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Polish Journal of Natural Sciences


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Olsztyn 2007

Polish Journal of Natural Sciences

Supplement 4/2007




Janusz Falkowski (Editor-in-chief), Eugeniusz Biesiadka, Jan Glogowski, Ryszard Zadernowski, Hans Harms (Germany), Valclav Matoušek (Czech Republic),

Juraj Mlynek (Slovak Republic)

© Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmiñsko-Mazurskiego Olsztyn 2007

Address ul. Jana Heweliusza 14 10-718 Olsztyn-Kortowo, Poland

tel. (48) (0-89) 523-36-61, fax (48) (0-89) 523-34-38 www.uwm.edu.pl/wydawnictwo/

e-mail: wydawca@uwm.edu.pl Ark. wyd. 19,8, ark. druk. 16,2 Druk – Zak³ad Poligraficzny UWM w Olsztynie

zam. 425

PL ISSN 1731-3147

Executive Editor

Mariola Jezierska, Agnieszka Or³owska-Rachwa³


The Polisch Journal of Natural Sciences is indexed and abstracted in Biological Abstracts and Biosis Previews

The Journal is also available (from volume 22) in electronic form. The online edition is hosted by MetaPress (www.metapess.com) in partnership with Versita (www.versita.com)



P. Bielañski, D. Kowalska, M. Piórkowska – Effect of Supplemental Linseed and Antioxi- dant in Rabbit Diet on Fatty Acid Profile and Susceptibility of Meat Lipids to Oxidation ...

B. Borys, A. Borys, J. Sikora – Activity of D9-desaturase in Intramuscular Fat of Lambs According to Slaughter Standard ...

A. Gliszczyñska-Œwig³o, H. Szymusiak – Molecular Insight in the pH-dependent Radical- -Scavenging Activity of Betanidin ...

D. Górecka, K. Szymandera-Buszka, M. Hêœ, J. Korczak, M. Szolc – The Effect of Thermal Processing of Barley Groats with Varied Processing Rates on Dietary Fiber Content ...

E. Hallmann – Bioactive Components in the Cherry Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme) Cultivated on Rockwool and Cocofibre ...

E. Hallmann, E. Rembia³kowska – Influence of Thermal Processing on Bioactive Com- pounds Content in Apple Puree Prepared from Organic Fruits of Old and New Apple Cultivars ...

G. Jaworska, E. Bernaœ, A. Biernacka – A Comparison of Antioxidant Activity in Frozen and Canned Boletus Edulis Mushrooms ...

A. Jêdrusek-Goliñska, J. Korczak, M. Hêœ, A. Gramza-Micha³owska – The Effect of Time of Acid Hydrolysis on the Modification of Antioxidant Properties of Rapeseed Protein Hydrolysates ...

A. Jurgoñski, J. Juœkiewicz – Effects of Green Tea Extract on Gastrointestinal Tract Metabolism, Serum Parameters and Antioxidant Status in Rats Fed a High-fructose Diet ...

M.Muzolf, A. Gliszczyñska-Œwig³o, B. Tyrakowska – The Radical Scavenging Capacity of Green Tea ...

J. Paschma, M. Wawrzyñski – Effect of Using Herbs in Pig Diets on Growth Parameters, Carcass Traits and Dietetic Value of Pork ...

K. Pawlak-Lemañska, H. Szymusiak – Antioxidant Activity of Methylated Flavonoids in Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Systems ...

M.Remiszewski, M. Kulczak, K. Przygoñski, E. Korbas, M. Je¿ewska – Changes in Fla- vonoid Contents in Red Kidney Beans Under the Influence of Different Hydrothermal Processing Methods ...

A. Rój, P. Przyby³owski – The Content of Patulin in Apple Juices of Different Degree of Processing ...

J. Sikora, B. Borys, A. Borys – Activity of D9-desaturase in Intramuscular Fat of Fattened Goat Kids According to Breed and Age ...

K. Skupieñ, J. Oszmiañski, I. Ochmian, J. Grajkowski – Characterization of Selected Physico-Chemical Features of Blue Honeysuckle Fruit Cultivar Zielona ...

