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Properties of low-aspect ratio pointed wings at speeds below and above the speed of sound


Academic year: 2021

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Lab. y. Scheepso:un



Technische I-Iogeschool




B 1iii iii T. .JONES


Low-aspect-ratio wings li acing J)O ijited plaii forms are treat((l on the assumption tiwl the flow potentials in planes at rig/it angles to the long axis oft/icaT/foilsare s'iinilar to the correspond-ing two-dimensional potentials. For the limiting case of small (ingles of attack and low aspect ratios the theory brings mit t/ii following significant propei'tu's:

The lift of a slender pointed aiifoil moving in the direc-tion of its lovq axis depends on 11i increase in width of I/ic sec-tions in a downstream direction. Sections behind tire section of in axiinum width (le lelo» vo i ift.

The spanunse loading of such an airfoil is iìirlepenilent of the plan foim and ü/)»rûac/res the distribut'ion gieinq a minimum induced drag.

The lift distribution of a pointed aiifoil tai'thng point-foremost is relatively wualfeefed b?! the compressibility of the a ir

below or above the speed of son ud.

A test of a triangulai aiijoil at a Afach nuinbe, of I .7.5 rerified the theoretical lu/nec of lift and center of pressuie.


The assumption of sirinil disl ii}oiiì's in a t%vo-(Iirn(Isi()!1o1 pOtO1tia1 flov IPO(IS t o I !i \v(11-knovn tlì iii-airfnl iIi otv

Of 1unk (rvfvionce I ) ;iiiil lite I'ia,oItl-(ìlaio'it1II, ( t111i1tues

3 and 3) at speeds less titan Sottie. At speeds above tite speed

)f sound, application o t lie stime assumptions ietIAIS to lie ckeret theory (reference 4) a(cord ¡11g to which the wing 4ections generate pia tie sound waves of small ti ni pl i t tul e. ts is well known, tite Acketet I iteory pied irts a rad ictil (liti Ilse

in the properties of 511(11 wings on transit ion to silpeisortic

velocities and these eiianres have been verified by

exiiiri-rneiits in supersonic Wiit(I luittuis (reference 5).

Both the Ackeret theory a ini t he M tink theory app1- lo Lite case of a wing havi ng a la Ige sparì and a small CI ord. rite present discussion is based on assumptions siinii:ii to

hose used by Ackeict and Munk but covers tite opposite xtreme, namely, tite wing of small span and large chord.

r11 tite latter ease tite flow ¡s expected to be two dimensional

rIten viewed in planes perpendicular to the ciiiectioit of


A theory foi tite rectangular wing of small aspect ratio

tas l)een given by Boilay (ieleience G). Bollay assumes a eparated, or (lisconl ¡ii toils, pot etitial flow similar to tite veil-known Jircitofi flow aitit

shows that under these

ircurnst:utces tite lift is ProPoll ¡una] to tite squale of lite

ingle of ttttu(k. Boiltv (lOi'S hot consider tite ifiect (if

ontpressibiiity. Tite pioSeli I tieatinettt covers ot.lter plait

orrns and, although lui sed oit (li tfereit t assumptions, is not 7S875-49

ittroitsistenl with Boiiay's theory in tite liinitittg case of small

angles of atta(k.

By limiting tite plan forms to small vertex angles, the

l)ropert.ies of tite wings in conuj)resSibie flov at itigit subsotiir and at supersonic speeds aie also covered. Tsien (reference 7)

lias pointe(i out that Muitic's airship theory (reference 8)

applies to a slender body of revolution at speeds greater tiran


The lift and moment of such a body are not

eX-pected to change appreciably with Macli number. The

present paper gives an analysis of tite low-aspect-ratio

air-foil based on similar assumptions and shows that little change of tite lift distribution of an airfoil of pointed plan form lying

itear tite center of tite iachr cone is to be expected.

