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Geospatial data integration in rock engineering


Academic year: 2021

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Geospatial data integration in rock engineering

Joanna Piniñska*

Abstract. Despite the development of measurement methods and the increasing amount of new generation data in rock engineering, many valuable information data are lost together with the locked-out mining archives and associated research institutions. Conse-quently, a lot of valuable, unique information which could be transformed into new values totally vanishes. Geomechanics, as a rela-tively new discipline, has so far no tradition of integrated databases. In the European Union, integration attempts are realized through enforcement of the uniform standards; however, the standardization alone will fail to be a successful integration solution until the Dig-ital Terrain Model Data is not implemented into the rock mechanics. Modern information technologies enable to combine and visual-ize various thematic data, e.g., geological, hydrogeological and mining into a unified digital system with reference to Geographic Information System (GIS). If all the geomechanical data are clearly localized, they can be interpreted, presented, and supplemented with the archival data in a unified format. Visualization of the content of the relational databases by means of digital maps can be done automatically which, as regards rock engineering, will enable the automatic integration of the laboratory data with the geospatial conditions of the environment, including the Spatial Information System (SIP) or Terrain Information System (SIT), i.e., the topo-graphic, geological/environmental and anthropogenic situation (like population, infrastructure, land use plans and prognoses of haz-ards caused by the land transformation).

Key words: rocks, rock engineering, database, geospatial positioning, GIS, visualization, data management, strength, deformability

Management of the broad datasets in rock engineering becomes more and more difficult, not only because of the increasing range of the assessed properties, but also due to the natural, descriptive character of many data, influenced spatially by the geological conditions of the rocks massifs (Fig. 1). Requirements of EN-ISO standards on identifica-tion and descripidentifica-tion of rock mass, rock material and rock sample are also very wide-encompassing (EN-ISO, 2003). Due to incorrect management, the obtained data are either not used to their full potential or, as in case of many not archived ones, get lost. The need to change this situation becomes urgent and the decision regarding the scope of field surveys, borehole and laboratory investigations data, their collecting, storage and accessibility is the main topic of many European and global engineering bodies (ISRM, 1978; ISO, 2000; IAEG, 1981; EN-ISO, 2003).

Although there is a number of computerized local registers covering information about the rock media, they are not correlated with one another, which makes them useful only for particular institutions or within a narrowly defined topic. Therefore, it is essential to design and implement an integration system for the diverse but dispersed information, which was collected at great financ-ial cost, and to ensure their broad applicability with an easy online access.

As far as rock engineering is concerned, data integra-tion does not seem to be a very demanding task, due to archiving process of the data according to the GIS (Geo-graphic Information System) regulations. Due to the fact that these data pertain to actual rock media (objects), loca-lized clearly in the natural area, it is possible to assign to each of these objects certain geographic location according to the longitude and latitude (N and 8) and the z co-ordinate referring to their elevation relative to the sea level (Fig. 2). Flat geographic co-ordinates can be established with poc-ket set of global positioning system (GPS) with the carto-graphic accuracy corresponding to the 1 : 10,000 map scale, and the elevation co-ordinate of the given point can

be assessed approximately with help of the elevation data embedded in a Digital Terrain Model (DTM).

Object attributes and data identification, in reference to the generally applied localization system based on geogra-phic co-ordinates, create a relational database which can be

*Faculty of Geology, Warsaw University, ¯wirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland; joanna.pininska@uw.edu.pl




Fig. 1. Fissured and schisted rock massif. The term rock mass refers to the in situ rock together with its discontinuities and weathering profile. The term rock material (A) refers to the intact rock within the framework of the discontinuities (EN-ISO, 2003), while the structure of the rock massif (B) is more complex to describe (?)


mutually integrated and visualized selectively on the interactive thematic maps with respect to the key elements of terrain and geological situ-ation. Data about the objects stored in the rela-tional base can be displayed on a computer screen, whereas supplementation and other changes can be reflected in the content of inte-ractive maps.

