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Institutional and Spatial Struoturalization of Polish Village


Academic year: 2021

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Wacław Piotrowski *


Baaio problem in applying the ecologioal approach to analy- » •la of sooio-spatial structure of the rural commune la solution of a dilemma whether administrative division units set up on the strength of arbitrary decisions made by "upper levels" may be considered "a natural area". The reoent history of the spatial genesis of rural oommunes can shed some light on this problem. Decisions delimitating areas for particular units of the admi-nistrative division were not made in a meohanioal manner. And although these decisions were not based on systematio sooio-e- oological studies, they were based on knowledge coming from previous experience, confronted and agreed upon at local power levels by practitioners,experts on the subject. Striving to main-tain a relative homogeneity as regards the acoepted population and area criteria, all efforts were made to link together into rural communes groups of settlement units which through history, traditions, present experience, road network etc. were combining in a natural way to form signalling functional and spatial rela-tionships of an entity.

The faot that the first projects concerning administrative division were oftentime a subject of violent criticism producing ardent opposition on the part of involved aggregations or villa-ge subaggregations, especially along border lines of projected


rural communes, would also confirm the then trends aiming at im-plementation of not so much bureaucratic solutions but delimi-tation of areas linking, to some extent, integrated sooio-spa- tial entities. Obviously not all the final decisions can be treat-ed as fully satisfactory, and similarly not all rural oommunes were given an equal chance for achieving optimal physioal, so-cial and ecological integration. Nonetheless the faot that admi-nistrative deoiaions were aiming at providing auoh a chance must be underlined here. Results of administrative prooedurea are still far from a full success, which can be achieved over a long-term prooeas encompassing both the effects of rational pol- ioy pursued by intereated authorities, being objeotivized in implementation of planned goals, and effeota of unrestrained be-haviours poaitively correlated with planned expeotationa.

Analyzing the rural oommune as a potenatially "natural* area, atresa ahould be.laid, firat of all, on faotora and oonditiona promoting the process of aasuming "natural dimenaiona" or hampe-ring it. All that assuming that beooming a natural area of a basic administrative division unit - the rural commune - under— stood aa administrative, socio-eoonomio microregion ia a desirable atat*.

Formation of rural oommunes in 1973» along with other chan-gea, opened two new important poaaibilitiea. Firat, the ayatem of local linka of inatitutiona and organizations, being of great mportanoe in formation of a new rural life ayatem, was included into the area of eaoh rural oommune thua determining the new, concrete, and uniform apatial coverage of the aupra-village lo-cality. Secondly, formation of new type horizontal relationahipa between links of the oommune ayatem of inatitutiona and organi-zationa paved the way for formation of rural oommune ayatema connecting all formal aooial structures under co-ordinating au- perviaion of the commune power and management oentre. These structures, generally speaking, are oriented at implementation of looal eocio—economic taaka, satisfaction of looal needs of the whole rural commune> aggregation, particular aooial cate-gories preaent within the oommune, aettlement units of the com-mune system, and finally alao particular unita. It ahould be fully emphaaized here that rural communes represent the firat territorial aggregation In the history of the Polish village


equipped with real looal power. Presence of the iooal pöwer bod- iee, possessing decisional and oo-ordinating rights in rela-tion to all locally operating institurela-tions and organizations creates a possibility of transforming a set of these structures into a simple system. It is linked by a common operational ter-ritory as well as by a definite place and role in tasks out-lined in a oommonly binding socio-economic development plan of rural oommunes.

This system as a whole plays the role of a subsystem in a territorially and administratively higher power level - the provincial system.

The rural commune’s institutions and organizations system, if consolidated by target-oriented policy pursued at higher and looal levels, may constitute one of fundamental conditions de-termining sooial, supra-village rural commune integration along prinoiples of participation in higher level structures preser-ving awareness of obligations in relation to these structures as well as awareness of its own local interests and needs. And even if the set of rural commune institutions and organizations does not fully meet the requirements of a system from the funotional ties viewpoint, it still ’objectively provides prerequisites for sooial integration. These prerequisites can be found, first of all, in obligatory common behaviours of the population connect-ed with satisfaction of diverse neconnect-eds within the oommune'e area and through institutions and organizations operating with-in the rural commune.

