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A simple integral method for the calculation of thick axisymmetric turbulent boundary layers


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V. C. Patel

Sponsored by

General Hydromechanics Research Program

of the Naval Ship Systems Command

Naval Ship Research and Development Center

Contract No. N0O014-68-A-01960002

uHR Report No. 150

Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research

The University of Iowa

Iowa City, Iowa

September 1973



in a recent paper the author examined the equations of a

thick, incompressible, axisymmetric, turbulent boundary-layer and suggested,

in a preliminary way, two different methods for their olution. In this papei', òne of the methods, namely the integ'aJ. approacì, is considered in

greatér detail.. Lt is shown that the developent of the thick boundary

layer can be predicted with acceptable accuracy by using an approximate form

of the momentum-integral equation,


appropriat skin-frictiox relation, and a±i ent-aiÍiment equatiön obtained Íor axisythetric boundary layers. The method also requires the explicit use of a velocity-pro-file family in order to interre3.ate some of the intégral parameters. Available

experi-mental results have been used to demonstrate the general accuracy of the



This paper is baSed upon research conducted under the General Hydromechanics Research Program of the Naval Ship Systems Cozmnand,

technical-i a&ninistered by the Naval Ship Research and Development Center, under Contract NOO011_68-A=Ol96-OOÖ2.













BOdies öf Revolution 10

Internal Flows 12

Cylinder of Constant Radius .13





Page Figure 1. Thick Axisymnietric Boundary Layers--Definition


Sketches and Typical Situations

Long, slender cylinder of constant radius Tail of a body of revolution

Internal flow (Conical Diffuser)

Figure 2. Experiments of Freeman


on the Model of the


Airship Akron

(a) Freestreazu velocity distribution

(b) Boundary layer thickness


Mentum thickness

(d) Shape parameter



Experiments of Patel, Nakayama and Damian


21 on th Tail of a Modified Spheroid

Actual and hypothetical Í'reestream velocities Boundary layer thickness

Momentum thickness

Cd) Shape parameter

(e) Skin-friction coefficient

Figure . Experiments of Fraser


in a 10-degree Conical


Diffuser, Case A

Freestream velocity Boundary layer thickness Momentum thickness

Shape parameter

Skin-friction coefficient



Experiments of Yu


on a Cylinder of Constant 27

Radius, Ur/v =


Boundary layer thickness Momentum thickness

Cc) Shape parameter

(d) Skin-friction coefficient





Heré we còns'ider the. pioble of calcülati.ng'the development of thcompressible, axisymmetric., turbulent boundary-layers in situations

here the layer thickness is hot small 1h comparison with: the transverse radius of curvaturé of the surfaôe. In order 'to.is1ate the influence

of transverse curvature, it will be assumed that the boundary-layer

thicknessis. much smaller than the longitudinal radius of curvature of

the. surface. These conditions are closely realise in a humber of práctical flow configurations, some examples being shown in Figure. 1. Experiments in flows of this type have been madé b a. nurnbe' òf woikers

but the theoretical studies on the influence 'Of transverse curvature have been òonfined to the relatively simple case of the thick axi-symmetri boundary-layer developing, on a cylihder of constant Í'adius placed axially in a unifOrm stream (Figure la). As pointed out recently

by Páte]L


this particular case differs fro the others in that there is little or no interaction between the' boundary layer and the

poténtlal flow outside it. In the second case shown in Figurel, however,

such an interaction is certainly present, and as a consequenòe of this, the static pressure does not remain constant across the boundary layer. Further discussion of the interaction phenomenon is given in the paper of Patel.

Here we shall dévelopa simple integral method förthecalòulation'of

thick, 1Syxmnetrc, turbulent boundary-layers Of the type shown in Figure

1. Such a method will be ueful in the atuy Of the i'hteraction between

the boundary layer and the potential flow.


