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A multiple degree-of-freedom approach to nonlinear beam vibrations


Academic year: 2021

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Noinen cia Loire

amplitude of the oath mode

E = Young's modulus

F = trasversa force

F0 = generalized force

h = beam t hickness

¡ = second moment of area of the crosssection

K. = axial spring factor

A = axial spring constant

k1 = rotational spring constant

L = beani length.

PO i iitjal axial tension

Po,,, = nondimensional amplitude of the generalized

harmonic force = time w = transverse (lisplacement z = axial coordinate = modal constants G r, r, ,G

n = nondimensional axial coordinate

X = ratio of axial load to fundamental Euler

buck-ling load

= generalized coordinate

p = mass density

nondimensional time

= assumed spatial function or linearmode shape

40 = nondimensional linear mode shape

eigenvalue of the linear free problem

w nondimensional frequency

e,0 linear natural frequency




are restrained from axial displacement has received muchnonlinear transverse vibrations of a beam whose ends attention. The common approach is to assume some form for the spatial solution, usuali a linear mode shape. and then solve the nonlinear orthnarv differential equation that results for the time variable. Most of this work has been concerned with simply supported end conditions only. The majority of authors have used only a single assumed spatial function to accomplish this; however, i\feDonalcl'has solved tlw free

Received April 14, 196iJ, revision received November:3, 1909

This work wa substantially supported by NSF Grant GR-l2.51 and this support is gratefully ackwoovledted. This work forons

part of a thesis submit ted in tart ial fultillinent of the Phi). requirement at tue University of Gichigan by J. A. Bennett.

*Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical arid A5t

ro-nautical Engineering. Associate AIAA.

Professor, l)epartment of Aerospace Engineering. Associate Fellow AIAA.


Technische Hog


A Mu!

tipj e Degree-of-Freed orn Approach to Noiii mear

Beam Vibrations


University of illinois, Urbana. ill. AND


University of Michigan, :Inn Aibor, iIich.

The steady-state free an.! forced response and stability for large am plitimile im,tiomi of a

la-am with elaimiped ends is investigated. Elastic restraint of tIme ends is included in order to relate theory wit li exJ,erimnen t. A loi nl t ¡mode ana1 tieni amid ii omit-rica! ten nique is used to obtain theorel kai sohom Lions for!oth rcpoflse and stability. Experimnezitool results largely confirni the iestmits of the analysis. lt iseonchimdemi that, wlmfle single mode amiahst-s ame aile-(hllate iii sone ca-es, there are circumstances where a no,iltiniode analysisisessential to pre(lict the observed results.

vibìatioii l)roblcni for an arbitrary initial condition using Otii expansion of ellipt iC functions vhich are the exact solutions to the foce single mode probltnì. Srinivasant has applitd a general ¡nodal t1>i)10ttChi in discussing a siiiiply SUpl)Olte1 beam and has Ol)tZOifleCl response solutions including seveoal modes.

rin stability uf the steuztly-state solution of forced motion

has received nitoch less attention. although EL-icy3 pcintcd out that there vcre legions iii which the single mode solutin vas not stable. rhe l)1l)leni (0f the parametric exeitzct u ou

of a niode which is initially at lest has been discusse:1 in tile


There has been very little exueriinental verification ui tie theoretical results whit-li have Ix-coi oblaincri itt this pioili;u Sonic eai-l- w(I)rk w:is ilone by 13uigreen. Expeìiotuuitu1

work on the itool ooeai rt-sI)cmIse nf beams to raoidono it11sot

has hecto reviewed by Lyon.°

In the investigation reported here the response and si i-hilitv of multiple mode, large amplitude, transverse vibra-tions of a beam wet-c ))relictei by approximate aooalyt icel

and nuiiierical tech io iques it oid lIon results 'vere t hei o eeuu a io I

to experimentidiv determined values. General ecouations fr the response and stability of a tioultiple dogi-ce-of-fo-en lai beam oyere derived notti results then obtained for tIte par-ticular case which descoihes the experiment. The exilen-mental beam was. ideally, clauoupcd oui both ends; however because not all tite elasticity f the support could be removed. a term to exlocss the axial elasticity of the suI)port :ouuI

another term to express elastic rotational enti restraint oyere included in the analysis.


Equations of Motion

The partial clifferciotial equal ion describing the traoisve:e vibration of a beam which is axially restrained Out1 in which large deflectiojos are pertilitt ed is


+ EI


+ K,



(l.c] =

F(x.t) ti) where K. is a factor expressing the amount of c'id restraint

K, = L/ltE(1,"k ± L//uE) °

Thus K, = 1.0 is fully restrained, and K, = 0.0 represents no c-nd restraint,

The only rioniiuoear effect that has been included is duc to the effect of the transverse deflection on the axial foie'


,i'(I (lite to

í'iiil (esti:niil The ('(1rvature are still



l,í izilJ nui! hotu 1iear (1 foirant ions and

rnlitudin:tl iraitia have been iteilected. )ssurlie tini t

w(x,t) =



i I pecrfy that f,(x) satisfies the asociateti linear problem

ò2w ò4w - ò2w


+ LI4 P0---=O

iii! the appropriate houralarv cOn(litiOIis. It is therefore pi:aiiil to include :inv elastic rotational end restraint in t-lie

irr ear problem. Then, applying Galerkin's method, the

i hawing set of nonlinear ordiiiarv differential equations are

li!I n irted (IT



/:=1 =1

= Fo(r)



-m = 1.2, .


F1,, = (IL2//l)'J!,, ÇI cWe d '1 d24,.