Obligatory behaviour of the commune’s inhabitants, oriented at the local set of links of institutions and organizations, must by itself p r o d u c e a network of soçial ties, the formal and real oharaoter of which, especially in rural areas, if it is not simply determined by direct subjeot relationships then it must provide a basis for formation of such relationships. Spatial mobility of population within the oommune’e area, oonneoted with local satisfaction of needs and muoh bigger than in the previous period, affords additional ohanoes for formation of spontaneous sooial ties. All these faotors allow to formulate a thesis oonfirming the chance for transformation of the commune’s aggregation established through administrative deoiaiona Into a multivillage rural oommune community. Suoh community represents


a new and different quality in comparison with traditional vil-lage communities. The latter, however, do not vanish within ru-ral communes and continue to represent an important group of referenoe and identification while through the frames of local life they lose a lot in their traditional exclusivity as "a small homeland" in favour of expanded common rural oommune lo-cality.

The above mentioned phenomena and processes ocouring in the Polish village make it certainly possible to define the rural commune as a newly formed unique "natural area". Reservation should, however, be made here that intensity and consequences of the dieouesed phenomena oan be peroeived not always and not everywhere, and neither in all shapes of the rural oommune.

Our further dlaouaaion will foouss primarily on areas of small-scale agriculture predominating in Poland. This limitation does not enoompass the whole problem anyway sinoe also in this sphere there exists big diversification of spatial struoture forms. Still there oan, for the most part, be observed rural communes - whloh is anyway in line with fundamental assumptions - encompassing several dozen villages subordinated to one locali-ty - a relatively bigger village or small town. In the former ease it is, as a rule, a village whioh in the previous adminla- trativo system was performing the role of a district oentre. Aa regards the alternative, it is well known that previously loca-lities possessing a formal status of a town, even a small one, were constituting administratively independent units which the-oretically were not participating in the administrative life of the diatrict. In practice, however, they were performing functions of a natural oentre for adjoining agricultural areas concentrating in their framework a number of inatitutiona and organizationa providing aervicea for the village and agricul-ture. The bill, bn the strength of whioh rural communes were eata- bliahed, regulated this undoubtful oddity in the adjninlatrative- -apatial atructure, including email towna aa an integral part of rural.oommunea.

Location of the oommune oentre*a aeat in one of villagea be-longing to the new rural commune or a email town oreated a baaia for aocio-apatial atruoturalization of rural areaa. Eata- bliahment of the commune oentre houaing looal power and


admini-stratlon organe and offices, on one hand, and oonoentratlon of other central linke of the оопшшпв'а system of institutions and organizations, on the other hand, led to objeotive situation of oentral-oentrio activities and behaviours of the population-in-habiting the whole rural oommune’s area. This, in turn, produ-ced definite consequences in the field of activities being ob- jectivized in different settlement units of the rural commune system. An important role in this respect ie played by ecologi- oal distance connected with the rural commune communication and road network. Against this background is shaped a visible diffe-rentiation of the ecological position held by particular vil-lages and constituting a definite form of the commune’s spatial structure.

It should be mentioned here that. the very essence of rural commune, multivillage life system, whioh is taking a definite form today, inoludes a number of attitudes or behaviours being obligatory for the rural commune's population, which is obliged to satisfy many of it* needs and arrange many matters in the in-stitutions and organizations concentrated in the commune centre. Obligatory charaoter of contaots with the commune centre does not imply that in concrete, spatially determined village situa-


tions being differentiated by ecological distances from the com-mune seat, there do not appear differences in quality and inten-sity of these eontacta.

A «impie model of the oommune’s socio-spatial struoture, if its seat is located in decisively dominating settlement unit, implies a system of conoentrio zones. For model purposes there oan be basically distinguished three zones outside the oentre itself! adjoining, intermediate, and border zone. The adjoining zone епоопдеаавев locations situated in olose vicinity to the commune centre. In this zone, due to a short spatial distance, ecologioal distances from the centre itself do not play an im-portant role. This zone is characterized with relatively consi-derable weakening of self-sufficiency of particular villages, which among othere oan be observed in the sphere of declared service needs since, after all, these servioes are easily avail-able in the commune seat. Moreover, the role previously per-formed by village-local sooial aotivists beoomes less important since these aotivists more often beoome members of oentral


groupe of activiste. Accordingly the village linke of the com-mune’ e system of institutions and organizations play a smaller role.


