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A comparative study of laser methods of air pollution mapping


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December j



P~epared for the

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing




Dro R. M. Measures Associate Professor


174-December, 1971.


Prepared for the

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing



Dr. R. M. Meas~es Principa1 Investigator

Associate Professor

Instit~te for Aerospace Studies University of Toronto



A c0mparative study has been made. of three laser methods of

remotely mappinggaseous pollutants of our atmosphere. Tt has been

found that, in the case of N0 2 and S02' Differential Absorption and

Sc~ttering has superior performance potential with regard to range and sensitivity than either Laser-Tnduced Fluorescence or Raman Back-scattering. However, because of the sophistication of this system

and the .difficulty of . interpretation , it is strongly recommended that

from the long·term point of ,view the fluorescence approach be pursued.

further af1it hasa range,and sensitivity far superior tö Raman.back-:

scattering-for a given laser power. An analysisof the fluorescence

return:expected.from a loca,l source of N0 2 indicates that 'a plume of

about 10 ppm could be 'detected at a range of several kilometers.

However, 'dueto absorption effects, care must be .usedin the

inter-pretation .of signals emanating from local concentrations in excess









2.1 B~sic.Theory of Fluorescence. 2.2 Strong Beam Limit

2.3 Weak Beam Limit


Fluorescence Return Signal


N0 2-Fluorescence



3.1 Theory of Raman Scattering

3.2 Laser-Raman Radar for Pollution Monitoring DIFFERENTlAL ABSORPTION





The Transfer Function





Basis for Comparison and System Characteristics Results of the Comparison for Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide




Two Limiting Plume Distributions Results for Localized Sourees CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS




7 11 11 11 13






20 23 23







The development of the Q-switched ruby laser gave rise to the

optical analogue of Radar - which is designated Lidar*. This technique

has been employed to evaluate the spatial distribution of the aerosol

and particulate components of the atmosphere (Refs. 1, 2). Mîe

scatter-ing of the laser radiation is the pertinent process involved in this

approach. The use of high power ruby lasers generating intense bursts

of radiation at 34720

A through second harmonic conversion has given

rise to the possibility of extending the Lidar concept to measure the

spatial distribution of many of the gaseous constituents in our

atmos-phere by Raman Scattering (Refs. 3,4). In this process the laser

radiation suffers a change of frequency on being scattered by a molecule.

The shift in the frequency is a characteristic of the molecule and so by

observing the radiation at the appropriate frequency emanating from a

given regi04 of the laser beam, the concentration of the molecule of

interest can be ascertained.

The recent development of the 100 pulse per second nitrogen laser operating at 33710A with an output of 100 kilowatts may enable

the extension of this laser-radar technique to mapping the gaseous

pollutants emitted by chimney stacks. The advent of the high power tunable dye laser suggests two additional concepts that might enable the spatial distribution of specific gaseous pollutants to be measured over

an urban area. The first techn~que uses fluorescence where the laser

radiation has been chosen to be at a frequency such that a molecule is

raised into an altOwed excited state, rather than a virtual state. The

cross-section for this process can be very many orders of magnitude


greater than that obseryed in Raman Scattering. However, the increased

lifetime of the state results in the possibility of collisional quenching which reduces this adyantage to some extent. The second technique has been used by Schotland (Ref.


to determine the vertical profile of

water ~apour in the atmosphere. We shall refer to this as Differential

Absorption and Scattering. This concept exploits the difference in the

backscattered signal received from a laser beam when the frequency of

the probing radiation is tuned to coincide with that of an absorption

line in a particular molecule, and then slightlydetuned from the line.

In yiew of the potentialof these three laser air pol}ution mapping technlques it was deemed appropriate to make a comparative study

in order to ascertain their relative merits. In particular, we have attempte~ to evaluate which system will detect the lowest concentration at a given range for the same laser power. It is recognized that in

view of the large energy required to electronically excite some moleculesg

for example CO, only Raman Scattering has univeral application. However, a number of air pollutants, S02' O~, N02 is becoming one of the most

im-portant urban pollutants we have cóncentrated on N0

2• rhere are two reasons why N0

2 is becoming increasingly important; first it is not easily

eliminated from the combustion process and second its ability to create

carciqoge~ic substances, like PAN, is becoming a considerable concern.

It should be noted that all three of the techniques considered

can be used to monitor air pollution by day or night, in a variety of


weather conditions, in either the ,vertical or horizontal plane and can be mounted on a tall building, a truck or an aircraft. One of the most'useful applications would be that of monitoring remotely the effluent of a stack or a jet engine u~der a wide range of conditions. The latter applications may h~ve particular relevance in view of the current interest in STOL

airports that are to be placed close to areas of high population densities.

2 . LASER INDUCED FLUORESCENCE 2.1 Basic Theory of Fluorescence

The molecular structure and processes of interest in this repórt can be represented by a relatively simple vibrational electronic model illustrated in Figure 1.

When the molecule is exposed to laser radiation of a suitable

frequency a number of molecules that were originally in the ground vibrational state of-the ground electronic state (represented by v ") are elevated into the v I vibrational state of the excited electronic ,st~te. Some of these excitgd molecules "will undergo collisions . that will eit.her transfer them into other'vibrational states of the excited electronic state (v') or return to some', vibrational state (v") of the ground electronic state. The former collï:üons essentially represent vi brational quenching, while the latter . collisions can be regarded as electronic quenching. Alternatively, an-excited molecule in the v I state can decay to the v" state byemission of a photon.


A basic assumption that is implied in this model is that the

rotational relaxation rate,is so fa st that the distribution


the population amongst'the differentrotational levels of each vibrational state are maintained in an equilibrium state determined exclusively by the translational temperature of the gas.

Under these conditions the volume emission coefficient for the e( vo', v'!) band is given by

e(v I v") =


hv(v I v")N(v I )A(v I v") (2.1)

o ' 47T 0 ' 0 0 '

where v(v I , v") is the mean frequency corresponding to the band (v I , v"), N(v ,) isOthe population density of t.he v I level and A(V~', v") isOthe Ein~tein spontaneous emission coefficientOfor the (v I , v') band.

. 0

The equation describing the rate of change of the population


the v I level is of the form

o dN - (v I )=N(v \')R(v " v I )-N(v ,) dt 0 0 0 ' 0 0 'where ACv ,)= o [A(V ')+MK(V ')+R(v o 0 0 I ' v 0



decay rate for



K(v ')=Q(v ')+V(v ,) is the total quenching ratecoefficient

o 0 0 for level v '. (2.5)

Q(v ,)=

o \ ' ~ Q(v ' 0 ' V")


is the total electronic quenching rate

coefficient for level v' .



