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Wykaz podstawowej literatury z obszaru etyki informatycznej

W dokumencie Wprowadzenie do etyki informatycznej (Stron 131-135)

A n d e r s o n Ronald, J o h n s o n Deborah, G o t t e r b a r n Donald, P e r r o l l e Judith (1993). Using the New ACM Code of Ethics in Decision Making. W: „Communications of the ACM”, vol. 36, luty 1993, s. 98 – 107.

B o b e r Wojciech J. (2000). Etyka komputerowa w œwietle wspó³czesnej filozofii moralnej. Nieopublikowany ma-szynopis rozprawy doktorskiej, Instytut Filozofii UW, Warszawa.

B r e y Philip (2001). Disclosive Computer Ethics. W: R. A. Spinello, H. T. Tavani (red.), Readings in CyberEthics.

Jones and Bartlett.

B y n u m Terrell W. (2000), The Foundation of Computer Ethics. Referat plenarny na konferencji AICEC `99, Melbourne, Australia (lipiec 1999). Opublikowany w „Computers and Society”, czerwiec 2000.

B y n u m Terrell W. (1993), Computer Ethics in the Computer Science Curriculum. W: T. W. Bynum, W. Maner, J. L. Fodor (red), Teaching Computer Ethics. Research Center on Computing & Society.

B y n u m Terrell W., M o o r James (1998). The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy.

Oxford, Wielka Brytania i Malden, USA. Blackwell.

B y n u m Terrell W., R o g e r s o n Sim on (red.) (1996). Global Information Ethics. Guildford, Wielka Brytania.

Opragen Publications (numer specjalny „Science and Engineering Ethics” z kwietnia 1996).

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility: Serving the Community: A Public Interest Vision of the National Information Infrastructure (raport). Palo Alto, Kalifornia, USA. CPSR National Office, 1994.

C o n r y Susan (1992). Interview on Computer Science Accreditation. W: T. W. Bynum, J. L. Fodor (twórcy), Com-puter Ethics in the ComCom-puter Science Curriculum (program wideo). Educational Media Resources.

D u n l o p Charles, K l i n g Rob (1991). Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices.

Orlando, Academic Press.

E l g e s e m Dag (1996). Privacy, Respect for Persons, and Risk. W: Ch. Ess (red.), Philosophical Perspectives on Computer-Mediated Communication. State University of New York Press.

F o d o r John L., B y n u m Terrell W. (1992). What Is Computer Ethics? (program wideo). Educational Media Resources.

F o r e s t e r Tom , M o r r i s o n Perry (1994). Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical Dilemmas in Compu-ting, wyd. II, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press.

F r i e d Charles (1984). Privacy. W: F. D. Schoeman (red.), Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy. Cambridge Uni-versity Press.

F r i e d m a n Batya, N i s s e n b a u m Helen (1996). Bias in Computer Systems. W: „ACM Transactions on Infor-mation Systems”, vol. 14, nr 3, s. 330 – 347.

F r i e d m a n Batya (red.) (1997). Human Values and the Design of Computer Technology. Cambridge University Press.

G e n t i l e Mary, S v i o k l a John (1991). Information Technology in Organizations: Emerging Issues in Ethics and Policy. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard Business School Publications.

G ó r n i a k - K o c i k o w s k a Krystyna (1996). The Computer Revolution and the Problem of Global Ethics. W:

T. W. Bynum, S. Rogerson, s. 177 – 190.

G o t t e r b a r n Donald (1991). Computer Ethics: Responsibility Regained. W: „National Forum: The Phi Beta Kappa Journal”, vol. 71, s. 26 – 31.



Pod red. A. Kocikowskiego, K. Górniak-Kocikowskiej, T. W. Bynuma G o t t e r b a r n Donald, M i l l e r Keith, R o g e r s o n Sim on (1997). Software Engineering Code of Ethics.

W: „Information Society”, vol. 40, nr 11, s. 110 – 118.

G o t t e r b a r n Donald (2001). Informatics and Professional Responsibility. W: „Science and Engineering Ethics”, vol. 7, nr 2.

G r i l l o John P., K a l l m a n Ernest (1993). Ethical Decision Making and Information Technology, Watsonville, Mitchell McGraw-Hill.

