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*2009 Journal Citation Reports® ( Thomson Reuters 2010 )

ISSN 1463-9076

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

COVER ARTICLE Pachuki and Komasa


Ab initio simulation of proton spin


Rovibrational levels of HDw

Krzysztof Pachucki*


and Jacek Komasa*


Received 13th April 2010, Accepted 11th June 2010 DOI: 10.1039/c0cp00209g

The dissociation energies of all rotation–vibrational states of the molecular HD in the ground electronic state are calculated to a high accuracy by including nonadiabatic, relativistic a2, and quantum electrodynamic a3effects, with approximate treatment of small higher order a4, and finite nuclear size corrections. The obtained result for the ground molecular state of 36 405.7828(10) cm1is in a small disagreement with the latest most precise experimental value.



Since the beginning of quantum mechanics molecular hydrogen and its isotopomers have been a ground for testing and developing experimental techniques and theoretical models. In determination of the dissociation energy (D0), experimental

and theoretical measurements have diminished their individual uncertainties to below 103cm1and are in good agreement. In particular, the latest theoretical D0= 36 118.0695(10) cm1

of H2, obtained by Piszczatowski et al., 1

agrees very well with 36 118.06962(37) cm1 derived experimentally by Liu et al.2 Analogous results obtained last year for D2 are

36 748.3633(9) cm1from theory1and 36 748.36287(60) cm1 from experiment.3The tiny difference of 0.0004 cm1fits well within both error estimates. To achieve this 103cm1level of accuracy, the theory must have taken into account, with sufficient precision, not only the electron correlation but also the finite nuclear mass, relativistic, and quantum electro-dynamics (QED) effects.

Particularly challenging is the accurate inclusion of nonadiabatic effects. One possible approach is to obtain a nonadiabatic wave function (depending explicitly on nuclear coordinates) by minimizing the nonrelativistic energy. For H2

such calculations, using explicitly correlated James–Coolidge functions, were attempted by Ko"os and Wolniewicz in 19634,5 and 15 years later by Bishop and Cheung.6The same authors

performed purely nonadiabatic calculations for HD. Ko"os and Wolniewicz obtained D0 = 36 402.4 cm1,7 whereas

Bishop and Cheung reported D0= 36 405.97 cm1.8Calculations

in a similar spirit, but using extensively optimized explicitly correlated Gaussian functions, were performed by Stanke et al.9Their nonadiabatic wave function was further employed

to compute perturbatively the relativistic correction to the nonadiabatic energy. An apparent drawback of these methods is their decreasing accuracy observed for the higher excited states, particularly those lying close to dissociation threshold. For such states the perturbative treatment of relativistic effects may be inadequate. As an example, the v = 14, J = 4 state of

H2 becomes a resonance after the inclusion of relativistic

effects on the level of the potential energy curve (PEC). Moreover, certain properties like the ortho–para mixing or the scattering length, are inaccessible within the direct nonadiabatic approach.

In contrast, the nonadiabatic perturbation theory (NAPT) approach employed here, relies on solving the radial, variable-mass Schro¨dinger equation with the PEC for the nuclei constructed from the adiabatic potential augmented by R-dependent nonadiabatic, relativistic and QED corrections. The theory of the nonadiabatic potentials has been developed in ref. 10 and 11, whereas the relativistic and QED corrections to the PEC are evaluated on the basis of the nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics (NRQED).12–14 These corrections are unambiguously identified by an expansion of a bound atomic or molecular state energy in powers of the fine structure constant a:

E= E(0)+ a2E(2)+ a3E(3)+ a4E(4)+  , (1) where E(3)and higher order terms may additionally depend on

ln a. The first term of the expansion represents the nonrelativistic energy, a2E(2) is the leading relativistic contribution, terms proportional to a3 and a4 describe the QED effects of the leading and higher order, respectively. In this paper we report on application of this approach to all rovibrational levels of the ground electronic state of HD molecule. Uncertainty of our results comes mainly from the neglect of the finite nuclear mass corrections of the order a2m/M to the relativistic contribution to the PEC, and from the approximate treatment of the a4correction. The neglect of higher order nonadiabatic

terms proportional to (m/M)3 also increases the overall



Nonrelativistic Hamiltonian

We consider a two-electron diatomic molecule in the reference frame attached to the geometrical center of the two nuclei. The total wave function f is a solution of the stationary Schro¨dinger equation

Hf = Ef, (2)

with the Hamiltonian

H= Hel+ Hn, (3)

aInstitute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Hoz˙a 69,

00-681 Warsaw, Poland. E-mail: krp@fuw.edu.pl

bFaculty of Chemistry, A. Mickiewicz University, Grunwaldzka 6,

60-780 Poznan´, Poland. E-mail: komasa@man.poznan.pl

w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Extensive tables of all 400 bound rovibrational states of HD. See DOI: 10.1039/c0cp00209g


split into the electronic and nuclear parts. In the electronic Hamiltonian Hel¼  X a r2 a 2me þ V; ð4Þ

where V is the Coulomb interaction

V¼  1 r1A  1 r1B  1 r2A  1 r2B þ 1 r12 þ1 R; ð5Þ

the nuclei have fixed positions ~RA(proton) and ~RB(deuteron),

and ~R= ~RA ~RB. The nuclear Hamiltonian is

Hn¼  r2 R 2mn r2 el 2mn 1 MB  1 MA   r!R r ! el ¼H0 nþ Hn00; ð6Þ wherer!el¼12Par ! a, mn= (1/MA+ 1/MB)1is the nuclear

reduced mass, and Hn0, Hn00are even and odd parts with respect to the inversion.

