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Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits of the southern part of the Yalta and Ay-Petri massifs


Academic year: 2021

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Summary ... 7

Streszczenie ... 8

1. Introduction ... 9

2. Geological setting ... 11

3. Outline of the research history of the study area ... 15

4. Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits of the southern part of the Yalta and Ay-Petri massifs ... 21

4.1. Regional lithostratigraphic horizons ... 21

4.1.1. General remarks ... 21

4.1.2. Outline of the classic lithostratigraphy of the Yalta and the Ay-Petri massifs ... 22

4.2. Methods ... 24

4.3. General lithostratigraphic characteristic of the Yalta and the Ay-Petri massifs ... 32

4.3.1. The KJ section (Yalta Massif, Iograf Ridge, Kimmeridgian-Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 32

4.3.2. The KK section (Yalta Massif, Plateau, Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 62

4.3.3. The KM section (Yalta Massif, Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 68

4.3.4. The KN section (Yalta Massif, Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 76

4.3.5. The KL section (Yalta Massif, Plateau, Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 82

4.3.6. The KP section (Yalta Massif, Taraktysh Rocks, Tithonian, thin-bedded facies) ... 88

4.3.7. The KO section (Yalta Massif, Taraktysh Rocks, Upper Tithonian-Berriasian, thin bedded and nodular limestones) ... 92



4.3.8. The KS section (Ay-Petri Massif, Yalta-Bakchysaray road,

Tithonian, bedded limestones) ... 102

4.3.9. The KB section (Ay-Petri Massif, Ay-Petri Mountain, Kimmeridgian-Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, massive limestones) ... 108

4.3.10. The KA section (Ay-Petri Massif, Ay-Petri Mountain, Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, massive limestones) ... 116

4.3.11. The KR section (Ay-Petri Massif, Ay-Petri Mountain, Tithonian, massive-bedded limestones) ... 158

4.3.12. The KC section (Ay-Petri Massif, Ay-Petri Mountain, Kimmeridgian-Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, massive-bedded limestones) ... 164

4.3.13. The KE section (Ay-Petri Massif, Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 182

4.3.14. The KF section (Ay-Petri Massif, Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 190

4.3.15. The KD section (Ay-Petri Massif, Plateau, Upper Tithonian-Lower Berriasian, bedded limestones) ... 196

4.3.16. The KG section (Ay-Petri Massif, At-Bash Mountain, Tithonian, bedded and massive limestones) ... 202

4.4. Facies development of the Yalta and the Ay-Petri massifs ... 214

4.4.1. Remarks on the tectonics disturbing the recent facies pattern ... 214

4.4.2. Facies ... 216

4.4.3. Facies relationships among the sequences... 219

4.4.4. Development of deposition on carbonate platform of the Crimean Mts. in the areas of the Yalta and the Ay-Petri massifs ... 222

4.5. Selected aspects of development and evolution of carbonate platform deposition in the Crimean Mts ... 226

4.5.1. General remarks ... 226

4.5.2. Stratigraphic problems of the Yalta and the Ay-Petri massifs ... 227

4.5.3. Remarks on the structure of reefs – examples from the Ay-Petri reef complex ... 228

4.5.4. The role of selected microencrusters as important reef-builders... 232

4.5.5. Remarks on the reefs complexes from the Crimean Peninsula and the Caucasus Mts ... 240

5. Final conclusions ... 244

References ... 247


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