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Academic year: 2021

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Pisma Humanistyczne 9, 307-313



Diplomacy and non-diplomacy. Foreign policy instruments prc

in the early twenty-first century

The foreign po licy o f the People’s Republic o f C hin a is im plem ented using a variety o f instrum ents. C lassical bilateral and m ultilateral diplom acy com plement m easures eco­ nomic, cultural, m ilitary, and even hum anitarian aid. They are used by various public in ­ stitutions, governm ent agencies, and public econom ic entities. But their selection is very flexible and dictated by pragm atism o f managem ent o f C hina’s foreign policy.

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Karolina Mendrela

Chindia. Sino-Indian tandem in the international arena?

Jairam Ram esh, the Indian econom ist and politician, in his collection o f essays titled

‘Making Sense o f Chindia

, presented a vision o f a new solution on the political map o f the world — Chindia. It was supposed to be a response to the contem porary international situation, w hich w as not in favour o f the re-em erging, powers. To prove his point, Ramesh referred to the historical factors w hich provide a com m unity o f interests o f C hin a and In­ dia, and pointed to the factor of m utual com plem entarity, in p articu lar o f the economies o f both countries. Since then, m any researchers wonder whether this Sino-Indian hybrid is generally relevant. There can be find a plenty o f evidence that as far as the econom ic in ­ terests are concerned those two countries are very close to each other. However, skeptics find out their own evidence to support their case and they say directly that this geopolitical form ation w ill never be created.

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Tomasz Okraska

The border dispute between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of India The issues discussed in th is article focuses on the issue o f Indo-C hinese border in the second h a lf o f the twentieth and early twenty-first century, including the most im portant antecedents in previous years. The first part o f the paper touches the genesis o f the border problems, dating back to before 1950, (the date o f establishm ent o f diplomatic relations be­ tw een the two countries) and understanding by both parties o f the concept o f the com mon border at the beginning o f functioning the People’s Republic o f C hina and the Republic o f India. The author then focuses on the Indo-C hinese m ilitary conflict o f 1962, because its course and the results have im portant im plications for the problem o f the border. The last part is an analysis o f diplom atic attem pts to resolve the dispute and the im pact o f the conflict on the current Sino-Indian relations.

Rafał Kwieciński



Agnieszka Kandzia

At the verge... Sino-Australian political relations in the 21st century. The Australian perspective

Lots o f events during 20th century showed how im portant is to m aintain good or proper political relations betw een the biggest countries in every part o f the world. The sam e is in the Region o f Pacific and South-East A sia. Four biggest countries — C hina, India, Japan and A u stralia tries to keep stability in the region. Political relations much more depends on econom ic relations. The m ain goal o f this article is to describe econom ic and political relations betw een The People’s Republic o f C hin a and Com m onw ealth o f A ustralia and explain it’s value not only for both countries, but always for hole region from A u stralian perspective. Both states, con trary in political system s and w ay o f exercising their power, have the sam e vision o f m aintaining the econom ic growth. Both o f two partners has to make and make concessions. Friendship o f A u stralia and C hin a is tough, but really nec­ essary for keeping political and econom ic stability in region.

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K laudia Rymut

Japanese-Chinese relations in the years 1972-2012

The purpose o f this paper is to present the problem o f form ing a relationship tw o Far East neighbors : Japan and the p r c , w ith particu lar em phasis on conflict issues. Raised here are issues such as the establishm ent o f diplom atic relations, the response o f Japan to events taking place in T iananm en Square in 1989, tensions in relations caused by visits to the Shinto tem ple Yasukuni, territorial disputes over islands Senkaku / D iaoyu, and the problem o f changes guidelines for Japanese h istory textbooks. This w ill allow to see in what areas the Japanese-C hinese relations are good, and w hich generate disputes, as well as how strained relationships affect the mutual perception o f the Japanese and Chinese populations.

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M ichał Lubina

China's Burma policy. A Strategic Partner or a New Colony?