In order to simplify the calculation of nonadiabatic corrections we introduce a unitary transformation

H˜= U+HU (7)

of the form

U¼ el r!r!R ð8Þ

with ~r=Pa~raand the nuclear mass asymmetry parameter

l¼ me 2 1 MB  1 MA   : ð9Þ

The transformed Hamiltonian is ~ H¼H þ l½H; r! r!R þ l2 2½½H; r !  r!R; r !  r!R þ Oðl3Þ; ð10Þ where the higher order terms in the electron–nuclear mass ratio O[(me/MA,B)3] are neglected, so that

~ H¼Helþ Hn0þ l½V; r !  r!R þ 2l 2 me ½r!el r ! R; r !  r!R þ l2 2½½Hel; r !  r!R; r !  r!R; ð11Þ and the odd O[(me/MA,B)2] terms are neglected as well.

The internal commutator in the last term of eqn (11) is ½Hel; r !  r!R ¼ r !  r!RðVÞ  2 me r!el r ! R; ð12Þ

so that the transformed Hamiltonian can be decomposed as ~ H¼ Helþ ~Hn0þ ~H 00 n: ð13Þ where ~ Hn0 ¼ H0nþ l2 1 me r!el r ! R 1 2r !  r!RðVÞ; r !  r!R   ¼ H0 nþ l2 me r2 Rþ l2 2r irjri Rr j RðVÞ ð14Þ ~ Hn00¼ lr! r!RðVÞ: ð15Þ

Both the nuclear Hamiltonians involve the derivative of the Coulomb operator V, which is

r!RðVÞ ¼ 1 2  r ! 1A r3 1A þr ! 1B r3 1B r ! 2A r3 2A þr ! 2B r3 2B !  n ! R2 ð16Þ

with ~n = ~R/R, while the second derivative of V is further transformed in eqn (47)–(49).


Adiabatic approximation

In the adiabatic approximation the total wave function of the molecule

fa(~r, ~R) = fel(~r)w( ~R) (17)

is represented as a product of the electronic wave function fel and the nuclear wave function w. The electronic wave

function obeys the clamped nuclei electronic Schro¨dinger equation

[Hel Eel(R)]|feli = 0, (18)

while the wave function w is a solution to the nuclear Schro¨dinger equation with the effective potential generated by electrons r 2 R 2mnþ EaðRÞ þ EelðRÞ  Ea   jwi ¼ 0; ð19Þ

where Ea(R) is the so-called adiabatic (or diagonal) correction

defined as EaðRÞ ¼hfeljH 0 njfeliel ¼ 1 2mnðhr ! Rfeljr ! Rfeliel hfeljr ! 2 eljfelielÞ: ð20Þ

Separation of the angular variables in eqn (19) leads to the well-known radial nuclear equation

 1 R2 @ @R R2 2mn @ @Rþ JðJ þ 1Þ 2mnR2 þ EelðRÞ þ EaðRÞ   wJðRÞ ¼ EawJðRÞ: ð21Þ

Solving this equation gives an adiabatic energy level Eaand an



Nonadiabatic nuclear Schro¨dinger equation

Following the NAPT formalism introduced recently,10,11we

can obtain energy levels E including leading nonadiabatic corrections by solving the following nonadiabatic version of the radial Schro¨dinger equation

 1 R2 @ @R R2 2mkðRÞ @ @Rþ JðJ þ 1Þ 2m?ðRÞR2 þ YðRÞ " # wJðRÞ ¼ EwJðRÞ; ð22Þ where Y(R) is a nonadiabatic potential energy function. In the nonrelativistic limit

YðRÞ ¼ EelðRÞ þ EaðRÞ þ dEnaðRÞ þ dE


naðRÞ; ð23Þ

with the nonadiabatic correction constructed from the homo-nuclear part dEna(R), defined in our previous work on H2,10,11

and the heteronuclear part proportional to l2

dEna0 ¼l2 fel 1 me r2 Rþ 1 2r irjri Rr j RðVÞ        fel   el  þ fel!r r!RðVÞ 1 ðEel HelÞ0 r !  r!RðVÞ        fel   el # ; ð24Þ which is obtained from eqn (14) and (15). Apart from the nonadiabatic potential Y(R), the difference between eqn (22) and (21) lies in the effective masses used. In the adiabatic eqn (21) the reduced nuclear mass mn appearing in both

translational and rotational kinetic terms is a constant, while in the nonadiabatic eqn (22) it is given by two different functions of the internuclear distance. These two effective reduced mass functions

1 2mkðRÞ 1 2mnþ WkðRÞ  l2 me ð25Þ 1 2m?ðRÞ  1 2mnþ W?ðRÞ  l2 me ð26Þ are defined with the help of additional radial functions