E. Stasiuk, A. Rój, P. Przyby³owski – Heavy Metals in Apple Juices ...

I. Steinka, A. Kuku³owicz – The Influence of Freezing Storage Conditions of the Aloes Pulp on their Biostatic Activity for Yeasts ...

D. Wichrowska – The Content of Nitrate (V) in Potato Tubers Storage in Temperature 4oC ...

C. Wieczorek – Effect of Thermal Treatment on Changes of Polyphenols Content in Broccoli ...

T. Wojdy³a, M. Piñska, D. Wichrowska, S. Rolbiecki, R. Rolbiecki – Influence of Micro- -Irrigation on the Content of Vitamin C in Potato Tubers ...

P. Zarzycki, Z. Rzedzicki – Effect of Extrusion Process Parameters on the Level of Metal Contamination of Corn-Oat Extrudates ...

J. Czarnociñska, E. Babicz-Zieliñska, L. W¹do³owska, J. Przys³awski, M. Schlegel-Zawadzka

– The Influence of Age and Sex on Dietary Attitudes of Poles in Relation to Plant Origin Products. pofpres Study ...

M.Grzybowska-Brzeziñska – The Preferences of Ecological Food Consumers ...

K. Jesionkowska, D. Konopacka, W. P³ocharski, S. Sijtsema, K. Zimmermann – What do Polish and Dutch Consumers Think about Dried Fruit and Products with Them – Creative Group Discussions as a Means of Recognition Consumers’ Perceptions ...

7 13 17 25 31

37 43


55 63 71 77

85 93 97 101109


129 137 143





A. Kawêcka, P. Paraponiak – Economic Aspects of Sheep Milk Production in the Mountain Regions of Poland ...

R. Kazimierczak – Changes of the Fruit and Vegetables Consumption Level in Polish Households in Context of Diet-Related Diseases Prevention ...

E. Kostyra, G. Wasiak-Zys, B. Waszkiewicz-Robak – Sensory Characteristic and Product Palatability of Soft Fat Spreads Differing in Fat Level ...

E. Malinowska – Economical Aspects of Catering Services in Places of Collective Nutrition ...

P. Paraponiak, A. Kawêcka – Evaluation of Lamb Meat Quality From Sheep of Different Breeds and Production Efficiency ...

B. Paw³owska, A. Strychalska-Rudzewicz – Customer Satisfaction Measurement as a Factor of Identification of Customer Satisfaction Attributes in Case of a Food Product ...

E. Sowula-Skrzyñska, J. Paschma – Effect of Dietary Herb Supplements on Economic Efficiency of Pig Fattening and Pork Quality ...

J. Stankiewicz, I. Steinka – Economic Aspects of Production of Cottage Cheese Depending on Technology of Production ...

A. Szczeciñska, K. Koz³owska, W. Roszkowski, A. Brzozowska, M. Raats, M. Lumbers – Differences in Frequency of Fruit and Vegetables Intake Among Older Europeans – Food in Later Life Project ...

A. Szumiec – Determination of the Relationship Between the Milk Purchase Price and Retail Price of Some Dairy Products ...

185 191 199209

217 223 229 237

244 253



P. Bielañski, D. Kowalska, M. Piórkowska – Wp³yw dodatku oleju lnianego oraz przeciw- utleniacza w paszy dla królików na profil kwasów t³uszczowych i podatnoœæ na utlenia- nie lipidów miêsa ...

B. Borys, A. Borys, J. Sikora – Aktywnoœæ D9-desaturazy w t³uszczu œródmiêœniowym jagni¹t w zale¿noœci od standardu rzeŸnego ...

A. Gliszczyñska-Œwig³o, H. Szymusiak – Wp³yw pH na aktywnoœæ przeciwrodnikow¹ beta- nidyny – badania doœwiadczalne i teoretyczne ...

D. Górecka, K. Szymandera-Buszka, M. Hêœ, J. Korczak, M. Szolc – Wp³yw obróbki ter- micznej kaszy jêczmiennej o ró¿nym stopniu przetworzenia na zawartoœæ b³onnika po- karmowego ...