Integration of the geomechanical data nationwide will be possible only through imple-mentation of the modern technologies of spatial data in everyday engineering practice. It will be essential to create a habit for registration of the data in reference to the geographic co-ordinate system, according to the regulations of Geogra-phic Information System (GIS) already at the time of collecting the laboratory samples and integrating them with the Digital Terrain Model, e.g., the elevation dataset (DEM) or with the satellite images, geologic maps or any other the-matic maps in their digital version.

Visualization of the content of the databases by means of digital maps can be done automati-cally which, as regards rock engineering, will enable automatic integration of the laboratory data with the geospatial conditions of the envi-ronment, including the Spatial Information Sys-tem (SIP) or Terrain Information SysSys-tem (SIT), i.e., the topographic, geological/environmental and anthropogenic situation (like population, infrastructure, utility plans and prognoses of hazards caused by the land transformation). In consequence, data gathered in the geomechani-cal database will enable joint management of the environment and the related data.

GIS principles

The GIS as a computer system which displays data in a spatial geographic co-ordina-te sysco-ordina-tem and which concerns all multi-functio-nal datasets, whose location is clearly defined in the geospace (Star & Estes, 1990). The gene-ral relation of the databases functions according to the GIS regulations is shown in Fig. 3.

The essential prerequisite for adjusting a geomechanical database to the GIS regulations is the correlation of its content with the spatial model of the terrain already at the stage of gathering data, then storing them in the databa-ses, processing, as well as analyzing them, in a way which will enable cartographic visualiza-tion of the final product (Fig. 4).

Geomechanical databases created accor-ding to the GIS model will have to employ spe-cial programs and procedures enabling the accumulation, management and visualization of its content in relation to the geographic co-ordinate system. Spatial localization of the objects described in a database is easy due to the limited scope of outcrops and mine

excava-Fig. 2. Geological object (excavation) localized according to the geographic situation: longitude and latitude (ö and ë) and the co-ordinate referring to the sea level Problem definition and data collection Final product

Data insertion Database

management Spatial analysis Visualization

Data processing


Ryc. 3. Structure of data localization according to the GIS system regulations (Star & Estes, 1990)

TARGET of PROCESSING (filter) TARGET of PROCESSING (filter) OBJECT Attributes OBJECT Attributes monument mine monument mine quarry quarry 15 km GEOLOGICAl MAP GEOLOGICAl MAP


(determination of database structure & contents)

Geospatial data


(determination of database structure & contents)

Fig. 4. Database functions according to the GIS regulations. Object attributes and data identification, in reference to the generally applied localization sys-tem create a relational database which can be mutually integrated and visuali-zed selectively on interactive thematic maps with respect to the key elements of geological situation for a selected engineering problem


tions or the spot-like character of drill holes. The idea of the object localization with reference to different digital ver-sions of the terrain model is exemplified in Fig. 5A–C.

Structure of the Geomechanical Database (BDG)

Experience accumulated during the creation of integra-ted Geomechanical Databases (BDG) (Piniñska &

Dzie-dzic, 1996; Piniñska & DzieDzie-dzic, 1998a, b) in the Depart-ment of Geomechanics at the Warsaw University since 1992, serves as the best justification of the purposefulness, necessity and the real opportunity to implement GIS regu-lations in scientific research on rock mechanics. Presently, the BDG comprise data (nationwide) of 124 objects — 116

19.25 19.30 19.35 19.40 19.45 19.50

D-1 D-2 D-3



Fig. 5. Spatial localization of the object; A — in the geographic co-ordinate system; B — regional, on the elevation terrain model (DTM according to Surfer with colour interpretation); C — legend: Be³chatów excavation (in 1987), Scientific analysis: Joanna Piniñska, Saturday, January 04, Based on Elevation Terrain Model (Grid DTED 2000) provided with kind permission of the Quarters of Military Geography, Size of the grid: 401 rows per 457 columns, Size of the grid squares: geographic longitude: 19.250–19.500; geographic latitude: 51.160–51.320; above sea level: z minimum 42.15, altitude z 301.00; D — detailed with indication of the site of collected monoliths. 1, 2, 3 — different versions of presentation (DEM): 1 — rectangular co-ordinates, 2 — flat grid, 3 — colour-gra-ded model resistance physical properties geological features deformation ability acoustic emission rock massif description ultrasonic characteristic GEOSPATIAL DATA INTEGRATION

