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Widok Nieuczciwe praktyki wydawnicze


Academic year: 2022

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Nieuczciwe praktyki wydawnicze

Od pewnego czasu nasila się na świecie zjawisko nieuczciwych praktyk wydawni- czych, których celem jest wyciąganie pieniędzy od osób zainteresowanych publikowaniem swoich tekstów za granicą. W związku z koniecznością gromadzenia dorobku naukowego umożliwiającego dalszą karierę naukową i zmianami reguł osiągania kolejnych stopni na- ukowych (liczba cytowań) polskie środowisko naukowe może być szczególnie narażone na tego typu niebezpieczeństwa. Korzystając z tego, że „Forum Socjologiczne” pełni funk- cję informacyjną, zamieszczam przykład, jak wygląda taki proceder.

Dostałem właśnie e-mail następującej treści:

From Knowledge to Wisdom Sociology Study

Print ISSN: 2159-5526 Online ISSN: 2159-5534 Frequency: monthly Call for Papers

Dear Igor Pietraszewski,

Th is is Sociology Study (ISSN 2159-5526), a professional journal published across the United States by David Publishing Company, USA. We have learned your paper Jazz and the First Pol- ish Subculture: Art as an Act of Resistance During the Stalin Era in the Inaugural Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Network for the Study of Subcultures, Popular Music and Social Change.

We are very interested in your paper and would like to publish your paper in Sociology Study. If you have the idea of making our journal a vehicle for your research interests, please send elec- tronic version of your papers or books to us through email attachment in MS word format. All your original and unpublished papers are welcome.

As an American academic publishing group, we hope to keep in touch by email and can publish some papers or books for you and your friends in USA, wishing to become your friends if necessary. We also want to invite some people to be our reviewers or become our editorial board members. If you are interested in our journal, you can send your CV to us. Expect to get your reply soon.

Brief Introduction

Sociology Study is an international, scholarly and peer-reviewed journal (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, USA, which was founded in 2001.

Th e  journal serves as a bridge between worldwide scholars and sociological researchers. Th e journal publishes research articles, reviews, and letters in all areas of sociology. Th e journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on recent developments in sociology. Each issue brings you critical perspectives and cogent analyses, serving as an outlet for the best theoretical and research work in the fi eld. Th e purpose of the journal is to further the understanding of the theory and practice of sociology by publishing articles of interest to practitioners and scholars. Th e journal publishes peer-reviewed articles, review

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© for this edition by CNS




articles, case studies, exemplar profi les, viewpoints and research results from practitioners of all grades and professions, academics and other specialists on the broad spectrum of sociology.

Th e topics covered in the journal include (but not limit to): culture; criminality, deviance, law and punishment; economic sociology; environment; education; family, gender, and sexuality;

health and illness; Internet; knowledge and science; media; military; political sociology; race and ethnic relations; religion; social networks; social psychology; stratifi cation; urban and rural sociology; work and industry; sport sociology. Th e journal is published in English. Th e e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website. Accepted papers will immediately appear online followed by printed in hard copy.

Sociology Study is collected and indexed by the Library of U.S Congress, on whose offi cial web- site (http://catalog.loc.gov) an on-line inquiry can be triggered with its publication number ISSN 2159-5526 as key words in “Basic Search” column. In addition, this journal is also retrieved by some renowned databases:

■ Database of EBSCO, Massachusetts, USA

■ Hein Online Database, W.S.HEIN, USA

■ Chinese Database of CEPS, American Federal Computer Library center (OCLC), USA

■ Chinese Scientifi c Journals Database, VIP Corporation, Chongqing, P.R.China

■ Ulrich’s Periodicals Direcory

■ ProQuest/CSA Social Science Collection, Public Aff airs Information Service (PAIS), USA

■ Summon Serials Solutions

Information for Authors

1. Th e manuscript should be original, and has not been published previously. Do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal.

2. Manuscripts may be 4000-12000 words or longer if approved by the editor, including an abstract, texts, tables, footnotes, appendixes, and references. Th e title should be on page 1 and not exceed 15 words, and should be followed by an abstract of 100-200 words. 3-5 keywords or key phrases are required.

3. Th e manuscript should be in MS Word format, submitted as an email attachment to our email address.

4. Authors of the articles being accepted are required to sign up the Transfer of Copyright Agree- ment form.

5. Author will receive 2 hard copies of the journal containing their articles.

Peer Review Policy

Sociology Study is a refereed journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

Editorial Procedures

All papers considered appropriate for this journal are reviewed anonymously by at least two outside reviewers. Th e review process usually takes two to three weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to no substantive, stylistic editing. Th e editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the paper submitted.

A copy of the edited paper along with the fi rst proofs will be sent to the author for proofreading.

Th ey should be corrected and returned to the editor within seven days. Once the fi nal version of the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make further changes to the text.

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Submission of Manuscript

All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be sent on- line or as an email attachment to: sociology@davidpublishing.com; sociology@davidpublish- ing.org or sociology288@gmail.com.

Welcome visit our website at: http://www.davidpublishing.org/

Best Regards Editor Offi ce

Sociology Study, ISSN 2159-5526 David Publishing Company


E-mail: sociology@davidpublishing.com; sociology@davidpublishing.org; sociology288@


Tel: 1-323-9847526,1-302-5977046; Fax: 1-323-9847374

Oprócz niegramatycznego tytułu treść wiadomości w pierwszej chwili nie wzbudziła mojego niepokoju. Zawsze to miło, że ktoś nas docenia i zwraca się z propozycją publika- cji. Zaskakujący wydał mi się krótki termin recenzji. Ponieważ nigdy nie słyszałem o „So- ciology Study”, zacząłem pytać znajomych naukowców i szukać informacji w internecie.

W efekcie okazało się, że o piśmie nikt nic nie wie, a na stronie internetowej International Sociological Association (http://www.isa-sociology.org/publ/warning.htm) można zna- leźć ostrzeżenie dotyczące praktyk wydawcy opisywanego miesięcznika.

Okazuje się, że po wysłaniu artykułu do wydawcy możemy spodziewać się niezapo- wiedzianych żądań fi nansowych warunkujących umieszczenie go w druku. Deklarowany termin recenzowania tekstów i przesyłania ich autorowi do ewentualnych poprawek każe zastanawiać się, czy ktoś je w ogóle czyta. Na stronie wydawcy (http://www.davidpub- lishing.org/), w zakładkach „About Us” i „Partner” nie ma żadnych wiadomości, chociaż strona na pierwszy rzut oka sprawia profesjonalne wrażenie. Nasilający się problem nie- uczciwych praktyk wydawniczych opisany jest szczegółowo na stronie http://weeklytrust.

com.ng/?option=com_content&view=article&id=6837:bait-and-switch-publishing-new- face-of-academic-fraud&catid=50:notes-from-atlanta&Itemid=146.

Igor Pietraszewski

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