E. Hallmann – Sk³adniki bioaktywne pomidorów cherry (Lycopersicon esculentum var.

cerasiforme) w uprawie na we³nie mineralnej i pod³o¿u kokosowym ...

E. Hallmann, E. Rembia³kowska – Wp³yw obróbki termicznej na zawartoœæ zwi¹zków bio- aktywnych w przecierach jab³kowych wykonanych z owoców jab³oni odmian ekologicz- nych i nowych ...

G. Jaworska, E. Bernaœ, A. Biernacka – Porównanie aktywnoœci przeciwutleniaj¹cej mro-

¿onek i konserw sterylizowanych z borowika szlachetnego ...

A. Jêdrusek-Goliñska, J. Korczak, M. Hêœ, A. Gramza-Micha³owska – Wp³yw czasu hydro- lizy na kszta³towanie w³aœciwoœci przeciwutleniaj¹cych hydrolizatów bia³kowych œru- ty rzepakowej ...

A. Jurgoñski, J. Juœkiewicz – Wp³yw ekstraktu z zielonej herbaty na metabolizm przewodu pokarmowego, parametry surowicy i status antyoksydacyjny u szczurów ¿ywionych diet¹ wysokofruktozow¹ ...

M.Muzolf, A. Gliszczyñska-Œwig³o, B. Tyrakowska – Aktywnoœæ przeciwrodnikowa zielo- nej herbaty ...

J. Paschma, M. Wawrzyñski – Wp³yw stosowania zió³ w paszy dla œwiñ na paramerty wzrostu, cechy rzeŸne oraz wartoœæ dietetyczn¹ wieprzowiny ...

K. Pawlak-Lemañska, H. Szymusiak – Aktywnoœæ przeciwutleniaj¹ca metylowanych fla- wonoidów w œrodowisku hydro- i lipofilowym ...

M.Remiszewski, M. Kulczak, K. Przygoñski, E. Korbas, M. Je¿ewska – Zmiany zawartoœci flawonoidów w fasoli kolorowej red kidney pod wp³ywem ró¿nych form obróbki hydro- termicznej ...

A. Rój, P. Przyby³owski – Zawartoœæ patuliny w sokach jab³kowych o ró¿nym stopniu przetworzenia ...

J. Sikora, B. Borys, A. Borys – Aktywnoœæ D9-desaturazy w t³uszczu œródmiêœniowym tuczonych koŸl¹t w zale¿noœci od rasy i wieku ...

K. Skupieñ, J. Oszmiañski, I. Ochmian, J. Grajkowski – Charakterystyka wybranych cech fizykochemicznych owoców jagody kamczackiej odmiany zielona ...

E. Stasiuk, A. Rój, P. Przyby³owski – Metale ciê¿kie w sokach jab³kowych ...

I. Steinka, A. Kuku³owicz – Wp³yw warunków zamra¿ania miazgi aloesowej na jej biosta- tyczne oddzia³ywanie na dro¿d¿e ...

D. Wichrowska – Zawartoœæ azotanów(V) w bulwach ziemniaka przechowywanych w temperaturze 4oC ...

C. Wieczorek – Wp³yw obróbki termicznej na zmiany zawartoœci polifenoli w broku³ach ...

T. Wojdy³a, M. Piñska, D. Wichrowska, S. Rolbiecki, R. Rolbiecki – Wp³yw mikronawodnie- nia na zawartoœæ witaminy C w bulwach ziemniaka ...

P. Zarzycki, Z. Rzedzicki – Wp³yw parametrów procesu ekstruzji na wielkoœæ zanieczysz- czeñ metalicznych ekstrudatów kukurydziano-owsianych ...

J. Czarnociñska, E. Babicz-Zieliñska, L. W¹do³owska, J. Przys³awski, M. Schlegel-Zawadzka

– Wp³yw wieku i p³ci na postawy ¿ywieniowe Polaków dotycz¹ce produktów pochodze- nia roœlinnego. badania POFPRES ...

M.Grzybowska-Brzeziñska – Preferencje konsumentów ¿ywnoœci ekologicznej ...

7 13 17

25 31

37 43


55 63 71 77

85 93 97 101109

113 121129

137 143




rzystanie metody kreatywnych grup dyskusyjnych ...