Fig. 6. Integrated localization of the objects attributes stored in a databases help with spatial, terrain, cartographic, lithostratigra-phic and structural localization of the specific elements of the database 100km Warszawa Lublin objects (samples) Carboniferous Devonian Regions: geospatial integration

Fig. 7. Geomechanical database (BDG) search for data in the broad multi-thematic datasets for compilation of regional catalogues together with the quick selection of the information on each individual sample for particular scientific research


quarries and 8 cored boreholes from six geological regions of Poland, i.e., Œwiêtokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains (Piniñska, 1994, 1995), Sudetes Mountains (Piniñska, 1996, 1997), Przedsudecka (Fore-Sudetic) Monocline, Jura Krakowsko-Czestochowska (Piniñska, 1999, 2000), Lublin Trough (Jarzêbski & Piniñska, 2000) and the Outer Flysch Carpathian Mountains (Piniñska, 2003), as well as other objects, e.g., cultural heritage objects (Piniñska & Attia, 2003).

Altogether, the database consists of 300,000 pieces of information, including 60,000 geomechanical parameters of Polish rocks determined in the Laboratory of Geome-chanics during 1990–2003. Integrated localization of the objects and attributes stored in databases, according to the-ir geographic co-ordinates (Fig. 6) helps with spatial,

terra-in, cartographic, lihtostratigraphic and structural

localization of specific elements of the database, e.g., using MapInfo software.

As the final objective, the BDG shall to be correlated with the serial vectorized maps: The Detailed Geologic Map, Geo-Economic Map or Hydrogeologic Map.

The idea of the complex geomechanical database (BDG) was brought about by the necessity of the quick search for data in broad multi-thematic datasets to enable compilation of regional catalogues, charts and classifica-tion diagrams of building stones, together with the quick selection of information on each individual sample for scientific research (Fig. 7). As the base is open, it can accu-mulate and store new information, as well as archival data (Banna & Piniñska, 1997). The latter seem to be particular-ly important nowadays while many of the industrial institu-tions are being locked-out, causing an irrevocable loss of unique data stored in their possession.

As the Institute of Geomechanics specializes in labora-tory research, the structure of its Geomechanical Database, shown below, comprises mainly descriptions and mechani-cal parameters of single rock samples. All the data are assi-gned to their geospatial localization values.

Inserting the data is done by means of universal editing formulas, according to the thematic modules and attributes (features) of the concerned objects and samples. The applied system of sample identification allows analyzing the research results in many different aspects. Owing to the easy access to the data characteri-zing either the defined object or the individual sample, it is possible to perform the analysis, according to the needs, either from the general to the specific and the other way round. Data management regarding the lithology of the rock is based on the universal five-grade classifica-tion of the lithologic features in the regional division of the strata.

Insertion of the data begins with the launch of laboratory research, with some of the para-meters defined automatically according to algo-rithms and formulas chosen in the spreadsheet of the database. Further processing of the data and their automatic interpretation is done by the original subroutines. The BDG system allows independent insertion of the descriptive data, like, e.g., results of observations of the micro-scopic images, information about the weather-ing degree of a given rock, its usefulness or results of the fieldwork.

The content of the base is divided into eight main information modules (Fig. 8) comprising the detailed thematic attributes.

According to the adopted editing structure of the database, data are coded according to the localization of the outcrop, even though its basic content shows the results of complex assessment of the individual rock samples. Each of the sampling sites is characterized by its geographic co-ordinates in the general infor-mation section. The basic data, introduced into the database using MS Access interface, cover the primary identification information about the samples and the direct laboratory measure-ment results. The derivative values are automa-tically interpolated, estimated and interpreted by means of macros. Hence, the resistance and deformability parameters based on the analysis of the deformation curve are interpreted by

2. Geological data INFORMATIONS MODULUS 1. Object identification 3. Physical features 4. Ultrasonic measurement 5. Geomechanical features 6. Deformability features 7. Acoustic emission measurement

8. Rock mass assessment




field research, Schmidt hammer resistance, fissures character and system, RQD, RMR [Bieniawski 1974]


geospatial co-ordinates, administration data, type of the object, type of rock and purpose of research, engineering data, macroscopic description of the rock, technical and identification data of the sample, others

age, tectonic structures, fracturing system, petrographic description, lithological classification, microscope images, others.