Sino-Burm ese relations, seen from the perspective o f the W est m ainly as a political um ­ brella o f Beijing for criticized in the world Burm ese junta, while the reality is much more complex. It contains w ithin it a num ber o f issues, such as historical heritage (which clearly left in B urm a fear o f pow erful northern neighbor), econom ic issues, as legal (economic exchanges w ith the p r c — m ain trading partn er o f Burm a) and illegal (opium trade) and political, in the context o f the ongoing recently in Burm a “thaw ”, whose m ain goal is to just break out o f Chinese tutelage. Im portant is the Chinese perception o f Burm a: a country on the one hand solve “M alacca dilem m a” and an excellent m arket for dom estic goods, on the other hand as a cou n try uncertain, torn by instability and threatening o f a broader vision o f exit the Indian O cean. The Chinese, by w ithdraw al o f the W est from Burm a, gained


in the Burm ese generals fear from becom ing a vassal o f Beijing and pushed them to the strategic decision to liberalize. Junta calculated that it is better to start controlled reform s and thereby get support o f the West, the only power that could counterbalance China, than to give to dom inate Beijing. In m aking th is game, generals risked. The success o f reform s in B urm a w ill be crucial for the further position o f B urm a in relations w ith C hina. I f the opening to the world is successful, B urm a w ill be able to balance its C hinese policy vector. I f not, B urm a w ill inevitably sliding tow ard the C hinese colony.

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Justyna Łapaj

Selected aspects of Chinese — Israeli relationship in 1948-2012

The article form s the analysis o f various relations betw een C hin a and Israel after World W ar 11. It consists o f four parts. The first one deals w ith bilateral relations 19 48 -19 70, and lists a range o f determ inants, such as the u s s r politics and M iddle East controversies. The second part points at the most im portant exam ples o f getting gradually closer, on political, econom ical, cultural and scientific — technical basis in 70’s and 80’s o f the 20th century. The th ird part shows a short characteristic o f selected aspects o f C hinese — Israeli rela­ tionship in the post-Cold-W ar period. In the sum m ary the attention is paid to the most im portant determ inants o f the mutual relations in the 2 1st century.

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Łukasz Moll

From the power to the “backwardness” and ... back? The way of development of the Middle Kingdom in global-historical context

A fte r the global crisis o f capitalism in 2008, because o f w hich the world econom y is in shock until today, that fact that C hin a w ill address the role o f global hegem on becomes even more likely than before. On the other hand, C hin a has structural problem s w ith its model o f development and face the challenge o f its profound reconstruction, so as not to crash on any o f the piled up obstacles in front o f him . Insight into the econom ic history o f the world and the use o f the conceptual grid, used in w orld-system s theory, allows us to shed some new light on C hina’s dilem m as. There is no doubt that the choices made today by the M iddle Kingdom w ill be significant for the future o f the whole world. Large-scale reshuffle in the international arena rarely are m ild and peaceful. I f C h in a w ill occupy a central position in the world, it w ill be rather a return from the form er abdicate than com pletely new situation in the h istory o f mankind.



Dorota Dębicka

Deng Xiaoping's reform and its impact on the economy of modern China

D eng X iaoping, the real leader o f the People’s Republic o f C hin a in the 1978-1989, w as the initiator and co-author o f the most im portant econom ic reform s in the h istory o f m odern China. Regulatory policy co-created w ith Liu made the country able to recover from the collapse caused by the Great Leap (1958-1962), and the transform ation o f the early 80s m aterialized so called “socialism w ith C hinese specifics” and laid the groundwork for the current rapid development o f the econom y o f the M iddle Kingdom . The “opening to the w orld”, fam iliar at that tim e, as well as creating o f the beneficial / favorable conditions for foreign investm ent and for the transfer o f new technologies (including the establishm ent o f special econom ic zones) and fundam ental transform ations in agriculture and industry caused that at the end o f D eng’s political career, C hin a took a privileged position in a fight for a p rim acy in the global economy.

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M aciej M. Sokołowski

Energy of Chinese dragon. An attempt to define China's energy policy

China's econom y in the tw enty-first century is rapidly w orking huge organism , more and more capable o f operation in the global com petition. One o f its key elements is the energy sector, without which the development o f the M iddle Kingdom would not be so impressive. Large scale o f economy, however, com bine large-scale energy challenges.