WkðRÞ ¼ 1 m2 n n !  r!Rfel 1 ðEel HelÞ0        n !  r!Rfel   el ð27Þ and W?ðRÞ ¼ 1 m2 n ðdij ninjÞ 2 r i Rfel 1 Eel Hel        rjRfel   el : ð28Þ

In total, three radial functions are needed to construct the nonadiabatic radial Schro¨dinger eqn (22) for diatomic molecules: two functions, defined by eqn (27) and (28), to describe the variable effective reduced masses of eqn (25) and (26), and the nonadiabatic potential Y. This potential, in turn, is expressed by another four functions: BO energy Eel,

adiabatic Ea, nonadiabatic homonuclear dE


na and

hetero-nuclear dEna0 corrections (see eqn (23)).


Separated atoms limit

At large internuclear distances the effective reduced mass functions (25) and (26) are expected to approach a value corresponding to the reduced mass of separate H and D atoms

1 mA¼ 1 mpþ me þ 1 mdþ me : ð29Þ

Because WJ(R) and W>(R) tend tome(4m2n), when R- N,

we have 1 2mkð1Þ¼ 1 2m?ð1Þ¼ 1 2mn me 4m2 n l 2 me ð30Þ ¼1 2 1 mp 1me mp   þ 1 md 1me md     ; ð31Þ

which are exactly the leading terms of the expansion of the atomic reduced mass (29) in the electron–nuclear mass ratio

1 2mA¼ 1 2 1 mp 1me mp þ me mp  2     ! " ð32Þ þ 1 md 1me md þ me md  2     !# : ð33Þ

In the separated atoms limit, the nonrelativistic energy of the system (the dissociation threshold) E(N) is simply a sum of the energies of hydrogen and deuterium atoms expressed by their reduced masses

Eð1Þ ¼ mH 2 


2 : ð34Þ

The expansion of E(N) in the electron to nucleus mass ratio is of the form Eð1Þ ¼ 1 þ1 2 me mp þme md   1 2 m2 e m2 p þm 2 e m2 d ! þ    : ð35Þ

Subsequent terms of this expansion coincide with the R- N limits of corresponding components of the nonadiabatic potential Y(R) of eqn (23),

Eel(N) =1, (36) Eað1Þ ¼ me 2mn; ð37Þ dEnað1Þ ¼  me 2mn  2 ; ð38Þ dEna0 ð1Þ ¼ l2: ð39Þ

In particular, the sum of eqn (38) and (39) is equal to the third term in the expansion (35).


Relativistic and radiative corrections

The relativistic correction to the adiabatic potential for a singlet state is given by the expectation value with the


nonrelativistic wave function of the Breit–Pauli Hamiltonian15 a2H^BP¼  1 8 X a p4aþp 2 X A X a ZAdðr ! aAÞ þ p X aob dðr!abÞ 1 2 X aob p ! a 1 rab p ! bþ p ! a r ! ab 1 r3 ab r ! ab p ! b   : ð40Þ The expectation value E(2)(R) =hfel|HˆBP|felielas a function

of R, was computed for H2to a high accuracy by Wolniewicz 16

in 1993 and has recently been recalculated in ref. 1. In the present calculations, as in all the previous ones, we have omitted the small relativistic recoil corrections, namely those proportional to a2me/M.

Another a2effect, which can be easily incorporated into the relativistic potential, results from the spatial distribution of the nuclear charge. The energy shift caused by this effect is given by the formula EfsðRÞ ¼ 2p 3 a2  l2C X A ZAr2chðAÞ fel X a dðr!aAÞ          fel * + el ; ð41Þ

where lC¼ 386:159 264 59 fm is the Compton wavelength

over 2p and rch(A) is the root mean square charge radius of

the nuclei A, with values of rch(p) = 0.8768(69) fm and

rch(d) = 2.1402(28) fm.17,18 For the dissociation energy of

the ground rovibrational level this effect is quite small and amounts to 0.000 119 cm1 with tendency to diminish to zero for higher levels.

The leading order QED correction is given by19

Eð3ÞðRÞ ¼a3X aob ( 164 15 þ 14 3ln a   hfeljdðr! abÞjfeliel  7 6p felP 1 r3 ab          fel   el ) þ a3X A X a 19 30 2 ln a  ln k0   4ZA 3 hfeljdðr ! aAÞjfeliel: ð42Þ

The numerical evaluation of E(3)has been described in detail in ref. 1. We only mention here that this evaluation includes such terms as the Bethe logarithm ln k0and the expectation value of

the Araki–Sucher distribution P(1/r3).20 As previously,1 the higher order QED contribution14 has been estimated by the corresponding one-loop electron self-energy correction

Eð4ÞðRÞ  pa4 427 96  ln 4   X A X a hfeljdðr ! aAÞjfeliel: ð43Þ

The large-R behaviour of the above relativistic and QED potentials has been determined using asymptotic constants reported in ref. 1 and 21.