V( v ,)= o V }



is the total vibrational relaxation rate

coefficient for level v'.


B( v " v ,)

o ' o'


is the number density of the quenchers. if the appropriate Milne absorption

. coefficient.

Ifwe consider a step.form.of excitation, then eventually a

balance will be reached such that N(v ,) o N(v ") o


R(v " v ,) o ' 0 [A(v ')+MK(v ')+R(v ',v")] o 0 0 0

We have assumed in attaining this result that the levels adjacent to




only act as a sink. This is a conservative assumption regarding the

fluorescence signal.

2.2' St rong Beam Limit

In the "strong beam limit", R(v' v"»> A(v ,)+ MK(v ,) and

0 ' 0 0 0 N(v ") o n(v ') o R(v ' v ") g(v ") o ' 0 0


"'"R"'T(-v"::""""-v""':"-:-' ..-)


g (v ') - g o ' 0 0 (2.8)

where g(v ,) and g(v ") are the respective degeneracies of the upper and

lower levgls of the ~aser pumped transition. The time to reach this

balance is inversely proportionalto the power .of the laser radiation; in

fact the approximate exponential growth time for the upper levelpopulation

is given by 1 v ' G 0 (v)dv v 11 o

in the strong peam limit, where the lower level population is assumed to

be redistributed between v ' and v " in a time sufficiently short that

little quenching of the up~er leve~ population has occurred, viz

N(v ,) + N(v ")


NO(v tI)

0 0 0 (2.10)

NO(v ") being the population in the lower level prior to irradiation.


In the strong beam limit the peak values of the fluorescence


NO(v ")

E. (V' V")



hv(v ' V") 0 A(v' V")

maxo ' qW 0 ' (1 + g) 0 '

This ·can be written in the form

. 1 NO

E ma) v)


47ThV (1 +g


q (v 0 ' ,v") where v is the mean frequency of the (v ',v Ir) -band






NO is the ground vibrational state population prior to irradiation

T is the radiative lifetime of the upper level and q (v 0 " , v") is the appropriate Frank-eondon factor.

i.e. A(v



A(,v. .'.)q/v ',v'~) ;: q(v


o 0 0 0


If the laser radiation is switched off as soon as the peak emission is attained, i.e., if the duration of the laser pulse is short, then the

observed fluorescence signal will decay with a 1ifetime that is approximately given by



A(v ,) + MK(v ,)

o 0

A more rigorous transient analysis wouldhave to account for the fact that the levels adjacent to v ' are not infinite sinks for the excited state population. ·Such an analysi~ is now in progress but is not like1y to make. a substantial difference.


Weak Beam Limit

In the Irweak beam limitl f

; A(v ,) + MK(v ,) » R(v

',v ")

and it

is assumed that the lower level popu1atîon is onl~ slightlyOper~urbed from

its value prior to excitation. Thus in this situation the peak emission is obtained fro~ equations (2.3) and (2.7), viz:


If the laser radiation is constant in time then equation


can be expressed as a Stern-Volmer 6 relation


where F is the fluorescence signal


N is the partial pressure of the gas undergoing the fluorescence (torr) P

M is the partial pressure of the quenching gas (torr)

~ is a factor that takes into account the quenching rate and the lifetime


D is a factor that accounts for the exciting intensity, the absorption

coefficient, and various other geometrical and instrumental effects;

If we assume that the laser intensity isreasonably constant over

the (v ",v I) band but is zero outside this spectral region, then it is possible

to wri~e 0 v I


NO B(v ",v I)


IR.(v) '+7T 0 0 b"v 0 IR. G (v) dv:::' < K > b"v


v v



where < K > is the corresponding mean absorption coefficient (cm-I) of the


gas at the frequency of interest

R. (watts cm-2 H -1)

1 is the intensity of the laser radiation


b"v is the appropriate bandwidth of the laser H , and



=IR.b"V}is the power density of the laser beam (watts cm-2 )

Under these conditions it is possible to reduce equation


into an effective scattering relation


where crF is the "equivalent fluorescence cross-section", to be compared later

with the Raman scattering cross-section. From equations

(2.18), (2.17)



it iS,clear that < K > q(v I v") v 0 " cr (v I v") = ---'----...;;---F 0 ' NO[l+T MK(v ')]4rr . 0


This equivalent fluorescent cross-section, crF(V I,V") can be

separated into two components, an absorption cross-sectiog cr

A, and a quantum

yield factor, ~ (v I, Vil) , .

o cr (v I v") = cr ~(v I v")/4rr F 0 ' A 0 '

(2.20 )

where cr






is the absorption cross-section per molecule and q(v I


A(v I) o ' 0 ,k (v I v")


...-:--,-:::----:-~"""":'"!~...;;..~""" 'I' 0 ' [A(v 1)+ MK(v I')] o 0


is the quantum yield factor that can be seen to be equal to the rate of

emission into the relevant band divided by the total rate of decay for the

excited state population.

Now if the background radiation is not a problem, then the detector

for the fluorescence radiation could possibly have a sufficient bandwidth that


àssoc-iated with the upper level. In which case the effective quantum yield as 1 1 + TMK(V ') o


q(VO"V") = 1.


Unfortunately, in order to use spectral discrimination against background laser

scattered radiation the fluorescence wavelength mMst be well separated from the

exciting laser wavelength.

In order to determine which regime provides a better description of .

the real situation the ratio

'R(v ' v ") o ' 0

I =

A(v ')


MK(v ')

o 0


is evaluated. With the same assumption concerning the spectral characteristics

of the laser radiation as used above ,equation (2.17), we may write

Thus with


<K >

R(v ' V " ) ':::t _ _ _ v __ p.e = o ' 0 0



hv N v


+ T MK( v ,)] hv o



and usi~g weak qeam limit 0.1 ~ I ~ 10 strong beam limit, the constraint on the

laser po~er density, p.e, for each regime is clear.



Fluorescence Return Signal

The general lidar equation can be expressed for the fluorescence

case in the form


pF(r) is the fluorescence power received fr om range interval (r,L)

E is the total optical efficiency (including the transmittance

of the narrow-band filter)

p.e (r) is the transmi tted power densi ty at r in the absence of attenuation

L is ~he increment of- range over which the fluorescence signal

. (2027)


.--- - - ---

-is . integrated*

OF is the equivalent fluorescence cross-section

N(r) is the fluorescent constituent density at range r

~ is a geometrical factor that accounts for the ,overlap of the transmitted and received beams

Tt and TF are the .respectiye one way transmittances at the laser and fluorescent wavelength.

