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Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry for 1944, Index of subjects


Academic year: 2022

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A bietic acid, cry stal stru c tu re of, 60.

A bsorbents, zeolites as, 31.

A cetaldol, d ehydration of, to croton- aldehyde, 146.

polym erisation of, 141, 143.

spectrum of, absorption, u ltra-violet, 141.

Acetic acid, diffraction stu d y of, 55.

gallium salt, 107.

glacial, reaction of, w ith acetyl p er­

oxide, 190.

m agnesium salt, as ashing ag en t, 284.

Acotic acid, irifluoro-, diffraction stu d y of, 55.

Acetobacter suboxydans as to st organism for p-am inobenzoic acid, 265.

A cetyl peroxide, reactio n of, w ith glacial acetic acid, 190.

phosphate, d etn . an d properties of, 235.

A cetyldehydrophenylnlanyldehydro- phenylalanine, azlactone, h eatin g of, w ith pyridine, 133.

A cotyldehydrophenylalanylglycine, e th y l ester, heatin g of, in vacuo, 133.

A cetylene, a d d itio n of hydrogen fluoride to, 155.

ad d itio n reactions of, 155.

c a ta ly tic condensation of, w ith alde­

hydes a n d ketones, 168.

ca ta ly tic polym erisation of, 151.

F ried el-C rafts reaction w ith, 156.

su lphur dioxide polym ers of, 157.

A cetylene, dichloro-, 160.

A cetylenes, halogénation of, su b stitu tio n , 159.

oxidation of, 154.

p rep aratio n of, 148.

reactions of, 152.

A cetylenes, am ino-, 158.

brom o-, chloro-, a n d iodo-, 159.

A cetylenic chloroliydrins, reactions of, 177.

com pounds, 148.

s -A cetylenic glycols, 167.

ai-A cetylenic glycols, p rep aratio n of, 168.

A cetylenylcarbinols, 165.

conversion of, in to hydroxy-ketones, 172.

M eyer-S chuster rearran g em en t w ith, 169.

reactions of, 168.

icrt.-A cetylenylcarbinols, d eh y d ratio n of, 152.

Acids, a-halogenated, am in atio n of, 122.

cis- a n d irau s-u n satu rated , oxidation of, b y perm anganate, 9.

Aconine, stru c tu re of, 227.

-Aconite alkaloids, 226.

A conitum talassicum , alkaloid from , 226.

A cyl peroxides, 188.

decom position of, 181.

A denine, synthesis of, 211. . th io m eth y l pentoside, 207.

A deninedeoxyriboside, 202.

A deninedeoxyribosidephosphoric acid, 201.

Adenine-9-d-glucoside, 210.

Adenosine, 201.

regeneration of, from its p icrate, 203.

spectrum of, absorption, ultra-v io let, 203.

stru c tu re of, 204.

Adenosine triphosphatase, 232.

A denylic acid, coenzymo a c tiv ity of, 232.

phosphorylation of, 236.

A donitol, synthesis of, 178.

A dsorption, equilibrium of, in zeolites, 40.

A gglutination in m onolayers, 15.

A ir, d etn . in, of fluorino, 287.

reactions a t w ater interfaces w ith, 8.

A jacine, 226.

ß- A lanine, 126.

A lanylalanine, p re p a ra tio n of, 129.

A lbum in, ogg-, stru c tu re of, 76.

serum -, surface pressure of, 11.

A ldehydes, aliphatic, condensation of, cata ly sed b y alkoxides, 145.

condensation of, w ith acetylene, 168.

Aldols, 139.

aldehyde a d d itio n p ro d u cts w ith, 143.

m onom eric, stru c tu re of, 140.

polym erisation of, 141.

sp ectra of, R am an , 141.

A ldol condensation, catalysis of, 139.

A ldolase, m uscle, 234.

Alginic acid, stru c tu re of, 72.

A lkali m etasilicates, form ation of, 98.

A lkaloids, 218.

aconite, 226.

cinchona, 221.

D elphinium , 226.

ergot, 220.

indole, 219.

Senecio, 224.

Solanum , 227.

Veratrum, 227.

A lkoxyl groups, d etn . of, 287.

A llylacetylenes, 150.

A lstonia constrieta, alkaloids from , 219.

A lstoniline, 219.

A lstonine, 219.

A lstyrine, 219.

A lum inates, 97.

A lum inium alloys, analysis of, 276.

A lum inium oxyfluoride, 97.

phosphides, 94.


IN D E X OF SU B JE C T S. 305 A m ination of a-halogono-acids, 122.

Am ino-acids, 120.

acylation of, an h y d rid e form ation in, 131.

an aly tical chem istry of, 126.

chrom atography of, 127.

d eh y d ratio n p ro d u cts of, 130.

reactio n of, w ith form aldohydo, 128.

stru c tu re of, 63.

sum m ary of, 121.

synthesis of, 121.

a-Amino-acids, W aser te s t for, 131.

/Î-Am ino-acids, 126.

A m ino-com pounds from acetylenes, 158.

A m m onia, distillation of, m icrochem ical, 287.

A m m onium chloroiridate, cry sta l stru ctu ro of, 54.

iodate, cry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

pentachlorozincate, cry stal stru ctu ro of, 52.

A m yl chloride, chlorination of, 188.

A m ylopectin, stru c tu re of, 73.

Amyloso, stru c tu re of, 73.

A næm ia, hypochrom ic, from deprivation of v ita m in -B 6, 254.

m acrocytic, from vitam in-B c d e ­ ficiency, 257.

pyridoxine in relatio n to , 254.

A nalcite, active, 33.

energy of occlusion a n d en tro p y for sorption in, 40.

diffusion of am m onia a n d w ater in, 42.

sa tu ra tio n of, b y gases, 37.

Analysis, com bustion, 289, 290.

organic m icrochem ical, 287.

ap p a ra tu s for, 287.

polarographic, 276, 282.

A nalytical chem istry, 272.

Anetliole hydrobrom ide, fo rm atio n from, of hoxoostrol dim eth y l other, 198.

A neurin, assay of, 258.

h e a t sta b ility of, 259.

A nionotropic rearrangem ents, 175.

o-Anisidine as in d icato r for zinc, 277.

A n th ran ilic acid as reag en t for zinc, 273.

A ntim alarials, in hibition by, of oxygen u p ta k e b y parasites, 269.

A ntim ony irifiuoride, c ry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

di-A rabitol, synthesis of, 178.

A recaidaldehyde, 219.

Arecoline, synthesis of, 219.

A rsenates, d e tn . of, in presence of selenates, 2S2.

Arsenic, an aly tical chem istry of, 278.

d etn . of, b y distillation, 280.

b y G utzeit m ethod, 278.

b y hypophosphite reduction, 279.

colorim etrically, 280.

in brew ing m aterials, 278.

in foods, 279, 283.

in glass, 280.

in lead, 281.

in soils, 280.

in sulphur, 282.