H u f f Chuck, F i n h o l t Thomas (1994). Social Issues in Computing: Putting Computing in its Place. New York, McGraw-Hill.

I n t r o n a Lucas D. (1997). Privacy and the Computer: Why We Need Privacy in the Information Society.

W: „Metaphilosophy”, vol. 28, nr 3, s. 259 – 275.

I n t r o n a Lucas D., N i s s e n b a u m Helen (2000). Shaping the Web: Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters.

W: „The Information Society”, vol. 16, nr 3, s. 1 – 17.

J o h n s o n Deborah G. (1992). Proprietary Rights in Computer Software: Individual and Policy Issues. W:

T. W. Bynum, W. Maner, J. L. Fodor (red.), Software Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights. Research Center on Computing & Society.

J o h n s o n Deborah G. (1994). Computer Ethics. Wyd. II. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.

J o h n s o n Deborah G., N i s s e n b a u m Helen (red.) (1995). Computers, Ethics and Social Values. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.

J o h n s o n Deborah G. (1999). Computer Ethics in the 21st Century. Referat plenarny na konferencji ETHICOMP

`99, Rzym, paŸdziernik 1999. W: R. A. Spinello, H. T. Tavani (red.), Readings in CyberEthics. Jones and Bartlett 2001.

K o c i k o w s k i Andrzej (1999). Technologia informatyczna a stary problem totalitaryzmu. W: „Nauka”, nr 1, s. 120 – 126.

K o c i k o w s k i Andrzej (1996). Geography and Computer Ethics: An Eastern European Perspective. W: T. W. By-num, S. Rogerson, s. 201 – 210.

L a u d o n Kenneth (1995). Ethical Concepts and Information Technology. W: „Communications of the ACM”, grudzieñ 1995, s. 33 – 39.

M a n e r Walter (1980). Starter Kit in Computer Ethics. Helvetia Press (opublikowano we wspó³pracy z National Information and Resource Center for Teaching Philosophy). Oryginalna publikacja w nak³adzie w³asnym Manera pojawi³a siê w roku 1978.

M a r x Gary T. (2001). Identity and Anonymity: Some Conceptual Distinctions and Issues for Research. W: J. Ca-plani, J. Topey, Documenting Individual Identity. Princeton University Press.

M a s o n Richard (1986). Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age. „MIS Quarterly”, marzec 1986, s. 46 – 55.

M i l l e r A. R. (1971). The Assault on Privacy: Computers, Data Banks, and Dossiers. University of Michigan Press.

M o o r James H. (1999). Just Consequentialism and Computing. W: „Ethics and Information Technology”, vol. 1, nr 2, s. 65 – 69.

M o o r James H. (1998). Reason, Relativity and Responsibility in Computer Ethics. W: „Computers and Society”, vol. 27, nr 3, s. 14 – 21.

M o o r James H. (1997). Towards a Theory of Privacy in the Information Age. W: „Computers and Society”, vol. 28, nr 1, s. 27 – 32.

M o o r James H. (1985). What Is Computer Ethics?. W: T. W. Bynum (red.), Computers and Ethics. Oxford, Blac-kwell, s. 266 – 275 (specjalny numer „Metaphilosophy” z paŸdziernika 1985).

N i s s e n b a u m Helen (1999). The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age. W: „The Information Society”, vol. 15, s. 141 – 144.

N i s s e n b a u m Helen (1998). Protecting Privacy in an Information Age: The Problem of Privacy in Public. W:

„Law and Philosophy”, vol. 17, s 559 – 596.

N i s s e n b a u m Helen (1995). Should I Copy My Neighbor`s Software? W: D. Johnson, H. Nissenbaum (red.), Computers, Ethics, and Social Responsibility. Prentice Hall.

O z Effy (1994). Ethics for the Information Age. Los Angeles, Kalifornia, USA: Wm. C. Brown.

P a r k e r Donn (1968). Rules of Ethics in Information Processing. W: „Communications of the ACM”, vol. 11.

Wykaz podstawowej literatury z obszaru etyki informatycznej


P a r k e r Donn (1979). Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology. AFIPS Press, s. 198 – 201.

P a r k e r Donn, S w o p e Susan, B a k e r Bruce N. (1990). Ethical Conflicts in Information and Computer Science, Technology and Business. Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA: QED Information Sciences.