For a monostatic system,

(2.28) where E(À) is the total extinction coefficient, allowing for both scattering

and absorption, at wavelength, À. Moreover, if the scattering losses originate from constituents that are reasonably uniform we may introduce a mean scattering extinction coefficient, ES' that will apply at both wavelengths , their separation being small. This enables equation (2.27) to be written in the form



z;;Ept(r) 0FN(r)


L exp [ - r{ 2Es + EA(Àt ) + EA(ÀF)} ] (2.29) where EA(À) is the mean extinction coefficient due to absorption at À.

For a well designed system both E and ~ are close to unity. If ~ is close to unity then the spreading laser beam is assumed always to be within the field of view. In which case we may assume pt(r)a(r)


pt, where pt is the total transmitted power. Thus we may write 0


(2.30) A schematic diagram of the laser-radar system is shown in Fig. 2.

2.5 N0


The lower electronic structure of NO has been studied by Burnell et al (Ref. 7) and Fink (Ref.


Douglas and


(Ref. 9) have identified the absorption in the visible as arising from À2BI-X2Al transitions. The expected radiative lifetime for levels in the 2Bl state should be about 0.3 ~sec according to the absorption coefficients as meas~ed by Hall and Blacet

(Ref. 10). However, several authors (Refs. 11-16) have recently studied the fluorescence of N0

2 and have observed radiative lifetimes about ·two orders of magnitude larger,than the value predicted from the integrated absorption coefficient. Although there is a substantial spread in the reported life-times, ranging from


~sec to 90 ~sec, until recently (Ref. 17) there has * L will depend upon the duration of,the excitation and,the effective life~ time of the fluorescence. If it were notfor strong quenching, L would be large and so good spatial resolution not attainable.


been no evidence of the expected short 1ifetime. Doug1as (Ref. 18) has '

propos-ed severa1 mechanisms to account for this anoma10us 1ifetime ,and

both Keyser et al (Ref. 15) and Schwartz and Johnston (Ref. 16) have

indicated that e1ectronic mixing is probab1y the most 1ike1y mechanism.

A1though most of the f1uorescence work has indicated that'Ne

emission is


complex and a1most a continuum, Sakurai




(Ref. 17) have demonstrated that if the,bandwidth of the'excitätion ,isvery

narrow, fair1y sharp 1ines can be made tO,stand above the continuum emission.

Schwartz and Johnston (Ref. 16), Keyser et al (Ref. 15), and Sakurai and

Broide: (Ref. 17) have shown that"the e1ectronic quenching rate is much smaller

""than the vibrationa1 transfer rate and this in part explains the range.of

q1.1enching' cross-sections observed. Key'ser eta1 (Ref .. 15) and Schwartz and

John'ston" (Ref~ -16) have clear1y shown that ,th~ apparent quenching rate

decres:s-ed wi th 'increasing observation bandwidth but, a1so wi th increasing

separation between the excitation and fluorescent monitoring wavelengths. These authors (Refs. 15, 16) discuss a stepladder vibrational re1a:xationa1

mode1"to'account for these observations and deduce an effective vibrational

transferrate, K~v '); of ab out 4 x 10-10 cm3 molecu1e-l sec-l for (N0


colli~ons. This 8orresponds to a vibrationa1 quenching cross-section of

'about 74°A2 so that practica11y every gas kinetic collision is effective in

producing vibrationa1 re1axation. Myers et al (Ref. 12) measured ,the

'quenching"of N0


'induced,by a number of other gases inc1uding, N

2 and 02~

These were founa to be comparab1e in their cross-sections and about half as

effective as N0 2•

It is evident from these studies that if a broad band could be

used in monitoring the 1aser-induqed f1uorescence then a much lower quenching

rate wouid"'be""observed""and"so a 1arger 'signa1 would be detected. Unfortunately,

in or'der-'to" discriminate against the solar background a narrow spectral interval

wou1dhäve-to be used in'the,deteqtion system. Sackett and Yard1ey (Ref. 17)

have -recent1ybeen"the firstto e:lÇcite N0

2 with very narrow band radiation,

tuned "to-selecttvely-excite 'what is believed to be a set of ,unperturbed 2B

leveJ:s"'-a't--about" 4550° A; They used a flash1amp-pumped 7 -Diethylamino

4-Met~y1-coumarin"dyelaser and observed"a component of the N0

2 f1uorescence with a

lifetime'of 'about'O;5 J.lsec; Unfortunately, they were not able,to ascertain

the relative strength of these short1ived transitions because they observed

the tem~ora1 variation of the fluorescence with a Corning 3-69 filter, which

ae~epts all emission withwavelength greater than 52000A.

We present in Table I a summary of the information tha~ we sha11

use in evaluating N0


laser induced f1uorescence.

In Tab1e 11 we indicate the va1ues of interest concerning the potential of fluorescence as a means of detecting N0

2 in the atmosphere.

It is clear from Table 11 that the effective lifetime of the

excited, level undergoing f1uorescence is very short. This is somewhat of

a mixed b1essing for it means that,the radiative power obtained will be

severe1y restricted, but it also means that good spatial resolution should

be possible. It ,should be,restated ,thatthe actual value of,this effective

1ifetime depends upon-the bandwidth ,ofobservation. The 1arger the detector

bandwidth the greater is the 'manifold of vibrationa1-rotationa1 states

encom-passed within the spectral interval of observation. In the limit of a,wide


the quenching rate would be essentially that of electronic quenching which is about'two orders of magnitude smaller than the vibrational-rotational transfer rate.' In the context of remote monitoring of N0

2, a fairly narrow band detection system is likely to be required in order to discriminate against background emission.




