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Academic year: 2021



Pełen tekst





Czas pracy: 45 minut

Na starcie otrzymujesz od pulę 112 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz dodatkowy 1 punkt, za błędną zabieramy 1 punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno wykorzystywać słowników, notatek, podręczników i innych pomocy naukowych. Sprawdź czy test jest obustronnie zadrukowany. Zgłaszaj wszelkie nieprawidłowości.

O szczegółach i wydarzeniach konkursu czytaj na stronie www.jersz.pl i fb.com/LowcyTalentowJersz. Wyniki konkursu będą dostępne 6 tygodni po konkursie. Spróbuj swoich sił w konkursie English Ace 2019.

Życzymy sukcesów i zapraszamy do testu konkursowego English High Flier!

1. Mum, come here, please!

OK, I’ll be there … a moment.

A) in B) on C) at D) for

2. You must be tired after a long run. = …

A) I’m sure you are tired. B) I’m sure it’s not possible to be tired.

C) You’re tired, for sure. D) You can’t be tired.

3. Which sentence is correct?

A) You ought not to smoke if you are ill. B) You oughtn’t smoke if you are ill.

C) You must to smoke if you are ill. D) You shouldn’t smoke if you are ill.

4. Which word is different?

A) waistcoat B) blouse C) tank D) suit

5. All the rooms have … carpets.

A) covered B) fitted C) luxurious D) carved

6. I don’t really … going out tonight.

A) give in B) look forward to C) fit in D) feel like

7. We landed … London Airport.

A) in B) at C) from D) on

8. Which sentence is correct?

A) I said him I would be late. B) I told him I would be late.

C) I said to him I would be late. D) I told to him I would be late.

9. We had to … the match because of the weather.

A) clear up B) call off C) cancel D) sign

10. I’d like … to the party.

A) coming B) come C) came D) have come

11. I’m … with this report.

A) unsatisfied B) insatisfied C) satisfied D) dissatisfied

12. Far … the …

A) farther / farthest B) further / furthest C) ferther / ferthest D) forther / forthest


PG 1



Arkusz testowy zawiera informacje prawnie chronione

do momentu rozpoczęcia



13. I borrowed a car from that man. = …

A) This is the man that I borrowed a car. B) This is the man from which I borrowed a car.

C) This is the man that borrowed a car from me. D) This is a man from whom I borrowed a car.

14. Dad, … me a lift to the airport, please.

A) make B) bring C) give D) do

15. Oh dear, I’ve run … of sugar. Can you lend me some?

A) up B) away C) down D) out

16. Which sound is the same as the underlined sound at the end of the word EMPLOYER?

A) after B) before C) machinery D) comfortable

17. The local stadium isn't big enough for so many … .

A) audience B) viewers C) spectators D) people

18. Ben rode his bike into the mud and got … .

A) lost B) used C) together D) stuck

19. … you see John, can you give him a message?

A) Should B) If C) Would D) Unless

20. Which sentence is correct?

A) My suitcase has being stolen. B) Jim was borned in 1984.

C) The wall was being repaired when I came home. D) This road is used by over a million cars every year.

21. Can I … a suggestion?

A) give B) take C) make D) offer

22. Bob, can you remember to buy milk? = Kate … Bob to buy milk.

A) doubted B) denied C) agreed D) apologised

23. I’m sorry I … you for so long.

A) don’t call B) haven’t called C) am not calling D) wasn’t calling

24. … you get used to the weather, it won’t seem so bad.

A) Since B) While C) Once D) As

25. Which sentence is correct?

A) The students each received a prize. B) The students received a prize each.

C) Each of the students received a prize. D) Every student received a prize.

26. I can’t put up with … .

A) your carelessness B) people who smoke all the time C) the plates onto the top shelf D) none of the above

27. They met … the cinema.

A) in B) at C) on D) in front of

28. Where were you yesterday? You weren’t at work!

A) I must have gone shopping. B) I shouldn’t have gone to work.

C) I had to go shopping. D) I can’t have gone to work.


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