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Contents Marine Technology Reporter 2012


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March 2012


Marine Technology Reporter

• Volume 5 5 * N u m b e r 2


12 From the Drawing Board ...

... to the field, MTR charts this history and future of autonomy

through the eyes of industry leaders.

— by Rhonda Moniz j

AUV insights with

16 Dr. Jim Bellingliam

Bellingham, Chief Technologist, MBARl, has a long and storied career in the development of modern subsea vehicles.

— by Rhonda Moniz

Dr. Kenneth Lee is

58 The Spill Stopper

Dr. Kenneth Lee — a globally renowned expert In the use of chemical dispersants on oil spills — shares with MTR his philosophies to help Mother Earth recover from disaster.

— by Greg Trauthwein

Profile: Sea-Bird

67 Small Start, Global Impact

Sea-BIrd — today a global CTD leader — emerged from humble beginnings at the hands of Art Pederson in 1978.

— by Raina Clark


72 GOM ROV Project

Helping to deliver survey data faster via ROV.

— by lan Florence & Craig Wallace

8 Greening the Research Fleet 82 Products 86 01 '12 Exhibitor Previews 96 Advertiser's Index MARINE I. TECHNOLOGY



Atlantic Canada, particu-lary the subsea clusters in and around Halifax, NS and St. Johns, NL, are featured.

S e e stoty on p a g e 3 3

On the


in our Annual Vehicles edition, IVITR sought insights from some indus-try luminaries for per-spective on what the future may hold.

(Photo courtesy Bluefin) S e e story on p a g e 1 2


April 2012

Marine Technology Reporter

• Volume 5 5 • N u m b e r 3

14 Hooking Up Underwater

CEO Geir Egil 0steb0vik discusses Imenco's success. by Greg Trauthwein

24 Offsliore Innovation

Technology's role in injecting life into the UK Continental Shelf — by Martin Ewan



Offshore Deepwater: $232B to 2016

Douglas-Westwood forecasts a deepwater Capex of $232B. by Jennifer Harbour

30 The Quietest Surface Ship in the World

The 25-year-old NATO Research Vesssel Alliance. — by Ned Lundquist

42 From Europe to Canada

European group visits Atlantic Canada to build relationships. — by Andrew Safer

46 Bergen Subsea Tech ... Parf H

Bergen, Norway is home to a tremendous subsea tech cluster. — fay Clare Mclntyre

36 Environmental Monitoring 54 People & Company News

46 Bergen Subsea Tech 56 New Products


On the


While the offhsore environment presents some of the most try-ing work conditions, it simultaneously pres-ents some of the most lucrative rewards.

(Photo courtesy BMTArgoss)


September 2 0 1 2

Volume 5 3 • Number 7

First Person

12 Whales & ROVs

Animal & machine interact off of Patagonia. by Christian Haag


20 Jim Davis,



Jim Davis delivers insights on Teledyne's acquisition binge. by Greg Trauthwein

Offshore Market

30 Deepwater Drives

S u b s e a V e s s e l


A new study suggests bright times ahead for the subsea sector.

by Joseph Corrigan

Ocean Observation

38 Tools of the Trade

New seismic survey vessels lii<e the Polarcus Adira embody the latest tech to discover the world below the water,

by Henrik Segercrantz


42 WHOI's

Dr. S u s a n Avery

Insights from the leader of one o f t h e world's leading ocean science institutions. by Rhonda Moniz

26 Data Management

by IVIartin Dyer

34 Unplugged

by Andrew Safer


September 2 0 1 2


October 2 0 1 2


Volume SS • Number 8

Subsea Defense

14 Changing of the


The government is changing; are you ready?

by Kevin Ruelas

Marine Forensics

20 After the Storm

Metocean data is an increasingly important investigation tool.

by Jeroen De Haas & Han Wensink


38 Cabling Choices

Saving space, weight & increasing safety with the right cable.

by IVIark Casselton


32 Networking


Challenges to connect air, surface and subsea autonomous systems,

by Philip A. McGillivary, Joao Borges de Sousa & Ricardo Martins

New England

40 Gloucester

Steps Up

Setting its sights on expanded subsea biz.

by Rhonda Moniz

First Person

44 Jamie Hanna

Meet the new 55-ft. lobster/research vessel,

by Ciiip Ryther, Chris Wright & Eli Perrone


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