M.Je¿ewska-Zychowicz, M. Kosicka-Gêbska – Spo¿ycie ¿ywnoœci a wybrane wskaŸniki sytuacji rodzinnej w opinii badanych ...

A. Kawêcka, P. Paraponiak – Ekonomiczne aspekty mlecznego u¿ytkowania owiec w gór- skich rejonach Polski ...

R. Kazimierczak – Zmiany w poziomie spo¿ycia owoców i warzyw w polskich gospodar- stwach domowych w kontekœcie profilaktyki chorób dietozale¿nych ...

E. Kostyra, G. Wasiak-Zys, B. Waszkiewicz-Robak – Charakterystyka jakoœci sensorycznej i po¿¹dalnoœci konsumenckiej produktów o ró¿nej zawartoœci t³uszczu przeznaczonych do smarowania pieczywa ...

E. Malinowska – Aspekty ekonomiczne œwiadczenia us³ug ¿ywieniowych w placówkach

¿ywienia zbiorowego ...

P. Paraponiak, A. Kawêcka – Ocena jakoœci jagniêciny pochodz¹cej od owiec ró¿nych ras oraz efektywnoœci jej produkcji ...

B. Paw³owska, A. Strychalska-Rudzewicz – Pomiar satysfakcji klienta czynnikiem identy- fikuj¹cym atrybuty satysfakcji klienta z produktu spo¿ywczego ...

E. Sowula-Skrzyñska, J. Paschma – Efektywnoœæ ekonomiczna tuczu œwiñ po zastosowa- niu dodatku zió³ w dawkach pokarmowych w œwietle jakoœci pozyskiwanego produktu ...

J. Stankiewicz, I. Steinka – Ekonomiczne aspekty produkcji serów twarogowych w zale¿- noœci od technologii produkcji ...

A. Szczeciñska, K. Koz³owska, W. Roszkowski, A. Brzozowska, M. Raats, M. Lumbers – Czêstotliwoœæ spo¿ycia owoców i warzyw wœród starszych Europejczyków ...

A. Szumiec – Okreœlenie zale¿noœci pomiêdzy cen¹ skupu mleka a cen¹ detaliczn¹ wybra- nych produktów mleczarskich ...

169 177 185 191

199 209 217 223 229 237 244 253



Effect of Supplemental Linseed and Antioxidant in Rabbit Diet on Fatty Acid Profile...POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCES Supplement No 4/2007



Pawe³ Bielañski, Dorota Kowalska, Ma³gorzata Piórkowska

National Research Institute of Animal Production Animal Genetic Resources Conservation Unit, Balice n. Kraków Key words: rabbits, feeding, linseed oil, meat quality.

A b s t r a c t

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of a 4% linseed oil supplement with and without antioxidant (a-tocopherol) added to rabbit diets on the composition of the meat lipid fraction, cholesterol content and susceptibility of meat fat to oxidation after different storage periods.

Supplementing linseed oil to rabbit feeds had a beneficial effect on the composition of the meat lipid fraction. In the lipids of rabbit leg muscles there was a significant increase in the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), especially n-3 PUFA, thanks to which the ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFA decreased. Adding antioxidant (vitamin E) to the feed prevented lipid oxidation in the stored meat. The dietary factor used had no effect on rearing performance of the rabbits.



Pawe³ Bielañski, Dorota Kowalska, Ma³gorzata Piórkowska Instytut Zootechniki – Pañstwowy Instytut Badawczy

Dzia³ Ochrony Zasobów Genetycznych Zwierz¹t w Balicach k. Krakowa S³owa kluczowe: króliki, ¿ywienie, olej lniany, jakoœæ miêsa.

A b s t r a k t

Celem prowadzonych badañ by³o okreœlenie wp³ywu 4% dodatku oleju lnianego oraz przeciwutleniacza naturalnego (a-tokoferol), dodanych do paszy dla królików, na sk³ad frakcji lipidowej miêsa, zawartoœæ cholesterolu oraz podatnoœæ na utlenianie t³uszczu miêsa po ró¿nym okresie przechowywania.

