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Projection-based Embedded Discrete Fracture Model (pEDFM)


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Projection-based Embedded Discrete Fracture Model (pEDFM)

Tene, Matei; Bosma, Sebastian; Al Kobaisi, Mohammed S.; Hajibeygi, Hadi



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Published in

Advances in Water Resources

Citation (APA)

Tene, M., Bosma, S., Al Kobaisi, M. S., & Hajibeygi, H. (2017). Projection-based Embedded Discrete

Fracture Model (pEDFM). Advances in Water Resources, 105, 205-216.


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Article history:

Received 30 January 2017 Revised 12 May 2017 Accepted 13 May 2017 Available online 15 May 2017


Fracture modelling

Embedded discrete fracture model Fractured reservoirs

Heterogeneous geological properties Flow in porous media









Thisworkpresentsanewdiscretefracturemodel,namelytheProjection-basedEmbeddedDiscrete Frac-tureModel(pEDFM).SimilartotheexistingEDFMapproach,pEDFMconstructsindependentgridsforthe matrixandfracturedomains,anddeliversstrictlyconservativevelocityfields.However,asasignificant stepforward,itisabletoaccuratelymodeltheeffectoffractureswithgeneralconductivitycontrasts rel-ativetothematrix,includingimpermeableflowbarriers.Thisisachievedbyautomaticallyadjustingthe matrixtransmissibilityfield, inaccordancetotheconductivityofneighboringfracturenetworks, along-sidetheintroductionofadditionalmatrix-fractureconnections.TheperformanceofpEDFMisinvestigated extensivelyfortwo-andthree-dimensionalscenariosinvolvingsingle-phaseaswellasmultiphaseflows. Thesenumericalexperimentsaretargetedatdeterminingthesensitivityofthemodeltowardsthe frac-turepositionwithinthematrixcontrolvolume,gridresolutionandtheconductivitycontrasttowardsthe matrix.ThepEDFMsignificantlyoutperformstheoriginalEDFMandproducesresultscomparabletothose obtainedwhenusingDFMonunstructuredgrids,thereforeprovingtobeaflexiblemodelforfield-scale simulationofflowinnaturallyfracturedreservoirs.

© 2017TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierLtd. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense.(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

1. Introduction

Accurate and efficient simulation of flow through subsurface formations is essential for effective engineering operations (in-cluding production,storageoptimizationandsafety assessments). Alongside their intrinsic heterogeneous properties,the target ge-ological formations oftencontain complex networksof naturally-formed or artificially-induced fractures, with a wide range of conductivity properties. Given their significant impact on flow patterns, the accurate representation of these lower-dimensional structuralfeatures is paramountforthe qualityof thesimulation results(Berkowitz,2002).

Discrete Fracture Models (DFM) reduce the dimensionality of the problemby constrainingthefractures, aswell asany inhibit-ing flow barriers, to lie at the interfaces between matrix rock cells(Ahmedetal.,2015; Karimi-Fardetal.,2004;Reichenberger et al., 2006). Then, local grid refinements are applied, where a higher level of detail is necessary, leading to a discrete repre-sentationof theflow equations on,sometimes complex, unstruc-turedgrids(Karimi-FardandDurlofsky,2016;Matthäietal.,2007;

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: m.tene@tudelft.nl (M. ¸T ene), s.b.m.bosma@student.tudelft.nl

(S.B.M. Bosma), malkobaisi@pi.ac.ae (M.S. Al Kobaisi), h.hajibeygi@tudelft.nl (H. Ha- jibeygi).

Sahimi et al., 2010; Schwenck etal., 2015; Tatomir et al., 2011).

Although the DFMapproach has been extended to include com-plex fluids and rock physics – e.g. compositional displacements

(Moortgat et al., 2016; Moortgat and Firoozabadi, 2013) and

ge-omechanicaleffects (Garipov et al., 2016) – its reliance on com-plex computational grids mayraise important challengesin real-fieldapplications.

This hasled to the emergence of models which make use of non-conforming grids w.r.t. fracture-matrix connections, such as eXtendedFiniteElementMethods(XFEM,seeFlemischetal.,2016) andEmbeddedDiscreteFractureModels(EDFM,introduced inLee et al., 2000; Li and Lee, 2008). This paper focuses on the lat-ter, which are especially appealing due to their intrinsic ability to deliver mass-conservative flux fields. To this end, the lower-dimensional structural features withrelatively small lengths (i.e. fullycontainedinasinglefine-scalematrixcell)arefirst homog-enized,byalteringtheeffectivepermeabilityoftheirsupportrock

(Pluimers, 2015). Then, the remaining fracture networksare

dis-cretizedon separate numericalgrids, definedindependentlyfrom that of the matrix (Deb and Jenny, 2016; Karvounis and Jenny, 2016). A comprehensive comparison between DFM and EDFM, alongwithother fracturemodels, isperformedbyFlemischetal. (2017).

