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Contents Offshore Technology 2009, RINA


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Contents I 1 ST QUARTER 2009

Editor Angela Velasco

Publishing Assistant Nicola Stuart Group Sales Director John Payten Advertisement Manager Rosemary Little Advertisement Production Manager Stephen Bell Marketing Manager Adelaide Proctor

Publisher Mark J Staunton-Lambert

Published by;

Hie Royal Institution of Naval Architects Editorial & Advertisement Office; 10 Upper Belgrave Street London SWIX 8BQ, UK Telephone; +44 (0) 20 7235 4622 Telefax; +44 (0) 20 7245 6959

E-mail editorial editoriaI@rina.org.uk E-mail advertising advertising@rina.org.uk E-mail subscriptions subscriptions@rina.org.uk

Printed in Wales by Stephens & George Magazines.

The Institution is not, as a body, responsible for opinions expressed in Offshore Marine Technology unless it is expressly stated that these are the Council's views.

Registered charity No. 211161

© 2009 The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission is not, however, required to copy abstracts of papers or of articles on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Multiple copying of the contents without permission is always illegal.

ISSN 0306 0209




5 Editorial comment

C o m p a n i e s have faith in d e e p w a t e r

6-9 News

6 News 8 E q u i p m e n t news

10-11 In-depth

10 IVIarine boiler systems I A a l b o r g establishes n e w boiler s t a n d a r d for large FPSOs

12-30 Features

Feature 1 Coatings, sealants a n d paints

12 M C U C o a t i n g s p r o t e c t s BW Offshore structures

13 C o t h e l c o J o t u n p r o t e c t s FPSO hull

Feature 2 Deepwater a n d ultra-deepwater

14-20 Versatile Reservoir Unit - t h e future of d e e p w a t e r ?

Feature 3 Conversion a n d repair

21 ABS sets n e w conversion requirements 21 G o l o c FPSO m o o r i n g system repairs under w a y 22 Return t o C r o m a r t y Firth for Hutton TLP 22 J u r o n g wins M O D E C FPSO conversion d e a l 23 PSV conversion for Island Offshore

Feature 4 Russia

24 Breaking t h e I c e

26 Class society builds o n offshore rules 28 W o d a n Yards, a f o r c e o f r e c k o n i n g

Feature 5 Offshore


t e c h n o l o g y

30 Kanfa a n d Samsung d e v e l o p LNG p r o d u c t i o n t o p s i d e

Versatile Reseri/oir Unit, comprising fèfltures from a FPSO, well intervention vessei and dynamic positioned drilistiip (credit: SBIvl Offsho e NV).






Editor Angela Velasco

Publishing Assistant Nicola Stuart

Design/Production Manager Sandy Defraine Group Sales Director John Payten

Advertisement Manager Rosemary Little Advertisement Production Manager Stephen Bell Marketing Manager Adelaide Proctor

Publisher Mark J Staunton-Lambert

Published by:

The Royal histitution of Naval Architects Editorial & Advertisement Office: 10 Upper Belgrave Street London SWIX 8BQ, UK Telephone: -1-44 (0) 20 7235 4622 Telefax: •f44 (0) 20 7245 6959

E-mail editorial editorial@rina.org.uk E-mail advertising advertising@rina.org.uk E-mail production production@rina.org.uk E-mail subscriptions subscriptions@rina.org.uk

Printed in Wales by Stephens & George Magazines.

The Institution is not, as a body, responsible for opinions expressed in Offshore Marme Technology unless it is expressly stated that these are the Council's views.

Registered charity No. 211161

© 2008 The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted -ivithout the prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission is not, however, required to copy abstracts of papers or of articles on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Multiple copying of the contents without permission is always illegal.