As shown by Patel


the momentuminteral equation for

a thick, axisymmetric, turbulent boundary-layer, across which there is a significant variation of static pressure, may be written


The influence of turbulent velocity fluctuations


been neglected for the. present, but will be considered later on in the light of experiénta1

datai Here, and

2 are the displacement


momentum thicknesses

defined in,


appropriate for axiymmetric flow, i.e.




dy; (2)

x and

y are distances measured along and normal to the surfacê while r is the. distance from the axis of


Cf is the skin-friction

coeffi-dent defined by




r is


shear stress, p is. density and p is pressure. Subscripts e

and o. are used to denote values at the. edge of the boundary

layer (y)

and on the surface (.y=o)., respectively.

From geometry, it is easily

shown that


r0 +

y cos,



where is

the angle between the axis of sy3mnetry and


tangent to




the equations we deduce


be made applicablé to both

external as well as internal boundary layers if we regard


to be

positive for externa]. flogs and

negative, for



The terms ön the right-hand-side öf equation

(i) become

appre-dable only when the


layer thickness is

comparable with thé

transverse radius or


of the surface (i . e. when S ,, r.) and. when

there is a significant variatiOn of pressure across

the boundary layer.

Since thèse termsare not known a priori, some

assumption cóncerning their

magnitude is required.

Fri an examination of the experimental data of

2 dc5 dU dr

2(2+\ i

e 2


dx '

2 l'U

- dx r dx 2 f e



- U2 dx

e p


dy +








Patel, Nâkayama and Daznian


obtained in the thick boundary layer near the tail of a body of revolution, the author [Patel


found tha.t these terms can be accounted for in an approximate manner if equation

(i) is used in the form




where U is the "hypothetidal freestrea.m velocity" distribution implied by the largest longitudinal pressure gradient pr.esnt within the boundary

layer. In the càse of the boundary J.ayer on body of revolutin- (igure

lb), for example, the maximum longitudinal pressure variation is known to occur at the surface and is significantly different from the prêssure varia-tion at the edge of the boundary layer. The magnitude of the largest

pressure gradient in any particular stuati6n will of course e determined by geometry, and the nature of the interaction referred to'previously, but, for the présent discussion, it will be assumed that this pressure gradient is. known, so that 5e can be found. It will be clear that since boh

and U(x) are presumed known, we are taking into account, rather

indirectly, the static pressure variation acrøss the boundary layer. In

order to integrate equation (5) to èalcuiate the growth of the momentum thickness we shall need wo further relations, namely a skin-fricibn law

and an "auxiliary" or "shape-parameter" equation.

For thin, plane-surface, boundary layers he skin-friction

coefficient is usually expressed as a function of two integral parameters: a shape paraméter such as H E

l'2 and a

Ñeynolds number such as

Th better-known friction formulae of this type are deduced directly from the observation that the velocity profiles across the. boundary layer form a two-parameter family of shapes [see,-for example, Coles





cperiments in axisymsietric boundary layérs, in bòth external [Patél, Nakayama and Damian (1973)] and internal [Fraser


flows, indicate that even when the boundary layer is thick, the velocity

profiles do nt deviate appreciably from the two-parameter families

cònstructed primarily for thin bop.ndary layers, provided the integral para-meters involved are evaluated according to the usual plane-surface boundary layer definitions. In view of this, the skin-friction law for a thick

aisymmetric boundary-layer nay be written


where the bars denote vài.ues obtained purely from the sIape of the \reloeity proffle, i.e.


where a = 0.019521 - 0.386768ò + 0.Ó28345c2 - O.000701c3., b = 0.191511 - 0.8314891c 0.062588e.2 - 0.001953c3,




o , (7)

The problem of relating, these "planar" definitions to the usual axisymietric definitions given in equations (2) wifl be considered later on. Here

we may. no-te, however, that the friction law of

(1965), presented

graphicaily in the original paper, may

be approximated adequately by the

formula [Head sand Patel (1969)],

Cf =



F . (6a)


the auxiliary equation we shall use a mod.ified form

of the

well known entrainment equation of

Head (19.58).