Address: Pawe³ Bielañski, National Research Institute of Animal Production, ul. Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice, e-mail: futerka@izoo.krakow.pl

* This study was partly financed by the Ministry of Science and Information Technologies in Poland, grant no 2 PO62 03 230.


Badania przeprowadzono na 30 samicach stada podstawowego i ca³oœci uzyskanego od nich potomstwa. Króliki grupy kontrolnej ¿ywiono pe³nodawkow¹ mieszank¹ standardow¹.

W grupach doœwiadczalnych zwierzêtom wprowadzono do receptury mieszanki 4% dodatek oleju lnianego i zwiêkszono o 100% dodatek witaminy E. Przeprowadzono analizê podstawo- w¹ pe³nodawkowych mieszanek paszowych. W okresie trwania doœwiadczenia kontrolowano liczebnoœæ i masê miotu po urodzeniu, w 21., 35. i 90. dniu ¿ycia oraz œmiertelnoœæ i przyro- sty zwierz¹t. W 90. dniu ¿ycia przeprowadzono uboje kontrolne i ocenê poubojow¹ królików zgodnie z obowi¹zuj¹c¹ metodyk¹. W próbkach miêsa, pobranych z miêœni tylnych nóg zwie- rz¹t, oznaczono profil wy¿szych kwasów t³uszczowych, poziomu cholesterolu ca³kowitego, witaminy E oraz TBA w miêsie mro¿onym po 2 tyg. i 3 mies. przechowywania.

W przeprowadzonych badaniach w grupach doœwiadczalnych stwierdzono spadek zawar- toœci nasyconych kwasów t³uszczowych w miêœniach nóg króliczych o ok. 28% w stosunku do grupy kontrolnej. Najwy¿sze potwierdzone ró¿nice dotyczy³y kwasu palmitynowego i ste- arynowego. Na szczególn¹ uwagê zas³uguje wysoko istotny wzrost zawartoœci kwasów t³usz- czowych PUFA w grupach doœwiadczalnych, w tym kwasów z rodziny n-3, dziêki czemu na- st¹pi³o zawê¿enie proporcji kwasów PUFA n-6 do PUFA n-3 w kierunku wzrostu tych ostatnich. Jest to po¿¹dane dla diety wspó³czesnego cz³owieka, gdy¿ taka proporcja ma istot- ne znaczenie w profilaktyce mia¿d¿ycy i schorzeñ powstaj¹cych na jej pod³o¿u.

Dodatek witaminy E w paszy bardzo wyraŸne zwiêkszy³ odk³adanie siê jej w miêsie.

Zastosowany w badaniach przeciwutleniacz korzystnie wp³yn¹³ na zmniejszenie podatnoœci lipidów miêœni na utlenianie. W grupach doœwiadczalnych obserwowano tendencjê do ob- ni¿ania siê poziomu cholesterolu ca³kowitego.


Enriching milk, meat or eggs with components having a potentially be- neficial effect on the human body has for many years been used to improve the dietetic value of animal products. This has been the reason for produc- tion of function (health-promoting) food, which is supplemented with long- chain PUFA, mainly n-3 long-chain PUFA in addition to trace elements and vitamins. These acids take part in cholesterol transport and synthesis and are found in cell membrane phospholipids, which enables them to influence all cell functions. In Poland, like in the majority of European countries, the typical diet is deficient in these acids and their consumption is several times too low (KOLANOWSKI, ŒWIDERSKI 1997, ZIEMLAÑSKI 1997).

From the dietary point of view, the most suitable oil for supplementing animal feeds is linseed oil, half of which is formed by n-3 fatty acids and only 9.8% by saturated acids.

XICCATO and TROCINO (2003) showed a positive effect of feeding plant fats on the cholesterol content of rabbit meat and found that the amount of cho- lesterol is affected not so much by the presence of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) as by the relationships between them. The mutual relationships in feed between n-6 and n-3 PUFA affect the composition of fatty acids of cell membrane phospholipids, which in turn determines the permeability of the- se membranes. This effect may help HDL lipoproteins to bind on the surface of muscle cells and to take excess cholesterol away (BAROWICZ, BRZÓSKA 2001).