A rsenic, d etn . of, in urine, as colloidal suspension, 280.

in wines, 278, 281.

polarographically, 282.

sep aratio n of, from copper, 282.

A rsenic halides, cry stal stru ctu ro of, 49.

Arsenicals, organic, analysis of, 279.

A shing in fluorine detn., 283.

A tebrin, grow th inhibition by, 267.

A tisine, dehydrogonation of, 227.

A zidocuprates, 99.

A zlactones, form ation of, 131.

B acteria, a d a p ta tio n of, 18, 28.

effect of chem othorapeuticals on, 266.

grow th cycle of, 16, 18.

g row th of, effect of drugs on, 25.

physical chem istry of, 15.

viab ility of, effect of chem othera- peuticals on, 268.

B actericides, 268, 269.

effect of d ru g concentration on, 26.

Bacterium lactis airogenes, g row th of, 19, 21, 25.

grow th of, effect of sulphonam ides on, 266.

Balances, errors of, 287.

surface, 11.

Base-exchange, effect of, on sorption equilibrium , 40.

B etten d o rf’s te s t, 282.

B enzaldehyde, ad d itio n p ro d u c t of iso­

b u ty rald éh y d e and, 144.

condensation of, w ith glycine, 132.

B onzeneazotriphenylm ethane, effect of, on sty ren e polym erisation, 194.

B enzenediazonium chloride, th erm al d e ­ com position of, 184.

hydroxide, p-brom o-, as c a ta ly st in sty ren e polym erisation, 195.

Benzoic acid, p-am ino-, assay of, 265.

Benzoyl peroxide, reaction of, w ith tri- p h enylm ethyl, 188.

use of, to in itiate reactions involving free radicals, 186.

B iaryls, form ation of, 196.

p rep aratio n of, 183.

Bile acids, degradation of, b y m eans of AT-brom osuccinim ide, 191.

meso-oioi'-Bimethionine, 122.

B iotin, stru c tu re of, a n d its assay, 263.

synthesis of, by in te stin a l b acteria, 256.

a-B iotin, degrad atio n a n d stru c tu re of, 215.

/3-Biotin, stru c tu re a n d synthesis of, 217.

dl-alloliiotin, 218.

dl-epialloliiotin, 218.

B iotin sulphone, effect of, on bacteria, 267.

B iu ret base, 130.

Blood, d etn . in, of fluorine, 283.

of zinc, 275.

Bom b, P a rr m icro-, 288.

B oron irichloride, phosphoryl chloride com pound of, 91.



B oron (rifluoride, hexam othylenotetram ine com pound of, 91.

¿¿hydrate, 91.

B rass, analysis of, 277.

B rass p lato , d e tn . in , of zinc, 276.

Brassidic acid, oxidation of, 9.

B read, dotn. in, of aneurin, 259.

Brew ing m aterials, dotn. in, of aneurin, 259.

of arsenic, 278.

of riboflavin, 260.

B rom ination, 186.

B rom ine, dotn. of, in biological fluids, 288.

B utadienes, 2-am ino-, 158.

1-Butyno, conversion of, in to b utadiene, 153.

fsoB utyraldohydo, a d d itio n p ro d u c t of bonzaldehydo an d , 144.

aldolisation of, 144.

n- an d fso-B utyryl peroxides, decom ­ position of, in carb o n totrachloride, 189.

C adm ates, 97.

C adm ium , sep aratio n of, from zinc, 272.

C adm ium hydroxyhalides, 95.

iodide, cry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

Calcium alum inate, decom position of, b y steam , 98.

Cam eras, fibre, 62.

apcC am phyl radical, 189.

opoC am phane-l-carboxylic acid, peroxide, reactio n of, w ith carb o n tetrachloride, 189.

C annabinol, co n stitu tio n a n d synthesis of, 182.

C arbohydrates, stru c tu re of, 70.

Carbon, d etn . of, in organic com pounds, 290.

fibrous, stru c tu re of, 61, 63.

isotopes, sep aratio n of, S7.

C arbon ieirachloride, actio n of peroxides on, 189.

dfoxido, equilibrium sorption of, in chabazito, 40.

C arbon soot, electron m icroscopy of, 85.

C arbonyl chloride, photolysis of, in cyclo- hexane, 188.

Carboxyl group, stru c tu ro of, 55.

C arboxylation, 186.

i./J-C arboxy-y-m ethylbutanesulphonic acid, 216.

Casein, iodinated, th y ro x in e form ation from , 243.

C atalysts, boron trifluoride-m ercuric oxide, 173, 174, 175.

for polym erisation, 192.

Cells, division an d m orphology of, 24.

Cellulose, cupram m onium com plex of, 72.

eth ers, d etn . in, of alkoxyl groups, 288.

fibros, cry stallin e-am o rp h o u s ra tio of, 71.

fibrils, b acte rial a n d chem ical d eg rad ­ a tio n of, 86.

stru c tu re of, 70, 73.

Coroals, d etn . in, of nicotinic acid, 261.

of riboflavin, 260.

Cerin, stru c tu re of, 12.

Covino, stru c tu re of, 228.

Chabazito, 33.

adsorption b y , effect of d e h y d ratio n on, 43.

energy of occlusion a n d e n tro p y for sorption in, 40.

equilibrium sorp tio n of carbon dioxide in, 40.

isobars, isosteres, a n d isotherm s in, 35.

sa tu ra tio n of, b y gases, 37.

Charcoal, v a n d er W aals ad sorption on, 39.

C hem otherapeuticals, action of, 266.

C hlorination, 186.

a-Chloro-ethors, a d d itio n of, to vinyl- acotylenes, 163.

Cholino, fo rm atio n of, in th e body, 251.

Chrom am m ines, 100.

Chrysotile, stru c tu ro of, 63.

Chrysotilo asbestos, fibre stru c tu re of, 61, 63.

C inchona alkaloids, 221.

Cinchonidine, stru c tu re of, 224.

Cinchonine, stru c tu re of, 224.

Clostridium acetobutylicum, as te s t o rgan­

ism for p.am inobonzoic acid, 266.

Coal, analysis of, 289.

d etn . in, of fluorine, 284.

electron m icroscopy of, 85.

stru c tu re of, 63.

C obalt, te rv a le n t, cyanato-com plexes of, 101


Cobaltous chloride, effect of, in G rignard reactions, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200.

Cocaine, pro d u ctio n of, Z-hygrolino from liquors in, 218.

Cocarboxylase, h e a t s ta b ility of, 259.

Codeine, c ry s ta l stru c tu ro of, 60.

Colem anite, cry sta l stru c tu re of, 54.

Collagen, stru ctu ro of, 74, 80.

Com pounds, com plex, 98.

Condolpliine, 226.

Coppor, sep aratio n of, from arsenic, 282.

Copper phosphides, 94.

Coronene, c ry stal stru c tu re of, 59.