To be able to com pete effectively in global m arkets, need to meet them. These condi­ tions m ean that the Chinese energy policy becom es an issue w orthy o f attention. Indicated problem s 1 discuss in m y article. I present it in several dim ensions, referring in general term s to energy po licy and econom ic planning, including its C hinese characteristics.

A gain st th is background, I refer to energy policy in C hina, presenting it in the con­ text o f the most recent Five-year Guidelines. In the next part o f the article 1 refer to same energetics, describing it in this broken down by sector. Sum m arize m y essay, I undertake a trial o f the designation the directions o f the energy sector develop in p r c and assessing the C hinese actions in relation to the energy sector.

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Jarosław Bednorz

The role, importance and the perspectives of hard coal in energy-climate policy of the People's Republic of China

Econom ic development recorded in the last period in C hin a and what is likely to be m ain­ tained in the follow ing years, contributes to the dynam ic energy consum ption by that country. People’s Republic o f C h in a is a co u n try w ith a population o f over 1.3 billion people. The population, which, together w ith the increase in the consum ption o f goods and raising the standard o f livin g consum es more and more energy. To ensure its deliv­


Despite increasing yearly production, evolving energetics forces the need to im port large quantities o f th is material and the restriction o f exports. Developm ent o f energetics based on coal confirm s the forecast o f the International Energy Agency. O nly in the m ost re­ strictive Scenario 450 decrease in consum ption o f coal and energy is noted. A t the same tim e, decision-m akers in C hin a began to be aware o f issues related to the protection o f the clim ate. The result is the 12 th five-year Plan. The largest consum er o f coal in the world, is therefore one o f the most im portant factors in the international m arket o f coal trade, and indirectly affects the econom ies o f the countries in w hich coal is an im portant factor for the socio-econom ics.

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Joanna Dobkowska

China — the responsible superpower? The Analysis of China's relations with the countries of Mekong basin in the area of hydropower

Energy security is one o f Beijing’s policy priorities, and the developm ent o f renewable energy production — especially hydropower — is crucial for the government. This makes C hina use th eir advantage o f the potential to expand building o f the hydropower dam s on the M ekong, neglecting in the sam e tim e the responsibilities o f a “responsible superpower” com pared to other basin states. However, recently changes in the p r c po licy are visible, proving the acceptance o f the co-operative attitude. The aim o f this paper is to com pare two p r c attitudes tow ards the M ekong basin countries — cooperative and dom inant — in the field o f hydropower. The text is an attempt to answ er the question as to whether, when discussion is on the issue o f energy sustainability, w hich is a crucial for the C hinese secu­ rity, they are able to com ply w ith the rules o f international responsibility.

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Żaneta Rachwaniec-Szczecińska

Only children and disappearing daughters — the position of women in China

In 2003, the num ber o f wom en in C hina w as more than 50 m illion sm aller than it due to the rights o f demography. Preference for m ale offspring, derived in the M iddle Kingdom yet from C onfucian tradition, makes the m ost o f the “m issing” w om en never been born or died as a result o f deliberate negligence at birth. C hin a is now one o f the countries where discrim ination on grounds o f sex takes the severest form. O ne-child policy, that results a predom inance o f model: parents and son — an only child, as well as deep-rooted tradition m arginalizing the role of wom en make the C hinese wom en are deprived o f the right to a decision, education, leisure tim e, and often — to life. The author describes the position o f wom en in the M iddle Kingdom , indicates areas o f and reasons for the discrim ination and presents social diagnosis and test reports o f international organizations.



Adam Paluch

Commercialization of foreignness in the Middle Kingdom, the sociological perspective of tourist traffic in China

A rticle is devoted to the processes taking place in C hin a’s social development associated w ith tourism in this co u n try — both foreign tourism and dom estic tourism . A re shown the form s o f tourist activity, that are characteristic for dom estic tourists for visitors from the W est, as well as the problem o f spatial, tem poral, and class restrictions on tourism . The rest o f the article, as an exam ple o f C hina, discussed the concepts and processes char­ acteristic o f postm odern tourism , am ong other cerem onial and sacralization in tourism , the concept o f pseudo events, transform ation o f the tourist attractions and com m ercial­ ization o f alienation — a phenom enon essential both for foreigners, for whom C hin a is a country very different cu ltu rally and for the C hinese people, for whom the exotic ele­ ments o f their country are ethnic minorities.

