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Interterminal transportsysteem in de Eemshaven (summary)


Academic year: 2021

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Delft University of Technology

Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Transport Technology

M. Weijgand Interterminal transportsysteem in de Eemhaven. System design/internship, Report 95.3.TT.4499, Transport Technology.

In connection with project 2000-Short the largest Short Sea liners are being relocated within the Eemhaven area. A swith from the Deep Sea containers towards the Maasvlakte and the Short Sea related containers towards the Eemhaven are expected in the next few years. Using a new Transportation System the necessary link between both locations can be realised.

Within the Eemhaven area containerflows will be able to pass through the ITT-system between the various containerterminals. The building of a Bargeterminal and the expansion of the present Rail Service Center make an efficient transportation of containers towards the barges and the railway terminal possible. The ITT system will take care of the incoming and outgoing flow of containers towards both locations, as it will of the incoming and outgoing containers towards the distributioncentre Eemhaven and harbour Waalhaven. Projections for the future for the size of the various containerflows, based upon data and expressed expectations, have been made.

After an inventarisation of the wishes and demands the new transportation systeem must fulfil, a number of selection criteria has been formulated. Application of those criteria on a large number of transportation systems lead to the decision to use Multi Trailer Systems for the ITT. A routing over the terrain was choosen and the number of vehicles which would be needed was calculated.

Reports on Transport Engineering (in Dutch)


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