For an axisymmetric


layer the volume flux,


within the boundary layer at any

streà.mwise löcation

is given by

Q' =


2irrUdy = 2TÍUe



. 2

cost), (8)


and. the rate of entrairmelit of freestream

fluid into the boundary layer

is dQ/dx. The entrainment equation may then be written in the form

= CEUer0, . . . (9)


Q t

{r (15i) +

. (io)


CE is


dimensionless, coefficient of entrainment. For thin


layers (i.e. 6"r) Head postulated that CE depends upon the

freestream velocity, a length scaie. of the flow in, the outer' region of the boundary layer and. the shape of the velocity profile in this region,





from dimensional considerations deduced that CE is a function only of the shape parameter H* (6_6l)/62. Following similar logic we may

gener-alize Head's result to consider thick axisymmetric boundary layers by assuming that CE is the same function of H*, i.e.

CE =







reflects only the shape of the velocity profile without regard to the fact

that the profile is wrapped around an axisymmetric body. In view of the observed similarity between the velocity profiles in thin and thick boundary layers it is further assumed that the shape parameter H* is related to the conventional shape parameter H as suggested by Head, i.e.

= H*(H). (13)

For computer calculations, relations (11) and (13), which were presented

graphically in the original paper of Head, may be approximated by the following explicit formulae:

CE = exp {-3.512 - 0.617 in(H* - 3)}

= 3.30 + 1.535



The first of these is due to Dvorak (1969) while the latter was proposed

by Standen (196k).

From the definition of 11* we have


so that the boundary-layer thickness

cari be

expressed in

terms of

2 and


shape parameters. Equation (lo) can therefore be written in the alternative form



Ô2 - + COSc, (*+if)2 2 =

2 U o






To complete the method of calculation, we now need to establish relationships between the usual axisymmetriò thicknesses

appearing in the meiitum-integra1 equation; and the planar thicknesses


2troced via the skin-friction and entrainment equations.

Such relationships are readily obtained from velocity-profile families commonly used in thin plane-surface boundary layer methods since, as re-marked earlier, they appear to describe the profiles in thick axisynmetric

boundary-Iayes quite adequately. In the interest of simplicity, and alsó consisteî'icy with the one-parameter family of profiles implied by equation i (13), wé shall make se of power-law profiles, i.e.



wherè either n or li servés as a. parameter. From the definitions of the various thicknesses, it is then easy to show that

where 6 .+ (H+1), (ii) i 6 i2(i+i)






(20) H (Hi.)






It will be noticed hère that equations (15) and (16) follow directly from

the power-law pofi1es. We will not, however,.make. use of them here since we already have two similar relations in equatio±is (l2a) and. (13a).

Equation (l3a) is to be preferred since it was established by empirical correlations and has proven reliable over a wie, range of values of H for. thin plane-surface boundary layers. In what follows, we shall màke explicit use of equations (17) through (20) in order to solve, simul-taneously, the momentum-integral equation and the entrainment and

skin-friction relations developed earlier.

The system of equations given in this section are sufficient for the calculation of the development of a thick exisyrnmetric boundary-layer.

It òan readily be verified that the geeal method proposed. here reduöes

idntically to the original method of Head when the boundary layer develops

on a plane surface (i.e. r = ),andto the extension of the method of

Head proposed recently by Shanebrook and. Simner (1970) when the boundary

layer is axisyetric but thin (i.e.

«r). This, the present method can

be used to predict the development of thin as well as thiòk boundary layers. A procedure for the step-by-step solution of the equations is described i

the next section.



It will be seen from the previous section that there are

basically two ordinary diff±'ential equations, namely the momentum-integral equation and the entrainment equatiön, which have to be solved for the two basic variables ô2 and Q,. .11 other eqiations are simply

inter-relation-ships between the various quantitiés occurring in these differential equations. Unfortunately, the complexity of these. additional relationships is such

that the differential equations cannot readily be written explicitly in forms which contain only the two basic variables entioiëd abçve. The method of solutidn proposed below evolved after several trials of

alterna-tive procedures..

When the hypothetical freestream-velocity distribution,


as well as. the x-component Of the true freestream velocity distribution U(x), are known and. the geometry of the axisyxietric surface is prescribed, in the


form r(x) and. x), the equations of the previous section can be integrated with respect to x starting from some initial streamwise position x0 where the boundary layer charà.cteristics are k±iown. Thus, if



are knom

at x, as is most often the case, the properties of the boundary layei at.:,

x0 + x can bè found by performing the following calculations:

i. Find c from equation (20), and therefore' from (17), 62 from (18), H from (19), from (13a), CE froth (lIa), Q from (lOa) and Cf from (6a).