unit density, volumetric density, porosity, absorbability, permeability, grindability, freeze resistance

orientated velocity of the longitudinal, transverse and surface waves propagation, index of anisotropy, index of variation of the longitudinal wave velocity under positive temperature, saturation or freezing process


stress resistance (in air-dry state, after saturation, after 25 cycles of freezing) resistance against extension, shearing and brittle fracturing, index of resistance against freezing and softening; strength classes (e,g., PN-84/B-1080, Miller, ISRM , ISO) post-critical

residual strength, modules of the main phases of deformation, module of residual deformation, ratio of the damage, fracturing character pre-critical

deformation phases, stress values on the phase contacts, values of deformation (axial, circumferential, volumetric) on the phase contacts, elasticity constants post-critical

number of macro/microfracture phases, and the level of the stress/strain relaxation

number of signals on the contacts of deformation phases, precritical emission model [Boyce at all1981], post-critical emission model [Piniñska 1992]

0,125mm 0,5 mm 0,5 mm 0,125mm wyt rzyma ³oœæ pier wot na o p ó r re s z tko w y

Model IIpiaskowiec z Suchedniowa Model IIIwapieñ z Mójczy

obci¹¿enie [kN] odkszta³cenie osiowe [mm] obci¹¿enie [kN] 200 100 0 0 0,5 1,0 odkszta³cenie osiowe [mm] 200 100 0 0 0,51,0 1,5 2,0 Rrez scr 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 0,01 Odkszta³cenie osioweez[mm/mm] Naprê¿enie [MPa] s Up pokr Upcr

Fig. 8. Contents of the information modules and their attributes in the Geome-chanical Database (BDG)


application of custom-made macros created in the MS Excel spreadsheet. Similarly, values of stressing and deformation of the samples and their derivatives in the following deformation phases are processed.

The database can store information proces-sed in form of reports, charts, diagrams and sta-tistical data of the given parameters theme or localization. The search for any of the defined information can be done according to the follo-wing criteria: quantity criterion, i.e., how many outcrops or rock types of the defined characte-ristics are there in the region; quality criterion, i.e., which of the rocks in the region agree with the defined parameters; valorizing criterion, i.e., accessibility of the outcrop, conditions of exploitation, localization within the country.

Since the Geomechanical Database is envi-ronmentally and regionally conditioned, the synthetic product of GIS may involve the valo-rizing, local or regional maps.

Application examples

One of the most important forms of presen-ting the data stored in the database is the Docu-mentation Card (Piniñska & Dziedzic, 1996; Piniñska & Dziedzic, 1998a, b) which in its present form contains around 150 unified pie-ces of information about rock from each object (Fig. 9). It can be generated as a report in the MS Access programme and is therefore an inte-grated part of the whole database, which ena-bles the cards to be updated and modified in the course of the research progress.

Another form of data presentation employs summary diagrams (Fig. 10) which present the trends of geomechanical parameters variation, like, e.g., the general variation trend of longitu-dinal wave velocity in rocks according to their volumetric density (Fig. 10A) or visualization of the volumetric density and longitudinal wave velocity variation classes in the rocks with different lithology (Fig. 10B).

The subject of interest or presentation can be as well the single data concerning deforma-tion or fracturing processes according to the size of grains or mineral composition of a rock (Fig. 11A–D) which helps to assess post-dama-ge behaviour of a rock, e.g., as a factor of the assessment of the rock weakening in the defin-ed state of extension useful in building engine-ering or in assessment of the susceptibility to the harmful migration of dissolved agents in the valuable stone elements which is of interest for the conservation practice.

