• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

The future of the European neighborhood policy of the EU after the Crimean crisis

The European Union implementing the European Neighborhood Policy failed to create a “friendship ring”, the outbreak of armed confl icts and social tensions in many countries led to the emergence of a “ring of fi re”

(Hahn 2017) surrounding the EU Member States from the South and the East in the second decade of the 21st century. Some neighboring countries have changed their priorities in domestic and foreign policy, and the EU has ceased to be a model reference in building democratic principles and economic relations.

For the European Union, the formulation of the neighborhood policy stemmed from the accession of the new Member States and the movement of the EU’s borders to Europe’s far east (Haukkala 2009). The European Neighborhood Policy has been instrumental in implementing priority actions for the promotion of European values that the neighboring countries of the EU have largely rejected. After the Crimean crisis and the Arab Spring, the EU’s strategic goals in the neighborhood policy are to maintain political and economic stability in the eastern and southern regions. Maintaining this stability in the eastern dimension requires close cooperation with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Negotiations on the EU-Ukraine trade deal have not addressed the issue of membership of the European Union, mainly because of objections by some EU Member States, particularly Germany and France. Closer cooperation with Ukraine will be a key element in the

Wanda Dugiel, European Union Neighborhood Policy and Relations with Russia


implementation of the EU’s Eastern Neighborhood Policy, especially as Eastern-European countries interested in NATO and EU membership are not yet ready for EU membership, and their cooperation with the EU is linked to their confrontation with Russia.

The importance of the European Union and Russia’s cooperation will increase due to closer political and economic relations between the United States and China. Russia, wishing to maintain a signifi cant geopolitical position, will be forced to maintain political and economic cooperation with the European Union. The EU’s relations with Russia will depend to a large extent on the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis (Brzezinski 2017). The G20 summit in Hamburg has confi rmed the possibility of resolving the confl ict in Ukraine (The New York Times 2017). The European Union questions the annexation of the Crimea and intends to support the pursuit of European values in the countries of Eastern Europe. At the same time, the EU recognizes that both sides should cooperate (European Union –  Global Strategy 2016).


The European Union has been carrying out the process of promoting European values in neighboring countries since 2004. The ambition of the EU’s European Neighborhood Policy was to provide opportunities for neighboring countries to gain commercial benefi ts and development aid without participating in EU institutions and structural funds. The European Neighborhood Policy did not guarantee neighboring countries membership inthe European Union.


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