Integrate the momentum-integral equation, equation (5), over the step x to find


at x + x.

liitegrate the entrainment relation, equation (9), over the step Lx to find Q at + bc

Knowing 62 and Q at X0 + ¿x, thè problem now is to find all the quantities listed in step '1 e.t + x

so that the solution can proceed further. In particular, we wish to find 62 and H at x + Lx so that the other.

quañtities follow from step 1. This may be àòcom14shed

lE the following manner:

Using the definition of CL, equation


may be


+ rÔ - r

, where i I 2H (H+l,)




Next, using te definitiôn of CL and , and equation. (i7),

equation (lOa) may be written

2 2r



+ .=2.



2Q - (if+L) = 0, (23)






is a function oÍ


(equation 13a), we see that equations


and can be solvéd. simuItaneous1y.

In the calculations described, later on, equations (21)



were solved using an iterative procedure by regarding equation (21,) as a quadratic in and' finding

the roots of equation


using the well knöwn "secant" method.

The steps outlined so far constitute a simple "predictor" method. For better accuracy the values of the boundary layer parameters so compúted were used as first approxima-tions to re-integrate the momentum and entrainment equaapproxima-tions to obtain better approximations. For the step-lengths

chosen in typical calöulations, the number of such

"corrçc-tors" required fòr adequate accuray were of the order of



Knowing the converged values Ó2 and at x0+&, stéps

1 through 5 were retraced to advance the calculation further

by another step Lix.

The pred±ctor-corrector scheme described above was programmed for an IBM


computer i Fortran IV. Since the computer times are at most of the order of 0.03 second per step, the method is ideally suited for studies in which a large number of boundary-layer calculations have' to be performed rapi1y.


As stated in Section II, the method described here reduces

identically to that of Head. (1958) when the boundary layer develops on a plane surface, and to the extension of Head's method due to Shanebrook and Sumner (1970) when the boundary layer is axisynnnetric but thin. Since the general accuracy of Head's original method has been demonstrated on a number of previous occasions (see, for example, Thompson


aiìd ine



et ai


it remains only to assess the performance of the new

method in predicting sxismetric turbulent boundary layers.

A. Bodies of Revolution: In order to verify their extension of

Head's methodto treat thin axisymmetriò boundery layers, Shanebrook

and i.iner compared their calculations with the results of one of the

experiments of Freeman (1932) on a model. of the airship Akron. The present method was also applied to this case and the results obtained using the measured surface pressure distribution are shown in Figure 2. The curves

labelled "thin boundary layer" in this figure represent the results obtained using the extension of Shanebrook and. Sumner. These calculations indicate

the following: (a) The present method reduáes to that of Shanebrook and Sumner when the boundary layer thickness is small compared with the radius of the body (x/L <


6/r < 0.115) and gives acceptable agreement

with experiment. (b) Beyond X/L 0.7, the boundary layer can not be.

regarded as thin. This is evidenced by the rather large differences between the usual a.xisy1metric definitions and the planar definitions of the

in-tegral parameters, and also by significant differences between the predictions, particularly of the boundary layer thicknéss and the shape parameter,

of the axisymmetric version of Head's method and the present method.

(c). Unfortunately, the data of Freeman do iiot extend sufficiently close to the tail so that it is not possible to assess the real success of the present method in the prediction of the thick axisymmetric boundary layer over

the rear 10 to 15 percent of the body length. A noticeable improvement is, however, seen in the predictions of the boundary layer thickness in the range 0.7 < X/L < 0.87.

