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Stratygrafia mikropaleontologiczna miocenu w centralnej części zapadliska przedkarpackiego


Academic year: 2021

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The paper presents the results of studies on the microfaWla from core material of ,the Miocene drilled in the RozwadOw, Mielec and Sandomierz areas. The sWdies also comprised the microfauna present in clays intercalating chemical Miocene deposits penetrated by Jamnica 0-15, Jamnica L-21, Opalona G6ra L-12, stalowa Wola S-15 and Stu-dzieniec D-16 drllllngs. The oldest deposits of that region, previously assigned to IOadnica Beds (Mio-cene M,), are characterized by the microfauna of the brackish type and with the predominance of

the species Ammonia beccarii. They are represented

by dark 'non-calcareOUB clays with pyrite. The younger deposits ipclude: Lithothamnium

limesto-nes and marls and Nullipara sandstones and

silts-tones characterized by numerous 'foraminifers of the genera AmphiBtegina, Elphidi'um and Cibicidoilks.

The microfauna is here marlted,ly scarcer than in

typical zone with OrbuUna suturalis, distinguished

in LO'lVer Badenian Baran6w sandstones and marls. The upper part of the Badenian .is represented by slltstone marly and sandy clayey deposits with glau-conite and rich foraminifer assemblage including guide species pvi,gerina costai. The Badeniafl strata

oocumln!, above the Chemical deposits in this area are assigned


the NeobuZimtna longa and Hanza

-waia crassiseptata zones. The zones comprise a se-ries of alterna.ting marly clays and blocky ~ls. The Sarmatian is primarily represented by the deposits of siltstone-mady facies and it may be divided in-to the Anomalinoide8 dividen8, Cycloforina karreri ovata, Varidentella sarmatica and Elphi-diuffl hauerinum zones. '!'he most interesting results

of the present study ,include the finds of the micro-fauna with Ammonia beccari analogoWl to that

Im()WIIl from KlOOnica Beds (Miocene Ma> in the basal parts of the borehole sections and of the assemblages of innumerous foraminifers in the clays Interca:tatig chemical Miocene deposits. Up to the' present the clay intercalations were considered to

be faunisticallly barren except for fish remainS. Lower and Upper ,Badenian and Sarmatian fora-minUer zones distinguished here a.ppear



com-parable with contemporaneous zones distinguished

In the areas of the U.S.S.R. ' and Czechoslovakia.



CTaTlte Dpe,l{C'l'aBneH&l pesy.m.TaT:bt :mm:poq,aYHH-C'l'WleClOOrO 1U1I1JlH3a IIMOIleHOBhIX OTJIOzeHHA, upoA-AeHHLlX CKBalltHHaMH B patioHe MeCTHOCTeA PO:ma,uyB ,MeJIeq H CaHAOMeJK. KpolIe '!'Oro, H3Y'UlJIaC& :mm:po~

q,aYHa, cOAeplKlUltlUlCJI B r.JIJSHHC'l'LlX UPOCJlomc JreMo-reHH&IX OTJIo:m:eHHii no CItBalKHHax ~ 0-15, SIMHHIla L-21, OnaneHa-I'ypa L-12. C'l'aneBa-BOJIH S-15, CTYA3eHeIl D-16. CaM&lJIH ,lU)eBHHIIH O'l'noze-HHHMH 3'l'OI'() paAoHa Jm.JI.lDO'rCJI KJIOAH~ cnOH (MHoIleH M3), COAeplKaIIple :mm:poq,aYHDI OnpeCHE!HHOrO THII8. c npeo~aHHeM BH,lta Ammonia beccarii. 3TH

OcaAKH ,npeAC'raBJIeHLI TeMHhIMH 6eSI>l3BeCTKOBEoDlH rJIHHaMH C n:HpH'l'OM. BLllIIe SaJIerlUOT JIHTOTaMHHeBbIe 'H3BeC'l'HRKH H MePl'eJIH H HynmmopoBhIe nec'llUlJOCH H aneE\POJIHTltL OHH xapaltTepH3yIOTCB co,tteplKaHHeM 6om,wOI'() KOnH'IeC'l'Ba cpo~ Amphistegtna, Elphidium H Cibicidoides. 3Ta ~YHa HallHoro 6e~ no cpaBBeHHIO c 'l'HlUABOA 3OBOA C OTbutina 8uturaliB, pacupo'CTpaHeBHOA B 6apaa()BCKHX neC'IHHH-Kax H Meprenmc ~e6aAeBCKOro BOspaC'l'a B sepx-HeM HHTepBaJIe 6aAeBa, CJIo:m:eHHOM aJIeBpHTO-Mepre':' JIHCTDIM:H H nec'UlHo-rnHHHCT&DIH OTJIo:as:eHHIDIH C rJIaYKOHHTOM, coAeplKHTCH coo6IqeCTBO <PopallHHHcPep C PYKOBOWlIIlHM BHAOM Uvigerina costai. B 6aAeHCKHX

OTJIOlKeHHHX BbDUe XeKOreHHbIX OcaAKOB B ,llaHHOM paAOHe onpeAeJIeHa 30Ha C Neobulimina longa H 30Ha Hanzawaia crassiseptata. OHH paCDOJIaralOTCH B 'le-peJO'IO~CJI MepreJIHCTDIX rJIHHaX H rJIhl60BbIX )IIep-reJIHX. CaPMaT, npe,n;cTaBJIeHHhIii, B OCHOBHOM, aJIeB-pHTO-MepreJlJoIC'l'OA q,aqHeA, BKJIIO'laeT SOHbI c Anoma-linoides dividens, Cycloforina karreri - O'V4ta, Vcri-denteUa sarmatica H Elphidiuffl haueTinum. K


HHTepeCIu.w pesym,TaTaM pa60ThI O'l'HOCHTCJI

06HapYJKeIiHe B DOAOmBeHHhIX HH'l'epBaJIax HeKOTO-PbIX paspesoB MHltPoq,aYHbl' C Ammonia beccarti,

aHa-nOrH"IeCKOA c q,aYHoA B KJIOAIDlIlKHX cnomc

(MHO-qeH M~, a TaICKe BhUlBJIeHHe B rJIHmfCTbJX npocnollX

xeMoreHHhIX ocaAJroB pe~ q,opawlliHcPepoBbJX co-06IqecTB. KaK' H3BeCTHO, MHorO'lHCneHIIhle r1lHHHCTbIe npocnoH"B xeMoreHHLIX oca,II;Ka~ BOBce He COAeplK8.T OpraHH"IeCKHX OCTaTKOB HnH cOAeplKaT HCKJIIO'Iwrem.-HO OCTaTKH Pbrl5. c;l>OPaMHHHcpepoSbIe 30HhI HHlKHero H sepxHero 6aAeHa H CapMaTa npOHSJUllOT CXOACTBO C OAHoB03paCTHbD4H SOHaMH cpopaMHHHcpep Ha


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