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Existence theorem for generalized functional-differential equations of hyperbolic type


Academic year: 2021

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Wl a d y s l a w So s u l s k i (Zielona Gôra)

Existence theorem for generalized

functional-differential equations of hyperbolic type

1. Introduction. Let (A", d) be a metric space and denote by Cl (A) the space of all non-empty closed and convex subsets of A. Define, for fixed А c= X and e > 0,

J e(A) = { x s X : d(x, a) ^ e for some a e A } and let

h(A, B) = inf (e > 0: A c : J e(B) and В c J E(A)}, if the infimum exists,

oo, otherwise,

for A, B e Cl (A). It can be verified that h is a generalized metric for Cl (A).

Hence it follows, in particular, that if A is bounded, then h is a metric on Cl (A). In this case, h is called the Hausdorff metric. In a general case h will be called the generalized Hausdorff metric. It is not difficult to observe that Hausdorff metric can be defined by

h{A, B) = max (sup Dist(x, A), sup Dist(x, B))

x e B x e A

for A, B eC onv(A ), where Conv(A) denotes family of all non-empty com­

pact and convex subsets of A and Dist(x, A) is a distance between a point x e X and a set zleC onv(A ), i.e.,

D ist(x, A) = inf {d(x, a): a s A}.

Let a > 0 and b > 0 be given, P = [0, a] x [0, b], and let us denote by С (P) and L2(P) Banach and Hilbert spaces respectively of all continuous or square Lebesgue integrable functions, of P into R n with usual norms || j| and || ||p.

Furthermore, we use the space CX(P) of all functions и : P -> R n such that u( ,y): [0, a~\-+Rn is measurable for fixed y e [0 , b], m(x, •): [0, b]

-♦ R” is continuous for fixed x e [0, a] and such that JuL = f max |u(x, y)\dx < oo.

О Уе[0.Ь]


150 M. Sos ul s ki

We will consider CX(P) together with the norm defined above. Similarly we can define the space Cy{P) with the norm |- |y. It was proved by Deimling ([1]) that (СХ(Р), И*) and (Cy(P), |- |y) are Banach spaces.

Let F: P x C(P) x CX{P) x Cy(P) -* Conv(P") be a multivalued mapping satisfying the following Carathéodory type conditions:

(i) F( , \ z, u, v) is measurable for fixed (z, u, v)eC(P) x C x(P) x C y(P), (ii) F{x, y, is continuous for fixed (x, y)eP,

(iii) there exists a square Lebesgue integrable function m: P -» R such that h ( F ( x , y , z , u, v), (0 } )^ m (x , y) for (z, u, v)eC(P) x C x(P) x Cy{P) and almost all (x, y) e P.

Furthermore, it will be assumed that F(x, y, z, -, •) is Lipschitz con­

tinuous, uniformly with respect to zeC (P ), i.e.,

(iv) there exists a square Lebesgue integrable function к : P -*■ R such that

h(F(x, y, z, u, v), F(x, y, z, U, v)) ^ k(x, y)\u — û\x + \v — v\y

for z e C (P ); u , ü e C x (P); v, v e C y(P) and almost all (x , y ) e P .

We will consider now a generalized functional-differential equation of the form

(1) zxy(x, y ) e F ( x , y, z, zx, zy) for almost all (x, y ) e P

with the initial Darboux conditions, (2) z(x, 0) = <t(x), z(0, y) = r(y), where cr: [0, u ]-> P ",

t: [0, b~] -+ R n are absolutely continuous functions such that cr'eLfO, a),

t'gL(0, b).

We will say that F : P x C(P) x CX{P) x Cy(P) -* ConvfP") has the Volterra’s property if P (x, y, z, u, v) = P (x, y, z, m, v) for every (x, y ) e P and (z, и, V), (z, ü, v ) e C ( P ) x CX(P) x Cy(P) such that z|[0iJe] x[0,y] = z\[0,X] xto,y],

wl[0,x]x[0)y] = «1[0,*]x[0,yj, ^Ito.jc]x[0,y] = «l[0.x]x[0,y], where for given w: P -> P "

and (x, y) eP , w|[0 х] [0 у] denotes the restriction of w to the rectangle [0, x] x x [0, у] с P.

In the-sequel we will need the following Lemma ([3]).

Le m m a 1. Suppose A is a non-empty, closed, bounded and convex subset of a Hilbert space (У, || -||) and let Г be an operator with domain A and range in a Banach space (X , | -|). Suppose further that G: А х Г ( А ) ->С1(Л) is such that

1° G(-, y) is a contraction, uniformly with respect to у е Г ( А ) , 2° G(x, •) is continuous on Г (A) in the relative topology.