The relativistic and QED corrections can be computed directly, as expectation values with the adiabatic wave function. It is more convenient and more accurate, however, to include them into the nonadiabatic Schro¨dinger eqn (22) by adding

pertinent radial functions into the Y(R) potential (23). In such an approach, the eigenvalue of the Schro¨dinger equation represents a total energy including all the mentioned finite nuclear mass, relativistic and QED effects.


Computational details

The radial nonadiabatic eqn (22), apart from the clamped nuclei energy Eeland the adiabatic correction Ea, involves W||,

W>, and the potentials dEna and dE


na in eqn (24). The

numerical values for all but the last radial functions were obtained for H2and a simple rescaling by the first or second

power of the reduced mass ratio converts them to the pertinent HD functions. For this reason, we shall omit a detailed description of how these functions were obtained, referring the reader to our previous work on H2.


Below we give only basic information on these functions and then concentrate on the new terms which result from the nuclear mass asymmetry in HD.

The electronic energy, Eel, used in this work is exactly the

same as the one reported in ref. 1. Its analytic form is based on the energy points calculated by Sims and Hagstrom22 using Hylleraas wave function and by Cencek23using an explicitly

correlated Gaussian (ECG) wave function. The relative accuracy of these calculations is of the order of 1012, which corresponds to about 1010 of the relative accuracy of the Born–Oppenheimer potential. The ground state dissociation energy obtained by numerically solving the adiabatic Schro¨dinger eqn (21) in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation with this analytic potential is 36401.93319 cm1 (see also Table 1). Also the relativistic and QED corrections to the potential obtained for H2 in ref. 1 apply directly to HD

because they do not depend on the nuclear mass.

The adiabatic correction Eahas been evaluated analytically by

means of a new method described in ref. 10 and 11. The radial function Eapreviously obtained for H2has been rescaled to HD

by the ratio of the reduced masses of nuclei mH2

n =mHDn EHDa ¼ mpþ md 2md EH2 a ð44Þ

and led to the adiabatic dissociation energy of the ground state equal to 36 406.18407 cm1.

Similarly, the nonadiabatic potentials dEna, W||, and W>

were obtained for H2in ref. 11 and here are rescaled to HD by

the square of the reduced mass ratio mpþmd



. Numerical

Table 1 Components of D0(in cm1) for the v = 0, J = 0 state of

HD. Uncertainties of a2and a3come from the neglect of nuclear recoil corrections and that of a4from the approximate formula

Component D0 BO 36 401.9332(1) Adiabatic correction 4.2509(1) Nonadiabatic correction 0.3267(2) a0subtotal 36 406.5108(2) a2correction 0.5299(4) a2finite nuclear size correction 0.0001(0)

a0+ a2subtotal 36 405.9809(5)



a4correction 0.0016(8)


values of the nuclear masses mp= 1836.152 672 47 meand

md = 3670.482 965 4 me used in this study are based on

the CODATA 2006 compilation of fundamental physical constants17and were taken from the NIST Web Page.18The nuclear reduced mass of HD is mn = 1223.899 2280 meand

the nuclear mass asymmetry parameter l = 1.360 866 544 2 104me.

The only newly evaluated function of R is the heteronuclear nonadiabatic correction dEna0 , eqn (24), resulting from those

terms of the Hamiltonian H˜, which contain l [see eqn (14) and (15)]. dEna0 comprises three parts. The first part is analogous to the nuclear kinetic energy term in the adiabatic correction (20) and requires evaluation of the derivative of the electronic wave function over the nuclear variable ~R. This differentiation can be accomplished with the help of the following formula24

r!Rfel¼ n ! 1 ðEel HelÞ0 @V @Rfel i Rn !  L!nfel: ð45Þ

In the above equation, the first term gives the parallel component and requires an additional basis set of 1S+

g symmetry to

evaluate the reduced resolvent. The perpendicular component is obtained by evaluation of the expectation value of an operator resulting from the last term, which involves the nuclear angular momentum operator L!n¼ iR


 r!R. Here

we made use of the following identity valid for the S states: ~

Lnfel = ~Lelfel, where L~el is the electronic angular

momentum operator L!el¼ iPar


a r


a. In this new

formulation, it is possible to avoid the involvement of P symmetry functions—the perpendicular component is obtained directly from the electronic ground state wave function as


R2hfeljL2eljfeliel: ð46Þ

The second part of dE0nacontains operators which are difficult in numerical evaluation, so we transform it to a more convenient form using the following identity


RrjR(V) = (riRrjR relirjel)(V) +rielrjel(V). (47)

The first term on the right hand side of eqn (47) is ðri Rr j R rielr j elÞðVÞ ¼ 3RiRj dijR2 R5  4p 3 d ijd3ðRÞ; ð48Þ

(the d3(R) part can be neglected), while the second term is evaluated using integration by parts


R d~rVri

elrjel(rirjf2el). (49)

The third part of the heteronuclear nonadiabatic correction dEna0 ;

eqn (24), is again a second order quantity, which requires evaluation of the resolvent in the basis set of1S+

u symmetry.