P e r r o l l e Judith A. (1987). Computers and Social Change: Information, Property, and Power. Wadsworth.

R o g e r s o n Sim on (1996). The Ethics of Computing: The First and Second Generations. W: „The UK Business Ethics Network News”, wiosna 1996, s. 1 – 4.

R o g e r s o n Simon, B y n u m Terrell W. (1995). Cyberspace: The Ethical Frontier. W: „Times Higher Education Supplement”, The London Times, 9 czerwca 1995.

R o s e n b e r g Richard (1992). The Social Impact of Computers. Nowy Jork, USA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

S a m u e l s o n Pamela (1991). Is Information Property? W: „Communications of the ACM”, marzec 1991, s. 15 – 18.

S ó j k a Jacek (1996). Business Ethics and Computer Ethics: The View from Poland. W: T. Bynum, S. Rogerson, s. 191 – 200.

S p a f f o r d Eugene H. (1992). Are Computer Hacker Break-Ins Ethical? W: „Journal of Systems Software”, sty-czeñ 1992, s. 41 – 47.

S p a f f o r d Eugene H., H e a p h y Kathleen A., F e r b r a c h e David J. (1989). Computer Viruses: Dealing with Electronic Vandalism and Programmed Threats. Arlington, Wirginia, USA: ADAPSO Press.

S p i n e l l o Richard A. (1997). Case Studies in Information and Computer Ethics. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall.

S p i n e l l o Richard A. (1995). Ethical Aspects of Information Technology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA:


S p i n e l l o Richard A., T a v a n i Herman T. (red.) (2001). Readings in CyberEthics. Jones and Bartlett.

S t a l l m a n Richard (1992). Why Software Should Be Free. W: T. Bynum, W. Maner, J. Fodor (red.), Software Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights, New Haven, Connecticut, Research Center on Computing and Society, s. 31 – 46.

S t e i d l m e i e r Paul (1993). The Moral Legitimacy of Intellectual Property Claims: American Business and Deve-loping Country Perspectives. W: „Journal of Business Ethics”, luty 1993, s. 157 – 164.

T a v a n i Herm an T. (1999). Privacy On-Line. W: „Computer and Society”, vol. 29, nr 4, s. 11 – 19.

T a v a n i Herm an T., M o o r Jam es H. (2001). Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies. W: „Computers and Society”, vol. 31, nr 1, s. 6 – 11.

The League for Programming Freedom. Against Software Patents. W: T. W. Bynum, W. Maner, J. L. Fodor (red.), Software Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights. Research Center on Computing & Society 1992.

T u r k l e Sherry (1995). Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. Simon & Schuster (Touchstone paperback, 1997).

T u r k l e Sherry (1984). The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit. Simon & Schuster.

T u r n e r Joseph A. (1991). Summary of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task force Report: Computing Curri-cula 1991. W: „Communications of the ACM”, vol. 34, nr 6, s. 69 – 84.

v a n S p e y b r o e c k Jam es (1994). Review of Starter Kit on Teaching Computer Ethics (red. T. W. Bynum, W. Ma-ner, J. L. Fodor). W: „Computing Reviews”, lipiec 1994, s. 357 – 358.

We c k e r t John, A d e n e y Douglas (1997). Computer and Information Ethics. Greenwood Publishing Group.

We i z e n b a u m Joseph (1976). Computer Power and Human Reason: From Calculation to Judgment. San Fran-cisco, USA: Freeman.

We s t i n Alan R. (1967). Privacy and Freedom. Atheneum.

W i e n e r Norbert (1948). Cybernetics: or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Technology Press.

W i e n e r Norbert (1950). The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society. Houghton Mifflin (wyd.

drugie poprawione, Doubleday Anchor 1954).

W i e n e r Norbert (1960). Some Moral and Technical Consequences of Automation. W: „Science”, vol. 131, s. 1355 – 1358.

Z a c h e r Lech W. (red.) (1997). Rewolucja informacyjna i spo³eczeñstwo, Warszawa.

Z u b o f f Shoshana (1988). In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power. Nowy Jork, USA:

Basic Books.


W dokumencie Wprowadzenie do etyki informatycznej (Stron 131-135)