Corynebacterium diphtherial, tra in in g of, for p a n to th e n a te synthesis, 270.

C otton, X -ra y fibre diagnosis of, 70.

C ounters, G-M , 62.

C reatine, phosphorylation of, 236.

p-Cresol, oxidation of, b y potassium forri- cyonide, 244.

Croton tiglium , crotonoside from , 207.

C rotonaldehyde, a n d its derivatives, 146.

dim eric, 146, 147.

trim erie, 148.

Crotonoside, 207.

C rystals, ionic, v a n dor W aals adsorption on, 39.

X -ra y analysis of, 47.

C rystallography, 46.

C ulture m edia for Lactobacillus casei-e, 266.


Cupric azide, com plexes from , 98.

chrom ate, basic, am m ine of, 96.

Cuprous tliiosulphates, com plex, 99.

Cyclotom ie points, 48.

C ytidine, 201.

s tru c tu re of, 204.

C ytidylic acid, 201, 202.

C ytosinedeoxyribosidephosphoric acid, 201.

1-Decanesulphonic acid, sodium salt, cry sta l stru c tu re of, 57.

D eh y d ratin g agents, 152.

D ehydrohalogenation b y sodam ide, 149.

D ehydropeptides, form ation of, 133.

D olatino, 226.

D elpham ino, 226.

D elpheline, 226.

D elphinine, stru ctu ro of, 226.

D elphinium , alkaloids of, 226.

D elphinium ajacis, alkaloid frorp, 226.

D elphinium confusum, alkaloids from , 226.

D elphinium elatum, alkaloids from, 226.

D elphinium staphisagria, alkaloids from, 226.

D elphonine, stru c tu re of, 227.

D eoxyretronocine, 224.

D eoxyribonucleic acids, 201.

D ethiobiotin, effect of, on b acteria, 267.

DethioaW obiotin, 218.

D o x tran , stru ctu ro of, 70.

D iacetylenes, 150.

D iacetylenio carbinols, p re p a ra tio n of, 168.

D iacotylenic glycols, p re p a ra tio n of, 168.

D ialdan, 146.

Di-p-anisylform azylform ic acid, eth y l ester, 138.

D iazo-com pounds, 182.

as vulcanising agents, 194.

1 : 2 : 5 : 6-D ibenzfluorenone, synthesis of, 182.

3 : 5-D iethoxy-l : 6-dihydrophthalic a n ­ hydride, 138.

D ieth y lacetic acid, a-am ino-, 122.

D iethyldithiocarbam io acid, sodium sa lt, as roagent for zinc, 275.

D ihydroxyfluoboric acid, 91.

a-D iketones from acetylenes, 154.

2 : 4-D im ethyl aldotetroso, 140.

D im ethylboron fluoride, reaction of, w ith trim eth y lam in e, 90.

2 : 4 -D im ethyl-l : 3-dioxan, 6-hydroxy-, 143.

5 : 5-D im ethyl-2 : 4-diisopropyl-l : 3-di­

oxan, 6-hydroxy-, 144.

D im ethylethynylcarbinol, chlorination of, 172.

reactio n of, using boron trifluoride-m or- curic oxide c a ta ly st, 173, 174.

D im ethylgallium , 104.

D im ethylvinylethynylcarbinol, condens­

atio n of, w ith phenols, 179.

D i-jS-naphthylthiocarbazone, as reagent fo r zinc, 276.


D iphenyl, 196.

cry stal stru ctu ro of, 5S.

D iphenylbenzonos, cry sta l stru c tu ro of, 58.

D iphenylono, cry stal s tru c tu re of, 58.

D iphenylkoton, reaction of, w ith aryl- acetylones, 157.

D iphenylthiocarbam ide. See D ithizono.

X iV -D i-n-propyldithiocarbam ic acid, copper salt, cry stal struoturo of, 60.

D istillation, fluorine d etn . by, 284.

D ithizone, as reagent for zinc, 274.

D ivinylacetyleno, polym erisation of, 164.

s- an d as-D ivinylacotylenes, 151.

1-D odecancsulphonic acid, sodim n salt, cry stal stru ctu ro of, 57.

1-Dodecyno, 153.

Drosophila, eyos, horm one form ing brow n pig m en t of, 239.

D rugs, bactericidal actio n of, in relation to stru ctu ro , 27.

offect of, on b acte rial grow th, 25.

di-D ulcitol, synthesis of, 178.

aWoDulcitol, synthesis of, 178.

E lectrodeposition in zinc analysis, 277.

E lectrolysis, 184.

E lectron microscope, 81.

E loctron m icroscopy, 81.

Em ufsions, 13.

E nolase, 234.

Ergocornine, 220.

E rgocristine, 220.

Ergocryptino, 220.

E rg o t alkaloids, 220.

Ergotoxino, co n stitu en ts of, 220.

E rucic acid, oxidation of, 9.

Escherichia coli, effect of chem othera- p euticals on, 267.

E sters, dotn. of, 289.

hydrolysis of, 9.

4-Ethoxy-l-p-anisylpyridaz-O -one, 139.

2 -E thoxybutadione, 163.

p-E thoxychrysoidino as in d icato r for zinc, 277.

E th o x y l groups, d etn . of, 288.

E thoxytrim othylsilane, 92.

E th y l brom ide, reaction of, w ith ethyl- m agnosium brom ide, 195.

E th y len e, cry stal stru ctu ro of, 55.

E thylenebisdiguanide, copper an d silver com plexes of, 99, 100.

E th y lg erm an iu m irichlorido, 114.

E thylm agnesium brom ide, reactio n of, w ith e th y l brom ide, 195.

E thyloctadecylm alonic acid, 0-hydroxy-, lactonisation of, 10.

E th y n y lb u tad ien o , polym erisation of, 164.

E thynylcarbinols, 166.

reaction of, w ith halogen acids, 170.

Ethynylcyciohexane, isom érisation of, 153.

1-Ethynylci/cfohexanol, 171.

Éthynyl-A'-cycZohexene, isom érisation of, 153.

1 -E th y n y lcy cio h ex en e, 171.

SU BJE C T S. 307



F s> d etn . of, in urino, 253.

in urine, 252.

F a ts , dotn. in, of K irschner, Polcnsko, an d R eiehort valuos, 289.

y-Ferric hydroxide, electron m icroscopy of, 85.

F erric oxides, effect of ad d ed oxides on, 93.

F e rritin , crystal stru c tu re of, CO.

apoF orritin, cry stal stru ctu ro of, CO.

“ F orron ” reagent, 28G.

F ibres, n a tu ra l a n d sy n th etic, stru c tu re of, CO.

F ib rin , stru c tu re of, 79.

F ibroin, stru c tu re of, 78.

F ibrous sta te , 61.