There are a number of other., older, experimental studies in the literature, sûóh as those 6f yon (1931), Cornish and Boatwright


and Gertler (1950), on bodies of revolution. These were examined during

the course of this ork for their suitability as test cases for the present method. Lyon made boundary layer measurements on two bodies of

revolution but these. did not extend into the last 10 to 15 percent length of the body. The calculatIons for these cases indicated good agreément with experimental data over the range of the measurements but the lack of data from the tail region preclude their use to vérify the capability of the

presentmethod to prédict the behavior of the thick axisymmetric boundary



modified full-scale airship. Although boundary layer measurements were

made up to X/L = 0.96, the auhors do not give sufficient, details of the

velocity profiles to evaluate the integral parameters with the desired

ac-curacy. Additional complications vere introduced by the presence Òf control

surfaces so that the flow could not be regarded as axisymmetric in the region of interest. Finally, only overall drag coefficients were measured by Gertler. Due to the absence of informatin regarding the behavior of the thick boundary layer in the tail region of a body of revolution experiments were performed at this Institute oñ a modified spheroidal model and the results have been reported by Pat el, Nakayama and Damian (1973). To the author's knowledge, this appears to be the only set of experimental data which can provide a severe test case for the proposed method of

calculating thick axisymmetric boundary layers.

The results of the present method are compared with the data of Patel et al in Figure 3. Figure 3(a) shows the variation of the total freestream velocity

e and the x-component of the frees-bream velocity Ue actually measured at the edge of the thick boundary layer. The hypothetical freestream velocity

e deduced, from the wall static pressure measurements

is also shown. Here then is the first case where there is an appreciable variation of static pressure across the boundary layer. The calculations shown by solid lines in Figures 3(b) through 3(e) vere performed' using

in the momentum integral equation and tJe in all other equations. Also shown in these figures are two other sets of results obtained from the

axisyetric version (Shanebrook ând Sumner) or Head's method,using U

only and thenU only. I- will be observed from the comparisons with the

experimental data that the method of Head (with either U or U used

e e

everywhere) agrees closely with the predictions of the, present method as well as with the' experimental data only up to. X/L = 0.85, i.e. over the region where the boundary layer may be regarded as thin., Past this point, however, the present method gives much improved agreement with

experimental data. Notice that the method accurately predicts not only the

development of theboundary layer thickness and the usual axisymmetric

definitions of the momentum thickness and the shape parameter but also the planar definitions, and. , of the integral parameters. It shpuld perhaps 'be mentioned here that the present method' in no way uses the experimental data for the purpose of generalizing Head's'original method tò treat thick



B. Internal Flow: It, was mentioned in Sectin II that the

proposed method. should apply eqiiaJ-ly well to external as well as internal

thick ax-isymmétric boundary layers. The two boundary layer developments

measured by Fraser


in a 10-degree total angle conical diffuser fall into the latter category , since the ratio of the boundary layer thickness to the diffuser radius approached values of the order of 0.5 just before

separation was encountered. While the S/r0 ratios are not as large as

those found near the tail of a hdy of revolution we should nevertheless

expect some unusual features in these cases. It will be recalled- thát the two séts of '.ata collected by Fraser were considered as "optional" test cases for the evaluation of two-dimensional boundary-layer calculation methods at the Stanford Conference (Kline at al


Of the few in-vestigators who applied their calculation procedures to these cases, none

succeeded in predicting either of these flows with any accuracy. As we shall see later this failure can not really be attributed to the thick boundary layer influence.

Because of the confined nature of the internal flow the mean streamlines in the conical diffuser are'unhikely to deviate much from their radial behavior in potential flow. This suggests that we 'can not

expect the variation of static pressure across the boundary layer to be a signIficant factor in the flow development. The' calculations presented in Figure 14 wére therefore performed using the freestream velocity distrIbutiOn deduced from the wall static pressure measurements. Since the two flows measured by Fraser were found to be quitè similar only one of them (Case A) will be discussed here in detail. The solid lines in Figures-14(b) through 14(e) 'are the results of the calculations using the present method while the

curves labelled "T" correspond to the axisymetric version òf Head's method. The first observation we make is that the difference between the' two sets

of calculations is small. This small difference may be attributed to the thick boundary layer effect which the present method seeks to elucidate; the relatively small difference is not surprising since the differences were equally small on the bodies of revolution considered previously for values of cS/r0 of the order of 0.5 (see, for example, X/L