The intermediate zone is also linked with the oentre and its faoilities although a little more loosely. Still in this area there Dan be already seen Internal differentiation between villages situated directly along main communication routes

lead-ing to the oommune oentre and villagee situated away from the main road network. Gravitation of this zone towards the oentre is also differentiated by seasons of the year sinoe transport conditions may be deteriorated temporarily by autumn rainfalls, snows, or spring thaws. This zone along with the adjoining one may be said to constitute a part of the oommune’s natural-area . Distinct identification with the oentre and area gravitating to-wards it takes plaoe here. Nonetheless, integration and identi-fication do not pause an obstaole to cultivation of local oha- raotoristios, especially from the point of needs, the

satisfac-tion of whioh on the spot and not in the ooamrune oentre re-flects the degree of suooess in arranging everyday affaire. Vil-lages in this zone, paying a due regard to the role played by the centre, would like to have easy aooess to suoh faoilities as the sohool - at least its branch, stores, agricultural produoe purchase, and procurement points etc.

The border zone, if it exists sinoe that is not a rule, gives rise to a number of different problems and oausalities. These are determined among others by suoh'factors as: extended ecolo-gical distance from the oentre accounting for unwillingness or reoalcitranoe in situations of obligatory oontaots due to ob-jective difficulties in reaohing the oentre also combined with a risk whether a need will be effectively satisfied or some mat-ter arranged. Natural gravitation to other, eoologioally. oloser centres outside the commune’s area in which satisfaction of de-finite needs is possible though sometimes more diffioult than in the case of local residents takes place even when formal prohi-bitions are absent. For example, when purchasing machines or means for orop cultivation or breeding whioh are in short sup-ply. Certain habits originating from the time when other socio—

-spatial systems existed and strengthened by tradition can lar-gely account for suoh spontaneous behaviours. Villages within


thia zone are mostly characterized with bigger local activity at the expense of restricting contaote with their own commune centre.

This zone, although similar definitions are not usually used, is often treated in the commune oentre as the commune's out-skirts being somewhat troublesome since not so easily accessible, generally not fully equipped with different servioes and si-multaneously putting forward various claims on the forum of the oommune’s authorities as areas locally integrated and little re-cognizing their subordination to the oentre.

In reality, the simple conoentric model undergoes some modi-fications Influenced by another model of socio-economic struc-ture of the rural commune whioh oan be distinguished, and namely the sector model* It oan appear in a situation when the rural ooœmune was formed by grouping several previously separate admi-nistrative districts, the former centres of which were holding a similar rank and importance as the centre newly-selected for the commune’s capital. These dominating - along with the commune centre - settlement units even though they do not possess their former rank due to absenoe of the commune’s organs and institu-tions there, due to their equipment with servioe facilities con-stitute, on one hand, oentres of domination and gravitation for several or more villages while, on the other hand,they are func-tioning as seats of supra-village facilities being complementary In relation to the oentre. It may be added here that their to* oial-preetige position, being reduced in relation to the oommune oentre, becomes oftentime a basis of looal conflicts, especial-ly competing to aohieve new benefits or facilities connected with new investment projects. Existence of the aeotor structure whioh anyway quite often appears in praotioe, coexiste with the oon- oentrio system. In auoh a situation, however, a relatively smal-ler role is played by the border гопа whioh direotly enters into gravitation system towards centres of looal, "supra-oот-нято n domination. That is the ease unless particular villages lo- oatod in border areas gravitate towards oentres of domination

* lying outside the area of a given rural commune.

Apart from that the sector structure is of importance in those situations, ooouring rather seldom, when the rural oommu-ne, for example, surrounds with a ring an administratively


iso-Anted town of significant size or rank - a former dietriot or present provincial oentre. Of course, from the point of view of the assumptions made earlier such a situation exoludes a chance for the commune's whole area to assume "natural characteristics" in favour of eventual assunq>tion of "natural characteristics" by- areas belonging to particular sectors.

In praotice, when we take Into aooount typical oases and re-ject the above formulated (real) example as some kind of patho-logy, we shall find that ooexlstence in the process of crystal-lization of nrultivillage rural commune community and simulta-neously lnolusion of this community parallelly in a quasi natu-ral area of both trends i.e. struotunatu-ral-oonoentrio-zone and seo- tor system leads to a conclusion that gradual Integration of the rural oommune is possible. In the first stage an Integrated supra-looality may, to a bigger extent, exist at the level of sectors in order to bring about the commune’s unity through their functional integration on the basis of a oommon system.