Film s, insoluble, a t o il-w ater interfaces, 10.

interfacial, m echanical properties of, 11.

m onolayer, condensed, expanded, an d gaseous, 5.

evaporation through, 8.

reactions in, 8.

spreading a n d phase changes of, 7.

stru ctu ro of, 5.

F lour, dotn. in, of aneurin, 259.

Fluorine, dotection of, te s ts for, 287.

d e tn . of, 283.

b y distillation, 28-1.

b y titra tio n , 284.

in air, 287.

in blood, 283.

in coal, 284.

in foods, 286.

in insecticides, 28C.

in organic com pounds, 280.

in rocks, 286.

in w ater, colorim etrically, 285.

in wood, 283.

in wool, 283.

Folic acid, assay of, 266.

from spinach, 255.

synthesis of, b y in te stin a l b acteria, 256.

Foods, d etn . in, of arsenic, 279, 283.

of fluorine, 286.

of zinc, 272.

w ith dithizone, 274.

Form aldehyde, reactio n of, w ith am ino- acids, 128.

Form ic acid, diffraction stu d y of, 55.

g allium salt, 107.

F o rm y l groups, d etn . of, 289.

F riedelin, stru c tu re of, 12.

F ructose 6-phosphate, phosphorylation of, 234.

G allium , 102.

G allium alloys, 107.

G allium alizarate, 107.

arsenate, 106.

borohydride, 105.

b ro m ate, 105.

brom ides, 104.

chlorate h y d ra te , 105.

chlorides, 103.

. as cataly sts, 107.

com pounds, 102.

G allium fluorides, 104.

hydrides, 105.

iodate h y d ra te , 105.

iodides, 104.

nitrides, 106.

perchlorate, 105.

ph o sp h ate, 106.

sulphates, 106.

Gases, analysis of bubbles of, 289.

G elatin, stru ctu ro of, 80.

w ater in, 77.

Gelsemine, 219.

fsoGolsemino, 219.

Gelsemium sempervirena, alkaloids from , 219.

G erm anates, 109.

G erm anic acid, 112.

G erm anioxalic acid, 112.

G erm anite, ex tractio n of germ anium from , 108.

G orm anium , 108.

d etec tio n of, 111.

d etn . of, 108, 112.

G erm anium alloys, 111.

for castings, 115.

G erm anium chlorobrom ide, 89.

hydroxide, 110.

organic com pounds, 114, 115.

monoxide, p rep aratio n of, 110.

oxides, 109.

phosphide, 111.

salts, com plex, 113.

selenides, 111.

G erm anoacetic acid, 114.

G erm anoform ic acid, 110.

G erm an o tartrates, 112.

Germ ine, stru ctu ro of, 228.

G ism ondite, 33.

Glass, add itio n of germ anie oxide to, 115.

analysis of gas bubblos in, 289.

dotn. in, of arsenic, 280.

v a n der W aals adsorption on, 39.

G liadin, surface pressure of, 11.

Glucose, phosphorylation of, 231.

Glucose 6-phosphate, phosphorylation of, 236.

3-Glueosidocytosino, 209.

3-Glucosidouracil, 209.

Glycine, condensation of, w ith benz- aldeliyde, 132.

eth y l ester, self-condensation of, 130.

Glycogen, synthesis of, from glucose, 234.

Glycol estors, from aldehyde condens­

ations, 145.

4-G lyeosidam inopyrim idino derivatives, p rep aratio n of, 212.

G m elinite, 33.

G oitrogens, 246.

Gom berg reaction, 182.

G ram icidin, analysis of hydrolysates of, 127.

G ram m e m ethiodide, 123.

G raphite, v an der W aals ad sorption on, 39.

G raves’ disease, iodine collection b y th y ro id in, 241.


IN D E X OF SU BJE C T S. 309 G rignard reactions, free radicals in, 195.

G rignard reagents, acetylenic, 165, 166.

alk y latio n w ith, 119.

arom atic, electrolysis of, 185.

G row th cycle, 16, 18.

inhibitors, effect of, on b acterial grow th, 23.

substances, for b acteria, 18.

G uaninedooxyribosidophosphoric acid, 201


Guanino glucósido, 210.

Guanosino, 201.

sp ectru m of, absorption, ultra-violot, 203.

stru c tu re of, 204.

G uanylic acid, 201.

Giim belite, stru c tu re of, 63.

j3-G uttapercha, stru c tu re of, 67.

G utzeit m ethod, 278.

Haemolysis in m onolayors, 15.

H alides, non-m etallic, 88.

H alogens, d etn . of, in organic com pounds, 287, 288.

H alogen acids, a d d itio n of, to acetylones, 155.'

H alogénation, 186.

H arm an , 220.

H arm otom e, 33.

dZ-'Heliotridan, synthesis of, 225.

isoH eliotrideno, 224.

H optyno, cyano-, a d d itio n of m ethyl alcohol to, 161.

H o p ty n y l radical, m ig rato ry ab ility of, 178.

H otoratisine, an d its benzoyl derivative, 220.

H eterocyclic com pounds, 215.

H eterolysis, 181.

H eulandite, diffusion of am m onia an d w ater in, 42.

1-H exadecanesulphonic acid, sodium salt, cry sta l stru c tu re of, 57.

p-H exodecylphenol, halogénation of, in m onolayers, 10.

H oxaenyne glycol, 177.

1 : 1 : 3 : 3 : 5 : 5-HexaethoxycycZohoxane, 136.

H oxam othyldisilam ino, 91.

Iloxam ethyldisiloxane, 92.

H exam othylonetetram ine, boron tri- fluoride com pound of, 90.

cycZoHexene, chlorination of, 191.

A2-cycZoHexenyl chloride, 191.

H exokinase, 234.

4-ci/cZoHexyl-l-pentyne, isom érisation of, 153.

1-H exyne, halogénation of,* 155.

oxidation of, to valeric acid, 154.

Hom olysis, 181.

H om olytic reactions, 181.

cZZ-Homomeroquinene, 222.

H om om etric points, 48.

H orm ones, 240.

H ydracrald eh y d e, dim eric, stru c tu re of, 142.

H ydrocarbons, acetylenic, 148.

occlusion of, in zeolites, 36.

n-paraffin, sorption h e a t of, in chab- azite, 40.

sep aratio n of, b y m olecular sieve m ethod, 45.

H ydrogen, d etn . of, in organic com ­ pounds, 290.

H ydrogen fluoride, anhydrous, sam pling of, 287.

Ily droxy-acids, lactonisation of, 9.

H yd ro x y l groups, d etn . of, 288.

dl-H ygrine, 219.

Z-Hygroline, 218.

H yperthyroidism , tre a tm e n t of, 247.

H ypoxanthinedeoxyriboside, 202.

Indono, polym erisation of, 193.

In d iu m chrom ate, 97.

Indole alkaloids, 219.

Inorganic chem istry, 87.

Inosine, 201.

spectrum of, absorption, u ltra-violet, 203.

Inosinephosplioric acid, 201.

