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Pola Rise - HEAR YOU tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Pola Rise, HEAR YOU

Do you wanna play with magic?


you’re gonna lose control tumble deeper, deeper

do you wanna drown in silence?


you can leave it all become a wisher wisher

I try to look upon your heart it’s beating slower

and bleeding fast try to hold back salty tears

let you die in here hear you

you’re an echo cannot

let you go /2x

Fear was the only thing that led you precautions

took you off the track showed your weakness weakness

Life tore your heart out ruthless

like the longest fight obvious failure, failure I try to look upon your heart it’s beating slower

and bleeding fast try to hold back salty tears

let you die in here hear you

you’re an echo cannot

let you go /2x

Pola Rise - HEAR YOU w Teksciory.pl


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