The EDFM has been applied to reservoirs containing highly-conductive fractures with complex geometrical configurations, whileconsideringcompositionalfluidphysics(Moinfaretal.,2014)



and plastic and elastic deformation (Norbeck et al., 2016). It hasseen used asan upscaling technique (Fumagalli et al., 2016;

2017) and was successfully paired with multiscale methods for efficientflowsimulation (Hajibeygi etal.,2011; Shahetal., 2016;

¸Teneetal.,2016a;2016b).However, theexperimentspresentedin

thispapershow that,inits currentformulation,themodelisnot suitableincaseswhenthefracturepermeabilityliesbelowthatof thematrix.Inaddition,evenwhenfracturescoincidewiththe in-terfacesofmatrixcells,theexistingEDFMformulationstillallows for independent flow leakage (i.e. disregarding the properties of thefractureplacedbetweenneighbouringmatrixcells).Toresolve theseimportantlimitations,thisworkproposesanewformulation for embedded fracture approaches, namely, the projection-based EDFM(pEDFM).ThepEDFMisshowntosuccessfullyaccommodate tolower-dimensionalstructuralfeatureswithawiderangeof per-meabilitycontrasts towards thematrix. Thisincludes highly con-ductivefracturesandflowbarrierswithsmallapertures,relativeto thereservoirscale,whichallowstheirrepresentationas2Dplates. Fortheremainderofthepaper,theywillbereferredto,simply,as fractures,regardlessoftheirconductiveproperties.

The devised pEDFMformulationretainsthegeometric flexibil-ityoftheclassicEDFMprocedure.Morespecifically,oncethe frac-tureand matrix grids are independently defined, andthe cross-media communication points are identified, pEDFM adjusts the matrix-matrixand fracture-matrix transmissibilities in the vicin-ityoffracturenetworks. Thisensuresthat theconductivityofthe fracturenetworks, which can be severalorders ofmagnitude be-lowor abovethat ofthe matrix,are automaticallytakeninto ac-countwhenconstructingtheflowpatterns.Finally,whenfractures areexplicitlyplacedattheinterfacesofmatrixcells,pEDFM auto-maticallyprovidesidenticalresultstoDFM.

The paper is structured as follows. First, the governing equa-tions are presented anddiscretized according to the pEDFM ap-proach.Then,aseriesofnumericalexperimentsarepresented, tar-getedatvalidatingpEDFMbycomparingitto DFM(i.e.using un-structured grids with fractures being confined at the interfaces) andEDFM.ThesensitivityofpEDFMwithrespecttofracture posi-tionandorientation,gridresolutionandtheconductivitycontrast towards thematrix is studied extensively. Finally, theresults are summarized,conclusionsaredrawnandpossibledirectionsfor fu-tureworkarediscussed.

2. pEDFMformulation

In orderto accommodate fractureswitha wide rangeof con-ductivitycontraststowards thematrix,pEDFMextendstheclassic EDFMdiscretizationofthegoverningflowequationsby automati-callyscalingthematrix-matrixconnections inthevicinityof frac-turenetworks. At the same time, additional fracture-matrix con-nectionsareaddedinordertokeepthesystemofequations well-posedin all possible scenarios. This isexplained in detail in the followingsubsections.


The mass-conservation equationsforisothermal Darcy flow in fracturedmedia, withoutcompositional effects,can bewritten as














m =Qm+ [


iq]m f on

m⊂ Rn (1) forthematrix(superscriptm)and














f =Qf+[


iq]f m on

f⊂ Rn−1 (2)






i and


i arethe phase

satura-tion,mobilityanddensity,respectively.Theqmf andqfm standfor

the cross-media connections, while Qm and Qf are source terms,

e.g. due to perforating wells,capillary andgravity effects, in the matrixandfracturedomain,respectively.