Insecticides, d ètn . in, of fluorino, 286.

In testin es, f a t absorption in, 15.

Iodine, isotopes, radioactive, uso of, in th y ro id stu d y , 240.

Isom érisation of acetylenes, 152.

Isotopes, separation a n d use of, 87.

Jerv in e, stru c tu re of, 228.

J u te , X -ra y fibre diagnosis of, 70.

Ivophalin, surface pressure of, 11.

K o ratin , stru c tu re of, 79.

wool, w ater in, 77.

a- an d /3-Keratins, stru c tu re of, 74.

K e te n acetals, 134.

re a c tiv ity of, 136.

difsoam ylacetal, 135.

diisobutyl acetal, 134.

diethylacotal, 1 : 2-addition p ro d u cts of, 137.

polym erisation of, 136.

p rep aratio n of, a n d its brom o- and chloro-dorivatives, 134.

(lim ethylacetal, h e a t sta b ility of, 135.

di-n-propylacetal, 134.

K etones, a/3-acetylenic, 154.

condensation of, w ith acetylene, 168.

w ith vinylacetyleno, 167.

K ynurenic acid, 237.

K ynurenine, 238.

Lactobacillus arabinosus, for nicotinic acid assay, 261.

te s t organism for p an to th en ic acid, 265.

Lactobacillus casei-c as te s t organism for b io tin an d p an to th en ic acid, 264.

as te s t organism in riboflavin assay, 260.

eluate facto r neoded by, 255.

Lactobacillus helveticus. See Lactobacillus casei-e.

L actones, hydrolysis of, 9.



310 IN D E X OE SU B JE C T S.

L a n th a n u m n itrite , basic, 97.

L aurie acid, sodium sa lt, stru c tu re of, 04


L ead, b iv alen t, co-ordination n u m b er of, 1 0 0.

com m ercial, analysis of, 275.

d etn . in, of arsenic, 281.

L ead monoxido, orthorhom bic, cry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

L ecithin, surface pressure of, 11.

L evynite, 33.

L ignin, stru c tu re of, 73.

L ith iu m azidocuprate, 99.

L iver, autolysis of, b io tin from , 263.

crystalline grow th fa c to r from , 257.

L up an e derivatives, stru c tu re of, 12.

d-Lysergic acid, conversion of, in to 0 : 8- dim ethylergoline, 221.

isoLysergic acid, stru c tu re of, 221.

d- an d l-n- a n d -iso-Lysergic azides, 220.

Lysolecithin, surface pressure of, 11.

i-Lyxobenzim inazole, 207.

M agnesium alloys, analysis of, 276, 277.

d etn . in, of zinc, 277.

M agnesium carbide, cry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

hydroxide, particle shape an d size in, 85.

n itra te , basic, 96.

M agnitudes of sm all objects com pared w ith w ave-lengths of electrons, light, an d X -ray s, 82.

M alaria, use of oil films in m easures against, 7.

M annitodigerm anic acid, 113.

M annitogerm anic acid, 113.

M atter, stru c tu re of, b y electron m icro­

scopy, 81.

Meals, K .A .F ., riboflavin c o n te n t of, 261.

M ercuric oxycyanide, use of, in micro- volum otric analysis, 289.

salts, reactio n of, w ith vinylacetylenyl- carbinols, 179.

M etals, electron m icroscopy of, 85.

M etallic halides, effect of, on G rignard reactions, 196.

oxides, 92.

M etantim onites, cry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

M ethacrylic acid, m eth y l ester, polym eris­

atio n of, benzoyl peroxides as c a ta ­ ly sts for, 193.

M ethionine, synthesis of, 122.

M ethoxyacetaldehyde, aldolisation of, 140.

p-M othoxycinnam ylideneglycine, deriv ­ ativ es, p re p a ra tio n of, 132.

M othoxyl groups, d e tn . of, 288.

M ethoxytrim ethylsilane, 92.

M ethyl alcohol, h e a t of ad sorption of, in chabazite, 41.

yS-Mothylacetaldol, p re p a ra tio n an d pro.

p erties of, 139.

M ethylboron difluoride, reactio n of, w ith trim ethylam ine, 90.

1-M ethylcyciobutene, stru c tu re of, 57.

2-M etliyldec-3-en-5-one, red u ctio n of, b y alcoholic sodium , 140.

M ethylenecyciobutane, stru c tu re of, 67.

M ethylgerm anium trichloride, 114.

M othylketen diethylacetal, 135.

M etliylm agnesium brom ide, reaction of, w ith acid halides, 199.

w ith cycZohexyl chloride an d cobalt- ous chloride, 197.

iodide, electrolysis of, in « -b u ty l eth er, 184.

reactions of, w ith acid halides, 199.

/3-Mothylmorphimothine, c ry stal stru c tu re of, 60.

M icrobiology, electron m icroscopy applied to , 85.

Microscopes, electron, 81.

X -ray , 82.

M icroscopy, electron, 81.

M onocrotalic acid, stru c tu re of, 225.

M onocrotaline, 225.

M onolayers. See F ilm s, m onolayer.

M ordenite, 33.

Muscle, co n tractio n of, energy for, from hydrolysis of adenosine trip h o sp h ate, 232.

M uscle-adenylic acid, 205.

M yokinase, 233.

Myosin, n a tu re an d a c tiv ity of, 233.

stru c tu re of, 79.

Myxoodema, iodine collection b y th y ro id in, 241.

N atro lite, am m oniate of, 38.

N atrophilito, c ry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

N eophyl radical, reaction of, w ith phenyl.

m agnesium brom ide, 200.

Neurospora, m u ta n ts , requiring tr y p to ­ phan, 240.

uso of, in vitamin-/} group assays, 263.

Neurospora crassa as te s t organism for p-am inobenzoic acid, 265.

N ickel n itrid e, 94.

N ickelocyanides, 101.

N icotinam ide, effects of, in d iet, 253.

from asparagine, 130.

N icotinic acid, assay of, 261.

excretion of, 252.

N itro-com pounds, arom atic, m o thylation of, w ith lead te tra -a c e ta te , 190.

N itro-groups, inhibition of polym erisation b y , 193.

N itrogen isotopes, sep aratio n of, 87.

N itrogen halides, cry sta l stru c tu re of, 49.

N itrosoacylarylam ine reaction, 182.

N -N itrosoacylarylam ines, as c a ta ly sts for polym erisation, 195.

N ucleic acids, chem istry of, 200.

Nucleosides, 200.

prep aratio n of, 202.

stru c tu re of, 203.

synthesis of, 208.

N ucleotides, 200.

phosphoryl residue in, 206.

prep aratio n of, 202.

synthesis of, 208.

N u tritio n , 252.



N ylon, stru c tu re of, 69.

1-O ctadecanesulphonio acid, sodium salt, cry stal stru c tu re of, 57.

1-O ctanesulphonic acid, sodium salt, cry stal stru c tu re of, 57.