However, the high UFA content of feeds makes them susceptible to oxidati- ve processes. Fat rancidity results in the formation of free radicals, lipid pe-



Effect of Supplemental Linseed and Antioxidant in Rabbit Diet on Fatty Acid Profile...

roxides of aldehydes and further oxidation products, which have a negative effect on the dietetic value of fat. The oxidation of acids may also take place in meat during storage and be detrimental to its quality by having a negati- ve effect on meat stability, aroma, taste and nutritive value, reducing the PUFA content and increasing the number of fat oxidation products and cho- lesterol. It is therefore necessary to protect fat from oxidation.

The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of a 4% linseed oil supplemented with and without antioxidant (a-tocopherol) to the feed of rabbits on the composition of the meat lipid fraction, cholesterol content and susceptibility of meat fat to oxidation after different storage periods.

Material and Methods

A total of 30 New Zealand White does of the foundation herd and all of their offspring were investigated in three feeding groups (10 animals per group). Does of the foundation herd were fed experimental diets from first mating. The experimental results concern the third litter of does.

Group I – fed a standard basal diet in pellet form, Group II – fed a pelleted diet with 4% linseed oil,

Group III – fed a pelleted diet with 4% linseed oil and vitamin E content increased by 100% (100 mg/kg diet).

The complete standard diet given to rabbits contained dried meadow grass, soybean meal, wheat bran, ground maize, milk replacer, NaCl, Di cal- cium phosphate, and a mineral-vitamin supplement with a coccidiostat. In the experiment, animals from groups II and III received a 4% linseed oil supplement and a lower proportion of soybean meal, dried meadow grass and ground maize.

Rearing performance of rabbits, i.e. body weight and litter size 24 h after birth and at 21, 35 and 90 days of age, and daily gains from 35 to 90 days of age were studied. During the experiment, blood was taken from animals to determine selected biochemical parameters of blood serum (glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides).

At the end of the experiment, the animals were slaughtered (6 animals per group). Control slaughters and postslaughter analysis were performed in accordance with standard methods. Muscling and fatness traits of rabbit car- casses were analysed

After dissection, the samples of rear leg muscles were analysed for the profile of higher fatty acids using gas chromatography (determination of free fatty acids), total cholesterol (using the colourimetric method) and vitamin E (HPLC method). The degree of fat oxidation in meat was measured using TBA, which was determined in a reaction of secondary oxidation products with thiobarbituric acid (after 14 and 90 days of meat storage).

The results were analysed statistically using analysis of variance and Duncan’s D-test in the Statgraphics Plus 4.0 packet.


Results and Discussion

Table 1 shows the results of basic analysis of the complete pelleted diets used in the experiment.

Adding the linseed oil supplement increased the amount of crude fat from 2.42% to 5.05–5.17%. FRAGA et al. (1989) reported that a 3–5% dietary plant or animal fat supplement produces good practical results as it increases the energy level without reducing fibre or excessively increasing the starch content of the diet.

1 e l b a T s

t e i d d e t e ll e p e t e l p m o c f o s i s y l a n a c i s a b f o s t l u s e R p

u o r

G Dry

r e t t a m(%)

h s a e d u r C (%)

c i n a g r Omatter


% (

e d u r Crotein p(%)

t a f e d u r C (%)

e d u r Cifbre


% (

e e r f - Nracti-ves t x e (%) II


0 4 . 9 87.74 87.84 8

3 8 . 5.30 5.47 5

7 5 . 3 82.44 882.37

4 7 . 6 16.34 116.36

2 4 . 2.05 5.17 5

1 2 . 9.44 9.28 9

0 2 . 5 51.61 51.56 5

Analysis of the results of the production experiment (Table 2) showed no significant differences in the size and weight of litter or rate of animal growth. The postslaughter analysis of carcasses showed that the dietary factor had a highly significant effect on carcass fat content (group III vs. groups I and II). There was a tendency towards better muscling in animals from group II.