2.2. Discretization

Inordertosolve thecoupledsystemofEqs.(1)and(2), inde-pendentgridsaregeneratedfortherockandfracturedomains(See

Fig.1).Thisapproachalleviatescomplexitiesrelatedtogrid gener-ation,since,unlikeinDFM,fracturesdonotneedtobeconfinedto theinterfacesbetweenmatrixgridcells.

The advection term fromEqs. (1) and (2)is defined for each (matrix-matrix andfracture-fracture) gridinterface, following the two-point-flux approximation (TPFA) finite volume discretization ofthe flux Fij betweeneach pairof neighbouringcellsi and j as

Fi j =Ti j


pi− pj


. (3)

Here, Ti j= Ai j

di j



i j is thetransmissibility, Aij is theinterfacial area,



¯i j istheeffectivefluid

mobilityattheinterface betweeni andj(absolute permeabilities are harmonicallyaveraged, fluid properties are upwinded (Chen, 2007)).

The fracture-matrix coupling terms are modelled similar to



Fi f=  Vi qm fi f dV=Ti f


pf− pi


(4) and Ff i=  Af qf mf i dA=Tf i


pi− pf


, (5)

whereTi f=CIi f


i f=Tf iisthecross-mediatransmissibility.In



if is theeffective fluid mobilityatthe interface between

matrixandfracture(justasbefore,absolutepermeabilitiesare har-monicallyaveraged, fluid propertiesareupwinded), whiletheCIif


CIi f= Si f


i f,

(6) whereSif isthesurfaceareaoftheconnection(tobefurther

spec-ifiedbelow) and


if isthe averagedistance betweenthe points




i f= 1 Vi  i di f d


i, (7)

where dif standsfor the distance betweenfinite volume dvi and

fractureplate.AppendixAgivesananalyticalmethodforits com-putationon2Dstructuredgrids.

2.2.1. EDFM

ConsiderthefracturedmediumfromFig.2,whichisdiscretized on a structured grid.Let Aif be the area of intersectionbetween

fracturecellfandmatrixvolumei(highlightedinyellowinFig.2). TheclassicalEDFMformulation(Hajibeygi etal.,2011;LiandLee, 2008)definesthetransmissibilityas

Ti f=

2Ai f


i f


i f

(8) where,inthiscase, Si f=2Ai f forcomputingCI inEq.(6)and




Fig. 1. In pEDFM, independent grids are defined separately for the matrix and fracture domains.

Fig. 2. Illustration of pEDFM on a 2D structured grid. The matrix cells highlighted in yellow are connected directly to the fracture, as defined in the classic EDFM. The cells highlighted in orange take part in the additional non-neighbouring con- nections between fracture and matrix grid cells, as required by pEDFM. (For inter- pretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)

matrix-matrixconnectionsintheneighborhoodofthefracture (be-tweencontrolvolumesiandj,k,respectively)areleftunmodified fromtheirTPFAfinitevolumesform,i.e

Ti j= Ai j



i j Tik= Aik



ik. (9)

whereAij, Aik are theareasand




ik theeffectivemobilities of


2.2.2. pEDFM

The paperproposesan extension totheEDFMformulation,by modifyingthematrix-matrixandfracture-matrixinthevicinityof fractures. This enables the development of a general embedded discrete fracture modeling approach (pEDFM), applicable incases with any conductivitycontrast between fractures and matrix.To this end, first a set of matrix-matrix interfaces is selected, such thattheydefineacontinuousprojectionpathofeachfracture net-work onthe matrixdomain (highlightedinred onthe rightside ofFig.2).While,devisingagenericalgorithmfortheconstruction ofthesepathsliesoutsidethescope ofthispaper,itisimportant toensuretheircontinuityforeachfracturenetwork.

Consider fracture cell fintersecting matrix volume i on an n -dimensionalstructuredgridoverasurfacearea,Aif.LetAi fxebeits

corresponding projectionsonthepath,alongeach dimension,e= 1,...,n(depictedinredontheleftsideofFig.2).Also,letiebethe

matrix control volumeswhichreside on the opposite side ofthe interfaces affectedby the fracture cell projections(highlightedin


Ti f= Ai f


i f


i f ,Tief= Ai fxe




iefandTiie= Aiie− Ai fxe



iie, (10) whereAiie are theareasofthematrixinterfaceshostingthe

frac-ture cell projections and






iie are effective fluid mobili-tiesbetweenthecorrespondingcells.Noticethattheprojected ar-eas,Ai fxe, are eliminated from the matrix-matrix

transmissibili-tiesand, instead,makethe objectofstand-alone connections be-tween the fracture andthe non-neighbouring(i.e. not directly in-tersected)matrixcellsie.Also, thematrix-matrixconnectivityTiie

willbeeventually zeroifthefractureelements(belongingtoone ormultiplefractures)crossthroughtheentirematrixcelli.