O ctatrienal, isom érisation of acotylonic glycol from , 176.

O ctopin, synthesis of, 129.

(Estrogens, bactericidal action of, 268.

Oils, drying, polym erisation of, in m ono­

layers, 9.

Oloanolic acid, stru c tu re of, 12.

Oleic acid, films, spreading of, 8.

O rganic analysis, m icrochom ical, 287.

O rganic com pounds, complox, m olecular stru c tu re of, 12.

O rpim ent, cry stal stru c tu re of, 53.

O rtho-salts, form ation of, 94.

O xalic acid, gallium sa lt, 107.

d ihy d rn to , diffraction s tu d y of, 55.

silver salt, cry stal stru c tu re of, 52.

O xalyl chloride, photolysis of, in cyclo- hexano, 188.

O xygen isotopos, sep aratio n of, 87.

Ozonolysis, 154.

P a in ts, dotn. in, of zinc, 276.

P alm itic acid, sodium salt, equilibrium of, w ith w ater, 64.

P a n to th e n a te s, m otabolism of, inhibited b y p an to y ltau rin o , 270.

P an to th e n ic acid, assay of, 264.

P a n to y ltau rin e, effect of, on grow th of Streptococcus hcemolyticus, 266.

resp irato ry inh ib itio n by, 269.

n-Paraffins, fibre stru c tu re of, 65.

P arald o l, condensation of, in presence of hydrogen cyanide, 145.

stru c tu re of, 142.

P ectin , stru c tu re of, 73.

Penicillin, effect of, on v iab ility of b acte ria, 268.

P eptides, 133.

ch ro m ato g rap h y of, 127.

d eh y d ratio n p ro d u cts of, 130.

form ation of, from azlactones, 133.

synthesis of, from a-keto-acids, 129.

P halloidin, a -h y d ro x y try p to p h an in, 238.

P henol, an th elm in tic an d an tib acterial actio n of, m ixed w ith soap, 15.

b acte rial actio n of, 268.

Phenols, a n tib a c te ria l actio n of, 27.

h alogénation of, in m onolayers, 10.

dZ-Phenylacetic acid, a-am ino-, 122.

Phenylalanine, synthesis of, 124.

1 -P h en y l-l-b u ty n e, 153.

4-Phenyl-5 : 5-dim ethyl-2-isopropyl-l : 3- dioxan, 6-hydroxy-, 144.

/3-Phenylethyl radical in eth ereal solution, 199.

P henylethylisopropylgorm anium brom ide, 115.

P h en y leth y n y l radical, m ig rato ry ab ility of, 178.

Phenylgerm anium trichloride, 114.

P honylm agnesium brom ide, reaction of, w ith alkyl halides, w ith an d w ith o u t cobaltous chlorido, 196.

a-Phonylpropionic acid, a-am ino-, 122.

/3-Phonylpropionic acid, fi-nmino-, p re p a r­

atio n of, 126.

P hloroglucinol d th y d ra te , cry stal s tru c ­ tu re of, 60.

P hosphates, p recip itatio n of, 95.

P h o sp h ate bond energy, 230,

P h o sp h ate rock, d etn . in, of fluorine, 284.

Phosphorase, N euberg ostor, 234.

Phosplierases, 233.

Phosphides, m etallic, 94.

Phosphoglucom utaso, purification of, 234.

3-Pliosphoglyceraldehydo, ph o sp h ate a d d i­

tio n to, 234.

Phosphokinases, 233.

P hosphoric acid, titr a tio n of, w ith calcium hydroxide, 96.

P hosphoryl chloride, boron trichloride com pound of, 91.

halidos, cry stal stru c tu re of, 51.

P hosphorylase, p re p a ra tio n of, 231.

P hosphorylation, m echanism of, 230.

oxidative, 234.

P hotom eters, fibre applications of, 62.

P hthalooyanines, 183.

X -ra y stru c tu re of, 49.

Phthioio acid, stru c tu re of, 13.

Phytom onic acid, cry stal stru c tu re of, .60.

Pim anthrono, 226.

Pim elio acid, a-am ino-, 124.

P la n t ash, dotn. in, of zinc, 276.

P olarography in arsenic d etn ., 282.

in zinc d etn ., 276.

Polyam ides, stru c tu re of, 08.

Polyisobutylene, stru c tu re of, 68.

Polychloropreno, stru c tu re of, 67.

Polyesters, stru c tu re of, 68.

P olyethers, stru c tu re of, 68.

Polyethylene oxide, stru c tu re of, 68.

Polym orides, cata ly sts in, 192.

election m icroscopy of, 86.

high, m elting of, 66.

linear, s tru c tu re of films of, 14.

ra te of expansion of, 67.

P olym erisation, ad d itio n , 192.

inh ib itio n of, b y nitro-com pounds, 193.

in m onolayers, 9.

P olyoxym ethylene, electron m icroscopy of, 86.

P olyoxym ethylenes, s tru c tu re of, 68.

Polysulphones from acetylenes, 156.

Porcupine quill, stru c tu re of, 79.

P o tassiu m azidocuprato, 99.

p alladocyanides, 102.

silver carb o n ate, c ry stal stru c tu re of, 52.

P o te n tia l, surface, 5.

Pow ders, grain shape a n d size d etn . in, 85.

Pregneninolone, 168.

P ressure, surface, 5.

Proflavine, b acte rio static effect of, 26.

P ropam idine, b actericid al actio n of, 269.

P ro p arg y l alcohol, alkali fission of, 169.



Propenylothynylcarbinol, isom érisation of, 175, 176.

Propiophenones, am ino-, 158.

n- an d iso-P ropylketen diethylacetals, 135.

n- a n d ¿so-Propylm agnesium brom ides, electrolysis of, 185.

P ro tein s, d istrib u tio n a n d occurrence of am ino-acids in, 75.

effect of u ltra-v io let lig h t on m onolayers of, 10. .

s tru c tu re of, 74.

a n d th e ir m onolayers, 14.

w ater in, 77.

wool-like fibres of, 75.

Proteus morganii, te s t organism for p an to th en ic acid, 265.

P rotoverine, stru c tu re of, 228.

P u rin e nucleosides, 209, 211.

P y knom eter, m icro-, 287.

P yridine, rhodium halide com plexes w ith, 101


P yrid o x al, 263.

P yridoxam ino, 263.

Pyridoxine, assay of, 262.

relation of, to anæ m ia, 254.

i/r-Pyridoxino, 262.

Pyridylquinolines, 183.

Pyrim idine, 5-am ino-, p re p a ra tio n of deriv ativ es of, 213.

4 : 5-diam ino-, cyclisation of deriv­

ativ es of, 212.

4 : 6-diam ino-, p rep aratio n of, 213.

P y rith iam in e, effect of, on b a c te ria , 267.

P y ro p h y llite, reactions of, 97.