SYMBOLS T7 flight velocity a artgk of at tack S Wit 1g aiea r !/ i) A aspect ratio


thistaitce along axis of symmetry of l)Oillted aifoii measured downstieain from nose

spanwise (listtlnce, ntetsured from ax s of symmetry vertical distance from dane of wing


ll(l(litiflhtitl appatemit flh;iSS (spanwise si tion)

10(111 sintmt (1101(1 density of air Lp


C,,, dynamic pressure


p (J

i local lift foice (per length dx)

e1 local lift coefficient

(-t) induced drag Vi1 Ir

¡D1 CD1 induced-drag coefltcteitt L tota! lift 6'L

lift coefficient ()

4' surface potential o

spanwise-location parameter (-t9)

local pressure difference

Macli itumbei', ratio of flight velocity to speed of

50 tilt (1

distance of center of i)ressuiie trotti nose of airfoil / Pitcliiii montent pitching-moment coefhcieiit I\


lift itt \ [utcit niiini.,er 71!

L0 lift itt zeto Macit iuitiuiber

maz ntaximrim (used as subscript)



Tue flow about an airfoil of very low asl)ect ratio maY be

considered twO dinlelIsiolial when viewed in CrOSS sections

perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. With this idealiza-tion, the t icatment of the low-aspect-ratio airfoil becomes exceedingly simple; formulas are obtained that are similar

in some respects to those derived by Munk (reference 8)

and Tsieii (reference 7) for an elongated body of revolution.

Perhaps the simplest case fioin tue analytical point of view is that of the long, fiat, triangular airfoil traveling point-foremost at a small angle of attack. Viewed from a

reference system at rest in the undisturbe(l fluid, the flow pattern in a plane cutting the airfoil at a distance x from the nose is the familiar two-dimensional flow caused by a

flat plate having the normal velocity Va.

(See fig. 1.)

Observed i i this plane, the width of the plate and hence the

scale of ib flow pattern continually increase as the airfoil

progresses through the r'Iane. This increase in the scale of the flow pattern requiìs a local lift force i equal to the

downward velocity Va tines the local rate of increae of

the additi( ial apparent mass m', or



dt 2 dm'


dx since dx


By a well-known form tila from t wo-d iniensional-flow


, b2

m =ir4p dx

where b is the local width of the plate. Hence

(/ifl' b db

and the lift i per length dx will be given by the expression



P T72b/x


Dividing by V2 ami by the area b dx gives the local lift


Cjira --

dxdb (1)

When this flow is consi(l cred in more detail, it is found from

the two-dimensional theory that the surface potential is

distributed spanwise according to the orduvites of an ellipse, that is,

4 ±


r±Vasin O


where cos O and the sign changes in going from the

u pper to the lower surface of the airfoil. (See fig. 2.) An

iiistant later, in the same pliui e, the ordinates are those of li

slightly larger ellipse, corresponding to an increase of . The

local pressure difference is given by the local rate of increase

of , that is,



- -p


òb dx (3)

where /òb is a function of y. Differentiation of yields

the equation


FIIURE 1.Flow pattrn.



p=2pT72 dx



(J Si1lO dx

'l'ue pressure d istrihut ion tlì us shows an infinite peak along

the sloping sides of the airfoil similar to the pressure peak

ii t the leading edge of a C()JIVCJI t tonal airfoil. The

distribu-I oil iiloiig laut ial lines pssitg thllougiL tue vertex of the

t riutigie(lilies of (Otistufit hf2) is uniform (fig. 3), however, utol t lie (enter of pressure (oitI(i(les with the center of area.

Equations (1) and (4) show t li:i t tue development of lift by the long slender airfoil depends on an expansion of the sert iOns 111 a (lownstreu UI (li reel ion; hence a part of the

surface havi ng parallel sul (S WOO 1(1 develop no lift. Further-niore, a decreasing width would, according to equation (4). require negative lift with iriíinuite negative pressure peaks along the edges of the narrower sections. In tile actual flow.

however, hie edge behind the maximum cross sectin will

lie in the viscous or turbulent wake formed over the surface

uihiead; and for this reason it will he assumed that the infinite

pressure difference in(licatc(l by equation (3) cannot be de-veloped across these edges.

lt is

this assumption,

corre-sponding to the Kutta coridit ion, which gives the plate the

properties of an airfoil as distinct from another type of

body, such as a body of revolution.