All these expectation values as well as the second order quantities were evaluated in the basis of exponentially correlated Gaussians (ECG) functions25

ckðr!1; r ! 2Þ ¼ð1 þ ^P12Þð1 ^iÞX  exp X 2 i;j¼1 Ak;ijðr ! i s ! k;iÞðr ! j s ! k;jÞ " # ; ð50Þ

where the matrices Ak and vectors ~sk contain nonlinear

parameters, 5 per basis function, to be variationally optimized with respect to either the electronic energy or pertinent Hylleraas functional. The antisymmetry projector (1 + Pˆ12)

ensures singlet symmetry, the spatial projectorð1 ^iÞ ensures the gerade (+) or ungerade () symmetry, and the Xk

prefactor enforces S states when equal to 1, or P states when equal to yi (the perpendicular Cartesian component of the

electron coordinate). For the second order matrix elements we generated a 600-term ECG basis set of 1S+g or 1S+u

symmetries. The nonlinear parameters of this basis were optimized by minimizing the functional corresponding to this matrix element.

Finally, the total potential Y in the Schro¨dinger eqn (22) reads YðRÞ ¼EelðRÞ þ EaðRÞ þ dEnaðRÞ þ dE 0 naðRÞ þ Eð2ÞðRÞ þ EfsðRÞ þ Eð3ÞðRÞ þ Eð4ÞðRÞ: ð51Þ All its components were shifted by subtracting corresponding atomic values (see section V and ref. 1) so that they asymptotically tend to zero.


Results and discussion

Table 1 shows the dissociation energy of the ground rovibrational level decomposed into all the known significant contributions. Particular corrections have been computed as a difference between the eigenvalues obtained adding successively corresponding contributions to the potential Y, eqn (51). For instance, the a2relativistic correction has been evaluated from two eigenvalues: one obtained with Y ¼ Eelþ Eaþ dEnaþ

dE0naþ Eð2Þ and the other with Y ¼ E

elþ Eaþ dEnaþ dE



Relativistic and QED corrections can also be obtained without the nonadiabatic potential dEnaþ dE


na. The difference for the

ground state is quite small 106 cm1, however for excited states the difference can be larger.

There are several possible sources of the uncertainty in the final dissociation energy. The three dominating are (i) the missing relativistic and QED recoil terms of O(me/M),

(ii) the neglect of the nonadiabatic terms of O[(me/mn)3],

and (iii) the approximate treatment of the a4 contribution. Although the formulas for the omitted relativistic recoil terms are explicitly known,24 no numerical calculations have been

performed so far. The error caused by the neglect of this term can be estimated as me/mntimes the a2correction (see ref. 1)

and, analogously, times the a3correction to account for the missing QED recoil term. For D0 of the ground rovibronic

level these two contributions are 0.00043 cm1and 0.00016 cm1, respectively. In a similar fashion, the contribution to the error budget from the missing higher order nonadiabatic terms can be approximated as proportional to me/mn times the second

order nonadiabatic correction, which amounts to 0.00026 cm1 at the ground level. The last meaningful part of the uncertainty results from the incomplete treatment of the higher order QED effects. As previously, (ref. 1) we conservatively estimate that the terms omitted in E(4), eqn (43), contribute ca. 50% of the one-loop term, which yields 0.0008 cm1of the uncertainty.


The quadratic sum of these four error components leads to the overall uncertainty on the ground state D0 of less then

0.0010 cm1. For the rotationally and vibrationally excited levels, the uncertainty changes in accord with the size of the corrections. Its estimation for individual levels is listed in the ESI.w In total, there are 400 bound levels with the vibrational quantum number v ranging from 0 to 17. The number of the rotational levels decreases with growing v from 37 for v = 0 to only 2 in the highest v = 17 state. The full set of the total dissociation energies is presented in Table 5. Moreover, a detailed specification, similar to that in Table 1, has been prepared for each bound rovibrational level and is available in the ESI.w For each combination of the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers there are 8 entries corresponding to: six components of the dissociation energy, the total D0, and

the estimated uncertainty of the total D0. The six components

of the total D0 are, respectively: the Born–Oppenheimer,

adiabatic, nonadiabatic, a2relativistic (including finite nuclear

size), a3QED, and a4QED.

Table 2 assembles several experimental and theoretical nonadiabatic values of D0 obtained over the years for the

ground rovibrational level. More details on the progress in determining the dissociation energy of HD can be found in a brief review by Stoicheff.26The first variational nonadiabatic calculation for HD has been performed by Bishop and Cheung.8They used 858 basis functions, each being a product of an electronic James–Coolidge function and some radial Gaussian-type function, and obtained the nonrelativistic D0 = 36 405.97 cm1 with an estimated convergence error

of 0.28 cm1. Approximate relativistic (0.54 cm1) and

radiative (0.22 cm1) corrections completed the dissociation

energy to the value displayed in Table 2.

A more accurate relativistic dissociation energy of the HD molecule was first obtained by Wolniewicz27in 1983, and later

by Ko"os and coworkers.28,29 In 1995 Wolniewicz has markedly improved his electronic wave functions and refined the final dissociation energy to get 36 405.787 cm1shown in Table 2. This value differs from ours by a few thousands of a wave number in accord with the uncertainty estimated by Wolniewicz. Concerning the QED correction to the ground

state D0 we mention the old but very good estimation

0.197 cm1by Ladik.30It agrees surprisingly well with the

current rigorous result, see Table 1.