P y ru v a te s, form ation of, phosphorylation before, 234.

m etabolism of, phosphorylation during, 235.

Q uaterplionyl, 196.

Quillaic acid, stru c tu re of, 12.

Q uinaldines, form ation of, from acetylene, 158.

Q uinaldinic acid, as reag en t for zinc, 273.

Q uinaldinie acid, 5-nitro-, as reag en t for zinc, 274.

Q uinidine, s tru c tu re of, 224..

Quinino, stru c tu re of, 224.

synthesis of, 222.

Q uinoline, 8-hydroxy-, as reag en t for zinc, 274.

Q uinones, alkylation of, w ith acyl p e r­

oxides, 191.

d-Q uinotoxine, synthesis of, 221.

R adicals, free, dim érisation of, 197.

form ation of, in electrolysis, 184.

from decom position of acyl peroxides, 181.

Rauwolfia canascens, alkaloid from , 220.

R auw olscino, 220.

R eactions, electrolytic, 184.

hom olytic, 181.

R ealgar, cry sta l stru c tu re of, 54.

Reflectors, uso of germ anium in, 115.

R etronecanone, synthesis of, 225.

R etronecino, stru c tu re of, 224.

Resins, sy n th etic, organo-silicon com ­ pounds in relatio n to , 91.

R henium com pounds, com plex, 100.

Rhizobium trifo lii as te s t organism for b io tin , 264.

R hodium , b iv alen t, com plexes of, 101.

R hodium oxides, 93.

9-R ibitylisoalloxazine, 6 : 7-dichloro-, effect of, on b acteria, 267.

R iboflavin, assay of, 259.

b acte rial deg rad atio n of, 270.

Ribonucleic acids, hydrolysis of, 201.

9-d-R ibopyranosidoadenine, 211.

stru c tu re of, 214.

Rico, polished, concentrates, grow th facto r from , 265.

Rooks, dotn. in, of fluorine, 286.

R osm arinecine, s tru c tu re of, 225.

R osm arinine, 225.

R u b b er, actio n of benzoyl peroxide on, 194.

hydrochloride, stru c tu re of, 67.

stru c tu re of, 66, 67.

vulcanising agents for, 194.

R ubber-like m aterials, stru c tu re of, 65.

R ubidium azidocuprate, 99.

n- an d iso-R ubijorvines, stru c tu re of, 228.

aWoRubijervino, 228.

epialioR ubijervino, 228.

R ubijervone, 228.

R ubrenes, fo rm atio n an d stru c tu re of, 168.

Salicylaldéhyde, azlactone, hydrolysis of, 132.

Salicylaldoxim o as reag en t for zinc, 274.

S alts, basic, 95.

Senecio, alkaloids from , 224.

Selenates, d etn . of, in presence of arse n ­ ates, 282.

Silicates, 97.

Silicofluoroform, 89.

Silicon chloroisocyanates, 88.

isocyanates, 89.

halides, cry stal stru c tu re of, 51.

hydrides, fluorinated, 89.

m ethoxyisocyanates, 89.

organic com pounds, 91.

Silk fibroin, stru c tu re of, 74.

Siloxene, 34.

Silver brom ide grains in photographic emulsions, 85.

carbonate, c ry stal s tru c tu re of, 52.

Silyl fluoride, 89.

Silylene fluoride, 89.

Smokes, grain shape an d size d e tn . in, 85.

Soaps, an th elm in tic a n d a n tib acterial actio n of, m ixed w ith phenol, 15.

stru c tu re of, 64.

Sodam ide, p re p a ra tio n of, 149.

Sodium cety l su lp h ate, surfaco pressure of, 11.

iodate, cry stal stru c tu re of, 54.

n itrite , cry stal s tru c tu re of, 54.

oxide, com pounds of, w ith co b alt, co p ­ per, nickel, a n d zinc oxides, 94.


IN D E X OF SUBJE C TS. 313 Soils, ashing of, 284.

d etn . in, of arsenic, 280.

of zinc, 276.

«HoSolanidano, 227.

Solanidanols, 227.

Solanidino, stru c tu re of, 227, 228.

Solanum , alkaloids of, 227.

Solasodine, stru c tu re of, 228.

Solutes, kinetics of, in zeolites, 41.

Solutions, surface ageing of, 13.

S orbaldehyde, isom orisation of acetylenic carbinol a n d glycol from , 176.

S pinach, folic acid from , 255.

S preading of m onolayers, 7.

S preading pressure of films, 11.

Staphisino, stru c tu ro of, 226.

S tarch , stru c tu re of, 73.

S tearic acid, sodium salt, equilibrium of, w ith w ater, 64.

S tearic acid, y-hydroxy-, lactonisation of, 10.

Sterols, m olecular s tru c tu re of, 12.

Stilbeno derivatives, oestrogenic, a d so rp ­ tio n of, in m onolayers, 15.

Strcptobaclerium plantarum as te s t o rg an ­ ism for p a n to th en ic acid, 265.

Streptococcus hcemolyticus, grow th of, effect of p a n to y lta u rin e on, 266.

Streptococcus lactis as te s t organism for p a n to th en ic acid, 265.

Streptococcus lactis R , folic acid for grow th of, 255.

pyridoxine in grow th of, 262.

Streptococcus salivarius for aneurin assay, 259.

S tro n tiu m azidocuprate, 99.

chloride Aearahydrate, cry stal stru ctu re of, 54.

S tyrene, polym erisation of, 192.

b y h e a t w ith o u t cata ly sts, 195.

Succinim ide, iV-bromo-, use of, for su b sti­

tu tio n in olefins, 191.

S ulphaguanidine, goitrogenic action of, 246.

S ulplianilam ide, effect of, on cell m o rp h ­ ology, 266.

Sulphonam ides, goitrogenic action of, 246.

re sp ira to ry inhibition by, 269.

S ulphonates, organic, cry stal stru c tu re of, 57.

S ulphonation, 186.

S ulphur, an d its com pounds, cry stal stru ctu ro of, 53.

d etn . in, of arsenic, 282.

in organic com pounds, 287.

S ulphur n itrid e, cry stal stru ctu ro of, 54.

S ulphuryl chloride, use of, in chlorination a n d sulphonation, 186.

Surface agoing of solutions, 13.

Surface chem istry, 5.

Surface p o ten tial, 5.

Surface pressure, 5.

isoTalatisidine, 226.

T a rta ric acid, gallium salt, 107.

T erphenyl, 196.

T etra-ald an , 145.

1-T etradecanesulphonic acid, sodium salt, cry stal stru c tu re of, 57.

2 : 3 : 4 : 5-T etradehydrobiotin, 218.

T etrahydroacetophenones from vinyl- acotylone, 164.

T etrahydroalstonine, 219.

T etrahydroalstoninic acid, 219.

S-Tetrahydro-2-f uryl-n-valoric acids, S-3:4- diam ino-, 218.