= o.87

in Figure

3). Why then are the experimental data so different from the

calculations of the methods considered here as well as at the Stanford Conference? In Figure 14(c) the curve labelled "M" shows the development of. the momentum



thickness implied by the momentum integral equation alone, i.e. the result of i±itegrating this equation using the measured values of and Cf. The disagreemant between this and the experimental data suggest that either tiie momentum integrai equation used here does not represent the true momentum balance or that the experiment was not truly axisyinmetric. While we have

ruled out the possibility of significant statiò pressure variations across the boundary layer there remains the influence of the turbu1ence terms which were omitted from the momentum integral equation. These were not

measured by Fraser but judging by the rather large decrease in the turbulence intensities observed by Patèl et al in the external thick boundary layer we may expect a corresponding increasé in the turbulence leVel in this internai flow. These terms, together with any departures from axial

symetry (flow convergence) along the line of measurements could explain

the observed discrepancy in the growth of the, momentum thickness. In view of this, another calculation was performed in which the experimental values

of the momentum thickness were used m'piace of the momentum integral equation. The results of this calculation are shown by the dotted lines in Figure (b) through 4(e). Notice that such a calculation represents a tes-t of all thé other assumptions made in the present method. The

general improvementin the prediction of the boundary layer thickness, the

shape parameter and the skin-friction coefficient is quite noticeable. It

is, howevér, rather surprising to find that the amount of momentum imbalance shown in Figure 14(c) could have such a marked effect on the development of the Other ±ntegral parameters.

C. Cylinder of Constant Radiùs: No calculation method for thick axisyimetric boundary-layers äan be regarded as complete unless it predicts the behavior of the boundary layer on a cylinder of cönstant radius placed axially in a uni'orm stream. (Case


shown in Figure 1(a)). Theoretical investIgations of this case have been made by a number of

previous workers, the latest and the most comprehensive investgtion

being the recent one of Cebeci (1970). With the exception. of Cèbeci, how-ever, most workers have fodussed their attention on the prediction of the influence of transverse curvature on the skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients, On the experimental side, mêasurements have beefl reported by Richmond (1957), Yu (1958), Yasuhara (1959) and Keshavan (1969). A


detailed analysis of this data, however, revealed that the present method could not be tested conclusively againât them since there was a marked lack of axial symmetry in these, rather difficult to perform, experiments. Comparisons with one set of data collected by Yu are never-theless shown in Figure


These are the measurements made at the lowest

cylinder Reynolds number (tJr/v =


and therefore represent the

thickest boundary layer. It will be seen that the shape parameter and the skin-friction coefficient are predicted with reasonable accuracy but

the calculated momentum thickness and the boundary layer thickness are

not in satisfactory agreement with experimental data. Since, in the absence of pressure gradients, the momentum integral equation reduces simply to


= - Cf

it is clear that the disagreement between the predicted and measured

momentum thickness signifies either a lack of axial symmetry or the presence of streainwise pressure gradients. The comparisons shown in Figure 5 are typical of all the cylinder data examined during the course of this work. The rather large discrepancy in the boundary layer thick-ness shown in Figure 5(a) is, however, unlikely to be explained by the lack of axia.l. symmetry, and it is possible that the assumption of the velocity profile family implied by equation (l3a) may not be entirely satisfactory.


It hasbeen shown that the proposed method for the calculation

of thick axisymnetric turbulent boundary-layers represents a marked

improvement ovez the straightforward use of the usual thin boundary-layer calculation procedures. A number of simplifying assumptions weré made in order to account for the variation of static pressure across the boundary layer, and axial symmetry or transverse curvature. In the one case where appreciable variation of static pressure was present, the simple momentum-integral equation which uses .a hypothetical freestream veloity derived from the observed wail static pressure distrIbution appears to perform quite satisfactorily. The assumptioïm coñcerning the rate of entrainment,



namely that. it is a function of the 'p1anar" shape parameter H* as given by Head for two-dimensional flows is rather difficult to verify

irectl since the data available so far are not sufficiently accurate.