Finally,notethat,forfracturesthatareexplicitlyconfinedtolie alongtheinterfacesbetweenmatrixcells,thepEDFMformulation, asgiveninEq.(10),naturallyreducestotheDFMapproachon un-structuredgrids,whiletheEDFMdoesnot.

GiventheaboveTPFAfinite-volumediscretizationofthe advec-tionandsource termsfromEqs.(1) and(2), afterapplying back-wardEulertimeintegration,thecoupledsystemislinearizedwith theNewton–Raphsonschemeandsolvediteratively.

3. Numericalresults

This section presents the results of numerical experiments of single- and two-phase incompressible flow through two- and three-dimensionalfracturedmedia.TheiraimistovalidatepEDFM, whose formulation was presented in the previous section, and study its sensitivity to fracture position, grid resolution and fracture-matrix conductivity contrast, respectively. The reference solutionfor thesestudies is obtainedon a fully resolved grid,i.e. wherethesize ofeachcell isequalto thefracture aperture.This allowsthefollowingmodelerrormeasurement,

1 Ncoarse = N 1


p f ine− pcoarse


Ncoarse (11) whereNcoarseisthenumberofgridcellsusedbypEDFMandp f ine

is the corresponding fully-resolved pressure, interpolated to the coarsescale,ifnecessary.Some oftheexperimentswererepeated fortheclassicEDFM,aswellasunstructuredDFM,forcomparison purposes.

Forsimplicity,butwithoutlossofgenerality,theflowinthese experimentsisdrivenbyDirichletboundaryconditions,insteadof injectionandproductionwells,whilecapillaryandgravity effects areneglected.


Fig. 3. Fully-resolved (c) EDFM (d) and pEDFM (e) pressure solutions in a homogeneous reservoir containing a + −shaped highly-conductive fracture network (top).

Finally,thesimulationswereperformedusingtheDARSim1 in-housesimulator,usingasequentiallyimplicitstrategyforthe mul-tiphaseflowcases.


In order to validate pEDFM as a fine-scale model suitable to accommodatefractureswithawiderangeofpermeabilities, a2D homogeneousdomain(km=1) isconsidered,havinga+−shaped

fracturenetwork, locatedin themiddle.In orderto drivethe in-compressiblesingle-phaseflow,Dirichletboundaryconditionswith non-dimensionalpressure valuesof p=1and p=0are imposed ontheleftandrightboundariesofthedomain,respectively,while thetopandbottomsidesaresubjecttono-flowconditions.

As shown in Fig.3, the studyis first conductedin a scenario where the fractures are 8 orders of magnitude more conductive thanthematrix.Thereferencesolution,inthiscase, iscomputed ona 1001 × 1001 structured cartesian grid. From the bottom of

Fig.3,itisclearthatbothEDFMandpEDFM,onacoarser11× 11 domain,canreproducethebehavioroftheflowasdictatedbythe highly-conductiveembeddedfracturenetwork.

AsshowninFig.4,thesameexperimentwasrerunforthecase wherethefracture permeabilitylies8ordersofmagnitudebelow thatofthehostmatrix.TheresultsexposethelimitationsofEDFM, wheretheimpermeablefracturesaresimplyby-passedbytheflow throughthe(unaltered)matrix,resultinginapressurefield corre-spondingtoareservoirwithhomogeneous(non-fractured) perme-ability.Ontheotherhand,throughitsnewformulation,pEDFMis abletoreproducetheeffectoftheinhibitingflowbarrier(see bot-tomofFig.4),confirmingitsapplicabilitytothiscase.

Theseexperimentsconfirm thatpEDFMisasuitable extension of EDFMto a wider range of geological scenarios, being able to reproducethecorrectflowbehaviourinthepresenceofbothhigh andlowpermeablefractures,embeddedintheporousmatrix.

3.2. Sensitivitytothefracturepositionwithinthegridcell

Given that pEDFM typically operates on much coarser grids than thefully resolved case, it isof interest toelicit its sensitiv-ityto thefracture positionwithin the hostgrid cell.Tothis end, the +−shaped fracture configurationis considered; thereference solution is computed on a 37 × 37 (i.e.,2187 × 2187) cell grid, whilepEDFMgridoperatesat10× 10resolution.