An example of application of the Geome-chanical Database (BDG) in conservation works concerns the data about historic buil-dings, e.g., construction elements of Maadi Town Temple in Egypt (Fig. 12A– E) made of marly Paleogene and Neogene limestone,

who-4.1. Phases of deformation (stresses treshold):

4.2. Elastic constants [10 MPa]: a) elasticity limit: b) stable crack propagation:

- microdylatancy limit - microcracking limit of linear circumferencial strain: - limit of linear axial strain: c) unstable crack propagation:

- macrodylatancy limit - macrocracking: - dilatant stress of failure: a) Young modulus (static) E : b) elastic modulus (dynamic, ultrasonic) : c) bulk modulus (static) K : d) bulk modulus (dynamic, ultrasonic) K : e) shear modulus (static) G : f) shear modulus (dynamic, ultrasonic) G : g) Lame constant (static) L : h) Lame constant (dynamic, ultrasonic) :

4 st st d st d st E L d d

4.3. Poisson ratio (static) [-]: 4.4. Poisson ratio (dynamic, ultrasonic) [-]: 4.5. Strain [%]: n n e st d axial: a) at failure : b) at linear phase : circumferential : a) at failure : b) at linear phase : volumetric : a) at failure : b) at linear phase : e e e e e e e e e z z cr z III/IV x,y x,y cr x,y II/III v v cr v II/III ¨ ¨ 3.1. Compressive (ultimate) strength R [MPa]:

3.2. Tensional strength R [MPa]: 3.3. Shear strength [MPa]: 3.4. Fracture toughness K [MPa m ]:


r Ic 1/2

a) air-dry R : b) saturated R : c) after 25 cycles of freezing R’ : d) index of saturation impact r: e) index of freezing impact:

cs cn cn v t × 5.1. Wave velocity [m/s]: 5.2. Ratios:

5.3. Acoustic emission (percent of events): a) longitudinal V :

b) transversal V : c) surface V :

a) acoustic anisotropy A [-] (average): b) change of velocity B [%] (average): a) up to microcracking treshold [%]: b) range of microcracking [%]: c) range of macrocracking [%]: p s R 7.1. Volumetric strain [%]: 7.2. Modulus of macrocrack deformation E : E 7.3. Elastic modulus of residual

deformation E [10 MPa]: 7.4. Damaging ratio 7.5. Character of fracture: ½ e ½ » v st rez a) postfailure : b) at macrocracking phase : c) at microcracking phase : e ¸ e ¸ e ¸ vpokr vfg vfi 4.01 9.04(6.94) 0.55 2.37 [0.62] [2.12] 0.03 0.59 [0.25] fg 4 (0.62) (0.16) intergranularny W:

6.1. Residual strength R [MPa]: 6.2. Phases of macrocracking : 6.3. Phases of microcracking : rez fg fi f f g i a) number of phases: b) strain release N [MPa]: a) number of phases: b) strain release N [MPa]:

D D 9.1. R /R [%]: 9.2. E /E [-]: 9.3. E /E [-]: 9.4. E /E [-]: 9.5. R /R [-]: rez cs std stfg strez cs r

12.1. Schmidt rebound number r :s 25¸ 35 (29) 11.1. Linear: 11.2. Surface: 11.3. Volumetric: 11.4. Class: 3.0 /mb 2.1 m/m 3.6 m /m II 2 2 3 12. REBOUND 11. FISSURE 10.1. Strength R **: 10.2. RQD: 10.3. Joint interval: 10.4. Water: 10.5. Joint surface feature 10.6. Joint orientation*** Class: total (per 100)

c III 4 8 10 7 12 -5 36 10. ROCKMASS ASSESSMENT RMR (after Bieniawski) ROCKMASS ASSESSMENT (32.9) (0.27) 1 (1.00) (8.1) » 9. COMPARATIVE INDICATORS

8.1. Model of postfailure AE: H

H M L 8. ACOUSTIC EMISSION (after Piniñska) 0.2 ¸ 5.3 [1.5] 3 ¸ 40 (17) 6.2¸16.6 [7.0] 0 ¸ 5 (2) 6.4¸11.7 (8.7) 6. STRENGTH 7.6. Typicak curve of deformation*:

