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Badanie energetyczno-emisyjne kotłów wsadowych opalanych słomą; Investigation on thermal performance and emission factors of batch fired straw boilers - Digital Library of the Silesian University of Technology


Academic year: 2021

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Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Energetyki

Instytut Techniki Cieplnej






mgr inż. Marcin Jewiarz

prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Szlęk


Streszczenie pracy doktorskiej - EN

PhD th e sis “ In v e s tig a tio n on th e rm a l p e rfo rm a n c e and e m issio n fa c to rs o f batch fired straw b o ile rs” is fo c u sed o n m ain p ro b lem co n n e c te d to batch fired b io m ass b oilers.

C o m b u stio n in b a tc h fired b o ilers is q u ite sim p le p ro c ess, bu t it p o ssess also sev eral in co n v en ie n ces. F irst is h ig h e m issio n o f c a rb o n m o n o x id e, w h ich sh o u ld be lo w ered ac co rd in g to actual stan d ard s. A lso th e re is p ro b lem w ith PM e m issio n bu t it can be lo w ered by d ed u stin g units. T h e last v ery cru cial fa c to r is b o ile r e fficien cy . In su ch d e v ic e s e ffic ie n c y is n o rm ally b elo w 80% , w h ich is no t su ffic ie n t in c o m p a riso n to n o w a d ay s stan d ard s.

P ap er p re sen ts re su lts o f re se a rc h m ad e on 15 0k W th b atch fired b o ile r fu elled w ith straw bales. S tudies w e re ta k e n o n th e te st stan d in O ław a, P o land. A t th e b eg in n in g several test have been m ade to d e te rm in e m ain p ro b le m s, w h ich can ca u se h ig h e m issio n an d Iow efficien cy . N ext som e im p ro v e m e n ts w e re p ro p o se d , c o n n e c te d m ain ly w ith air d istrib u tio n and control alg o rith m s. A t last p a rt, te sts a c c o rd in g to E N -30 3-5 stan d ard w e re m ade, to estim ate p e rfo rm a n c e an d e m is s io n fa cto rs o f im p ro v ed bo iler, and 3 ,5 M W stra w b o ile r w ith m o v in g grate.

R esu lts o b ta in e d d u rin g th e re searc h sh o w s th a t it is p o ssib le to im p ro v e p erfo rm an c e as w ell as d e c re a se e m iss io n by m ean s o f a ir d istrib u tio n and co n tro l a lg o rith m s in straw fired boilers.


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