FIGURE 2.l'otentil.




With the titi of tire Eritta condition, it niny easily IO'

own that. su t ions of tut' airfoil beiritid t he sectioti ofgreatest

lt li tICVP1O ) no lift. A potent irr! flow satisfying bot li t he

u udo ry cor (IitiOfl and t Ile Kiit ta eoial it jolimay he 01) f.iiiiwd

t ho introd i ict ion of a free su ifrire of d iscont iii ti i ty bel i nti

e widest, s etion. This stirfare of discontiiiuil.y (fig. 4)

nild he co irposed of parallel vortices ('Xteli(l ¡ng

(lOWli-enm from 110 videst section of the airfoil as prolongations

t he Vort ¡u s represent ing the d iscontiliuity of potent ¡iii er t lie for :Lrd part of tire airfoil. Tu is sheet, a lt Irougli

ssihly wid r t Iran the downstream sections of the airfoil,

il satisfies tiroir l)Oufldary coiìd itioti, Silice the Ial eral

a !igenion t if the Volt ¡ers iS

such as to give

ii ii iforni

\Vflwrìrd Ve )City eq rial to Va Over the etitire W ititir of t lie L'et ineludir g tire rearwar(I port ion of t ire rì irfoil Since

pressure I ifference across flic airfoil is proportional t t)

¡òx and si ice this gradient disappears

as soon as

t lie

rt ices hecoi te pa ra I lei to I ire st ream, no lift is tievelopir i

the rearwa t i sect iolis.

[ntegratioii of t he pressures in a chiordwise (I ¡rection from

leading or ge downstreaun to the wiriest sect ion will give

span load (listriblition arid I lie induced drag. The span

d distrihirl on is



òyrr ¿/) f/f


L second integration of

òy dy across the widest section

s the total lift, which is

IGVRE 3Preure distribution.

pViaF,,ar2 (C)

Tire lilt of tire slender iiirfuih I bruciore (leptnds wily ou tire

wid (hi ii ud not oir lire irren.. 1f t ire lift. is divided by I2AS

nuid i f t lie aspect ratio ¿I is considered to 1)0 t iitri


(7) niid tire md uced-(l rag/coel!icieri t is

rl - I'-



-, (t


Fuouir equation (S) it iiI)J)l'iirs t liii t I ho risiiltiinit force lies halfway between tire uioiiriitl to LIa surface nial tue riorririrl to (lit nu slreauri.

li is Seoir hint in tue cuse of ii rcctniuigruhnrr plan form tiri'

siiiiphiliid fo,iiiuilni, (equal iou (4)) gives nui infiuuite

roncen-Iruitinii of lift at lite h(urdiuig erige mid no lift elsewhere,

Whieltui5 ii liinie acriuralt t hirtity W'OiiIti siuit' soiuui'

distiihu-t ori (if the lift rearward. If the iii e oï inucreutse tif tire width

innoniuts tori great, t lit flow ruruttiot litt expected lo relliainl (WI) di liielisioiiii I. lt cita lo slir, ii by exnriiiinuntt io,, of I lue

kuiowur t lirer-diiuurtisjrriiuui (tiotiliftinig) Pottlil uil flow ntiouiuid

nui rilipt ir disk ( refere nett ¶t), hiowrvrr, t liai, Lire

(wo-liliiriittiotiurI I hirory gives ru goon ripßooxiiiiiitiuui in tue rase rit ari (lupi irai ieiirhiuig tIlgt wluirlu inidiruirs litai, liii l.lirorv



A puc/ / j/Ñ

ii;n,i: .--(,riijiarjsi,,i ot flrt e1eulaI,'i 1v rt'ii. Il''ry ('r 'ilitt,ic,ai wi,i's if low Lslwct ratio wii,h ,isoiis iii kitiiet (rtrr,ij, iii).

is applica hie over a large rangt of liase shapes. In uiguire S is

Sliownu it r()Iiuparisoll (Jf thurt lift (tiulctihnttrtd by tue presutat

i lueorv for elliptical wings of low aspect ratio with flue

irsuiPs tif the more accurate I iunre-diiuuensional potential-flow

raluiliil inris of Kiienues (rrfirenu(rt IO). 'I'hue results are iii

good ugreernrnit up to aspect rutias ru pproruiiinug h.

