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Papa Roach - Kill The Noise tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Papa Roach, Kill The Noise

No love, no feelings I choke on the air I am breathing Undone, unhealing

Ain’t nobody stopping the bleeding Deaf qwith demons on both sides Can’t think no angel left insight Chained to this static in my mind And i can’t hide

His range i just can’t escape Screaming t my face

So loud i can’t hear my voice Breaking through my mistakes Ferr fall into grace

I am not insane

It;s time to kill the noise Kill the noise

My scars keep screaming

I live through the pain for a reason My god my anger

It drags me down like an anchor I'm deaf with demons on both sides Can’t think no angel left in sight Chained to this static in my mind And I can't hide

His range i just can’t escape Screaming t my face

So loud i can’t hear my voice Breaking through my mistakes Ferr fall into grace

I am not insane

It;s time to kill the noise Kill the noise

Papa Roach - Kill The Noise w Teksciory.pl


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