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Karolina Pawlik

Musical joy for one's eye. Transforming of China's handwriting in the Shanghai graphic design, in the first half of the twentieth century

The article is an attem pt to present the im portant changes on handw riting , music and graphics, w hich took place in Shanghai in the early decades o f the tw entieth century. A few com m ercials and inscriptions in the Shan gh ai’s magazines, gave me the starting point for the considerations in the discussion in which, in the aim o f the artistic tran s­ form ation o f w ritten signs, elements o f the notes, the stave and the treble clef were used. A n alyzin g this artistic exercise and its consequences in the etym ological, cultural, h is­ torical and social context, I tried to show the im portance o f experim ents o f Shan gh ai’s designers for a change o f th inkin g about the C hinese handw riting and the relationships betw een the elements o f the cultural heritage o f C hin a and the West.

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Julita Dudziak

Manifestations of a fight with Confucian tradition in the selected works of Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou as representatives of the Fifth Generation of Chinese cinematography

The so-called Fifth Generation o f C hinese film m akers, w orking after 1976, w hose work was greatly influenced by the C ultural Revolution was gaining global recognition as films o f exceptional quality, focused on the acting o f psychologically credible actors. In their works, they were protesting not only against the policies o f com m unism , but m ainly they fought against the traditional approach o f society in the C onfucian spirit. Focusing on the selected works o f Zhang Yim ou , such as “Red Sorghum ” (1987) and “Raise the Red Lantern” (1991) and Chen Kaige — “Farewell M y Concubine” (1993) and “Tem ptress M oon”


and wom en, w hich indicates the need for the wom en em ancipation in C hinese society and grant them the rights reserved for the centuries only for men. A n alyzin g further pro­ ductions o f Zhang Yim ou and Chen Kaige, I showed how they use some o f the extrem ely im portant in the C onfucian tradition principles, such as ritual


and filial piety


and the special principle o f subordination, w hich included wom en


to create an oppressive social system w hich brings the tragedy on the individuals tryin g to liberate them selves from th is slavery.

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Aleksandra A. Wycisk

Between art and politics — Chinese cinema, Hong Kong cinema

The article provides an introduction to the specificity o f the C hinese and H ong Kong cin ­ ema, describing the development o f the film industry against the background o f political and social changes o f the tw entieth and early tw enty-first century. The analysis concerns the origin and transform ation o f film in C hina and Hong Kong from silent cinem a, the cinem a o f war, propaganda, dow ntim e associated w ith the C u ltu ral Revolution to the latest cinem a (and independent cinema). Topics discussed are such as the im pact o f the nationalization o f the production and distribution o f film s on the film in C hin a (lack of art houses, censorship, desirable and unwanted threads in the movies) and the cultural and social im plications o f the use o f certain form s o f film in the construction o f China's im age abroad.

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Mateusz Witek

Wu Shu and Kung Fu — a mystical philosophy, sport or martial art?

In public awareness C hinese m artial arts becam e popu lar due to the cinematography. Thus the W est becam e interested in this aspect o f C hinese culture. W hat is im portant, all schools o f m artial arts in the W est are focused on m ystical or sports aspects, and alm ost never on the m artial art itself. The present generation has forged an idea o f the m artial arts by the movies w ith Chuck N orris, Jackie C han or Bruce Lee. Due to degeneration of the educational role o f the cinem a it is im portant to show the truth about this aspect of culture o f China.

E xtrem ely rich h istory o f

Kung Fu


Wu Shu

already went through a num ber of w ritten works, resulting in new aspects and challenging existing myths. The paper essen­ tially popularizes synthesis and dem ythologization. In addition, a very im portant issue is the policy o f the p r c to the m artial arts in the 20th century. They were regarded both as a threat for the country, as well as an im portant aspect o f civic education. The answer to the question posed in the topic o f the paper has essentially a form o f rejection o f what

Kung Fu

should not be.


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