Appii-ca I ion of eq uation (4) gi ves nu ccitt 'r f Pressure on (lue

lhipticul pharu fornir at one-sixt lu of (hurt chord. i"igure G also

shows t huis value compared with virI as gi veri by Krienes'

theory. Irr this respect it ttppctirs thiitt the agreement is

not so good as for the lift.


lii (untier to show tue offert of coiuipressihility, use will be

unruhe of i lue theory of polen ti i i flow willi small tlistiiibancn_s.

(flatirnt (rrfereiuce 2) unir! l'rirnirl tI (rrfe,rt,icc 3) have

thenìon-stnui I tri t huat, nit subsonic sJ)(Cds, IL r iistrihu (ion of Potential

satisfying Laplace's equation will satisfy tire linearized

compressible-flow equation if the distribution (i, y, 2) is


from equa ion (3),

D j2 2 (5)

,,,(I .0

= 2pVçb Oil equal ion (2),

= Va sin O

ncc ÒL/Òy is elliptical and independent of the plan form.

Lb tire ('Il i pl irai span load t hie i 11(1 iJ(ed drag is a ni in ini rim


:\ htdiI (tOile (fig. 7). t1 rund il oit of a sinai! vertex angle i II Ito lìeCeSStLry in O!(iel that tite potential (i istrihution of

i ita t ion (2) may apply lit tite case of a wing with a bI tint-lead tug-edge plan form, al Ill I t citfinges in tite flow fInSe 011 transition to supersonic velocities, aiìd potential flow of the subsonic type no longer exists.

The lift and lift (list rihu t ion for rectangular surfaces at

supersonic speeds have bitt t (alCil lated by Sci t ii(liting (refer-ence II). Figure 7 shows titi variation of lift-curve slope wit lt \Íac1t number as obi iii ted from Schlichting's results fut

teetangitlar wings of two (li li('l('tl t aspect ratios and for lin' lange of speeds in wit lt t lit two \iacit cones froni tite tips

ib not reach hie center of tite wing. Iii I lI(' subsonic range,

values given by tite Pratid t i-Ula tort rutl(' are shiovn. These rElives fl'f toinpared Wit it titi' values m(iirated by the present t lteory for a triangular wing lying neat tite center of tite '\la'ht cone. Figure S shows t lic t ravel of titi' center of l)res-sitio foi tlt('S(' phiri forms. It is to he noted that, with tin' hiiltlt-lea(ling-e(ige plait faillIs, t lie renter of pressure travels fiotti it J)oiitt neat tite (llaIte, (lioni to a point near tite mid-(1101(1 when titt veloci t V is iilcI(tased above the speed of

Soli t It i.



i) li;c/i cone.,,


,1 i » Pee langui (refeenceI/) it;och rumbe,-, AI 3.0

FICURE 7.Variation of lift willi \!tcli number for different plut ferino.

/0 2.0




4'ec fan gula,- ('-efer-encei/










u » a

/pd ra!à, A

Fu U RE fiCoi arison of cii tr of issu ri eticiiktted by prusin i thiory for elli i o i igs el low aspect ra it, wilt osti I Is of Krimis (rtlrtnee IO).

Ioresiìortei d along tite (i ¡IN! ¡ùii of mot ion by i lu

transforma ion

a X y'==y


nus fact, ii be applied in a (IÌlCUllltiOfl prOr((lnrc by start-ng with a lititioiis liiIfOil lostart-nger iii t lie z-direction t Itatu tite rue One a d calculating I iìe ¡)oteultial (list tihution for titis uirfoil by methods of i Il(Offl piessibie flow. Frite (O tier t

limensjons and correr! (lisirihution of art' liten obtained ,vlieiì tite t ansforma lion is applied.