model type (after Piniñska) type: III 7. DEFORMABILITY POSTFAILURE STATE 5. ACOUSTIC PROPERTIES III A B CD E 5.4. Type of AE (after Boyce): 56 42 2 A = 1.00 A = 0.95 A = 0.99 A = B = 1.08 B = 8.39 B = ps T n m T n m -1601¸2019 (1790) 2122¸2428 (2317) 3004¸3932 (3361) -0.10¸-2.30 (-0.88) 0.00¸-0.02 (-0.01) -0.26¸-1.70 (-0.78) 0.09¸ 0.35 (0.20) 0.34¸ 1.10 (0.69) 0.02¸0.15 (0.09) 0.04¸0.12 (0.08) 0.05¸ 0.54 (0.28) 0.02¸ 0.08 (0.05) 0.97¸ 1.26 (1.14) 0.14¸ 0.45 (0.31) 0.84¸ 1.38 (1.04) 0.09¸ 0.30 (0.22) 1.68¸ 3.15 (2.30) 0.28¸ 0.89 (0.62) 0.06¸ 0.25 (0.13) [MPa]: 4¸39 (15) 2¸23 (13) 2¸22 (12) 2¸15 (8) 1¸10 (5) % Rc 32¸91 (55) 26¸64 (48) 23¸62 (44) 16¸47 (29) 9¸33 (19) 0.28 ¸ 0.68 4.02 ¸ 9.64 2.01 ¸ 4.82 - ¸ -8.9 ¸ 32.1 11.9 ¸ 42.7 (0.46) (6.52) (3.26) -(0.62) -(16.5) (26.4) Classifications: ISRM: S3, A5,4,3, F1,2 Polish standards: Miller: Protodiakonov: ma³a EA, DL, DA Va 2.1. Bulk density [g/cm ]: 2.2. Unit weight 2.3. Total porosity n [%]: 2.4. Absorption (volume) n [%]: 2.5. Absorption (weight) n [%]: 2.6. Tightness S [%]: 2.7. Abrasivity S [mm]: 2.8. Frost resistance: r r s 3 o w z [g/cm ]:3 z³a (19.90) (76.74) 69.36¸79.74 (12.22) 9.79¸16.03 20.34¸29.23 (23.26) 20.26¸30.64 (2.63) (2.02) 1.82¸ 2.10 4. DEFORMABILITY 3. STRENGTH PREFAILURE STATE 2. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 1.1. Voivode-ship: ³ódzkie pajêczañski Dzia³oszyn Kombinat Cementowo-Wapienniczy "WARTA" S.A. na skalê przemys³ow¹

materia³ do produkcji cementu i wapna

wapieñ skalisty, mikrytowy o strukturze sferolitycznej

mikryt jura bia³a

1.2. District: 1.3. Local community: 1.4. Ownership: 1.5. Recovery: 1.6. Use: 1.7. Macroscopic description: 1.8. Petrological classification: 1.9. Stratigraphic position: 1.10. Coloration: 1.11. Joint system (after Mencel): H



1.12. Locality - based Auto Route Express Europe 98 (Microsoft, 1998):

A , A , A , A - anisotropy factors: air-dry (A ), dryed at 105 C (A ), after saturated (A ), after freezing (A ) B , B , B - impact factors: dryed at 105 C (B ), saturated (B ), after freezing (B )

= 1 - (E/ E )

-” relative increase in volumetric and circumferential strain ° ° psTnm ps T n m m rezst Tnm T n W ¨„ xx - value interval (x) - average value1¸2 1)given from literatures * loading at constant circumferential strain ** stiff system MTS-815 air-dry state *** slape case

[x] - modal value x - nonrelative value




1.13. Polished surface: 0 10 20 30 40 50 km

Copyright by Zak³ad Geomechaniki Instytutu Hydrogeologii i Geologii In¿ynierskiej, Wydzia³ Geologii UW, 2003 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 przemieszczenie osiowe [mm] obci¹¿enie [kN]

Ryc. 9. Documentation Card as an example of presenting data stored in the database (BDG) 1,5 8000 8000 9000 r [g/cm ] 3 r [g/cm ] 3 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 6000 4000 2000 0 0 V [m/s]p V [m/s]p 6000 4000 2000 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5

extremely heavy rocks

ver y heavy rocks heavy rocks medium heavy rocks light rocks extreme values [8] heavy rocks medium heavy rocks light rocks

extremely heavy rocks



heavy rocks


Fig. 10. General variation of the longitudinal wave velocity (VP) in the rocks of Poland in relation to the volumetric density classes (ñ) according to PN-84/B-01080 and the class of the extremely heavy rocks of ñ> 3.2 g/cm³ (A) and lithologic variation of the rocks of Poland in relation to the volumetric densi-ty variation (ñ) and longitudinal wave velocidensi-ty (VP) (B)


se samples were analyzed in the Labora-tory of the Geomechanics Institute. One of the causes of their degradation was the cyclic twenty-four hour migration of the salt solutions in microfissures, inten-sified by the recrystallization of the salt crystals during the day. Complex reve-aling other degradation agents, with the help of BDG data, will aid in choosing the optimal conservation intervention.