ISSN 0306 0209

5 Editorial comment

M i x e d outlool< for rig c o n s t r u c t i o n

6-11 News

6-9 News 10-11 E q u i p m e n t news

12 In-depth

12 Semi-Submerslbles | SHI c o m p l e t e s r e c o r d semi-submersible rig

14-34 Features

Feature 1 J a c k - u p rigs

14-15 C h a n g i n g t r e n d for w i n d f a r m t e c h n o l o g y 16 S e c o n d m o b i l e j a c k - u p f r o m DWSEA 17 K e p p e l secures b o n u s for early delivery

Feature 2 Support vessels

18-20 Taking u p t h e C h a l l e n g e

21 -22 E m e r g e n c y response vessel l a u n c h I m m i n e n t 24 Diving s u p p o r t vessel c e r t i f i e d for

w o r l d w i d e t r a d i n g

Feature 3 Drilling systems

25 Next g e n e r a t i o n driller for T r a n s o c e a n . 26 C o n v e r t e o m w o w s w i t h further

drillship c o n t r a c t s

Feature 4 South East Asia

28-30 Positive o u t l o o k a t Asian shipyard

31 PPL Shipyard r e a c h e s j a c k - u p rig milestones

Feature 5 Rules a n d regulations

32-34 RS surveys offshore d e v e l o p m e n t projects 34 MODUS I n c l u d e d In ABS s c o p e

Self-elevating mobile drilling unit Arkticheskayo (Credit: rjussion Maritime Register of Shipping).


Contents I 3RD QUARTER 2009

Editor Angela Velasco

Publishing Assistant Nicola Stuart

Design/Production Manager Sandy Defraine Group Sales Director John Payten

Advertisement Manager Rosemary Little Advertisement Production Manager Stephen Bell Marketing Manager Adelaide Proctor

Publisher Mark J Staunton-Lambert

Published by:

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Editorial & Advertisement Ofhce:

10 Upper Belgrave Street London SWIX 8BQ. UK Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7235 4622 Telefax: 4-44 (0) 20 7245 6959

E-mail editorial editorial@rina.org.uk E-mail advertising advertising@rina.org.uk E-maU production production@rina.org.uk E-maU subscriptions subscriptions@rina.org.uk

Printed in Wales by Pensord Press Ltd.

The Institution is not, as a body, responsible for opinions expressed in Offshore Marme Technology unless it is expressly stated that these are the Council's views.

Registered charity No. 211161

© 2008 The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission is not, however, required to copy abstracts of papers or of articles on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Multiple copying of the contents without permission is always illegal.




ISSN 0306 0209

On-line Edition

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects is proud to announce that as of January this year, Offshore Marme Technology journal has gone digital. We are very pleased to mform the maritune indusü-y that each issue will be published onlme, on the RINA website. Visit www.rina. org.uk/srct and cUck on the issue cover you wish to view. This means that the enthe publication, includmg all editorials and advertisements in the printed edition, can be seen in digital format and viewed by members, subscribers, and (for a Hmited time) any other interested individuals worldwide.

5 Editorial comment

Specialised vessel nnarket c o u l d f a c e undersupply

6-14 News

6-10 News

12-14 Equipnnent news

16-21 In-depth

16-17 Load Handling I Liebherr supplies first IViTC 78000 heavy-lift c r a n e

18 Load Handling I M a c G r e g o r releases UDLS for safer r o p e h a n d l i n g

20 Offshore A c c o m m o d a t i o n I Hertel D e f e n c e & Offshore delivers Regalia p r o j e c t

t o K e p p e l V e r o l m e ,

21 Fuel Sampling I G r e a t e r awareness n e e d e d o n s a m p l i n g c o m p l i a n c e

22-54 Features

Feature 1 Semisubmersibles

22-30 Semisubmersible design f a c e s c h a l l e n g e s 32-33 Friede & G o l d m a n builds t o o r d e r

34-35 Semisubmersibles a r e p a v i n g t h e w a v e s 36-38 Seadrill opts for reliability o v e r customisation

Feature 2 Safety

39-40 Norsafe l i f e b o a t meets f r e e fall targets 41 N e w h o o k secures future for Survival