Last year, Stanke et al.9 performed new variational nonadiabatic calculation employing 10 000 explicitly correlated Gaussian basis functions. Their nonrelativistic total energy of 1.165 471 922 0(20) Eh, when subtracted from the

sum of the atomic nonadiabatic energies, eqn (34), yields D0 = 36 406.5105 cm1in good agreement with our

non-relativistic subtotal value in Table 1 (the difference is 0.0003(2) cm1). Their relativistic correction computed with the non-adiabatic wave function is1.089 307  105Eh. Because the

corresponding atomic limit (a2/4 E

h) is known to a high

accuracy (the leading order recoil term vanishes), the relativistic D0can be inferred from this data as equal to 36 405.9794 cm1.

We note here that now the discrepancy increases to 0.0012(5) cm1 in comparison with our relativistic result. If this difference were attributed to the relativistic recoil contribution, it would be almost 3 times larger than the conservative estimate of this effect discussed above.

Table 2 also collects dissociation energies determined experimentally. The first measurement of D0 for HD was

performed by Herzberg and Monfils in 196031 yielding

36 400.5 cm1. Motivated by a discrepancy with the famous theoretical results by Ko"os and Wolniewicz,32 Herzberg repeated his experiment33,34 using an improved apparatus and established D0 = 36 406.2(4) cm1 shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Comparison of theoretical and experimental results for D0

(in cm1) of the v = 0, J = 0 state of HD. d is a difference from our result Component D0 d This work 36 405.7828(10) Theory Stanke et al. (2009)9 36 405.7814a 0.0014 Wolniewicz (1995)43 36 405.787 0.004 Ko"os and Rychlewski (1993)29 36 405.763

0.020 Ko"os, Szalewicz, Monkhorst (1986)28 36 405.784 0.001 Wolniewicz (1983)27 36 405.73 0.05

Bishop and Cheung (1978)8 36 405.49

0.29 Experiment

Zhang et al. (2004)38 36 405.828(16) 0.045

Balakrishnan et al. (1993)37 36 405.83(10) 0.05 Eyler and Melikechi (1993)35 36 405.88(10) 0.10

Herzberg (1970)33,34 36 406.2(4) 0.4


The original D0= 36 405.9794 cm1from ref. 9 has been augmented

by a sum of our a3and a4QED corrections equal to0.1980 cm1.

Table 4 Components of theoretically predicted transition energy DE between J = 0 and J = 1, and between J = 0 and J = 2 rotational levels of the ground vibrational state (v = 0) of HD. All entries in cm1

Component DE(0- 1) DE(0- 2)

BO 89.270 629 267.196 840 Adiabatic correction 0.036 086 0.107 842 Nonadiabatic correction 0.007 782(6) 0.023 287(19) a0subtotal 89.226 761(6) 267.065 711(19) a2correction 0.001 948(2) 0.005 813(5) a0+a2subtotal 89.228 709(6) 267.071 524(20) a3correction 0.000 771(1) 0.002 303(2) a4correction 0.000 007(4) 0.000 018(9) Total 89.227 933(8) 267.069 205(22) Experiment46,47 89.227 950(5) 267.086(10)

Table 3 Comparison of theoretical and experimental results for the energy difference DE (in cm1) between v = 0 and v = 1 rotationless states of HD. d is a difference from our result

Source DE d

This work 3632.1604(5)


Stanke et al. (2009)9 3632.1614a 0.0010

Wolniewicz (1995)43 3632.161 0.001 Ko"os and Rychlewski (1993)29 3632.161 0.001

Experiment Stanke et al. (2009)9 3632.1595(17)b 0.0009 Rich et al. (1982)44 3632.159(6)c 0.001 McKellar et al. (1976)45 3632.152(9)c 0.008 a

The original DE = 3632.1802 cm1from ref. 9 has been augmented by a sum of our a3and a4QED corrections equal to0.0187 cm1. b