FromFig.3,itappears thatinthecasewhenthefracture net-work ishighlyconductive, thehorizontalfracture isthe one that dictates the flow. Consequently, successive simulations are con-ducted for both EDFM and pEDFM,while moving the horizontal fracturefromtop tobottom,asshowninFig.5.Theiraccuracyis measuredusingEq.(11).

The results show that EDFMis more accurate when fractures areplacedatthecellcenter,ratherthanwhentheyareclosetothe interface.However, oncethefracturecoincides withtheinterface, EDFMconnectsitto both matrixcells(each,withaCI calculated usingSi f=Ai f inEq.(6),insteadof2AifaswasthecaseinEq.(8)), thusexplainingtheabruptdipinerror.Incontrast,thepEDFM er-ror attains its peak when fracturesare placed atthe cell centers and doesnot exhibit anyjumps over the interface. The error of bothmethodslieswithin similarbounds(stillpEDFMismore ac-curate) showing that they applicable to the case when fractures arehighlyconductive. Theconsistent aspectofpEDFMisthat, its resultsforthecasewhenfracturescoincidewiththematrix inter-faces, its results are identical tothe DFM method,while –as ex-plainedbefore– thisisnotthecaseforEDFM.

When the networkis nearly impermeable, thelocation of the vertical fracture is critical to the flow (Fig. 4). As such, for the purposesofthecurrentexperiment, itwillbeshiftedfromleftto right,asshowninFig.6.Theresultingerrorplotshowsadramatic increaseforEDFM,whencomparedtoFig.6,duetoitsinabilityto handlefractureswithconductivitiesthatliebelowthatofthe ma-trix.pEDFM,ontheotherhandshowsasimilarbehavioranderror


Fig. 4. Fully-resolved (c) EDFM (d) and pEDFM (e) pressure solutions in a homogeneous reservoir containing a + −shaped nearly impermeable flow barrier (top).

Fig. 5. Sensitivity of pEDFM to the position of highly conductive fractures, embedded within the matrix grid cells. To this end, the horizontal fracture of the + −shaped network is successively moved from top to bottom over a 2 grid cell window (top), while monitoring the pressure mismatch towards the corresponding fully resolved simulation (bottom).

rangeaswasobservedinthecasewithhighlyconductivefractures, i.e.,itretainsitshighaccuracy.

TheseresultsshowapromisingtrendforpEDFM,whichisable to maintain reasonable representation accuracy of the effect of the embeddedfractures. The slightincrease inerrorfor fractures placed nearthematrixcellcenters maybemitigated by employ-ingmoderatelocalgridrefinements.


Anotherimportantfactorinassessingthequalityofan embed-dedfracturemodelisitsorderofaccuracywithrespecttothegrid resolution.Aseriesofnestedmatrixgridsforthe+−shaped

frac-ture test caseof Figs. 3 and 4 was constructed. The number of


for-Fig. 6. Sensitivity of pEDFM to the position of nearly impermeable fractures, embedded within the matrix grid cells. The vertical fracture of the + −shaped network is successively moved from left to right over a 2 grid cell window (top), while monitoring the pressure mismatch towards the corresponding fully resolved simulation (bottom).

Fig. 7. Grid resolution sensitivity of pEDFM, EDFM and DFM on the case with highly conductive fractures. The sequence of plots on the top shows pressure error maps for the three methods, when N x = N y = 3 6 (or h = 0 . 0015 ) holds for pEDFM and EDFM, and DFM employs comparable total number of elements.


Fig. 8. Grid resolution sensitivity of pEDFM, EDFM and DFM on the case with nearly impermeable fractures. The sequence of plots on the top shows pressure error maps for the three methods, when N x = N y = 3 6 (or h = 0 . 0015 ) holds for pEDFM and EDFM, and DFM employs comparable total number of elements.

mula,wherei=2,3,...,up toareferencegrid resolution,where i=7.Atthesametime,thefracturegridisalsorefinedaccordingly such thatits stepsizeapproximatelymatchestheone inthe ma-trix,h=


y.Themeasureofaccuracyforthiscaseissimilar to Eq. (11), where,this time, no interpolation is necessary, since the cell centroids are inheritedfrom one level to anotherin the nestedgridhierarchy.

