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Wrażliwość łubinu i Rhizobium na herbicydy


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R O C Z N IK I G L E B O Z N A W C Z E T . X X V I , Z . 2, W A R S Z A W A 1975



Research Institute of Soil Sciences and Agricultural C h em istry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest,

Agrotechnical Institute of Nyirség, Nyiregyhaza

Studying the effect of herbicides on rhizobia and lupin-rhizobia symbiosis as well as the selection of herbicides for lupin growing has a theoretical as well as practical importance [6, 7].

For this reason laboratory and field experiments were conducted by us from 1963 [4, 5, 2] and this paper presents data on herbicide sensitivity of host and symbiont.


85 herbicides were sprayed preenergently 3.5 kg/ha and in other doses in white (Lupinus albus L.) and yellow flow er (Lupinus luteus L.) lupin cultures in brown forest soil of Nyirtelek (Gyulatanya) [8] at the Research Station of the Agrotechnical Research Institute of Nyirseg. 72 of the 85 herbicides and 32 others, altogether 104, were tested on 26 strains of six species of Rhizobium, among them Rhizobium lupini Csf 8/3 as well as some herbicides on 10 strains of Rhizobium lupini isolated from Nyirseg, which is the main lupin growing area of Hungary.

The small plot field experiments were evaluated on the basis of the root nodulation, protein content, number and grain yields of lupins;

the number and weight of weed species as well as the inhibitory effect

of herbicides on the above given rhizobia were recorded using the agar gel method {3, 6, 7].


As demonstrated in Fig. 1, 31 herbicides out of 85 acted toxically the white flower and 18, on the yellow flow er lupin. Though more


herbicides inhibited the seed formation of plants the differences be­ tween the two species were not remarkable in this respect.

The detailed results (Fig. 2) support this, representing separately the plant killing effect of preparations for white, yellow and for both lupins (16, 3, and 15 herbicides respectively). Nearly the same number (24, 21, and 15) of herbicides caused a decrease in the grain yield of L. albus and L. luteus.


40 30 20 10 Number of plants 31 16 Grain yield 39 36

L. albus L. luteus L. albus L. luteus Fig. 1. Herbicides inhibiting Lupine

species. 100% = 86 herbicides


40 30 20 10

Number o f plants Grain yield

3 2 4



L.albus a+l L.luteus Lalbus a+l L.luteus Fig. 2. Herbicides inhibiting Lupine

species. 100% = 86 herbicides

In spite of the numerous data we cannot state so far, that L. albus is more sensitive than L. luteus, further observations being necessary to prove this.



Fig. 3. The effect of 80 herbicides on the num­ ber of L. albus and L. 60 luteus (in % of hoed

control), 1971 40


L. luteus L. albus

Venzar Embutor Pyramin Ses atop 50 Casoron hormex

However we could establish that the reaction of the two species of Lupinus proved to be very different with the same herbicide. One of the best examples is Venzar (Figs 3-6) which, in the given doses, did not diminish the number and yield of yellow lupin but practically killed


H e rb icid e sen sitivity o f lupinus 139 no 120 100 80 60 40 20 L luteus L. a/bus I

Comporol A 2591 Venzar 0HBP20 BNP 20 Amitrol Harmex Lironox

Fig. 4. The effect of herbicides on the grain yield of L. albus and L. (in % of hoed control), 1971


Fig. 5. The effect of herbicides on the num­ ber of L. albus and L. luteus (in % of hoed

control), 1972





Qikofet Vemor A 2591 CoratopSQ IgrandO Linuron 50

100 80 60 40 20 L. luteus L. albus

Venzar Tropatox .plus' Hoe 2318 Harmex Igran80 Linuron Hoe 2745


L. luteus L. albus

Fig. 6. The effect of herbicides on the grain yield of L. albus and L. luteus (in % of hoed control), 1972


the white lupin. Karmex did not reduce the number and yield of white lupin but it did significantly decrease the number and crop of yellow lupin.

The observation that the two species of the same genus behaved differently towards the same herbicide, becomes more significant if w e consider that these preparations are among the herbicides which proved to be the most suitable for further investigations (Fig. 7).

Karmex and Lironox Hoe 2918, Igran 80, Linuron 50, hoe 2745 affected the grain yield of L. luteus but they did not reduce the crop of L. albus.

For lupin

species No Herbicides*)

Number o f inhibited strains ond rate o f inhibition in тптгъ 26 Rh. strains 10 Rh. lupini strains Rh. lupini Csf 8 /3

Albus 1 Linuron 50 26 10


1 2 Harmex n.t 10 n.t. 3 Merkazin 24- ШШШ 7


1 ШШЛ Luteus 4 Gesotop 50 го


- 1


5 Venzar 13ШШЯШ 10



6 Camparo11803 19 ШШШ ч



7 Planavin 75 8


3 - Albus -f luteus 8 A 2591 22



1 9 H oe2849 26

н и

10ш ш 1


10 Kloben 17ШШШ 7 -

11 Hungorio CIPC 26 n t 1 Ш

*) recommended for further investigation in lupine cultures

n .t =nof tested

— = no inhibition

Fig. 7. Effect on herbicides on different Rhizobium strains

Beyond the theoretical interest the different sensitivity of the two lupin species has a practical importance in the selection of herbicides for lupin cultures.

Recognising the importance and the necessity of the comparative and complex investigation method in the right selection of herbicides we have also studied the herbicide sensitivity of rhizobia under labora­ tory conditions.