For tite long slender airfoil, tite poteti t ial d istribti t ion a t

'ach seri oit is similar to that for an iitíi,tiI ely long hotly lierefort' ò/òx and hence tite local pressures Vary in inverse )roportioIl to the length. The foregoing calculation pro-edure gives a null result in titis rase, since tite pressures alculated for the fictitious airfoil at M=O will be redured n the same ratio that the length is increased and the Lorent z ransforniation to restore tile correct length will also restore

lie same pressures as those obtained at íW=O. Since

/òz is unchanged by the transformation, the normal

'elocity component and hence tite angle of attack are

un-hanged also. These results can he obtained by referring

irectly to tite linearized equation for the potential

2 2 2

òx2 2


ee reference 3.)

If the airfoil

is sufficiently slender, 2/òx2 can be neglected in comparison with ò/òx except ear the edge. Since the lift is proportional to ò/òz, the tcrease of the lift with Mach number ran therefore be eglected iii comparison with the lift,

It is important to note that the theory of small disturb-flees is no.t limited to subsonic velocities and that, so long m the term (1M2) in equation (9) remains small, tite )llltion in tile region of tite wing will continue to hegiven y tite potential (equation (2)). Evidently tite Macli nium-ir cannot be increased indefinitely, for titen tite eoefFuient

will become so large that the first terni will no longer negligible. Tite required contlition will he satisfied, how-7er, by adopting a pointed platt form willi tite vertex angle t small that the entire surface lies near the center of tito

1.0 2.0

/1'aC/7 ru,nbet- A! 30

FIBRE .'rraveI of renter of pressure with Mach number for different pian forms.





tS a test of the foregoing analysis. a small triangular

air-I in tut' fornì of a steel plat e wit Ii rounded lead ing edges

s const ril(t cd and tested in t he La ngh'y model sii person je

mel. Time tests were mimado a t a Macli n umber of 1 .75.

mre 9 shows the (letails of time model and figure 10

sum-l'iZOS time results of the test. At zero angle of attack a

all lift and a small pitching moment occur, which are pre-nimbly time result of the camber given the airfoil by

round-off the leading edges in time manner shown by section

A in figure 9. In gemmerai, the results are in good

agree-mit vitlm the theory if an allowance is ¡nade for this camber,

showii ¡ im figmi ie 10.


The lift f a slender, pointed airfoil moving in time

di-t ion of idi-ts ing axis depeii Is on the increase in wid (h of

sections i t a downst rea in direction. Sections behind

section of i maxim um vid i Im il evelop no lift.

Tiie_ Spiim \ViSC loading of such miti a imfoil is indepemideim t

:Iue plan f um and approaches the distribution giving a tilnum indircd drag.

Time lift ( strihu tion of mi poi lit (( i a ¡ ifoil t ravel ing )ol ¡it-most is rel it ively ulm fleet t'ti by t lit' (Oliipl(sSi bili y of t lic below oral tove time speeti of Sotilid.



LANGLEY FiELD, VA., May 11, 1.945.


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ckeret, J.: Air Forces on Airfoils Moving Faster Than Sound.

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ravior, G. I.: Applications to Aeronautics of Ackeret's Theory of

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R. & M .No. 1467, British A. R. C., 1932.

lollay, Villiain: A Theory for Rectangular Wings of Small Aspect Ratio. Jour. Aero. Sci., vol. 4, no. 7, May 1937, Pp. 294-296. 'sien, Hsue-Shen: Supersonic Flow over ali Inclined Body of

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PP 4S0-483.


S. 1\1ii,i1, i\'Lax M.: The Aerodvitaitije Forces oli Airship Hulls.

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t). L:inih, Horace: Hydrolyitaiiiics. Sixth cd., Cambridge Univ.

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Mounting attachment)

Sec tian A-A

ti'u_TRE 9..iir(otl est,,l iii i iigl,v ziiol'l supersonic lunilel.


02 . o (J 0-. E o E .02 u 5 ,lf--/j cc,I,..








P' Ea-per-irnontoip;lching momo,,t

o Exprirnr,f ai lift

Angie of otock, a: dog-/ o / 3 FIGURE 10.lestortriangular airfoil in Langley model smupersoulic tunnel. Mach number.


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