• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

1 J. E. Cirlot, Słownik symboli, przekł. J. Kania, Kraków 2000

170 3 Księga ilustrowana wiadomości pożytecznych. Popularny podręcznik

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4 W. Kopaliński, Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury, Warszawa 1988. 5 Leksykon filozofii klasycznej, red. J. Herbut, Lublin 1997.

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7 Podręczna encyklopedia biblijna, red. ks. E. Dąbrowski, t.1, Poznań 1959. 8 Polski słownik judaistyczny – dzieje, kultura, religia, ludzie, red.

Z. Borzymińska, R. Żebrowski, Warszawa 2003.

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10 Słownik antropologii Nowego Testamentu, red. B. Widła, Warszawa 2003. 11 Słownik terminów literackich, red. J. Sławiński, Warszawa 1976.

12 X. Leon-Dufour SJ, Słownik Nowego Testamentu, przekł. i oprac. K. Romaniuk, Poznań 1981.

Źródła internetowe:

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171 9. https://jozefbizon.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/suma_teologiczna_sw_t

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10. wiedzoholik.pl/ naukowcy–p –raz–pierwszy–wychodowali–embriony– w–kosmosie [dostęp:2.04.2016].



Literary Young Poland eschatology

in the light of Revelation by saint John/The Apocalypse of John

The Bible is a book giving people inspiration for centuries. For today many painters, sculptors, writers and artists are still drawing from her treasury. In nineteenth and twentieth centuries the Bible is no longer book for scholars, rich and nobles. It was the time when it started to be available for everybody. Scripture ceases to be read through the prism of dogma and doctrine of the Church. Now his reading started to be is an individual perception of every reader, with all its consequences. Modernists were seeing the Bible as the source of inspiration more than spiritual experiences.

However some parts of the Bible were more interesting and inspirational for Young Polish creators. They were particularly fond of the language of symbol in the Apocalypse of St. John. In Apocalypse everything is a symbol: numbers, colors, characters, mysterious visions. End of the world is presented very suggestive and vividly. It was inspiration for Modernists to search new means of expression and to create new images of the end of time.

It is worth noting that many of modernism works, including those presented in this work, have title Dies irae. Why? What was originally Dies irae? In very beginning this motive used in works of prophet Zephaniah, which were inspiration for a medieval hymn of the Thomas Celano with the same title. History of Dies irae determine direction of this dissertation. In this work it will be discussed for example works of Lucjan Rydel, Jan Kasprowicz, Tadeusz Miciński, George Zulawski and Edward Leszczynski. It will present also works about of eschatological end-time events for example in output of Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer Awakening Jehovah, Vladimir Perzyński Court, Stanislaw Barącz Day today, Stanislaw Przybyszewski De

Profundis (fragment), Wladyslaw Orkan Plague (excerpt supplications).

Among the works discussed here referring to the content of the apocalyptic only in two reader can find hope. It is Dies irae by Lucjan Rydel and Dies irae by Tadeusz Miciński. In other presented works it is hard to find any hope. For Young Poland authors Apocalypse by saint John is simly treasury of signs, symbols and

173 themes. As example we can mention red sun, the Babylonian harlot dressed in purple or the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. However, the main motive which was very popular "especially in the earlier period of Young Polish" is frightening apocalyptic vision of the Last Judgment.

The entire dissertion will be grouped around three large-scale problems. First will be a symbol and aspects of the symbolism of the color (chromatic) and animals (zoomorphic) in the Apocalypse of St. John and their used in selected literary works. Color and animal characters can be used for different purposes. Colors can creates a unique atmosphere of horror and anxiety. It is typical for catastrophic landscape used by authors as background for various events in their works.

Second part of this dissertation will be dedicated to man on the day of Judgment. Women, men as well as the whole of humanity will be presented as a collective entity. In this work their roles, attitudes and behavior on the court will be described. Some of presented people will try reconcile themselves to their fate, others rebel, others do not see any changes in their life.

Third part of dissertation will be consecrate around the person of the judge. It will try to answer the question who is a judge - whether it is Jesus Christ or God the Father. It is important to see difference between them, justify why their functions can be replace. What is more presentation of judge is quite different in works of various authors. Sometimes Christ is presented as a ruler, in other works as a passive observer of the Court. Presentation of God is generally consistent with the Old Testament. He is portrayed as Judge merciless and strict.

To sum up above paragraphs the conclusion is that symbol play important role in the Apocalypse of St. John and other works which were inspired by it. It also brings a new quality in works of Young Poland authors. Furthermore, seeing this role requires reader's concentration and ability to free moving in world of Biblical symbolism. Very important is presentation of figure of a man in the face on the court. It almost takes symbolic importance. We can see all his (and ours) weakness and imperfection. It also shows that fear and despair, and sometimes even rebellion can have causes in instinct. It is typical for all man, woman or community. Everybody is treated equally, regardless of gender, social status and professional. The most important seems to be third part of this dissertation. Judge is presented by showing figure of Jesus or God. This have justification in religion and literature. Nature of the

174 man is uncertain. It still changing under the influence of surroundings. God is unchanging, His nature is no mystery for humans.

In every paragraph will be a general reflection and discussion of how certain issues / content are presented in the literature, their artistic value, their originality, and their comparison to the literature trends of Young Poland.