Quench:lng Rate

Radiative Coefficient Mean Absorption

Lifetime for Air Coefficient

T K(v ,)

0 < KV >

O.5xlO- 6sec 2xlO- 1Ocm3sec- 1 lO-Scm-1ppm- 1

Ref-" 17 Refs. 12


15 Ref. 13




fluor-' escence lifetime

Equivalent absorp-tion cross-section

Quantum yield(i~

(v ' v"r band a)' o ' Equivalent fluor-escence c~oss-section in (v ',v') band o Stimulated emission . Tate(tQ quenching rate b)

Voxume emission co-efficient in (v ',v") band 0 ~(v


o cr (v I


F 0 ' y 5.4xl0!79sec


_2 3.7xlO cm




3.7xlO . J q (v ',v") o _9 R, 1.95xlO P

(a) q(v ',v'T) is the "Frank-Condon Factor~; for the appropriate





Quenching ra~e co- M~an absorpt;i.on co-Radiative lifetime efficient for air efficient

1" K(V ,) < K: >

0 v



sec 2xIO-10cm3seç -1 1.12xIO-


cm- 1ppm- 1

Ref" 19 Ref. 20 Ref. 21



Effective fluorescence lifetime ; Equivalent absorption cross-section Quantum yield in (v ' v") band(a) o ' Equivalent fluorescence cross-section in


',v") band 0

8timulated emission rate to quenching rate(b) Volume in the 'a (b) emission coefficient (v ' v") band o ' I 8ee 1abie


'eff A.(v '


'f' 0 ' (J' '(v ' v") F 0 ' y ,.F( , ") E v ,v o 4.4xIO- 6 q(v ',v") o 1.4'xIO-9 pR.




l lq(v o' ,v")pR. watts cm- 3


1 sr-1


If we assume that the detection system is setfor the .stronges~

(v ',v ") band, that is also sufficiently displaced from the exciting wavelength fo~ di~crimination against back-scattered laser radiation, then it-is not

unreasonable to expect a value of 0.1 for the Franck-Condon factor q (v ',v").

Under these conditions the "equivalent fluorescence cross-section, O"F ~ 1.37 x

10-23 cm2sr- l , and the "volume emission coefficient", €-F(v ',v") '" 3.7 x 10-lOpt

watts cm- 3 ppm-lsr-1itis also evident from Table 11 that yO« 1 for any.practical

laser system to be used for air pollution monitoring and.so the wea~ beam limit

-is an appropriate model.


8ulphur dioxide i$ very $imilar to nitrogen dioxide in certain respects.

In partiCular measurements (Refs. 18, 19) of the radiative lifetime of the

-ÀIB1~XlAl transitions also indicate a disagreement of about two orders of

magnitude between the observed lifetime and that calculated from the integrated

absorption coefficient. Douglas (Ref. 18), Strickler and Howell (Ref. 20) and

Mettee (Ref; 21) have discussed this anomaly again in terms of a mixing of the

levels 'of the exci ted singlet state wi th those of the .ground electronic state.

The luminescence spectra of 802 has been shown (Refs. 20, 21) to possess a .

series of well defined bands, in the 4000-4500oA region, which are attributed

to phosphorescence.

The absorption spectra for S02 comprises a series of st rong absorption

bands in the 2800-3100oA region. To date there has been no narrow band excitation·

of these bands to see if there are any unperturbed excited states that could be

used for remote sensing of 802' The results of quenching experiments (Refs.

20, 2l1tiave in~icated, as with N02' a very high quenching rate: K(v

o') '"

2 x 10 lOcm3sec 1, which amounts to saying that quenching occurs at every gas

kinetic collision.

In Table 111 the relevant basic information required in evaluating

802 laser-induced fluorescence is presented. In view of the lack of data to

the contrary we have used in this instance the long radiative lifetime observed

(Refs. 18,


although it should be realized that these results may well be

too pessimistic by two orders of magnitude if it turns out that -by using narrow

band laser radiation it is possible to excite unperturbed stated of the lBl


In Table IV we indicate the estimated values of interest concerning the potentialof laser-induced fluorescence as a mean$ of detecting 802 in the atmosphere.


3.1 Theory of Raman 8cattering

If monochromatic radiation is incident upon a molecule, one of several

events may occur. If the frequency of the radiation coincides with that of an

allowed transition of the molecule then a photon may be absorbed from the

radiation field and the molecule elevated to an excited state. Alternatively,


then the radiatlon field may induce the molecule to~return to the lower level

with the emission of a photon. If the frequency of the radiation does not

coincide·with an allowed transition two other interactions are possible. If

the .incident photon is elastically scattered, that is to say its direction

but not its frequency is changed, then this is termed Rayleigh scattering. If on the other hand the incident phqton is inelastically scattered so that both its direction and frequency are modified th en this is referred to as Raman scattering.

The Raman scattered radiation comprises photons whose energy, and therefore, frequency has been changed by an amount characteristic of the energy differences between stationary states of the molecule encounted. The shift can re sult in an increase of frequency (Anti-Stokes Line) , or a

decrease of frequency (Stokes Line) of the scattered radiation. These

processes are illustrated in Fig. 3. This energy shift of the scattered

photon is a unique characteristic of the scattering molecule and is independent

of the frequency of the scattered radiation. According to quantum mechanics a

Raman transition between two atomic or molecular levels A and C is only possible

when there exists at least one third level B, such that AB and BC are allowed

transitions. In fact it is possible to think of the Raman transition as being

a two photon process. A photon of frequency v is absorbed and the molecule is

elevated into a virtual state from which it immediately* descends to either the initial state (Rayleigh scattering) with emission of a photon of frequency


or to some other level with the emission of some photon of frequency




where hv o corresponds to the energy difference between the initial

and final states, see Figure


It is clear from these remarks that th~

select ion rules for the Raman effect are somewhat different from those applied to dipole transtiions. It might also be mentioned at this point that the quantum yield for Raman scattering is unity since this is essentially a two photon process, or put another way there is insufficient time for quenching of the molecule in the virtual state.

The intensity of the Raman.components of the scattered radiation

can be determined fr om a perturbation analysis of the quantum interaction of radiation with matter. Placzek (Ref. 22) introduced the concept of a

polar-izability tensor, ~, which can lead to a simplified evaluation of the

approp-riate transition probability.

The intensity of the Stokes component of the scattered radiation at

an angle


to the exciting beam is given by

=. ( 277T5 ) (v-lIv) 4N h g { [45(ä"')2+7(y"')2 ](H+cos2e)

135 [l-exp{ -hcllv/kT }J87T2CllV

+6(y ... )2si n2e}pR.



is the wavenumber of the exciting beam of power density pR.

lIv is the Raman wavenumber shift

* The word, "immediately", implies in the






conte;)!:t a time short enough

for the energy uncertainty of the atom or molecule to comply with the


- -- - - ----.