Attributing to one of settlement units within the oommune system funotiona of the oentre, in whioh were looated main In-stitutions of local power, administration and management as well as main institutions providing servioes for the population In the field of welfare, living, oultural, educational and other needs paved the way for deepening differences in sooial and

ma-terial environment between the commune centre and remaining vil-lages. These differences, for obvious reasons, oonoern primarily the social structure of inhabitants. The oonmnme oentre is by far more heterogeneous professionally and in the sphere of edu-cation. It is here that a ouoh bigger proportion of professio-nally active people is employed outside agricultural fsurma, and here mainly In state and co-operative institutions. Persons with secondary-sohool or aoademio educational background live mostly in the oentre. Zones surrounding the oentre are more homogeneous in every respect. Only locations performing functions of oentres for sub-oommune seotors, mainly as remnants of former, more spa—.' tially scattered administrative division of the former adminis-trative district are less homogeneous in their sooial struoture than other villages. Concentration of state service and insti-tutional investments in commune oentres as well as .concentration of socialized forms of housing construction (often multifsunlly


blooks of flats) will oontinue to deepen differenoea between the oentre and remaining zones. Undoubtedly the processes of social and material urbanization of the village connected With general eooio-economlo development of the country oan be observed, to a bigger extent, in oommune oentres even if we take into aooount only their relatively higher standard of the material environ-ment.

Apart from the above presented model approaches to essential elements of sooio-spatial structure of oommunes, one can ob-viously distinguish in their area different types of subareas when applying different criteria. Besides the obvious physio- graphical differentiation, whioh is of great in$>ortanoe in pro-duction forms of utilizing areas there oan also be peroeived other principles of division. Division determined by ooverage of ohurch parishes also is of some importance in the Integration prooess of the rural commune as a multivillage oommunity. This kind of division, as it Д.* known, collides with the basio admi-nistrative division creating special conditions for formation of spontaneous sooio-spatial behaviours regardless of a pronounced prooess of life secularization. Similarly specialization pheno-mena in production sphere produce numerous new problems finding their reflection in the sooio-spatial struoture of the rural oommune. Optimization of these useful phenomena in économie life of the village oalls also for spatial oonoentration of invest-ment outlays oriented not only at individual farms but also at whole villages whioh should be accompanied by construction of a proper road network, and thus change of eoologioal position held by a given village in the whole structure.

The above presented problems do not exhaust the whole rang* of complicated problems concerning the oommune’s sooio-spatial structure. The intention of this analysis was to prove that in present time matters of multivillage eoological structures have assumed great validity. Eoologioal approaoh to their analysis is at present not only methodologically justified but it oan also


be treat*d from praotioal point of view as a concrete operation-al need. It оannot be left unnoticed in the situation when th* object of sooio-eoonomio planning become rural oommunes as auto-nomously peroeived miororegions, whioh afford an opportunity for


latod town of significant size or rank - a former district or present provincial centre. Of course, from the point of view of the assumptions made earlier such a situation exoludes a ohance for the commune's whole area to assume "natural characteristics" in favour of eventual assumption of "natural characteristics" by areas belonging to particular sectors.

In practice, when we take into aocount typical oases and re-ject the above formulated (real) example as some kind of patho-logy, we shall find that coexistence in the process of crystal-lization of multivillage rural commune oommunity and simulta-neously inolusion of this oommunity parallelly in a quasi natu-ral area of both trends i.e. struotunatu-ral-oonoentrio-zone and seo- tor system leads to a conclusion that gradual integration of the rural oommune is possible. In the first stage an integrated


supra-looality may, to a bigger extent, exist at the level of seotors in order to bring about the commune's unity through their functional integration on the basis of a common system.

Attributing to one of settlement units within the oommune system functions of the oentret in whioh were looated M i n In-stitutions of local power, administration and management as well as main institutions providing eervioea for the population in the field of welfare, living, oultural, educational and other needs paved the way for deepening differences in sooial and

ma-terial environment between the oommune oentre and remaining vil-lages. These differences, for obvious reasons, oonoern primarily the aooial structure of inhabitants. The oonmuno oentre is by far more heterogeneous professionally and in the sphere of edu-cation, It is here that a much bigger proportion of professio-nally aotive people is employed outside agricultural farms, and here mainly in state and co-operative institutions. Persons with secondary-sohool or academic educational background live mostly in the centre. Zones surrounding the centre are more homogeneous in every respect. Only looations performing functions of oentres for sub-commune seotors, mainly as remnants of former, more spa-tially scattered administrative division of the former adminis-trative district are less homogeneous in their sooial struoture than other villages. Concentration of state service and insti-tutional investments in commune centres as well as .concentration of sooialized forms of housing construction (often multlfamlly


blocks of fiata) will continue to deepen differences between the oentre and remaining zones. Undoubtedly the processes of social and material urbanization of the village connected With general sooio-eoonomio development of the country oan be observed, to a bigger extent, In oomnmne oentres even if we take Into aooount only their relatively higher standard of the material environ-ment.