Systems International

42-43 Refurbishment a n d r e - h o o k i n g I m p r o v e offshore safety

Feature 3 Risers a n d m o o r i n g systems

44-45 Flexible l a r g e - b o r e c r y o g e n i c hoses for LNG transfer

46 DNV release n e w offshore standards for m o o r i n g systems

Feature 4 NorttiSea

48-49 Offshore Solutions provides n e w access system for North Sea

50'-51 N e w vessel d e s i g n w i t h w a v e - p i e r c i n g t e c h n o l o g y

52-54 Evolution a n d d e v e l o p m e n t o f subsea a r c h i t e c t u r e insulation


Contents I 4TH QUARTER 2009

Editor Angela Velasco

Publishing Assistant Nicola Stuart

Design/Production Manager Sandy Defraine Group Sales Director John Payten

Advertisement Manager Rosemary Little Advertisement Production Manager Stephen Bell Marketing Manager Adelaide Proctor

Publisher Mark J Staunton-Lambert

Published by;

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Editorial & Advertisement Office; 10 Upper Belgrave Street London SWIX 8BQ, UK Telephone; 4-44 (0) 20 7235 4622 Telefax; +44 (0) 20 7245 6959

E-mail editorial editorial@rina.org.uk E-mail advertising advertising@rina.org.uk E-mail production production@rina.org.uk E-maU subscriptions subscriptions@rina.org.uk

Printed in Wales by Pensord Press Ltd.

The Institution is not, as a body responsible for opinions expressed in Offshore Marme Technology unless it is expressly stated that these are the Councils views.

Registered charity No. 211161

© 2009 The Royal Institution of Naval Architects. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission is not, however, required to copy abstracts of papers or of articles on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Muhiple copying of the contents without permission is always illegal.

5 Editorial comment

G r e e n shoots of progress




ISSN 0306 0209

6-13 News

6-9 News 10-13 E q u i p m e n t n e w s

14-15 In-depth

14-15 Platform supply vessels I Four Chinese PSVs u n d e r c o n s t r u c t i o n for B o u r b o n

16-34 Feature

Feature 1 FPSO Tectinology

16-17 3D p r o d u c t m o d e l l i n g s p e a r h e a d s offshore ship designs

18 L e a d i n g S i n g a p o r e a n yards a n n o u n c e conversion c o n t r a c t s

Feature 2 Latin A m e r i c a

20-24 Latin c o m p a n i e s stimulate g r o w t h in offshore

Feature 3 Environment & Renewable Energy

26-27 J a c k e t structure assembly c o n t i n u e s for Hariand a n d Wolff

27 Wilhelmsen Ships Service assists w i n d f a r m p r o j e c t

28 Offshore w i n d c o n f e r e n c e presents n e w Ideas t o b o o s t t h e industry

Feature 4 Gulf of Mexico

30 R o w a n j a c k - u p c o n s t r u c t i o n u n d e r w a y 31 Edison Chouest a n n o u n c e s n e w series of OSVs

F e a t u r e s Subsea support

32-33 Next g e n e r a t i o n ROV for subsea m a r k e t 34 i-Tech a n n o u n c e c o n t r a c t for ROV

s u p p o r t offshore G h a n a

On-line Edition

The Royal Institution of Naval Arctiitects is proud to announce that as of January this year. Offshore Marine Technoiogy journal has gone digital. We are very pleased to inform the maritune industry that each issue will be published online, on the RINA website. Visit www.rhia. org.uk/srct and click on the issue cover you wish to view. This means that the entire pubhcation, including aU editorials and advertisements in the printed edition, can be seen in digital format and viewed by members, subscribers, and (for a limited time) any other interested individuals worldwide.


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Assistant Advertisement Manager Matthew Clifton Advertisement Production Manager Stephen Bell Marketing Manager Adelaide Proctor.. Publisher Mark

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Editorial Assistant Clare Nichoils Design/Production Kevin Hyatt Group Sales Director Debbi Bonner Advertisement Manager Donna McGrath Advertisement Production Manager Stephen Bell

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Editorial Assistant Samantha Fisk Design/Production Manager Marie James Advertisement Manager Donna McGrath Advertisement Production Manager Stephen Bell Marketing Manager