N is the number of scattering molecules per unit volume g the degree of degeneracy

hand k are the Planck and Boltzmann constants c is the velocity of light

T is the temperature of the molecules

ä~ is the isotropic part of the ,derivative of the polarizability tensor and

y~ is the anisotropic part of the derivative of the polarizability tensor.

The [l-exp {


} ]-1 factor accounts for those molecules that were in

excited states prior to irradiation (Ref. 23). For our purpose

it iè sufficient to simply write for the backscattered component of the Raman emission



N aR Pt

where it should be noted from (3.1) that the Raman scattering cross-section has a fourth-power dependence on the exciting frequency, provided the frequency

does not approach the value correspondirtg to an allowed transition. This strong

increase of scattering wi th frequency indicates the advantage of working wi th

short wavelength lasers. If the frequency should coincide with that of an

allowed transition the cross-section is increased by several orders of magnitude and this process is termed "Resonance Raman Scattering" (Ref. 24). However,

the potentialof this interaction may be limited to some extent by interference

with fluroescence, although in situations where quenching and broadening of the fluorescence is appreciable the narrow lines (Ref. 25) associated with the Resonance Raman scattering may still be resolved.

3.2 ~as~r-Raman Radar for Pollution Monitoring

Although some of thefirst applications of Laser-Raman Ra~ar (LRR) were

concerned with studying the more basic properties of the atmosphere (Refs. 3,4,26), several authors have recently discussed its application to remote

air pollution monitoring (Refs. 27, 28, 29)~ The particular advantages of

LRR are its ability to remotely map the ,air pollution whilst evaluating the relative concentrations of the various pollutant species. It is unaffected by Rayleigh or aerosol scattering and can allow for changes in,atmospheric pressure or temperature by using the nitrogen Raman signal as a ref~rence.

Derr and Little (Ref. 30) have estimated the variation in the number of Raman scattered photons observed as a function of range using a nitrogen pulsed laser operating at 33710A with 100kW peak power. They indicate the

SNR values one might expect fr om any gas having the same backscattering

cross-section as N2' They also show that for daytime operation the system

will be sky-background limited since even under twilight ,operation the RMS fluctuations in the sky background exceeds the detector noise by at least an


order of·magnitude. The RME values are tne most significant, in the absence of saturation, since temporal discrimination can be used against the mean value of·thesky background. It can be seen fr om their calculations that for most-normal concentrations of urban pollutants the range of a Raman lidar system·will be extremely limited. Moreover, an increase of collector diameter does not improve matters when the SNR is background limited. On the other hand an increase-of the laser output power certainly ~ill help.

A significant increase of the SNR could be obtained by operating

at wavelengths below 2900oA, where the strong solar absorption by stratospheric

ozone lowers the background noise to a level below that of the best detectors.

Moreover, the strong dependence of the Raman cross-section upon wavelength

would also mean an increase in the number of scattered photons. Boudreau

(Ref. 31) has indicated that care must be shown in decreasing the wavelength

of the radiation used because the Rayleigh scattering cross-section also

has a fourth power dependence upon frequency and so attenuation starts

to limit the range of application.

Kobayasi and Inaba (Ref. 32) have.recently produced aspectral analysis, ·shown in Figure 4, of the Raman scattered radiation from a tenuous oil plume situated at 20 m from a 30 cm collector. The source of excitation

in this case.was a Q switched ruby laser operated at its fundament al frequency

of 6943°A. A summary of Raman scattering data presently available in the

literature is collected in Table V.



Raman Shift Excitation Cross-section

Molecule. (cm-I) Wavelength (cm2sr- I ) Reference

S02 1150.5 6493 3.OxlO- 31 31 3371 4.8xlO- 29 29 CO2 ·1388.3 6943 7.3x10- 3I 31 3371 5.5xlO-29 30 °2 l56~ 6943 2.0xlO- 31 31 3371 2.lixlO-29 30 I CO 2145 6943 I~- 31 , N2 2330.7 6943 1.QxlO- 31 31 3371 1. 9.xlO- 2 9 3d NO 1882 3371 1. bX10- 29 31 3371 5.5xlO- 29 30


- - - -- - - .




The,Transfer Functiön

If a beam of radiatien is directed threugh a medium the ratiO' ef the flux received te the flux transmitted is termed "The Transfer Functienll ,

T. The cencept-referred te as IIDifferential Abserptien and Scattering", DAS, ~s cencerned,~ith that cempenent ef the received radiatien which has the same wavelength as ·the transmitted beam. Under these circumstanceswe

may negiect"anY"centributien te the returned radiatien arising frem flueres-cence' 0'1' 'Ra:man scattering. In which case enly Rayleigh scattering , Mie

scattering and abserptien will be censidered. In view ef the earlier state-ment abserption is enly taken inte acceunt as an extinctien precess as it

is assumed that the fractien ef fluerescence ~adiatien 6ccurring at the exciting wavelength is cempletely negligible in cemparisen te the scattered cempenent.

Schetland, Chermack and Chang (Ref. 33) developed the apprepriate

transfer equatien fer a narrew band, beam ef radiatien te be used te prebe the atmesphere. In general we can write,

where T(r,À) is the transfer functien fer range r, atwavelength À.

, CT

P(r,À) ~s the flux returned frem the interval (r,ór) with Ór ~ ~

P (À) is the flux radiated.


E is the eptical efficiency ef the detectien system.

T is the duratien ef the pulse ef exciting radiatien. c is the velecity of light.

SI is the Rayleigh back~scattering ceefficient fQr melecules at range


S2 is the Rayleigh back-scattering ceefficient fQr aeresels ef diameter smaller than the wavelength ef the radiatien, at range r.

S3 is the back-scattering ceefficient fer aeresels ef diameter efthe erder ef the wavelength (described by the Mie scattering theery). El is the mean extinctien ceefficient due te melecular Rayleigh scatt-ering.

E2 is the mean extinctien ceefficient fer aerosel Rayleigh scattering. E3 is the mean extinctien ceefficient fer Mie scattering aeresels, and EA(À) is the mean extinctien ceefficient due te abserptien in·the species ef interes:t.