The assumption that the velocity profiles in a thick axisyetric boundary

layer can be represented by a simple one-parameter fathily of shapes is per-haps the most important one since it attempts to take account of most of the thick boundary layer effects. An Obvious impovement. One can maie

here is to incorporate the more, refined two-praméter models such, as those proposed by Coles (1956) and Thompson (1965). While this may lean to some gain in the accuracy, particularlr in thé prediction of the boundary layer thickness, the additional complexities will be considerable.,

Overall, the proposed method appears to perfrm best for the

boundary layer on bodies of revolution, including the region near the tail where the boundary layer 'grows to a thickness many times the local radIus of the body. Proper teatment 'of 'the boundary layer in the tail region i.s important for the estimation of'the viscous resistance of such bodies. When the resistance is calòulated either by a straightforward

application 'of the wé11 known Squire-Young formula. or 'by 'a continuation of the boundary layer calculation into the near and far wake of the body, the f i:flal result depends upon the characteristics of the boundary layer

at the tail or just ahead of separation. In a recent study on the calcu-lation of the drag of bodies of. revolution performed by Nakayama and SPatel

(1973) it was fouiid that the use of the proposed method, in conjunction with a squire-Young type formula, gave accurate prediction of the drag




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Patel, V.C. 1973 "On the Equations of a ThIck Axisetric Turbulent


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"An Experimental Study of the Thick Turbulént Boundary Layer Near tie Tail of a. Body of RevolutIon",. Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Res., Rept.. No. 142. To be published in the J.

fluid Mechanics.

Ribmond, R.L.


"Experimefltal Investigation of Thick



Boundary Layers on Cr1inders at Subsonic and HypersOnic Speeds", Ph.D. Thesis, Cal±fornia Inst. of Tech., Pasadena.

Shanébrook., J. R. and Sumner,

W.J. 1970

"Entraiument Theory for Axisinmetric,

Turbulent, Incompressible Boundary ers", AIM,



Standen, N.M.


"A Concept ofMass' EtrainmehtApp1ied to Compressible

Turbulent Boundary. Layers -in Adverse Pressure Gradients",


POEper No.


Thompson, B.G.J.

1965 "A

New Two-Parameter Family of Mean Velocity Profiles for Incompressible Boundary Layers on Smooth Wails", British

Aeron. Res. Council R & M


Yasuhara, M. 1959 "Experiments of Axi'synñnetric Boundary Layers Along a

Cylindér inIncompressib1eF1ow",


Japan Soc. Aerospace

Sci., 2, 33. .. .

Yu, Y.S. 1958 "Effect 0±' Transverse Cuiature on Turbulént Boundary


(a) Long, Slender Cylinder of Cçnstant Radius

r+ y


(b) Tail of a Body of Revolution r = r0 + ycos4

(e) Internal Flow (Conical Diffuser)


Figure 1. THICK AXISYIvflvIETRIC BOtJDPRY LAYS Definition Sketches and Ty-pical Situations





o Experiment.

T, Thin Boundary Layer

- Present Methöd

- I-19 Figure 2 (continued) 0 0.2 0.14 .0.6 0.8 i, o X/L

(a) Freestream Veiòcity Distribution



0.8 X/L,


(b) Boundary Layer Thickness 1.1 1.0 0.9 o.6 feet 20 15 10 5


feet 0.06 o 014 0.02 2.0 1.2 o 1.0 o O '2' Experiment 2' Experiment

Present Method

---T, Thin Boundary Layer

I- I


o H, Experiment

V , Experiment

T, Thin Boundary Layer Present Method (c) Momentum Thickness

(d) Shape Pareter

0.8 X/L


2:. 0 1..5 1.0


o cm.

igure 2. Experiments of Freeman (1932) on the Model of the Airship Akron

'0.2 0.14





O 14 0.6


0.6 0.5 feet 0.11.. 0. 3 -0.2 0.1 0.7 0.8 21




X/L i

(a) Actu.i & Hypothetical Freesti-eam Ve1o±ties

o Experiment

T, Thin Boundary

-- T, Th±ÍI Boundary

Present Method

(b.) Boundary Layer Thickness

Figure 3 (continued).

Layer (Using

Layer (Using tie)!!