Forabettercomparison,alongsidepEDFMandEDFM,thesame sequenceofgeologicalscenarioswassimulatedusingDFMona2D unstructuredgrid(Karimi-Fardetal.,2004),wherethenumberof triangleswastweakedtomatchN=Nx× Nyascloselyaspossible

andwithoutimposinganypreferentialgridrefinementaroundthe fractures.

The results of this study, in the case when the fractures are highlyconductive, are depictedin Fig.7. It followsthat all three methods experience a linear decay in error withincreasing grid resolution. The three error snapshots, which were taken when Nx=Ny=36 (or h=0.0015),show thatthepressure mismatchis

mainly concentrated around the tips of the horizontal fracture, whichrepresentthe network’sinflowandoutflowpoints, respec-tively.ForEDFM, theerrordecaysradially forpointsfurtheraway fromthesefracturetips.ForpEDFM,thecontourcurvesareslightly skewed, depending on thechoice betweenupperand lower ma-trix interfacesfor the fracture projection (both are equally prob-able since thehorizontal fracturecrosses thegrid cell centroids). Finally,forDFM theerrordistribution showssome heterogeneity, which isaconsequence ofusingunstructuredgrids ina medium which, except for the neighborhood of the fractures, is homoge-neous.

The scenario when the fracture network is considered almost impermeable cannotbe properlyhandledbyEDFM,regardlessof which grid resolution is used (Fig. 8). This serious limitation is,

onceagain,successfullyovercomebyusingpEDFM,which,similar toDFM,maintainsitslinearscalabilitywithgridrefinementonthis challengingtest case. The error snapshots depict that, thistime, the pressure is inaccurate around the tips, as well as the body, ofthe vertical barrier. This can be explained by the fact that an embeddedmodel on a coarse grid can have difficulty in placing the sharp discontinuity inthe pressure field at exactly the right location. Still,the pressure mismatchdecayswithincreasing grid resolution, suggesting that local grid refinements around highly contrasting fractures can benefit pEDFM, in a similar manner toDFM.

Toconclude, pEDFMshows asimilar convergence behavior, in termsof grid resolution, to thewidely usedDFM approach. This confirmsthat,inordertodiminishthemodelrepresentationerror, moderatelocalgridrefinementscanbeappliednearfractures.


This last sensitivity study is aimed at determining the re-sponse of pEDFM while changing the conductivity contrast be-tween the + −shaped fracture network (kf=10−8,. . .,108) and thematrix(km=1).To thisend, acoarse gridresolution ofN




The results are depicted in Fig. 9 and are in line with the conclusions from previous sections. Namely, for fracture log-permeabilitiesonthepositive sideofthespectrum,theresultsof EDFMandpEDFMare inagreement.As thepermeabilitycontrast passes5ordersofmagnitude,thepressureerrorplateaus,since,at beyondthisstage, thefractures arethe main driversof theflow. However,forfracture permeabilitiesclosetoorbelowthat ofthe matrix,the errorof EDFMincreases dramatically. pEDFM,on the


Fig. 9. Sensitivity of pEDFM to the fracture-matrix conductivity contrast on the + −shaped fracture network case with a grid resolution of 3 5 × 3 5 . The sequence of plots on the top show pressure error maps for pEDFM, when k f = 10 −5 , 1 and 10 5 , respectively.

Fig. 10. Fracture permeabilities (top-left), pressure field (top-right) and time-lapse saturation results (bottom) on a 2D test case with homogeneous matrix conductivity, under incompressible 2-phase flow conditions.


Fig. 11. Heterogeneous matrix and fracture permeability maps (top), pressure and time-lapse saturation results for EDFM (middle) and pEDFM (bottom) on a 2D densely fractured test case, under incompressible 2-phase flow conditions.

Fig. 12. 3D porous medium containing 3 layers of fractures with heterogeneous properties.

other hand is able to cope with these scenarios, due to its for-mulation,itsbehaviorshowinganapproximatelysymmetrictrend, whencomparedtothatofthepositivesideoftheaxis.

ThesnapshotsonthetopofFig.9,takenforlower,similarand higherfracture permeabilities w.r.t.thematrix,show theerrorin thepressure producedby pEDFM.It isclearthatthe model inac-curacyis concentratedaroundthetipsoffractureswhichactively influencetheflow.Alsonotethatthereisasmallerroreveninthe casewhen kf =km,since the pEDFMdiscretization(Section 2)is

slightlydifferentthanthatofahomogeneousreservoir.Ofcourse, thisresultisonlypresentedhereforacademicpurposes– in realis-ticscenarios,whenthecontrastisnothighenough,suchfractures canbehomogenizedintothematrixfield.

