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Odkrycie złoża węgla brunatnego w Stękinach koło Olsztyna


Academic year: 2021

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North-easteI"ll regioos of Poland are very



solid mdneral Ifuel mate1"ials. Peat is the only ma-terial of that type occurring here, sometimes even in large aIDOWlts. Geologi<:a1 structure of this


of Poland precludes occurrence of black coal de-posits, as the Paleozoic sedimentary cover overlying the Precambrian Platform is devoid of Carboniferous formation. There remains a possibility of occurrence of




Keuper and Liassic fonnations, which has not been confirmed by the up-to-date studies, or in the Tertiary formation.

With these premises


mind, the present author conducted systematic geologiJcal studies of the

Ter-tiary formation


the north-eastern Poland. The results of these studies are glVE'.n


the present



PaiiOHDI ceBepo-Boc'ro'iUoti nom.11IH lSe~t

TBeP-~ rOpIO'iHllJI HCKOnaeMl>lJDf. HCKmO"feBHe OOCTaD-JUUOT T'OPIPhI, 60JIbIIIMe 3anaChI KOTOPLIX 3aJIeraIOT B HeKOTopLIX MeCTax. reonorM"feCKoe CTpoeHMe S'ro:e:i '{aCTH cTpaHLI HCKJIIO'IaeT B03MOlKlIOCT& BhIJUI.aeHHR 3aJIelKeti KaJoreHHoro yrJIR, 'l'8K KaK naJIeo3o:':iCKM OCBAo"fBLD!: '1eXOJI, . nepeKpLmaronum ~OKeM6pmtCKy!O

DJIaTCPoPKY, JIM1I1eH nopo~ Kap6oHa. MOlKHO JIM1llb HaAeSlTLCR, '1'l'O B KeAnepOBOM: M JIeAaCOBOM Slpycax cop;epzaTCR 6YPLle yrJIH, XOTR ~o CHX nop HeT npM3-HaKDB, YKa3LmaIO~ ua HIt pacnpoCTPaUeHHe~ Kpo-Me TOro, B OTH011IeHJ1M 6yporo yrJIR nepcneKT1mHhIe


HCXOP;R M3 STMX npcp;nOCLIJIDK, asrop npoaeJI p;e-TaJIbHoe M3Y'lel{Me TpeTH"fHLIX O'l'JIOlKeuMf.i: ceBepo-BO-CTO"fIlOA nom.um. B CT8TLe M3JlOlKeHhI pe3YJIb'l'8'l'1>I STMX HCCJIep;OBaHM.


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