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"Municipia und coloniae in der Prinzipatszeit", E. Schönbauer, "Anz. d. phil.-hist. Kl. d. öst. Akad. d. Wiss.", 1954, no 2 : [recenzja]


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Share ""Municipia und coloniae in der Prinzipatszeit", E. Schönbauer, "Anz. d. phil.-hist. Kl. d. öst. Akad. d. Wiss.", 1954, no 2 : [recenzja]"


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E . S c h ö n b a u e r , Municipia und coloniae in der Prinzipatszeit (S.A. aus d e m Anz. d. phil.-hist. Kl. d. öst. Akad. d. IViss., J h g . 1954, No 2, Wien 1954).

I n this s t u d y t h e a u t h o r discusses again the principle of double citizenship in t h e Italian municipia b u t he refers also to t h e case of Dio f r o m P r u s a (or. 4 1 , 6 a n d 10 — p . 37—8) in which b o t h the f a t h e r a n d t h e d a u g h t e r owing to t h e emperor's f a v o u r were a t t h e same t i m e invested w i t h t h e general R o m a n citizenship a n d w i t h t h e citizenship of t h e Colonia A p a m e a . He also refers t o t h e case of Harpocras who was invested b y T r a i a n simultaneously w i t h t h e R o m a n and with t h e Alexandrian citizenship. Sc h o n -b a u e r ' s s t u d y contri-butes t o a -b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the dou-ble citizenship in t h e Hellenistic p a r t of t h e R o m a n empire.

E . W e i s s , Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach dem Doppelbürgerrecht bei Griechen und Römern vor der Constitutio Anioniniana (JJP

V I I — V I I I [1954] 71—82).

S. v o n B o l l a , Zur Rechtskontinuität der Volksrechte in Aegypten {JJP V I I · — V I I I [1954] 149—156).

R. T a u b e n s c h l a g , Das babylonische Recht in den griechischen Pa-pyri (JJP V I I — V I I I [1954] 169—185).

cf. K l í m a , Iura V I 284 ff.

E . S e i d l , Die Jurisprudenz der ägyptischen Provinzialrichter in der byzantinischen Zeit (Festschr. Rabel I I , 235 — 261) (Tübin-gen, J.C.B. Mohr 1954).

T h e a u t h o r p u t s before himself the question with which auxilia-r y legal means a n d m e t h o d s t h e pauxilia-rovincial judges passed theiauxilia-r sentences a n d he makes those verdicts t h e object of his investi-gations. His s t u d y is divided into t w o sections: t h e f i r s t which d e m o n s t r a t e s on t h e base of t h e practice how t h e judges passed t h e i r verdicts and the other one in which he shows t h e auxiliary means t o t h e disposal of t h e judges. I n other words he goes f i r s t t h r o u g h t h e d o c u m e n t a r y p a p y r i and t h e n the literary ones. His investigations culminate in t h e assumption t h a t t h e examples f r o m the B y z a n t i n e period show a knowledge of t h e law b u t in a few cases a n d even t h e n n o t so m u c h w i t h t h e judges as w i t h t h e no-taries.


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