Thisconcludes thesensitivitystudies conductedin thispaper. Thetestcasespresentedinthefollowingsubsectionsaremeantto testtheapplicability ofpEDFMtomorecomplex2D and3D frac-turedmedia.


Fig. 13. Fracture-conforming unstructured grid constructed by DFM for the 3D test case.


This set of experiments is aimed at determining the perfor-manceofpEDFMinmultiphaseflowscenarioson2Dporousmedia withincreasinglycomplexfracturegeometriesandheterogeneities.

3.5.1. Homogeneousmatrix

pEDFM isfirstapplied inan incompressible2-phase flow sce-nariothrough a 2D homogeneous domain which is crossed by a setoffractureswithheterogeneousproperties,asshowninFig.10. Theboundaryconditionsaresimilartothoseusedforprevious ex-periments,namelyDirichletwithnon-dimensionalvaluesofp=1 andp=0onthe left andrightedges,respectively, whilethetop andbottomsidesaresubjecttono-flowconditions.

The lowpermeablefracturesinhibittheflow, leavingonlytwo availablepaths:through themiddleofthe domainandalongthe bottom boundary. As can be seen in the time-lapse saturation mapspresented in Fig. 10, the front, indeed, respects these em-beddedobstacles.Theinjectedfluidismostlydirectedthroughthe permeableX-shapednetworkandsurpassestheverticalbarrier,in thelower rightpartofthe domain,onits waytothe production boundary.

Thisresultreinforcestheconclusionthattheconservative pres-surefieldobtainedusingpEDFMleadstotransportsolutionswhich honourawiderangeofmatrix-fractureconductivitycontrasts.

3.5.2. Heterogeneousmatrix

ThefollowingexperimentcomparesthebehaviourofEDFMand pEDFMforsimulating 2-phaseincompressibleflow through a 2D porous medium with heterogeneous (i.e. patchy) matrix perme-ability(Fig. 11). The interplaybetweenthelarge- (matrix-matrix) andsmall-scale (fracture-matrix)conductivitycontrastsraises ad-ditionalnumericalchallenges (Hamzehpour etal., 2016) and isa stepping stone in assessing the model’s applicability to realistic cases.

The embedded fracture map used for this test case (top of


Bisdom et al.(2016). The conductivities of the fracturesforming

the North-Westto South-East diagonal streak, were set to 10−8, thuscreatinganimpermeableflowbarrieracrossthedomain (no-ticeablein dark blue onthe top-right of Fig.11). Forthe rest of the fractures, permeabilities were randomly drawn from a log-uniformdistributionsupported ontheinterval[10−8,108].Finally, similar to previous experiments, fixed pressure boundary

condi-tions p=1 and p=0 are set on the left and right edges, re-spectively,while thetop andbottom sidesaresubjectto no-flow conditions.

The middle rowofplots from Fig.11 show the pressure field andtime-lapsesaturationresults obtainedusingEDFM.Note that the injected fluid is allowed to bypass the diagonal flow barrier, towardstheproductionboundary.This,onceagainshowsthe limi-tationofEDFM,whichisonlyabletocapturetheeffectoffractures withpermeabilitieshigherthanthematrix.However,by disregard-ingflowbarriers,EDFMdeliversan overlyoptimistic and nonreal-isticproductionforecast.

Incontrast toEDFM, thepressure field obtainedusingpEDFM showssharpdiscontinuities(bottom-leftofFig.11).The accompa-nyingsaturationplotsconfirm thattheinjected phaseisconfined by thediagonalbarrierandforcedtoflowthrough thebottomof the domain, thus significantly delaying its breakthrough towards theproductionboundary.

TheseresultsconfirmthatpEDFMoutperformstoEDFM,dueto itsapplicability incaseswithcomplexanddensefracture geome-triesandinthepresenceofmatrixheterogeneities.

3.6. Comparisonbetween3DpEDFMandunstructuredDFM

Finally,atestcaseona3D domaincontaining3layersof frac-tures,stackedalongtheZaxis(Fig.12)isconducted.Thetoplayer isaverticallyextrudedversionofthe2DfracturemapfromFig.10. The second layer consistsof a singlefracture network whose in-tersectingplateshavehighlyheterogeneousproperties.Finally,the thirdlayerisrepresentedby3largeindividualplates,witha clus-terofsmallparallelfracturespackedinbetween.