15 cm 10 1.05 1.00













--0.2 Ô2 feet 0.1 o 62, Experiment v Experiment

T, Thin Boundary Layer (Using

---T, Thin Boundary. Layer (Using U)

Present Method


(e) Momentum Thickness

Figure 3 (continued)


-H, Cf 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 001L .003 .002 .001 23 O H, Experiment V H, Experinient

T, Thin Boundary Layer (Using

T, Thin Boundary Layer (Using U)

Present Method

(d) Shape Parameter



T, Thin Boundary Layer T, Thin Boundary Layer Present Method


(e) Skin-Friction Coefficient

Figure 3. Experiments of Patel, Nakayama & Damian (1973) on the Tail of a Modified Spheroid


0.7 0.8 0.9 X/L



180 160 ft/see 110 120 100 , feet 0.3 0.2 0.1 21 0.25

x, meters050

0.2 Experim.nt

Present Methöd

---Present Methöd. (expt.

---T, Thin Boundary


igure; lt (cóntinued.) 0.5 50 rn/sec lt5 35 io 5 cm 1.0 2.0 ( ) Freestream Velocity x, meters 2.0


X., feét


0.25 meters

M Momentum equation only

Figure 1 (continued) 2.0 cm 0.50 0.25 1.0 x, feet (e) Momentum Thickness


H cf o .004 0.25. P.50 003 .002 .001 O Present Method O 26 o 0.25 meters 0.50 x, feet (d) Shape Paraméter


meters 2.0 2.0

Figure ii. Experiments of Fraser (1956) in a i0-d.gree Conical Diffuser (Case A)


x, feet (e) Skin-Friction Coefficient


0.02 2' 62 feet 0.01 Fiùre 5 (continued) O Experiment - Present Method

T, Thin Boundary Layer

2 6



(a) Boundary Layer Thickness

o 62, Eieriment

2' Eperiinent

Present Method

- - - T., Thin Bound.ary Layer

2.5 cm .0.50 0.25 o 1.0


meters 2.0 1.0

x, meters20

2 x, feet 6 (b) Momentum Thickness 0.2 feet 0.1 5.0 cm


Cf 003 002 .001 28 O H, Experiment y


- Present Method

T; Thin Boundary Layer

(c) Shape Parameter


meters O 1.O 2.0 .Q05 o Experiment -. Présent Method

-- - T ,

Thin BoindarY Layer

2 feet

(a) Skin-Friction Coefficient

Figure 5. ExperimentS of Yu


on a Cyiiner

öf Constant Radius,








FORM I (PAGE 1) Uncias sified

.1Uur1, V V.. LtlSi 11V..,


S ,'r,,rjty ,l0s,jfje1atjii1 cit title, h,civ if .11,,itr,,« t irnd iticicXjtijl il)flOtiitt(Pfl nr,,,.t be e,pter,cIu Ile?, tipe ov,raII rif,.,?? I,. ç1.,i..ss(,,'ii)

oNr(;INaNG AC1IVIIY (Cor, oteouflcor)

Institute of Hydraulic Research

The University of Iowa

Iowa City, Iowa 52212



2h. GrL0UP


"A Simple Integral Method for the Calculation of Thick Axisymmetric Turbulent Boundary Layers"

4. DESCRIPTIVF NOTES (Type of report andinclusive dates)

uHR Report No. 150

, AU THOR(S) (First r,,,me. m,ddie initial, last nome)

V.C. Patel


September 1973



7b. NO. OF REF5








lIER Report No. 150

Sb. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be asslned this report)


Approved for public release; distribution unlimited


Naval Ship Research & Development Center Bethesda, Maryland


In a recent paper the author examined the equations of a thick, incompressibi-axisymmetric, turbulent boundary-layer and suggested, in a preliminary way, two differ-ent methods for their solution. In this paper, one of the methods, namely the integral approach, is considered in greater detail. It is shown that the development of the thick boundary layer can be predicted with acceptable accuracy by using an approximate foim of the momentum-integral equation, an appropriate skin-friction relation, and an entrair3ment equation obtained for axisymmetric boundary layers. The method also re-quires the explicit use of a velocity-profile family in order to interrelate some of the integral parameters. Available experimental results have been used to demonstrate the general accuracy of the method.




Sccurity ClaKsiflcation

Thrbulent Boimdary Layer

Thick, Adsyétric Flow

Calcul at ions Integral Method Entrainment Equation KEY WORDS R O L E LINK A wr LINK *3 ROL E Wr RO LI N Wi.

D051473 (BACK)





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