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International Business Administration


Academic year: 2022

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International Business Administration

Studia IBA BA i MA na Europejskim Uniwersytecie Viadrina - praktyczne wskazówki od polskich studentów

Dagmara Adamus Studentka IBA BA i MA w latach 2016-2022 29 Marca 2022


Top 10 % WIWI Programme in Europa 2020

Top 10% Business Administration

Programs in Europe 2020

The most popular University 2018 and 2019 in Germany The most popular German university for international students 2019 IBA Program @ Viadrina top-ranked in Germany`s

most important university ranking 2020

Top University Rankings

for your IBA study program



German Students 56%

Foreign Regular Students


Turkey 21%

Spain 15%

Poland 25%

Asia 4%

Europe other 20%

America 15%

Foreign Exchange

Students 17%

Source: Viadrina Admission Office 2020

Total number IBA: 737 Students (Bachelor + Master)

IBA Student Structure -

over 30 Nationalities enrolled


Structure of the IBA Bachelor Program

• Duration: 6 semesters/3 years

• 80 students starting the program each year – ca. 50 percent international students

• Viadrina Professors and International lecturers

Application and Admission



– 3



Basic Studies

Advanced Studies


Semester or year abroad

Language Courses


in IBA

• Students are encouraged to study abroad for an exchange semester/year

• Courses during semesters 1 – 3 are completely held in English, later bilingual.




Bachelor Thesis



– 6





IBA Bachelor Courses


1. International Management 2. Financial Accounting

3. Business Informatics 4. Mathematics

5. Management Accounting 6. Production & Logistics 7. Microeconomics

8. Statistics

9. Finance & Investments 10. Business Taxation

11. Macroeconomics 12. Marketing

Module groups

1. The Management Process 2. Innovation & Marketing

3. Information & Operations Management 4. European Taxation

5. Domestic Taxation 6. Accounting

7. Finance

8. Quantitative Methods 9. European Economics

10. Banking & International Finance Foreign language (A2, B2)

Softskills Internship

Bachelor Thesis

Ch oos e 3 module gr oups out of 10 ac co rd ing to your per so nal interes ts 1s t sem es ter 2nd sem es ter 3r d sem es ter

Advanced studies: semester 4 – 6

Basic studies: semester 1 – 3


IBA semester block structure creates high flexibility for your

exchange and internships options

Summer Semester

Break Exams

Block 1 1 Week

Lectures Block 2 7 Weeks

Exams Block 2 1 Weeks Lectures

Block 1 7 Weeks

October – February

Language Courses

Winter Semester Break Winter Semester Break

Intensive Language Courses Exam registration:




Integrated language education within the IBA Program

For international IBA Students: DSH / B2

• DSH 1 at Viadrina Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum)

• or TestDaF; Goethe Certificate (Test centre e.g.

in Berlin, Poznań)

At the end of your IBA BA study program, you need to have a German B2 Level CEFR

Excellent study conditions

• Wide range of languages: German, English, French, Polish, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Turkish

• Extensive offer of different courses and levels

• Internationally recognized certificates

More than languages

• Conveyance of intercultural competencies

• Excellent preparation for international challenges


Your choice

Erasmus Exchange Programs

47 Universities in 19 European countries

25 Universities in 11 non-EU countries worldwide

Complete list of IBA Partner Universities:




Optional Double Degree Programs within the IBA Bachelor Program

Universidad Católica de

Córdoba, Argentina

Manchester Metropolitan

University, Great Britain

ICN École de Management,

Nancy, France

Sup de Co Montpellier,



Semester 4-6

Semester 4-6 at our Partner University – two B.Sc. degrees (and two M.Sc. degrees within the IBA Master!) possible

Toulouse Business School

More details about the Double Degree Program:


IBA Master Double Degree: Poland, Argentina, Finland, France, Colombia, Turkey


IBA Bachelor – Application

Miejsce składania dokumentów: uni-assist: https://www.uni-assist.de/en/

Termin składania dokumentów: 01.06 - 15.07.2022 Proces składania dokumentów:

✓ na stronie uni-assist: https://www.uni-assist.de/en/how-to-apply

✓ na stronie 5 Steps to the Viadrina: https://www.europa-

uni.de/en/internationales/Students/Incomings/Applying/Bachelor/index.html Dokumenty rekrutacyjne: https://www.europa-

uni.de/en/internationales/Students/Incomings/Applying/Bachelor/bachelo r_diplom.html

wydrukowany i podpisany wniosek o przyjęcie na studia (formularz dostępny na stronie uni-assist)

kopie świadectwa maturalnego oraz świadectwa ukończenia szkoły średniej (uwaga: potwierdzone przez notariusza i przetłumaczone na j. niemiecki lub angielski przez tłumacza przysięgłego)

certyfikat znajomości języka angielskiego (lista certyfikatów akceptowanych przez IBA:


kopia dokumentu tożsamości

życiorys (CV)

dowód uiszczenia opłaty rekrutacyjnej na konto uni-assist (75 EUR – preferowany kierunek studiów, 35 EUR – każdy kolejny wybór)

Rejestracja na studia na Viadrinie (Enrollment)



IBA Bachelor & Master Moja historia

Studia IBA I i II stopnia → 4 dyplomy z 3 uczelni z 3 różnych krajów

✓ Niemcy: B.Sc. & M.Sc. International Business Administration (EUV)

✓ Anglia: BA International Business (MMU)

✓ Polska: M.Sc. Finanse i Rachunkowość (SGH)

Znajomość języków obcych w stopniu C1 – niemiecki i angielski (TestDAF, CAE) Doświadczenie w życiu i pracy za granicą

Działalność wolontariacka w organizacjach studenckich (Interstudis Frankfurt (Oder), ViaMUN, RocketWorld Project, Ambassador of the Europe Day 2018) Zaszczyt przynależenia do grona stypendystów (Viadrina Starting Grant 2016/2017, Deutschlandstipendium 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2020/2021)

... międzynarodowa sieć kontaktów i przyjaźnie, które są



Thank you for your attention and get

ready for your IBA experience!



IBA Program – Your Contact Person

IBA Program Office

Dipl.-Kfm. Ingo Trenkmann Main Building, Deans Office Room HG 224

European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Große Scharrnstraße 59

D - 15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Tel: +49 (0) 335 5534 2992

Fax: +49 (0) 335 5534 2993 trenkmann@europa-uni.de

IBA Bachelor Program: https://www.wiwi.europa- uni.de/de/studium/neue-studienangebote/iba- bachelor/index.html


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