Inthisscenario,theincompressiblesingle-phaseflowisdriven from the left boundary, where the pressure is set to the non-dimensionalvalueofp=1,towardstheright, wherep=0,while alltheotherboundariesofthedomainaresubjecttono-flow con-ditions.No other source termsarepresentandgravity and capil-laryeffects areneglected.The resultsofpEDFM,on amatrixgrid with Nx=Ny=Nz=100 and a total of 23381 fracture cells, are

compared to those obtainedusing DFM on an unstructured grid (Fig. 13), where the numberof tetrahedra (matrix)and triangles (fractures) were chosen to approximately match the degrees of freedomonthestructuredgrid.

ThetwopressurefieldsareplottedinFig.14usingisosurfaces for equidistant values, and are in good agreement, for decision-makingpurposes.

ThislastnumericalexperimentshowsthatpEDFMhasgood po-tentialforfield-scaleapplication.

4. Conclusionsandfuturework

Inthispaper,anovelProjection-basedEmbeddedDiscrete Frac-tureModel(pEDFM)wasdevised,forflowsimulationthrough frac-tured porous media. It inherits the grid flexibility of the classic EDFM approach. However, unlike its predecessor, its formulation allows it to capture the effect of fracture conductivities ranging fromhighlypermeablenetworkstoinhibitingflowbarriers.

The newmodelwasvalidatedon2D and3D test cases,while studying its sensitivity towards fracture position within a matrix cell,gridresolutionandthecross-mediaconductivitycontrast.The resultsshowthatpEDFMisscalableandabletohandledenseand complexfracturemapswithheterogeneouspropertiesinsingle-,as wellasmultiphaseflowscenarios.Finally,itsresultsonstructured gridswerefoundcomparabletothoseobtainedusingtheDFM ap-proachonunstructured,fracture-conformingmeshes.

Inconclusion,pEDFMisaflexiblemodel,itssimpleformulation recommendingitforimplementationinnext-generationsimulators forfluidflowthroughfracturedporousmedia.


Fig. 14. Comparison between the pressures obtained using pEDFM and unstructured DFM (using similar grid resolutions) for a 3D incompressible single-phase test case with 3 layers of heterogeneous fractures.

Fig. A15. Analytical calculation of the average distance between a fracture and a matrix cell on 2D structured grids. Four right triangles are constructed by intersecting the cell’s edges with the fracture line. Note that triangles 3 and 4 overlap with triangles 1 or 2 (a,b). When the fracture coincides with the cell diagonal, triangles 3 and 4 have zero area (c). If the fracture is aligned with one of the axes, two rectangles are formed instead (e). Finally, the same procedure is followed when the fracture lies outside the cell (d).

Possible directions for future work include the extension of pEDFMtounstructuredgrids.Furthermore,systematic benchmark-ing studies (including CPU time comparisons) between pEDFM and alternative mass-conservative DFM approaches on unstruc-tured grids can provide valuable insights for its application and performanceinreal-fieldcases.


ThefinancialsupportofPI/ADNOCisacknowledged.Also,many thanks are due towards the members of the DARSim (Delft Ad-vanced Reservoir Simulation) research group of TU Delft, forthe usefuldiscussions duringthe developmentofthe pEDFM model-ingapproach.

AppendixA. Averagedistancecalculation

Thecomputationoftheaveragedistancebetweenamatrix con-trolvolumeanda fracturesurface, whichappearsin Eqs.(6)and




subsection,an adaptation of Chapter 2.3.2 from Pluimers (2015), providesageneralproceduretohandlefracturelineswitharbitrary orientation.

The interfaces of each cell intersected by a fracture are ex-tendeduntiltheyintersectthefractureline,resultinginfourright triangleswithsurfacesA1 toA4,asshowninFig.A.15.Then,given the average distance between each triangle and its hypotenuse,







Lxi· Lyi



, (A.1)


trian-glei,theaveragedistancebetweengridcelliandfracturelinefis obtained,


i f=





2− A3


3− A4


4 A1+A2− A3− A4 .

(A.2) Notethatnomodificationisrequiredtotheformulainthecase when fractureslie outsidethe cell, i.e. for the non-neighbouring


connections fromEq.(10). In addition,this procedure can be di-rectlyappliedto3Dstructured gridswherefracturesareextruded alongtheZaxis,whileageneralizationforfractureplateswithany orientationisthesubjectoffutureresearch.


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