I f Г is completely continuous, then there exists x e A such that

x eG(x, P (x)).


Functional-differential equations o f hyperbolic type 151

2. Existence theorem. Now we can prove the main result of this paper.

T heorem 1. Suppose F : P x C ( P ) x C x (P) x Cy (P) -> Conv (R n) satisfies the Carathéodory conditions (i)-(iii) and the Lipschitz condition (iv) with Lipschitz function к such that 2y/\P\-\\k\\p < 1. Let o: [0, a] -> R n, i: [0, b]

-» R n be absolutely continuous functions such that a' and t' are Lebesgue integrable on [0, a] and [0, b], respectively. Then (1)— (2) has at least one solution.

P ro o f. Let A be a subset of L2(P) containing all function w e L 2(P) such that |w(x, y)| ^ m(x, y) for almost all (x, y)eP. It is not difficult to see that A is a closed, convex and bounded subset of L2{P). Define on A an operator Г of the form

дс у

r{w){x, y) = a (x) + z (>>) - о (0) + j j w(s, t)dsdt.

0 0

It is easy to see that Г is a completely continuous mapping of A into C(P).

Let У X

J 1 M (x , y) = (T'(x)+ J w(x, t)dt, J 2(w)(x, y) = J’ W(s, y)ds,

о 0

and consider now equation

(3) w(x, y ) e F ( x , y, r(w), J 1{w), J 2(w)) for almost all (x, y ) e P . It is clear that for each w eA satisfying (3), the function z = r ( w ) satisfies (1И2).

Let G(w, v) denote, for fixed (w, v)eA x C(P), a subset of L2{P) contain­

ing all measurable selectors of F (-, -, v, J i(w), J 2(w)). If is easy verifed ([2], [4] ) that G(w,v)ï£ 0 for each (w, v ) e A x C ( P ) . Furthermore, it is not difficult to see that G(w, v) is a closed and convex subset of A.

Then G: A x C { P ) ->C1(A). Now, we will show that G(-, v) is a contrac­

tion, uniform with respect to veC( P) . Indeed, let v eC( P) be fixed and let wb w2e A . For each yeG (w 1, r), we have y(x, y )e F (x , y, v, J y i w ^ , J 2(w1)) for almost all (x, y) eP.


h(F(x, y, v, Ji(w j), J 2(w1)), F(x, y, v, J 2(w2)))

^ к { X , y) (I J1 (w j - J ! (w2)|x -(-1J 2 (Wj) - J 2 (w2)|y)

a y у

= к (x, y)(J max |<7,(x)+ J wt {x, t ) d t - o ’( x ) - j w2(x, t)dt\ +

0 ye[0,fe] о 0

b x x

+ J max |t'0 0 + J Wi (s, y ) d s - F { y ) - j w2(s, y)ds\)

О хе[0,а] о 0

a b

^ 2k{x, y) J J Iw ^x, y) — w2(x, y)\dxdy ^ 2k(x, y) * ' Hw! ~w2IIj*


152 M. S os u l s k i

for almost every (x, y)eP, then there exists AeG( w2, v) such that |y(x, y) —

— A(x, y)| ^ 2k(x, y)'y/\P\ *||>^1 — w2||p for almost all (x, y)eP. Thus ||y — - 2 ||p « 2 4/iP|-||/c||p-||vv1- w 2||p. Hence it follows H(G(wly v), G(w2, v))

« г у й - р н p'Hwj — w2||p, where H denotes the Hausdorff metric in С1(Л) generated by the norm ||-||p. In a similar way, we can verify that G(w, •) is continuous for fixed a s A. Therefore, in virtue of Lemma 1, there exists we A such that w e G (w, Г (w)) which means that w(x, y ) e F ( x , y, F(w), J x (w), J 2(w)) for almost all (x, y) eP . Hence it follows that z = T(w) satisfies (l)-(2) and the proof is complete.

R e m a rk . If F : P x C{P) x CX(P) x Cy(P) ->Conv(R") has the Volterra’s property, then in Theorem 1, the condition 2||/с||рч/|Р | < 1 can be omitted.


[1] K. D e im lin g , A Carathéodory theory for systems o f integral equations, Ann. di Math.


[2] C. J. H im m e lb e r g , F. S. V an V leck , Lipschitzian generalized differential equations, Rend. Sem. Math. Univ. Padove 48 (1973).

[3] M. K is ie le w ic z , Generalized functional-differential equations o f neutral type, Ann. Polon.

Math. 42 (to appear).

[4 ] K. K u r a t o w s k i, C. R y ll- N a r d z e w s k i, A general theorem on selectors, Bull. Acad.

Polon. Sci. 13 (1965).


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