Table 5 Diss ociat ion energ y (in cm  1) o f all 400 bound states of HD. v and J are the vibr ational and rotatio nal quantum numbe rs, respec tively v/ J 012 3456 789 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 36405.78 28 3631 6.5549 3613 8.713 6 35873.47 35 35522.62 05 3508 8.4710 3457 3.821 4 33981.88 90 3331 6.2492 3258 0.770 1 31779.54 67 3091 6.8389 2999 7. 012 1 1 32773.62 24 3268 8.2505 3251 8.103 4 32264.36 04 31928.75 46 3151 3.5337 3102 1.409 2 30455.49 98 2981 9.2695 2911 6.463 7 28351.04 63 2752 7.1389 2664 8. 964 4 2 29318.90 58 2923 7.3125 2907 4.705 6 28832.23 04 28511.57 04 2811 4.9074 2764 4.873 0 27104.49 29 2649 7.1260 2582 6.403 3 25096.16 64 2431 0.4092 2347 3. 223 7 3 26038.15 25 2596 0.2800 2580 5.098 7 25573.72 19 25267.78 56 2488 9.4100 2444 1.151 5 23925.94 82 2334 7.0616 2270 8.016 6 22012.54 22 2126 4.5155 2046 7. 910 2 4 22928.89 40 2285 4.7061 2270 6.878 8 22486.49 54 22195.14 76 2183 4.8977 2140 8.232 0 20918.00 81 2036 7.3975 1975 9.828 2 19098.92 75 1838 8.4681 1763 2. 319 2 5 19989.75 01 1991 9.2343 1977 8.737 2 19569.31 40 19292.51 56 1895 0.3510 1854 5.242 4 18079.97 39 1755 7.6361 1698 1.570 5 16355.31 51 1568 2.5527 1496 7. 064 3 6 17220.53 67 1715 3.7075 1702 0.570 9 16822.15 67 16559.97 85 1623 5.9975 1585 2.578 8 15412.44 15 1491 8.6057 1437 4.339 0 13783.10 48 1314 8.5131 1247 4. 276 9 7 14622.41 58 1455 9.3194 1443 3.636 7 14246.37 56 13999.01 70 1369 3.4808 1333 2.083 1 12917.48 86 1245 2.6597 1194 0.805 7 11385.33 35 1078 9.8022 1015 7. 882 8 8 12198.09 88 1213 8.8186 1202 0.759 0 11844.90 92 11612.72 37 1132 6.0890 1098 7.282 7 10598.92 85 1016 3.9474 9685 .5103 9166.991 9 8611 .9292 8023 .9861 9 9952 .1180 9896.783 6 9786 .6084 9622 .5684 9406.098 9 9139 .0636 8823 .7159 8462.655 6 8058 .7844 7615 .2618 7135.463 4 6622 .9449 6081 .4127 10 7891 .1923 7839.990 8 7738 .0776 7586 .4219 7386.450 4 7140 .0186 6849 .3743 6517.118 3 6146 .1638 5739 .6971 5301.143 4 4834 .1375 4342 .5051 11 6024 .7189 5977.911 5 5884 .7877 5746 .3189 5563.938 4 5339 .5138 5075 .3150 4773.979 5 4438 .4781 4072 .0831 3678.344 4 3261 .0743 2824 .3466 12 4365 .4408 4323.387 6 4239 .7798 4115 .6059 3952.327 1 3751 .8548 3516 .5234 3249.063 4 2952 .5769 2630 .5204 2286.699 1 1925 .2806 1550 .8364 13 2930 .3661 2893.563 3 2820 .4750 2712 .1287 2570.049 5 2396 .2435 2193 .1810 1963.782 5 1711 .4152 1439 .9049 1153.577 9 857.3 517 556.9 166 14 1742 .0495 1711.191 9 1650 .0313 1559 .6737 1441.771 4 1298 .5202 1132 .6624 947.5072 746.9 799 535.7 292 319.3516 104.8 977 15 830.4 030 806.5001 759.3 242 690.1 412 600.8685 494.1 095 373.2 271 242.4988 107.4 717 16 235.0 929 219.7427 189.8 566 147.1 120 94.1833 35.10 32 17 3.642 4 0.4156 v/ J 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0 29024.48 39 2800 3.6768 2693 8.976 9 25834.69 98 24695.06 21 2352 4.1599 2232 5.951 7 21104.24 69 1986 2.6992 1860 4.802 4 17333.89 14 1605 3.1441 1476 5. 587 6 1 25720.79 60 2474 6.9115 2373 1.555 5 22678.90 61 21593.04 97 2047 7.9601 1933 7.484 1 18175.33 17 1699 5.0699 1580 0.121 5 14593.76 64 1337 9.1463 1215 9. 271 8 2 22588.75 09 2166 1.1387 2069 4.504 7 19692.90 66 18660.31 80 1760 0.6100 1651 7.539 0 15414.73 80 1429 5.7132 1316 3.844 1 12022.38 80 1087 4.4865 9723 .1 764 3 19626.74 94 1874 5.0660 1782 6.868 1 16876.11 14 15896.67 76 1489 2.3583 1386 6.844 3 12823.72 06 1176 6.4648 1069 8.450 8 9622.956 1 8543 .1737 7462 .228 5 4 16834.40 21 1599 8.6523 1512 8.988 5 14229.28 66 13303.36 17 1235 4.9540 1138 7.722 0 10405.23 97 9411 .0003 8408 .4239 7400.871 3 6391 .6642 5384 .1125 5 14212.68 78 1342 3.2833 1260 2.704 1 11754.77 47 10883.27 55 9991 .9332 9084 .4176 8164.344 5 7235 .2859 6300 .7862 5364.387 5 4429 .6661 3500 .2837 6 11764.17 43 1102 2.0166 1025 1.623 6 9456 .8054 8641.351 6 7809 .0275 6963 .5779 6108.738 9 5248 .2595 4385 .9352 3525.656 7 2671 .4828 1827 .7489 7 9493 .3238 8799.924 2 8081 .5132 7341 .9385 6585.062 2 5814 .7666 5034 .9701 4249.656 0 3462 .9182 2679 .0314 1902.558 2 1138 .5187 392.6 763 8 7406 .9236 6764.579 4 6100 .8550 5419 .7136 4725.188 4 4021 .4061 3312 .6267 2603.309 8 1898 .2188 1202 .5889 522.4130 9 5514 .7025 4926.768 0 4321 .6815 3703 .6489 3077.043 9 2446 .4679 1816 .8504 1193.614 0 582.9 620 10 3830 .2546 3301.583 9 2760 .9064 2212 .9053 1662.627 5 1115 .6479 578.3 592 58.5350 11 2372 .5158 1910.263 5 1442 .6887 975.4 703 515.1674 69.82 20 12 1168 .4295 783.7811 403.5 930 36.23 40 13 259.1 098 v/ J 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0 13474.10 53 1218 1.4463 1089 0.236 6 9602 .9923 8322.134 3 7050 .0050 5788 .8882 4541.032 1 3308 .6771 2094 .0906 899.6125 1 10937.03 26 9715.209 6 8496 .4896 7283 .4834 6078.747 3 4884 .8089 3704 .1998 2539.497 2 1393 .3807 268.7 111 2 8571 .4037 7422.041 5 6277 .9114 5141 .8124 4016.555 5 2905 .0113 1810 .1737 735.2519 3 6383 .1991 5309.145 9 4243 .1485 3188 .3557 2148.054 9 1125 .7723 125.4 269 4 4381 .5521 3387.396 0 2405 .2063 1438 .8004 492.4142 5 2580 .0600 1673.081 8 783.8 704 6 999.2 369 191.4601