With an appropriate choice of wavelength the spectral dependence of each of the coefficients will be weak in comparison to that of EA(À) and so if we take the ratio of the transfer function at two wavelengths witha small separation, then

(4.2) Füfthermore, if the transmitted flux mayalso be assumed to be effectively independent of wavelength over the small spectral interval of interest, then we can write p(r,Àl) P(r,À 2 ) r = exp [ 2


N ( r ) dr{ 0 A ( À 2 ) -0 A ( À 1 )} ] o (4.3)

where P(r,Àl)/P(r,À2) is the ratio of flux returned from range interval

(r,~r) at wavelengths Àl and À2'

0A(À1 ) and 0A(À2) are the respective absorption cross-section per molecule at À 1 and À2' {E A ( À) :: 0 A (À)




N(r) is the density distribution of ~he species of interest.

4.2 Range Considerations


It can be seen that the spatial profile of the species can be calculated from the expression






dr (4.4)

where we have introduced 0 :: 0 (À2) - '0 A (À1 ), the difference in the absorption

coefficients, and ; ::


the ratio of the signals from


at À, and À2 respectively. It is easy to show from equation (4.4) that

the necessity of being able to distinguish between the returned signals at

the two wavelengths requires a minimum range of operation. Let 0A(À 2 »Oà(Àl),

so that ;(r»l, and let us introduce <N> as the mean density of tne specles between the transmitter and the point of observation. Then it follows from equation (4.3) that



exp {2.<N> r 0 }

If ;min corresponds to the minimum value of the ratio of the signals that can be resolved then from


it is clear that

r .



log ·; . e mln



This gives the minimum range of operation from consideration of the differential


difference in the absorption coefficient at the two wavelengths. From

the inverse dependenee of rmin on the difference in the absorption coefficient

at the two wavelengths it is clear that the best spatial'resolution, for a given Ç;min' will be obtained by a careful choice of the two wavelengths. The

ideal arrangement would use one wavelength at·the peak of a,strong absorption

band whilst the ot her wavelength,would lie in the adjacent minimum of the absorption··spectra. In this way the actual separation of the wavelengths might only be a few angstroms and the assumption of no change in the other parameter is reasonable.

In order to evaluate the maximum range of operation weneed to consider the scattering processes in a little more detail. Elterman (Ref. 34) states that in conditions of good visibility* the aerosol content, within a 3 km region above the earth's surface, accounts for over 70% of the extinction of radiation at 5500oA. Conseque~tly, in polluted atmospheres where invariably the aerosol concentration will be higher we may safely assume aerosol scattering dominates the molecular Rayleigh losses. Furthe~ore, th~ Mie component is very much larger thaq the Rayleigh component so that the 'general laser-radar equation (4.1) can with good confidence be put into the form

where we now use


for the back-scattering coefficient, and EM the mean extinction coefficient for the aerosols described by the Mie-scattering theory. The more exact equation is described by Schotland et al (Ref. 33)

it will suffice to say that in reality the situation is very complex, but since we are only trying to estimate the limits on the range of the DAS concept this conservative approximation will be adequate.

We have estimated above, equation


the minimum path length

neces~ary to·discriminate between the back scattered signals at ÀI and À2 •

In .order that Ç;min be as small as possible, to get as good resolution as.

possible, we require that the weaker back-scattered signal be large enough that .its RMS value is much less tha~ the ,expected minimum difference in

the signaIs. This criterion may be expressed in the form

e e

where <NI > and <N2 > are the mean number of photo electrons createdby the back-scattered radiation from range r, at wavelengths ÀI and À2 respectively. If we can assume that these bursts of photo electrons are described by Poisson statistics then «~N )2> z <N2e> and the criterion


can be put into the form

where we assume that

(Ç;-l) » <N2 e -1/2 > e <NI> ç;(r) == e <N2 >


*Good visibility corresponds to a Meteorological range of 23km. Koschmieder [Beitr.Phys.Atmos. 12, 33, 171 (1924)] defines the~eteorological range, V, in .terms of th~ total extinction coefficient, E:- V= 3.91/E where E in km-I.


It is c1ear that the greater the range, the 1arger the right hand side of (4.8) and so the more difficult to s~tisfy. Let us require

for re1iab1e discrimination. That is to say:

10 (4.10)

and we see from (4.6) that theminimum path length required to reso1ve the difference in the backscattered signa1s increases with range. This means thatthe greater the range the worse the spatia1 definition. If we assume that ~ is the smallest range increment of interest, then (4.6) can be combined with (4.10) to yie1d an expression .



_-.-..::;..5 _ _


~I<N2 e>


that re1ates the m~n~mum detectab1e mean density of the absorbing species over the range interval (r,~) to the corresponding mean number of photo-e1ectrons created by backscattered radiation emanating from this ,range increment. The mean number of photoe1ectrons can be obtained from (4.7).


<N2 >




where n is the quantum efficiency of the photomu1tip1ier photocathode,

~f ,is the frequency bandwidth of the system and hv is the energy of a backscattered photon. We may thus rewrite equation (4.11) in the form




5r exp [r tEM + EAO'2)} ]

cr~BvP o




B:: n


(4.13) (4.14) It is c1ear from equation (4.13) that the m~n~mum detectab1e density increases with range ,but dec~eases with increasing transmitted power or increasing

difference in absorption coefficient at Àl and À2 •

In order to draw a comparison with the .1aser-induced f1uorescence and Raman scattering techniques we need to consider the difference in the

number of photoe1ectrons arising from the backscattered radiation at wavelengths and


Thus where fiN


e fiN e e e - <NI > - <N2 > (4.15) { exp( 2<1 <N>r )-1 } (4.16) e e

It should be noted that it is fiNe' not <NI> or <N2>,that has to be cqmpared with the RMS of the sky background to ensure a good signal to noise ratio.


5.1 Basis For Comparison and 8ystem Characteristics

The first question that has to be answered is, on what basis Sh0uad the comparison be made; on the cost of the system for a given sensitivity or on the sensitivity for a given output power of the laser. The latter was chosen in this study because it is f~lt that with the rapid and dramatic

changes that are so much a part of the laser technology evolution .a comparison based upon·sensitivity fqr a given output power would have more general

application. Furthermore, a cost comparison can always be ascertained from these re$ults, once the laser-detector systems are specified.

In this analysis we have assumed that the laser provides only a single, narrow band output pulse of peak power 100 kilowatts. The absolute sensitivity for a given technique calculated on this basis is rather con-servative as these assumptions are somewhat modest. In many insxances the output power of the laser can be increased and repetitive pulsing is possible to improve the signal to noise ratio. For daytime operation solar background dominates the noise problem. The 100 kilowatts was chosen as being practically achievable today for each technique. However, it should be mentioned that high po~er ruby lasers, with second harmonie generators, can 'be used for the Raman work with output powers in excess of 106 watts at 3472°A for a single pulse operation. Nevertheless, improvements in the .tunable dye laser field,

should erode this advantage to a large extent. Moreover, such very high powers are not conducive for urban area monitoring.