T etram m inocupric chrom ate, 96.

Tetraphenylono, cry stal stru c tu re of, 58.

T etraphenylsuccinonitrile, effect of, on sty ren e polym erisation, 194.

T etrapyridylphthalocyanino, 183.

Thapsic acid, 177.

Theobromine-d-glucosido, 209.

T heophylline glycosides, 210.

Thiophan-3-ones, 2 -su b stitu ted , synthesis of, 218.

T hiophosphoryl brom ide, brom ofluorides, a n d fluoride, 90.

halides, cry stal stru c tu re of, 51.

T hiouraeü, goitrogenic action of, 247.

T hiourea, oxidation of, to iodine, 249.

T hioureas, goitrogenic action of, 246, 247.

T horium salts, uso of, in fluorine d etn ., 284.

T h y m in e d e o x y rib o sid e p h o s p h o ric a cid , 201.

Thym onucleic acid, sodium sa lt, fibre stru c tu re of, 61.

Thym us-nucleic acid, enzym ic fission of, 2 02.

Thyroglobulin, hydrolysis of, to thyroxine, 250.

T hyroid, 240.

collection of iodino by, 241, 249.

horm one of, goitrogenic effect on form ­ atio n of, 248.

n a tu re of, 249.

hyperplasia of, induced b y goitrogens, 246, 247.

tff-Thyronine, 3 : 5-diiodo-, 125.

Tliyroxino as th y ro id horm one, 250.

form ation of, from iodinated casein, 243.

from iodine in thyroidectom y, 242.

in vitro a n d in vivo, 244.

synthesis of, 125.

T in halides, c ry stal stru ctu ro of, 49.

Tobacco m osaic virus, stru ctu ro of, 80.

T opaz, synthesis of, 97.

T osylthym idine, 205.

T ransam ination, 129.

T riethylgallium , 104.

T rim ethylchlorosilane, 91.

T rim ethylgallium , an d its am m oniate, 103.

Trim ethylsilano, 91.

T rim othylsilanol, 91.

T riolein, oxidation of, by perm an g an ate, 9.

1 : 3 : 5-Triphenylbenzono, cry stal stru c ­ tu r e of, 58.

T riphenylgallium , 104.

T riphenylm ethyl, add itio n of, to vinyl- acetylene, 163.

reaction of, w ith benzoyl peroxide, 188.



T rip h en y lm eth y l brom ide an d chloride, c ry stal stru c tu re of, 50.

2 : 3 : 4-T riphenyl-a-naphthol, form ation of, from diphenylacetylene, 157.

T ris(trim ethylsilyl) p h o sp h ate, 02.

Tritorpeno acids, stru c tu ro of, 13.

IV6 : 2' : 3'-Tritosyladenosino, 205.

iV6 : 2' : 3'-T ritosyltrityladenosino, 205.

T rityladenosine, 205.

T rity ley tid in e, 205.

T ritylguanosine, 205.

T rity lth y m id in e, 205.

T rity lu rid in e, 205.

T ry p to p h an , deficiency of, effects of, 237.

in term ed iary m etabolism of, 237.

synthesis of, 123.

T ungsten-blue, 92.

T ungsten oxides, 92.

T yrocidin, analysis of hydrolysate3 of, 127.

T yrosine, synthesis of, 124.

T yrosine, 3-iodo-, 125.

cfiiodo-, fo rm atio n of, from iodirto in th y ro id ecto m y , 242.

o x id atio n of, 245.

U n sa tu ra te d com pounds, reactio n of, w ith diazonium com pounds, 183.

Uracil-3-Z-arabinosido, 209.

U racil-3-d-galactoside, 209.

U raciI-3-d-riboside, 209.

U racil-3-d-xyloside, 209.

U ran iu m isotope, sep aratio n of, 88.

U ric acid riboside, 207.

U ridine, 201.

stru c tu re of, 204.

U ridylic acid, 201, 202.

U rine, blue fluorescent su b stan ce in, 252.

d etn . in, of arsenic in colloidal suspen­

sion, 280.

in term ed iary p ro d u cts from try p to p h a n in, 237, 238.

Valine, synthesis of, 124.

Vegetables, frozen, d etn . in, of anourin, 259.

Veratrum, alkaloids of, 227.

V inylacetylene, fo rm atio n a n d po ly ­ m erisation of, 151.

polym erisation of, 162.

V inylacetylcnes, 151.

alk y latio n of, 150.

reactions of, 161.

sp ectra of, absorption, u ltra-v io let, 161.

V inylacetylenic earbinols, reactions of, 178.

Vinyltaopropenylaoetylene, condensation of, w ith phenols, 179,

V iruses, stru c tu re of, 80.

V itam in # group, assay o:

V itam in-#,,,, 257.

V ita m in - # ,,, 257.

V itam in-#,., 257.

W ate r, d etn . in, of fluorine, 285.

ev ap o ratio n of, p rev en tio n of, 7, 8.

reactions a t a ir intorfneos w ith , 8.

W illielm y p late, 11.

W ines, ashing of, for fluorine d etn ., 283.

d e tn , in, of arsenic, 278, 281.

W ood, d e tn . in, of fluorine, 283.

W ool, d etn . in, of fluorine, 283.

a-jS-transition in, 77.

X a n th in e , synthesis of, 211.

X anthosine, 201.

sp ectru m of, abso rp tio n , u ltra-v io let, 203.

X an th u ren ic acid, 238.

X an th y lic acid, 201.

9-d-X ylopyronosidoadenine, 211.

synthesis of, 214.

9-d-X ylopyranosido-2-m ethyladonino, 211, 213.

Y east, crystalline grow th facto r from , 257.

Y east-adenylic acid, 201.

p re p a ra tio n of, 202.

Zeolites as absorbents, 31.

diffusion of solutos into, 42.

h e a t of occlusion of, 39.

isobars, isoteres, a n d isotherm s in, 34.

kinetics of solutes in, 41.

m olecular sieve properties of, 44.

occlusion of solutes by, effect of d e ­ h y d ra tio n on, 42.

sa tu ra tio n of, b y gases, 30.

stru c tu re of, 33.

ta b le of, 32.

Zinc, an aly tical chem istry of, 272.

com m ercial, analysis of, 277.

d etection of, reagents for, 273.

d etn . of, 272.

in blood, 275.

in brass p late, p ain ts, an d p lu n t ash, 276.

in fertilisers, 276.

in foods, 274.

in m agnesium alloys, 277.

in soils, 276.

electrolytic analysis of, 277.

in glass a n d reagents, 275.

sep aratio n of, from an tim o n y , arsenic, b ism u th , iron, a n d m anganese, 274.

from cadm ium , 272.

Zinc cyanide, c ry s ta l stru c tu ro of, 54.

hydroxyhalides, 95.

Zinc yellow, 96.

Zinzadze’s reag en t, 281.

Zirconyl alizarin-S lake, 283.