This value, however, is in fact an arithmetic mean of two independent measurements: 36 405.8 cm1and 36 406.6 cm1, the former being very close to our value. In 1993, Eyler and Melikechi35determined the dissociation threshold from the EF


S+g state and, in combination with the spectra measured by

Diecke,36 obtained D0 = 36 405.88(10) cm1. At the same

time, Balakrishnan et al.37 performed a delayed detection of

the fluorescence spectrum of photodissociated hydrogen and arrived at D0= 36 405.83(10) cm1. These results, although

systematically larger, are in agreement within their uncertainties with current theoretical predictions. An order of magnitude more accurate measurements were reported by the Eyler group in 2004.38In a three-step experiment aiming at determination

of the second dissociation threshold they obtained D0 =

36 405.828(16) cm1. This result is 3s away from our theoretical value. In view of an increased precision on both the experimental and theoretical side it must be stated that currently there is a discrepancy of ca. 0.05 cm1in the determination of D0for HD.

Accuracy of the present results can also be assessed by comparison of the energy difference corresponding to the lowest rotationless vibrational transition with the available literature data (see Table 3). The most accurate theoretical predictions by Wolniewicz and by Ko"os and Rychlewski as well as the experimental data are in very good agreement with the present result 3632.1604(5) cm1. Here, we estimated the uncertainty in the same way as for the dissociation energy (see above) i.e. assuming that the error components are proportional to corresponding corrections.

In contrast to the homonuclear isotopomers, the electric dipole transitions between the lowest rotational states of HD are allowed and the transition energy can, in principle, be measured directly. In Table 4 we present values of all significant contributions to the lowest J = 0- 1, 2 transition energies and compare with the available experimental data – we note a 2s difference between the theory and measurements. The ionization potential (IP) of HD can be related to its dissociation energy by

IP = D0(HD) E(H)  D0(HD+). (52)

Since the dissociation energy of HD+, as well as the total energy of the hydrogen atom, is known very accurately, we can evaluate IP with an accuracy adequate to that of D0(HD).

Up-to-date values of E(H) = 109 678.7717 cm1 and

D0(HD+) = 21 516.069 60 cm1have been compiled by Liu

et al.3 on the basis of current fundamental constants17 and calculations by Korobov.39,40IP computed for HD from the

above formula amounts to 124 568.4849(10) cm1 with the uncertainty transferred directly from D0.



The high accuracy of 0.001 cm1 for the theoretically predicted dissociation energy of H2and isotopomers has been

achieved due to the recent progress made in two directions. The first one, enabled a complete treatment of the leading QED effects. In particular, the approach to effectively calculate the many electron Bethe logarithm and mean values of singular operators, like the Araki–Sucher term, has been

developed.1,41,42The second direction, indispensable for reaching

this accuracy, is the nonadiabatic perturbation theory,10,11,24

which enables a rigorous approach to the finite nuclear mass effects beyond the adiabatic approximation. However, an accurate nonadiabatic correction to relativistic contribution still remains to be evaluated.

In comparison of theoretical predictions with recent experimental results we observe a very good agreement for dissociation energies of H2and D2, and a small discrepancy of

0.045(16) cm1for HD. Therefore, a new measurement with an increased precision of dissociation and transition energies of HD molecule would be very desirable.

Note added in proof

After submitting this paper we became aware of a new measurements of HD dissociation energy [D. Sprecher, J. Liu, C. Jungen, W. Ubachs, F. Merkt, 2010, to be published]. The new value of D0 = 36405.78366(36) cm1 is in a very

good agreement with our theoretical prediction.


KP acknowledges support by NIST through Precision Measurement Grant PMG 60NANB7D6153. JK acknowledges support by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Grant No. N N204 015338 and by a computing grant from Poznan´ Supercomputing and Networking Center.


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