2 e l b a T )

% , g ( n o i t a u l a v e y t il a u q s s a c r a c f o s t l u s e r d n a e c n a m r o f r e p g n i r a e R

t i a r

T Group


) g ( h t r i b r e t f a t h g i e w r e t t i L

) d a e h ( h t r i b r e t f a e z i s r e t t i

Litterweightat21daysofage(g) Littersizeat21daysofage(head) Litterweightat35daysofage(g) Littersizeat35daysofage(head) L

) g ( e g a f o s y a d 0 9 - 5 3 t a n i a g y li a D

5 . 4 4 4

0 . 710.0 1 26.5

2 . 1 6 9 46.2

6 . 1 3

0 . 8 7 4

1 . 728.0 0 26.4

0 . 2 . 1 7 7 4 6.0

4 . 2 3

1 . 2 2 4

7 . 677.0 9 16.3

0 . 5 . 1 9 7 46.13

2 . 3

1 5 5 . 2 3

2 1 1 . 27.345 21.003

1 1 2 . 3 41.200

2 0 9 . 0 )

g ( t h g i e w r e t h g u a l s e r

Potcarcassweightwithhead(g) Holdcarcassweightwithouthead(g) CWeightofmusclesincarcass(g)


% ( s s a c r a c n i s e l c s u m f o n o i t r o p o r P

) g ( s s a c r a c n i s e n o b f o t h g i e

Wroportionofbonesincarcass(%) Peightoffatincarcass(g) Wroportionoffatincarcass(%) P

* )

% ( e g a t n e c r e p g n i s s e r D

0 0 . 5 7 4 21375.00

3 3 . 8 7 1 190.00

8 a

2 6 . 5 7

3 8 . 0 3 219.55

0 5 . 7

5 A

3 8 . 4

5 5 . 5 5

0 0 . 5 1 4 21416.66

3 8 . 5 4 2 154.16

9 b

0 6 . 6 7

7 6 . 6 2 218.21

0 0 . 5

6 A

9 1 . 5

6 6 . 8 5

3 8 . 5 8 3 2332.50 1141.67 178.33

8 a

6 6 . 6 7

3 3 . 3 3 220.67

0 0 . 0

3 B

7 6 . 2

5 8 . 5 5

2 0 0 . 2 38.002 36.236 32.634 30.512

4 6 4 . 50.662

3 0 1 . 40.276

8 6 6 . 2 o t ) d a e h h t i w ( t h g i e w s s a c r a c t o h f o o i t a r e h t s a d e t a l u c l a c s a w e g a t n e c r e p g n i s s e r d


l a w a r d h t i w d e e f h - 4 2 r e t f a t h g i e w l a m i n a r e t h g u a l s e r p



Effect of Supplemental Linseed and Antioxidant in Rabbit Diet on Fatty Acid Profile...

The blood serum of rabbits of all the groups (Table 3) showed no devia- tions from the standards given for this species of animals in the reference values of basic laboratory tests in veterinary sciences (WINNICKA 1997).

3 e l b a T e l c s u m g e l r a e r d n a m u r e s d o o l b f o s r e t e m a r a p l a c i m e h c o i b d e t c e l e S

m e t

I Group



: m u r e s d o o l

Botalcholesterol(mg/dl) TDL(mg/dl)

Hriglycerides(mg/dl) Tlucose(mg/dl) G

4 4 . 8 428.42

8 4 . 4 910.98 1

4 4 . 5 428.02

6 8 . 4 0 102.14 1

7 2 . 1 57.08 29.78 823.50 1

0 0 2 . 1.960 0.430 1.960 3 :

g e l f o e l c s u m r a e


T -1)

g g c m ( E n i m a t i

V -1)

g k g m ( e g a r o t s f o s y a d 4 1 r e t f a A B

T -1)

g k g m ( e g a r o t s f o s y a d 0 9 r e t f a A B

T -1)

5 1 . 9

6 a

1 8 .

1 A

6 2 4 . 0.535 0

5 5 . 0

6 b

2 1 . 2.350 0.512 0

6 8 . 0

6 b

8 1 .

3 B

6 4 3 . 0.487 0

0 2 4 . 1.233 0.014 00.011

a, b–meanswithdifferentlettersdiffersigniifcantlyatP<0.05,A, B–atP<0.01

A highly significant increase in the vitamin E content of rabbit leg muscles was observed in group III. The dietary vitamin E supplement (100 mg kg-1 diet) protected leg muscle lipids from the oxidation processes during 3-month storage. The total cholesterol content in groups II and III was significantly (P<0.05) lower than in the control group.