Apart from the above presented model approaches to essential elements of sooio-spatial structure of oommunes, one can ob-viously distinguish In their area different types of subareas when applying different oriteria. Besides the obvious physio- graphical differentiation, which is of great importance in pro-duction forms of utilizing areas there oan also be peroeived other principles of division. Division determined by ooverage of ohurch parishes also is of some importance in the integration prooess of the rural oommune as a multivillage oomraunity. This kind of division, as it Д.в known, collides with the basio admi-nistrative division oreating special conditions for formation of •pontaneoua sooio-spatial behaviours regardless of a pronounoed process of life secularization. Similarly specialization pheno-mena in produotion sphere produce numerous new problems finding their refleotion in the sooio-spatial structure of the rural oommune. Optimization of these useful phenomena in economic life of the village oalls also for spatial concentration of invest-ment outlays oriented not only at Individual farms but also at vhole villages which should be accompanied by construction of a proper road network, and thus change of eoologioal position held by a given village in the whole structure.

The above presented problems do not exhaust the whole range of complicated problems o o noeming the oomnmne’s sooio-spatial structure. The intention of this analysis was to prove that in present time matters of multivillage eoologioal struotures have assumed great validity. Eoologioal approach to their analysis is at present not only methodologically Justified but it oan also be treated from praotioal point of view as a concrete operation-al need. It cannot be left unnoticed in the situation when the objeot of sooio-eoonomio planning become rural communes as auto-nomously peroeived miororeglons, whioh afford an opportunity for


oroation of qualitatively new multivillage communities connected with an area assuming features of a natural area.

It can be expected that studies of the contemporary village being undertaken now and making provisions for the eoological approach will consequently produce results of great value for future decisions made in the sphere of eooio-eoonomio praotioe and, first of all, will enrioh with new aspects formulation of theories about development of the contemporary village.

Wacław Piotrowski

U ESTRUCTUR AL JZ AC ION e s p a c i a l e i ns t i t u c i o n a l DEL CAMPO POLACO

Se pus o como el punto dô partida do la ponencia la tesie, de que la reforma de administración territorial realizada en 1973 creo nuevas per-spectives de la reintegracion del carapo polaco en los pianos social y ea- pacial,

El estudio se refiere a las aldeas, en las cuales predominan la agri-culture y la g» nader ia y en las cuales se nanifiesta la actividad econtf« mica del campesino individual. Tal tipo de explotaciones prédomina en auchas regiones de Polonia.

Los factores principales que estimularon los procesos de la reinte-gracion social y de la formación de nueva estructura social y espacial dentro de los limites de g a i n a (la unidad administrative basica que corresponde a los municipios de algunos paises) fueronî t) la creaciefo de los prganos de poder y adainistracion Æstatal y autônoaa local; 2) la creaciôn de las instituciones y organizaciones para locales necesidades sociales de econoaia producción y cultura.

El conjunto de las instituciones y las organizaciones de g m i n a integrado y coordinado por medio de los planes y objetivos locales se convierte en un sisteina. Este sisteaa se coapone de subsistemas de rasas (las instituciones 'y orj^nizaciones que tienen tares y funciones «spé-ciales) y de subterrenos constituidos por unas aldeas, por lo cual ôstoa pueden ser considerados como subsistemas territoriales de g a i n a . El centro del sistema, que deseapefia todas las funciones principales, se encuor.tra en una aldea mâs grande о en un pueblo. Teniendo en cuenta las


Bosibilidades del acceso al centro de g m 1 n a y las consecuenciae so- cio-economicas de la diferenciacion que tiens lugar en este caso, se puode constater, que una g m i n a media se compone en al piano espacial de unas zonas concéntricas, cuyas mod if icaciones dependen del sistama de la red de población, de las cond ici опав topogràfioas y de la comunicación.

