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Academic year: 2022



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The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of Warsaw University gratefully acknowledges the annual contribution of

The State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN)

used in its entirety to cover the costs of carrying out archaeological research.

The following institutions have kindly provided particular expeditions of the Center

with the invaluable expertise of members of their staff, as well as financial and technical assistance:

Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw Dakhleh Oasis Project

Institut Français d'Archéologie du Proche-Orient, Damascus Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Cairo Institute of Archaeology of Jagiellonian University, Cracow

Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University Micha³owski Foundation

National Museum in Warsaw Poznañ Archaeological Museum

Poznañ Prehistoric Society

Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences Wroc³aw University of Technology

The Center also gratefully acknowledges the continuous cooperation and kindly assistance of the national archaeological authorities in the countries

where the Center conducts research:

The Supreme Council of Antiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt and its Secretary General Dr. Zahi Hawass

The National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums of Sudan and its President Mr. Hassan Hussein Idriss

The Department of Antiquities of Cyprus and its Director Dr. Sophocles Hadjisavvas Direction Générale des Antiquités et Museums of Syria

and its Director General Prof. Dr. Abdel Razzaq Moaz Direction Générale des Antiquités of Lebanon

and its Director General Frédéric Husseini




The Center has benefited from the financial and in kind support of the following:

AKME Zdzis³aw Wiœniewski, Wroc³aw The Adam Mickiewicz University Fund, Poznañ

Heidelberg Poland Company Ltd.

Herbewo International S.A. and its President Andrzej Barañski, Cracow LOT Polish Airlines

Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Warsaw Rzeczpospolita daily

SIWA Translations

Studnicki P³eszka Æwi¹kalski Górski Spó³ka Komandytowa, Cracow Mrs. Daria Tarara

The Ureusz Foundation Mrs. Anne Zaleski, Brussels

Mrs. Iwona Zych, Warsaw Mrs. Teresa ¯urkowska, Cracow


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The Polish Center of Mediterranean Archaeology of Warsaw University gratefully acknowledges the annual contribution of.. The State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) used in

The polish centre of mediterranean archaeology of the University of Warsaw gratefully acknowledges the annual contribution of the Ministry of science and higher education

The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw gratefully acknowledges the annual contribution of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of

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