The addition of 4% linseed oil supplement caused a highly significant in- crease in n-3 PUFA (Table 4). The highest differences concerned linolenic acid (C18-3). The n-6 to n-3 PUFA ratio was observed to decrease from 10.08:1 in the control group to 3.89:1 and 2.08:1 in the meat lipids of rabbits from groups II and III, respectively, and this process was enhanced by the antioxidant supplement.

4 e l b a T

g e l r a e r f o e u s s i t e l c s u m e h t n i s d i c a y t t a f r e h g i h f o e li f o r p e h t f o s n o i t a n i m r e t e d f o s t l u s e

R (%oftotalacids)

m e t

I Group



1 2 3 4 5

4 1

C 2.830a 1.576b 1.546b 0.335

6 1

C 30.131A 15.061B 15.102B 0.650 8


C 6.427 4.737 5.084 1.200

1 : 8 1

C 26.821A 20.572 18.209B 1.066

2 : 8 1

C 23.826A 42.766B 36.904B 1.191 3

: 8 1

C 2.404A 11.033B 18.695B 1.200



It is concluded that the dietary linseed oil supplement had a beneficial ef- fect on the composition of the rabbit meat lipid fraction. In the lipids of rabbit leg muscles there was a significant increase in the level of PUFA, especially n-3 PUFA, thanks to which the ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFA decreased. Adding an- tioxidant (vitamin E) to the feed prevented lipid oxidation in the stored meat.

The dietary factor used had no effect on rearing performance of the rabbits.


BAROWICZ T, BRZÓSKA B. 2001. Wykorzystanie oleju lnianego w dawkach pokarmowych dla tuczników do poprawy cech dietetycznych miêsa wieprzowego. Trzoda chlewna, 5: 74-77.

FRAGA M.J., LORENTE M., CARABAÒO R.M., DE BLAS J.C. 1989. Effect of diet and remating interval on milk production and milk composition of the does rabbit. Anim. Prod., 48: 59-466.

KOLANOWSKI W., ŒWIDERSKI F. 1997. Wielonienasycone kwasy t³uszczowe z grupy n-3 (n-3 PUFA). Korzystne dzia³anie zdrowotne, zalecenia spo¿ycia, wzbogacanie ¿ywnoœci. ¯yw.

Cz³ow. Metab., 24: 49-63.

WINNICKA A. 1997. Wartoœci referencyjne podstawowych badañ laboratoryjnych w weteryna- rii. Wyd. SGGW. Warszawa.

XICCATO G., TROCINO A. 2003. Role of dietary lipid on digestive physiology, immune system and growth in rabbits. Cost 848, WG 4 Nutrition and Pathology, pp. 48-57.

ZIEMLAÑSKI S. 1997. T³uszcze w ¿ywieniu cz³owieka. ¯yw. Cz³ow. Metab., 24: 35-48.

4 e l b a T . t n o c

1 2 3 4 5


E 0.071 0.123 0.240 0.199


D 0.087 0.181 0.288 0.769


S 39.496A 21.965B 22.152B 1.066 A


U 60.503A 78.035B 77.848B 0.786 A


M 31.947a 22.088b 20.228b 0.598 A


P 28.555A 55.947B 57.620B 1.177 6

- A F U

P 25.857A 44.107B 38.048B 1.346 3

- A F U

P 2.563A 11.338Ba 18.222Bb 1.020 A


D 66.930A 82.773B 82.932B 0.785 A


O 33.069A 17.227B 17.067B 0.995 A

F S / A F

U 1.544A 3.572B 3.537B 0.148

A F O / A F

D 2.046A 4.842B 4.911B 0.238

A F S / A F U

M 0.812A 1.010B 0.913 0.332

A F S / A F U

P 0.732A 2.562B 2.624B 0.236

( A F U

P n-6)(/n )-3 10.088A 3.89B 2.08B 1.342 a, b–meanswithdifferentlettersdiffersigniifcantlyatP<0.05,A, B–atP<0.01


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