ 9/2x4y3y53.

Looking at the above elements we see that only two from them, namely b1 and b10, belong to k[y1, . . . , y5], i. e.

GB(I) ∩ k[y1, . . . , y5] = {b1, b10}.

For us only b10(y2, y4) = y23− y24 is an interesting element. Set v = b10(z2, z3). Then v = z23− z32 = −6t2w,


w = x31x3− 1

2x21x22− 3tx1x2x3+4

3tx32+ 3 2t2x23. Observe that

w = z2p2+1 3tp3.

This means that w ∈ B. So B = B and therefore, by Theorem 1.3, Rd55 = B = k[t, z2, z3, p2, p3]. 

7 Six variables

The case six variables seems to be more complicated. The ring Rd66 contains all the polynomials from the following table.

Table 7.1.

z2 x21− 2tx2 2 2

p2 −x22+ 2x1x3− 2tx4 2 4

z3 x31− 3tx1x2 + 3t2x3 3 3

q3 x1x22− 2x21x3− tx2x3+ 5tx1x4− 5t2x5 3 5 p3 2x32− 6x1x2x3+ 6x21x4+ 9tx23− 12tx2x4 3 6 f6 x1x32− 3x21x2x3+ 3x31x4− tx22x3+ 6tx1x23− 4tx1x2x4− 5tx21x5− 6t2x3x4

+10t2x2x5 4 7

f7 −4x42+ 16x1x22x3− 21x21x23+ 10x12x2x4 − 10x31x5+ 12tx2x23− 40tx22x4

+30tx1x3x4+ 30tx1x2x5− 30t2x3x5 4 8 f8 8x22x23− 18x1x33− 16x32x4+ 38x1x2x3x4− 9x21x24+ 10x1x22x5− 20x21x3x5

+18tx23x4− 32tx2x24− 10tx2x3x5+ 50tx1x4x5− 25t2x25 4 10 f9 x1x42− 4x21x22x3+ 3/2x31x23+ 5x31x2x4− 5x41x5− tx32x3+ 21/2tx1x2x23

−10tx1x22x4− 15tx21x3x4+ 20tx21x2x5− 27/2t2x33+ 30t2x2x3x4 − 20t2x22x5 5 9


f10 −1/2x1x22x23+ 3x21x33+ x1x32x4− 8x21x2x3x4+ 9x31x24+ 5x21x22x5

−10x31x3x5− 9/2tx2x33+ 14tx22x3x4− 3/2tx1x23x4− 22tx1x2x24− 15tx32x5

+35tx1x2x3x5− 5tx21x4x5+ 12t2x3x24− 45/2t2x23x5+ 10t2x2x4x5 5 11 f11 5x32x23− 15x1x2x33− 10x42x4+ 30x1x22x3x4+ 15x21x32x4− 30x21x2x24

+10x1x32x5 − 30x12x2x3x5+ 30x31x4x5+ 81/4tx43− 66tx2x23x4+ 56tx22x24

−12tx1x3x24− 10tx22x3x5+ 60tx1x23x5− 40tx1x2x4x5− 25tx21x25+ 24t2x34

−60t2x3x4x5+ 50t2x2x25 5 12

f12 −5/2x1x32x23+ 15/2x21x2x33+ 5x1x42x4− 15x21x22x3x4− 15/2x31x23x4 +15x31x2x24 − 5x21x32x5+ 15x31x2x3x5− 15x41x4x5+ 15/2tx22x33

−27tx1x43− 20tx32x3x4+ 78tx1x2x32x4− 8tx1x22x24− 39tx21x3x24 +15tx42x5− 50tx1x22x3x5+ 45/2tx21x23x5+ 10tx21x2x4x5+ 25tx31x25 +27t2x33x4− 72t2x2x3x24+ 60t2x1x34− 15t2x2x23x5+ 80t2x22x4x5

−30t2x1x3x4x5− 75t2x1x2x25 − 60t3x24x5 + 75t3x3x25 6 13 f13 2x72− 14x1x52x3+ 27x21x32x23− 9x13x2x33+ 16x21x42x4− 54x31x22x3x4

+9x41x23x4+ 30x14x2x24− 10x31x32x5+ 30x41x2x3x5− 30x51x4x5 +19tx42x23− 66tx1x22x33+ 63/4tx21x43− 24tx52x4+ 68tx1x32x3x4