The basic operational characteristics assume~ for the laser-radar system considered in this analysis are listed in Tables VI and VII respeètive1y. The pertinent N0 2 and 802 properties were 1isted in Tables I, 11, IIT, IV ·and V, where we have assumed a Frank-Condon factor of 0.1 for both gases.

In the Differentia1 Absorption and 8cattering technique there exist two parameters that depend upon the aerosol distribution. These are the scattering extinction coefficient, EM' and the backscattering coefficient,


Unfortunate1y the re1ationship between


and EM depends upon,several factors inc1uding the aerosol size and refractive index. In ·any given situation substantial averaging will occur and so according to the work of Barrett and Ben-Dov (Ref. 1) and Rensch and Long (Ref. 35) it would.not


seem unreasonable to assume



4 x 10~2 E, where E could be taken as the

total Rayleigh-Mie extinction coefficient, and.that E


0.45 km-I for a

light fog, whilst E


0.1 km-I for a clear day.

5.2 Results of the Comparison for Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide

The laser. radar equation can be put into acommon form which will

apply for all three techniques of interest. TABLE VI


S02 N02

Technique Raman Fluorescence Fluorescence S02 DAS N0 2DAS

Total Output Power 100 kw 100 kw 100 kw 100 kw 100 kw

Pulse Dur at ion 10 ns 15 ns* 15 ns* 10 ns 10 ns

Laser Wavelength 33710A 30200A 4544°A 30200A 44800A

*The additional 5 ns in the effective duration of the pulse arises from the quenched lifetime for the fluorescence.



Collector Diameter 25 cm

Filter Bandwidth

Optical Efficiency 75%

Range Resolution lOm










ex ex ex

r where



is the appropriat~ mean cross-section


N (r) is the relevant constituent number density and


~ (r) is the corresponding attenuation factor.


- - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- _ .. _

-For a photodetection system having an integration time T, and a photocathode

Quantum efficiency


the number ofphotoelectrons produced per range increment,

!iN , is given by


fiN a




Now, fer the fluorescence technique

{ cr N (r a a

H (


r) }



crFNF , and



exp [-2r(E + EA) ]

for.the Raman backscattering techniQue



cr.RNR, and



exp [ -2rE ] whilst for the DAS techniQue _







is the mean extinction coefficient for the fluorescing

1 Jr A R-El


r o cr


1 ) N ( r ) dr and 1


A R-E2


r o cr


2 ) N ( r ) dr constituent and (5.2)

are the respective mean eftinctiîn coefficients for the absorbing constituent at the laser wavelengthÀl and À2 .

If we assume thatthe constituent of interest has a uniform

distri-bution then equation 5.2 can be usedto calculate the number of photoelectrons.

created per range increment for each techniQue, as afunction of range, for a

given concentration. The results of these calculations are shown.in Figures

5, 6,

7 and


In Figure 5, the three techniQ~es ar~ compared for S02 for

concentrations of 10 ppm, 1.0 ppm and 0.1 ppm under conditions of light haze,



0.45 km-I, whilst in Figure


the comparison is made again for S02' but for a clear day, with E


0.1 km-I •. In the case of N02, there is no Raman backscattering at 33710A and so the comparison is essentially between

Fluor-escence ana DAS. However, in order that one may obtain some feel.for the relative magnitudes of the signals the S02 Raman results are included on the N02 figures.

The solar scattered background will .also give .a contribution to


can be calculated using an equation similar to (5.2). In this instanee the

mean number of background generated photoelectrons is given by




is the acceptance solid angle of the deteetor and B( À) b.À is the

radiative background flux incid~nt on the detector within the spectral interval b.À, permitted through the filter. It should be mentioned th~t the optical efficiency parameter E* does not, in this case, include any transmitter losses that might arise in the laser-radar system.

If we assume that these bursts of background photoelectrons are described by Poisson statistics, then the RMS value of the fluctuations

We can also write

where ~ a 2 is tpe effective area, at ·range r, within the field of view, and SB(À) is the sol~r background radiance of the sky in. watts cm-2sr-1/oA.

If 'the opties are weIl designed then air


8, the laser beam's half angle divergence, so that

According to Knestrick and. Curcio (Ref. 36)

in the 3500-4500oA range on a clear day. Thus if we take b.À


10oA, 8


lmrad, E*


80%, À


45000A and the other parameters as listed in

Table VII, then a fairly conservative value for b.Ne~ is 10 photoelectrons per range increment, which is indicated on the figures.

It is immediately evident from Figures 5, 6,


and 8, that the DAS technique offers the greatest sensitivity, whilst Raman backscattering offers theleast sensitivity, for a given concentration of either S02 or

N02. Moreover, reference to the RMS of the sky background, b.N~, for a bright .day indicates a potential range for the DAS approach of several kilometers, even for single pulse operation. I t i s also clear from these

figures that although the signal increases with concentration for short

range operation, the accompanying attenuation suffered by the laser beam prevents the range from being increased for high concentration of species under conditions of uniform distribution.

In general it is to be expected that when only local regions.of high concentration occur the range limitation will be considerably im~roved.


In particular, in Section


we shall demonstrate that in the case of the fluorescence technique the maximum range for the detection of local high concentTations of N02 is extended by a factor of about


This st rong attenuation problem is of course part of the price paid for having the

laser'wavelength selected to coincide with an absorption band and hence döes not arise in the'Raman scattering technique. In the case of fluorescence the problem'is'compounded by the very low quantum yield factors, which necessitate the absorption of many laser photons in order that a fElware converted into fluorescence photons that may be detected.