Para ejemplificar la diferencla de la calidad social de diversas zonas en el estudio se ponen los ejemplos de las investigpclones ampiricas sobre la actitud de los habitantes de g m i n a hacia varioa aspoctos de su medio. Вацлав Пётровоки ИНСТИТУТО-ТБРРИТОРИАЛЬНАЯ СТРУКТУРАЛИЗАЦИЯ пачьскоЯ ДЕРЕВНИ-Основным вопросом, рассматриваемым в докладе, являются но-вые перспективы реинтеграции польской деревни - как в социальной, так и территориальной плоскостях - после административного деле-ния на низвем уровне', состоявшегося в 1973 году. Принимается во внимание деревни, в которых преобладают жи-вотноводческие сельские хозяйства, базирующие на активности(пра-ктичности) единоличников. В настоящее время этот тип сельских хо-зяйств преобладает в польской деревне. Главные факторы, стимулирующие процесс социальной реинтегра-ции и формирование новой социально-территориальной структуры в рамках основной единицы административного деления (гмины), это - определение местонахождения административных государственных и управленческих властей на уровне гмины и принуждение гмин к организации учреждений, способствующих удовлетворению местных хозяйственно-производственных, социально-культурных и обществен-ных потребностей. Главные учреждения и организации, объединенные и координированные в горизонтальном отношении местными планами и задачами, превращаются а систему. Звеньями тминной системы - с одной стороны — являются отраслевые подсистеш, включающие в се-бя элементы а учреждения, связанные друг с другом узкоспециальны-ми задачаузкоспециальны-ми и Функцияузкоспециальны-ми - о другой же - субърайоны, в состав ко—


то'рых входит одна или несколько деревень и связанные друг о дру-гом субгминной деятельностью отдельных звеньев и учреждений. Они образуют как-будто другие, ограниченные территорией, субсистемы гминной системы. На территории гмины главную роль играет центр с и с т е ш , группирующий всю свою деятельность в большой деревне или городке. Принимая во внимание расстояние от тминного центра и социально-экономические последствия этой дифференциации, обыч-ная гмина в территориальном отношении приобретает формы системы концентрических районов, с учетом преобразований в области систе-мы поселенческой сети а также топографических и транспортных ус-ловий. * Различия между социальным качеством отдельных районов пояс-няются примерами на основе эмпирических исследований, касающих-ся отношения жителей отдельных гмин к разным сторонам окружающей среды.

Wac ław Piotrowski


Zasadniczą dla referatu jest teza, że przeprowadzona w 1973 r. refor-ma podziałów administracyjnych na szczeblu podstawowym otworzyła zupełnie uowe perspektywy reintegracji wsi polskiej zarówno w płaszczyźnie społecz-nej, jak i przestrzennej.

Rozważania odniesiono do wsi o przewadze funkcji rolniczo-bodowlanycb opartych o (pspodarczą aktywność Indywidualnych rolników. Ten typ wsi do-minuje na znacznych obszarach Polski.

Głównymi czynnikami stymulującymi procesami reintegracji społecznej 1 kształtowania nowej struktury społeczno-przestrzennej w ramach podstawo-wej jednostki podziału administracyjnego gpiny, było umiejscowienie na tym szczeblu orgłnów władzy i administracji państwowej oraz samorządowej, a takte przypisanie obszarowi gainy wyposażenia w Instytucje i organizacje służące zaspokajaniu lokalnych potrzeb gospodarczo-produkcyjnych, socjalno- -kulturalnych i społecznych. Zbiór gitinnych instytucji i organizacji

inte-growanych i koordynowanych poziomo lokalnymi planami i zadaniami prze-kształca się w system. Ogniwanl poinnego systemu są z jednej strony pod-systemy branżowe, na które nakładają si« elementy i placówki powiązane


specjalistycznymi zadaniami i funkcjami, z drugiej strony - powiązań? działaniami subgninnyai ogniw i placówek - podobszary, w skład których wchodzi jedna do kilku wsi. Tworzą one jak giyby inne, wyznaczone przes-trzennie, podsystemy gninnego systemu. V obszarze gainy dominuje, poprzez nastawienie na całość funkcji, ośrodek systemu, zlokalizowany w większej wsi czy miasteczku. Podobszary te, podporządkowane ze względu na odległość linearną, a przede wszystkim ekologiczną odległość od centrum zajmują zróżnicowane pozycje w strukturze gninnegj terytorium. Z uwagi na możli- »•ości dostępu do gminne®) centrum i gospodarczo-społeczne konsekwencje

te-go zróżnicowania, przeciętna gaina w aspekcie przestrzennym przybiera po-stać układu stref koncentrycznych, z modyfikacjami wynikającymi z układu sieci osadniczej, warunków topograficznych i komunikacyjnych.

Odmienną społeczną jakość poszczególnych stref ilustrują przykłady za-- czerpnięte s empirycznych badań, dotyczących postaw mieszkańców gniny wo-bec różnych aspektów ich środowiska.


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