The herbicides recommended for further investigations in lupin cultures have only a slight or no inhibitory effect on the 26 strains


H e rb icid e sen sitivity o f lupinus 141

of the six Rhizobium species and they also failed to inhibit all of the tested strains in most cases (Fig. 7).

The comparison of the different degrees of the inhibitory effect of 27 herbicides (not decreasing the number and crop of lupins) to rhizobia showed that most of them belong to the preparations which are relatively less toxic to rhizobia. (Figs. 8, 9)






Fig. 8. Sensitivity of 26 Rhizobium strains the herbicides not decreasing the number and crop of L. albus and

L. luteus. 100% = herbicides

Fig. 9. Sensitivity of Rhizobium lupini (Csf 8/3) to herbicides not decreasing the number and crop of L. albus and

L. luteus. 100% = 27 herbicides

This also appeared from Figs 10 and 11 where the 27 above men­ tioned herbicides are compared to the 72 and 104 ones tested on the rhizobia. But it should be noted that out of 104 investigated herbicides, only 5 and out df the 72 only 4, and out of the 27 only 3 did not inhibit the Csf 3 strains of Rhizobium lupini at all.

Rote o f inhibition in increasing order

Fig. 10. Comparative data of sensitivity of rhizobia to 72 herbicides and those not inhibiting lupins

1 — 72 herbicides inhibiting, 26 Rh. strains, 2 — 27 herbicides inhibiting, 26 Rh. strains, but not lupins, 3 — 72 herbicides inhibiting, R h . l u p i n i (Csf 8/3), 4 — 27 herbicides inhibiting,


Fig. 11. Comparative data of sensitivity of rhizobia to 104 herbicides and those not inhibiting lupins

1 — 104 herbicides inhibiting, 26 R h . strains, 2 — 27 herbicides inhibiting, 26 R h . strains, but not lupins, 3 — 104 herbicides inhibiting, R h . l u p i n i (Csf 8/3), 4 — 27 herbicides inhibiting,

R h . l u p i n i , but not lupins

These data prove that the sensitivity of Rhizobium and Lupinus species have also to be taken into consideration as regards the pro­ tection of the environment.


1. The herbicides selected by us seem to be suitable for further investigations of weed control of lupin cultures. They did not reduce the number and grain yield of lupin and were less toxic for strains of Rhizobium species.

2. Field experiments conducted with 85 herbicides on brown forest soil of Nyirseg in the main lupin growing area of Hungary revealed a different sensitivity of lupin species to herbicides.

3. It was established that the right selection of herbicides for lupin cultures could be carried out successfully through comparative investi­ gations by complex methods. The herbicides to be selected should not inhibit the lupin-rhizobium symbiosis and the herbicide treatment and rhizobium inoculation of lupin seeds should be comparable.


[11 B o r b é l y I., K e c s k é s M.: Symposia Biologica Hungarica 11, 1972, 437. [2] B o r b é l y I., B o r b é l y F., E l e k E., K e c s k é s M .: A mezó gazdasâg


H erb icid e sen sitivity o f lupinus 143

[3] K e c s k é s M.: Symposia Biologica Hungarica 11, 1972, 405.

[4] K e c s k é s M., B o r b é l y I., B o r b é l y F., E l e k E.: Papers of Sei. Conf. Pouszkarov Soil Sei. Inst., Sofia, 64, 1972.

[5] K e c s k é s M. , B o r b é l y I., B o r b é l y F., E l e k E.: Rhizobium. Newsl. 18, 1973, 75.

[6] K e c s k é s M. , E l e k E., B o r b é l y I., B o r b é l y F.: The effect of herbi­ cides on lupin-rhizobium symbiosis. Paper awarded a prize by the president of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest 1972.

[7] K e c s k é s M. , E l e k E., B o r b é l y I., B o r b é l y F.: Agrartud. Közl. 31, 1972, 345.

[8] K l e h Gy., S z ü c s L.: Agrokém. és Talajtan 111, 1954, 47.

M . K E C SK É S, I. B O R B É L Y , F. B O R B É L Y , E. E L E K


Instytut Gleboznawstwa i Ogrodnictwa A N W RL i Rolniczy Instytut Nyirseg, Nyiregyhaza, Węgry

S t r e s z c z e n i e

Zbadano w warunkach polowych wpływ 104 herbicydów na Lupinus albus i L. luteus oraz Rhizobium sp. W warunkach laboratoryjnych badano działanie 85 herbicydów. Użyte herbicydy nie wpływały na ogół ujemnie na plony łubinu. Reakcja roślin była jednak zmienna, np. w pewnych przypadkach ten sam herbi­ cyd hamował wzrost L. albus, a nie działał na L. lutea i na odwrót. Herbicydy wybrane do doświadczeń nie były toksyczne dla Rhizobium.

М . К Е Ч К Е Ш , И . Б О РБЕЛ И , Ф . Б О Р Б Е Л И , E. Е Л ЕК ЧУСТВИТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ЛЮ ПИНА И RHIZOBIUM SP. Н А ГЕРБИЦИДЫ Институт Почвоведения и Агрохимии ВАН, Будапешт Сельскохозяйственный Институт Нуирсег, Нуирегигаза, Венгрия Р е з ю м е В полевых условиях исследовали действие 104 гербицидов на Lupinus albus и L. luteus а также на Rhizobium sp. В лабораторных условиях иссле­ довали действие 85 гербицидов. Гербициды не влияли отрицательно на уро­ жай люпина. Растения не всегда реагировали однако, на пример в некоторых случаях тот-ж е гербицид угнетал рост L. albus а не действовал на L. luteus и наоборот. Исследуемые гербициды не были токсичны для Rhizobium sp.



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