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Table of Contents Robert Kwiatkowski Introduction


Academic year: 2022

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© Niepełnosprawność – zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania. Nr III/2016(20)

Table of Contents

Robert Kwiatkowski

Introduction ... 3 Interview with Krzysztof Michałkiewicz, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and the Government Plenipotentiary for Disabled People ... 5 Rehabilitation

Paweł Bronowski, Katarzyna Chotkowska

New trends in the rehabilitation of the mentally ill people ... 11 Support system for people with disabilities

Katarzyna Chrząszcz

Expectations of students with disabilities to educational assistants

– support or a way into helplessness?... 23 Anna Maria Sierecka

Volunteering for people with disabilities as an example of pro-social behavior ...36 Leszek Ploch

For a new quality of education of the environment in creative stimulation of the disabled .. 54 Support system for people with disabilities

Paweł Borowiecki

Quality of life of disabled persons and their families in the outside and internal prospect – inspection of chosen examinations ... 81 Beata Gumienny

Functioning of adults with profound intellectual disability – the views of parents ... 92 Technology

Jerzy Rottermund, Stanisława Szary, Andrzej Knapik

Using adaptive objects that improve the function of the hand when preparing

and eating meals ...115 Directions for Authors ... 133


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