6.1 Two Limiting-Plume Distributions

In this section we wish to consider the effects of localized

sourees of high concentration on·the expected return signals. We shall limit the calculatións to the fluorescence technique, and in particular to N02 mapping. Nevertheless, it is felt that from the results obtained, a better understanding will emerge which can then be generalized. We shall consider two limiting plume concentration profiles in this analysis. We shall take a Gaussian'distribution a~ representative of a highly localized source, while a Lo~entzian distribution will be taken as representative of a rather diffuse source. In general we can write the number density of the constituent of interest where =< 2.7 x 1013 [

{p -p}

max 0 G (r) + P ] o G(r)


exp [ -


2 ] (6.1)

for the Gaussian.plume- a.n.d




-(r-r JZ+W-Z


for ·the Lorentzian plume. W being thee-1 half width for the Gaussian

distribution and the half width at half maximum for the Lorentzian distri-bution, ro is the distance of the centre of the distribution fr om the laser-radar system in each case. Pmax and Po are the respective peak and average values of the concentration of the constituent in ppm. We can then write the .number of photoelectrons created per range increment, due to laser induced fluorescence F élN (r)


n e Q, ETALP OF hv

This can be expressed in the form

{ _rr A



r A F }


t:.N F


if we make the reasonably conservative assumption

and we introduce

6.2 Results for Localized Sources


t:.N F for N02 has been evaluated as a function of range for a number

of Pmax' ro ~nd w cases using equations (6.1) and(6.2). Two sets of results are shown as Figures 9 and 10. Figure 9 shows a sequence of pu1ses that

wou1d be observed from a Gaussian plume, of e- 1 half width 20m, located at

a range of 102 , 2 x 102 , 5 x 102 , 7.5 x 102 , 10 3 or 1.5 x 103m. Figure 10,

on the other hand, shows the corresponding sequence of pulses that might be

obtained fr om a Lorentzian p1ume, of HWHM


2Om, and located at a range of

102 , 2 x 102 , 5 x 102 , 7.5 x 102, 103 or 1.5 x 103m. Pmax was taken as '

10 ppm in both cases and Po is assumed equa1 to 0.1 ppm throughout this

work. Tt should be mentioned at this point that·time and distance are

interchangeab1e for the abscissa scale in these figures due to the radar

mode of operation.

A study of the corresponding sequence of pulses arising from higher peak concentrations c1early indicates that absorption within the

p~ume causes severe distortion of the observed p1ume profile. This distortion

resu1ts in a considerably reduced peak amplitude and an apparent shif~ towards

the observer of the peak concentration. These effects are i11ustrated in

Figures 11 and 12 for both types of plume distribution. As might be expected

the Lorentzian distribution yields the strongest distortion due to its

extensive nature, and the 1arger the width of a plume, for a given peak

concentration, the more severe the distortion. With regard to interpretation of an observed p1ume return, it is clear that the severe distortion is

accompanied by a step in the background signa1. Under certain conditions

this jump in the background could contain sufficient information to allow a

correct ion to be made to the p1ume signal. Tn1fact, there is no ambiguity,

for even if two returns have the same amplitude, the size of the step in the

background preceding the pu1se will distinguish the high from the low

concen-tration regions.

Figure 13 illustrates the saturation in the peak amplitude of the

return signa1 which is observed with increasing concentration. Tt is also

c1ear from this figure thatthe wagnitude of the fluorescent return

assoc-iated with the centre of the p1ume actua11y reaches a maximum and then

dec1ines with further increases in peak concentration. Tt is evident

from Figure 13, that for a p1ume full width of about 40 m, the fluorescent

return signa1 is re1iable for either type of p1ume profile provided Pmax

is 1ess than about 10 ppm. This is again indicated in Figure 14 where it

is seen that for p


10 ppm, the fluorescence signal is practical1y max


independent of the plume shape. Figure 14 also shows the improved range' ,

of this fluorescence technique over that estimated from the mean concen~

tration curves, such as seen in Figure


Since the absorption

character-istics of S02 are quite similar to that of N02 it is feIt that similar

results would be obtained with S02'



The.comparative study of laser methods of air'pollution mapping discussed in this report has 'been completed. The major results of the analysis and the conclusions to be drawn from these results will be summarized as they concern N0 2 and S02 monitoring.

(1) It is evident from our work that with regard to range and sensitivity, Differential Absorption and Scattering has the potentialof somewhat superior performance compared to the Fluorescence method of monitoring gaseous-pollutants in theatmosphere, and both should have considerably better performance than could be achieved with the Raman,Backscatterin.g Technique.

(2) The fairly'strong absorption bands used in either the DAS or the

Fluorescence technique leads to appreciable attenuation of the return signals at 'high concentrations of the constituent of interest. This attenuationis in fact more than sufficient to compensate for the

increase in'signal arising from thehigher concentration. Consequently, both of these techniques have a built-in disadvaotage when it comes to observing high concentrations over long range.

(3) We have shown that when localized sources of pollutant are of interest ' the range of'detection can be considerably extended an~ in particular

-we have'indicated that for NO 2, , it should be possible even, in daylight

conditions; to attain reasonably reliable measurements of localized

concentrations(less than'lO ppm) to a distance of several hundred meters using the Fluorescence method'with a single 100 kw laser pulse. This range could be extended to several kilometers if the laser power

is increased by a factor of ten or a repetition rate of 100 pps is


(4) For localized concentrations of' N02 in excess of 10 ppm considerabl'e d~stortion of the return signal has been predicted. This distortion

takes three forms; an-appreciable attenuation of the signal amplitude, sn apparent-shift of the'location'ofthe'peak concentration towards the observer and lastly'a-substantial fall in-the background signal

'subsequent to the-region-of high concentration. It is believed that ,

a similar distortion would occur for other constituents which have a small quantum'yield,suchas 'S02'

Although i t is clear that ,the' Differential Absorption and

Scattering'techniquemight-offer thegreatest sensitivity for a given laser power, ,the additional sophisticatedequipment required in both the laser and processor is not available 'at'presentand is likely to be expensive.

More-over, the interpretation 'of the return 'signal associated,with this,technique

is difficult because it relies 'on 'Mie'backscattered laser radiation which

in turn depends upon the sizeand type of aerosol,distribution along the path of the laser beam. In view of these problems we recommend that the


that the F1uorescence approach bepursued as it offers a re1atively" inexp~n~~e

systemwhich has the "potentia1 to Q.stect and map a number "of" the'"more "lmrnrfu:l

constituents "of"-oururban atmosphere. I t "is strongly" suggested-that-a-f'urther.

study 'be--undert-aken -to extend this "analysis to other gases of conc"ern,--suctr-ët'S

o?:one." In si tuai;ions where extensi ve regions of highconcentration of"'p"Oilut"ant

are of """interest the Raman approacb would appear to have app1ication for there

is virtua11y "no saturation effect associated "wi th this technique, due to i ts

effective quantum yie1d of unity.

l. Barrett, E.




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B. 3. Melfi, S. H. Lawrence, J. D. McCormick, M. P. 4. Cooney, J. 5. Schotland, R. M. 6. Stern,


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