Geomechanical Data can be also car-tographically visualized on a geological background, in a regional or local sys-tem. Owing to the transfer of the object’s co-ordinates, the object or its selected attributes can be localized with help of MapInfo programme on vectorized geo-logical image of any theme and in any scale (Fig. 13A, B).

Information data are supplied to the MapInfo programme through the search command of the suitable recordsfrom the chart of geographic co-ordinate of the object in the given localization. Importing of the chart to the MapInfo programme allows visualization of the found records on the map background.


Scientific analysis of the rock

strength is expensive, time-consuming and sometimes possible to perform only in the highly specialized laboratories. Only proper gathering of research results and their online accessibility in the unified archiving system will enable to use them to their full potential in any demanded configuration.

In the process of closing the produc-tion of mining and geological companies or transformation of the research institu-tions, a lot of archival, often unique data get lost, even though they could have been stored in modern datasets,

broade-0,125mm 0,125mm 0,5 mm 0,5 mm




Fig. 11. Diversified character of the fracturing process in flysch sandstones; A– D micro-scale: A — intragranular fracturing (flysch sandstone with siliceous cementation); B — concentration of local intragranular defects; C — development of transgranular fissure (flysch sandstone of compact structure and carbonaceus cementation); D — wedging of the fragments in the fissure; average-grain sandstone with carbonate cementation

ATTRIBUTES (searched):

Mechanisms of initial fissures and damages engineering

Object identification

Monument (Hatshepsut Temple, Maadi Town Temple)

Attributes: spatial co-ordinates type of rock geological data macroscopic description fissures system samples identification Red S ea Red S ea D E F A B C

Fig. 12. Examples of the damages in the valuable stone elements of monumental objects: A — macroscale fracturing of the walls, B — efflorescence on pillars, C — closeup of the efflorescence (SEM), D — microfissure (SEM), E — salt crystalliza-tion (SEM), F — locacrystalliza-tion of the described monuments


ning the scope of available knowledge and reducing the costs of the basic research.

Creating open, integrated databases, allowing easy flow of specialized information, directly connected with the Digital Terrain Model is the only way to economize data management in rock engineering.

The above analyzed examples show that the broad applicable character of the Geomechanical Database (BDG) makes them a multi-level carrier of information, ranging from the detailed scientific data about individual samples to the regional data concerning the rock format-ions. The BDG can eventually become a source of univers-al information about active, vunivers-alorized or degraded quarries, their accessibility, and their legal or property status in relat-ion to geomechanical parameters. It can as well serve as a source of information about the original materials in restor-ation of the valuable stone buildings, regionalizrestor-ation of the rock properties, and therefore be applicable in the comparati-ve research on rock mechanics and in seismic studies.

Management of broad datasets within the integrated, geospatial relational databases is the only way of introdu-cing regional diagnostic strength indices of the rock masses in rock engineering making use of the archival data.


BANNA A.F. & PINIÑSKA J. 1997 — The impact of swell properties of the Essna Shale on ancient monuments of the Deir El-Bahari. Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites. Napoli: 145–155.

IAEG, 1981 — International Association of Engineering Geology Rock and Soil Description and Classification of Engineering Geologi-cal Mapping. Bull. IAEG, 24: 235–274.

ISO, 2000 — Geotechnical engineering — Identification and descrip-tion of rock. ISO 14689. CEN/TC 250/S.C. 7. N 324.

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localization of the samples

Fig. 13. Cartographic visualization of the objects on the geological background (according to MapInfo), regional localization: Outer Flysch Carpathians: localization of the samples


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