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Przegląd Humanistyczny 2019/1 (464) - Alina Molisak, Jagoda Wierzejska - ebook – Ibuk.pl


Academic year: 2022

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Alois Woldan – Andere Stimmen – Protest gegen Krieg und Gewalt in der polnischen und ukrainischen Dichtung über den Ersten Weltkrieg . . . . Ievgeniia Voloshchuk – Der Untergang des Habsburgerreiches aus der Perspektive einer

modernen Familiengeschichte (am Beispiel von Jenny Erpenbecks Roman „Aller Tage Abend“) . . . . Marcos Silber – Poland? But which? Jewish Political Attitudes toward the Polish State in

Formation during World War I . . . . Alfrun Kliems – Literary Reflections on Postimperial Violence in East-Central Europe after

1918: Wittlin – Hašek – Vančura . . . . Jean Boutan – A War Poet in Absentia: the Year 1918 in Jaroslav Hašek’s Literary Output . . . Agnieszka Hudzik – Krieg, Exil und die Seele des Dichters Hermann Broch und Józef Wittlin

im Briefwechsel . . . . Paweł Rodak – Wielka Wojna, wielkie nadzieje, wielkie wątpliwości. Zmysły, emocje i trudny

patriotyzm w dzienniku Zofii Nałkowskiej . . . . . . . . 7

. . . 27 . . . 39 . . . 65 . . . 81 . . . 97 . . 115 RECENZJE I PRZEGLĄDY

Maciej Górny – Niemcy w Warszawie po raz pierwszy. Nowsze opracowania na temat niemieckiej okupacji 1915–1918 . . . 129



Alois Woldan – Other Voices – Protest against War and Violence in Polish and Ukrainian Poetry about the World War I . . . . Ievgeniia Voloshchuk – The Fall of Habsburg Empire from the Perspektive of a Modern

Family History (on the Example of Jenny Erpenbeck’s Novel Aller Tage Abend) . . . . . Marcos Silber – Poland? But which? Jewish Political Attitudes toward the Polish State in

Formation during World War I . . . . Alfrun Kliems – Literary Reflections on Postimperial Violence in East-Central Europe after

1918: Wittlin – Hašek – Vančura . . . . Jean Boutan – A War Poet in Absentia: the Year 1918 in Jaroslav Hašek’s Literary Output . . . Agnieszka Hudzik – War, Emigration and the Poet’s Soul. Hermann Broch and Józef Wittlin

in Correspondence . . . . Paweł Rodak – The Great War, Great Hopes, Great Doubts. Senses, Emotions and Difficult

Patriotism in Zofia Nałkowska’s Diary . . . . . . . . 7 . . . 27 . . . 39 . . . 65 . . . 81 . . . 97 . . 115


Maciej Górny – Germans in Warsaw for the First Time. The Newer Works on the German Occupation 1915–1918 . . . 129


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