+96tx21x2x23x4− 92tx21x22x24− 36tx31x3x24+ 20tx1x42x5− 50tx21x22x3x5

−60tx31x23x5+ 100tx13x2x4x5+ 25tx41x25+ 81/2t2x2x43− 96t2x22x23x4

−72t2x1x33x4+ 72t2x32x24+ 48t2x1x2x3x24− 20t2x32x3x5+ 120t2x1x2x23x5

−80t2x1x22x4x5+ 60t2x21x3x4x5− 100t2x21x2x25+ 36t3x23x24− 120t3x2x3x4x5

+100t3x22x25 6 14

In the first column we write the name of a polynomial and in the last two columns its degree and α-degree respectively, where α = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Let B be the k-subalgebra of R6 generated by all the polynomials from Table 7.1. The polynomial z5 (see (3.2)) belongs to B. In fact,

z5 = z2z3− 6t2q3. So we have:

B ⊆ Rd66 ⊆ B[1/t], that is B is an element of M. Is Rd66 equal to B ?

8 Weitzenb¨ ock derivations with 2 × 2 cells

Throughout this section k is a field of characteristic zero.

Let Sn= k[x1, y1, x2, y2, . . . , xn, yn] be the polynomial ring over k. Let us consider the k-derivation δn of Sn defined as

δn= y1

∂x1 + · · · + yn

∂xn, (8.1)

that is, δn(y1) = 0, δn(x1) = y1, . . . , δn(yn) = 0, δn(xn) = yn. It is a nonbasic Weitzenb¨ock derivation and all cells of its Jordan matrix have the dimension equal 2. We will present finite generating sets of the ring Snδn for n 6 4.


The derivation δnis an A-derivation of Snsuch that δn(xi) ∈ A, for i = 1, . . . , n, where A = k[y1, . . . , yn].

Consider a more general case. Let A be a k-domain containing k and let d be an A-derivation of A[x1, . . . , xn] such that d(xi) ∈ A. Of course such a derivation is locally nilpotent. If A is a field the following proposition describes the ring of constants of d.

Proposition 8.1. Let A be a field containing k and let d be a nonzero A-derivation of A[x1, . . . , xn] such that d(x1) = a1, . . . , d(xn) = an, where a1, . . . , an ∈ A and a1 6= 0.


A[x1, . . . , xn]d= A[u2, . . . , un] where up = apx1− a1xp, for p = 2, . . . , n.

Proof. Put b = a−11 x1. Then d(b) = 1 and our proposition follows from the facts mentioned in Section 1. 

Consider the following

Question 8.2. Is the thesis of the above proposition true in the case when A is a k- domain?

If n = 2 and A is a UFD, then we have a positive answer to this question.

Proposition 8.3. Let A[x, y] be the polynomial ring in two variables over a unique fac- torization k-domain A. Assume that d : A[x, y] −→ A[x, y] is an A-derivation such that d(x) = a, d(y) = b, where a, b are coprime elements from A. Then A[x, y]d= A[bx − ay].

Proof. Put z = bx−ay. It is clear that A[z] ⊆ A[x, y]d(since d(z)=0). Assume that F is an element of A[x, y] with d(F ) = 0. We must show that F ∈ A[z]. As d is homogeneous, one may assume that F is homogeneous of degree s > 1. By Proposition 8.1 we know that F ∈ Ao[z], where Ao is the field of fractions of A. So, by homogeneity, F = pqzs for some coprime p, q ∈ A. Then qF = pzs and hence q | z = bx − ay. But a and b are coprime, so q is invertible in A and we have F = pq−1zs ∈ A[z]. 

The following example shows that Question 8.2 has a negative answer in general.

Example 8.4. Let A = Q[t], R = A[x, y, z]. Consider the A-derivation d of R such that d(x) = 2t, d(y) = 1 + t, d(z) = 1 − t and let F = x − y + z. Then d(F ) = 0 and F 6∈ A[u2, u3], where u2 = (1 + t)x − 2ty and u2 = (1 − t)x − 2tz. 

Let us return to the derivation δn defined by (8.1). It is clear that S1δ1 = k[y1] and, as a consequence of Proposition 8.3, we get

Proposition 8.5. S2δ2 = k[y1, y2, x1y2− x2y1]. 

The variables y1 and x1 play the same role as elements h and c from Section 1, i. e., δn(x1) = y1 6= 0, δn2(x1) = 0. Thus, by (1.1), ˜yi = yi for i = 1, . . . , n and moreover,


x1 = 0, and ˜xi = y1xi− yix1 for i = 2, . . . , n. If i < j, then we denote uij = yixj − yjxi.

In particular, ˜x2 = u12, . . . , ˜xn= u1n. So, by Proposition 1.1, we get


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