- 4),,d(7 2 f01 ,,2dr L


F(17,r),.d17 FO Eli



lrer the following itondirnensiorial quantities have been


r = (Ejp)"t/L, i = x/L,

ç5,,, =



SilIce there is no known exact solution to Eq. (3), it will be 0cU5rlrV to t run to an a pIoxuaat e solut ion. The method

1 harmonic hialarice will he used. The method involves


traed S((lulroiI into the ciittoi't'niiai equations, and thena solution of sunirned liarnionics, substituting this

qlIitirg the cuofficients of the harmonics to zero. Aflv

l:trrr(oniCS which arise in the sulc.t itution which aie not in-i) il It') iiii t h t 115 li 1110(1 soli it 1(11) a re OCirjeet 0(1. The

effective-res ((f t his root h od is de1 )eltder0 on clIm)siiig only t hose

bar-001005 which will he irijirortalit. It has been found, for lie Ditffing equation obtained for a single assumed mode,

lait a single harmoiue terni iii the tuile expansion gives rorirate restilts over a wide range of interest. It is siso ai ((VO that when clari ping is r reglected, only in pitase and

rit of phase iilOTiOtls alise.

Thus for hair tonic forcing. assume a solution of the form

A,,, coswr (4)

Ñu (Stil uting Eq. (4) inI o Eq. (3) and neglecting the terms rt contain cos3wr, the following is obtained:

-.1 ,,,w ± F1,,J,, ± K

.ìf,,tAk.-l1A, = P0


'h i5 set uf


noi titi tea r algol 0:00 equations tel: (till g the s and w may be solved oit i digital computer by the

\egst ciii iteration teiluiiqrue. 't lie sülritiuliS \Vet'e staited r' a given initial w sin tire nrlitinuprinite single mode equa-ion. The Sirlul uris tvere til101 cunitinucd by inirieroentig (3)

Fig. i Sv

nl-metric forcing.


and third

modes, O W/WO 2.0, X = 0.0. 6 4OL o .( 20

.\I'UiL 1970 i.; ltEE-OE'-FIF:EDo[ AFI'].tOÂC'Il Ti) HEA\I \'Iit1t.-T1ONS 735


Response for a Particular Example

For the case unclei' consideration, tile equations for the first tiuee iitodes eau lie eXi)ress('(i in the following form. The coefficients may be evalu:ited liv uiunieiical integration :utd die fart th:it sever:ti of tite coefficients are zero has been used to simplify tite equations.

dt/dr1 + F111 + K,,[G11113 + Grir2Eu +

± GrriEt2r + G333E33] = P01 eoswr (6)

d22/dr2 + FrEr + K,,[G21212 + Gnn32i +

Gr.'ni3 + GriEi] = P02 coswr

d2E(,'c/r2 + -I- I' [G21113 +

-i-Gri2t + G112123 + (/n:ri3] = P03 coswr

= JI,,,,, -1-


G,,,0,, = -+- 1l[,,,. + ill,,,,1, + .II,,,,0 ± + i1I,,,,,,

Tri general, two types of problems arise: 1) symmetric forcing, arid 2) asymntetric forcing.

.A. Svnimetric Forcing

If tlie force is al(i)lieci at L/2 or if it is svinrrietric about L2, I'02 is identically zero as are all tite Po,,'s for the even

nnlinbele(l niodes.

1'lte respoirse for the single mude has been discussed ex-tensivclv ii-i the hiteratuu'e and is tite typical respoilse foi' the liard siing oscillattu. Since the geneialized forces fou' the even numbered nrodes ar'e zero, tite s((Iut ion ovili indicate that these modes will riot respond. The uesponse for the first nui! third modes is shown in Fig. i fra' O < w/wo < 2.0, and ii Fig. 2 fou' 5.4 < w/wo < 7.0, where W is the hncai'

mmatur:ul freqctcrtev of the first mude, The expected funda-meritai resonances of A1 in tire neighborhood of the first lir(ear

ln:(tUl'rtl frequency occur. however, there is also ait A3

resorirutce in the neighiboriroocl nf t ire first lineau' nat ural fre-queniev and ari A1 resonance in the uteighborhood of tite third

lirinir ui:iiur'al frequency. This type of resta ance cicle tc)

itou-linear' coupling will be calici! ''coupling resonance." At. w- w0 = 1.3 the couplin g resonance c:uses appi'uxiniatelv a 2% distortion iii the spatial respomise as shown iii Fig. 3. The elIcit ii tile first lutent' mintirunal freqruenicv region is to

li:iti eri the u'esponse shape r(S the frequency increases. The

0 0.4 08 ii 6 20

w arid using the solutions for the previous w as initial guesses. Since (lily teal values uf the A ,,'s oyere important, no attempt was iliade to find cornplex values oh the .1 ,,'s.

0 04

- (N



7:36 o 20 BO 40 30 20 - Io Ui o o -J aIo -08 0.6



IN PHASE OUT 0F PHASE 5.4 58 62 6 6 70 3 54 58 62 66 70 w/Uj

ratio of A3/Á increases willi increasing w/w3 in the region

of the first mode resonance, I lius, the contribution of :13 to the response shape increases for increasing w/w0 in thisregion. B. Asyrniietric Forcing

When the beam is forced asyJ3lmetricaIlv, the second mode enters into the response. This response will he generated by forcing the beam at L/4.

The response for modes i and 2 is shown in Fig. 4. Of

particular interest is the absence of a coupling resonance.

Although there are three separate branches of the curve in

this area, there is no significant increase in amplitude of either mode in the resonance region of the otherniode. This can be explained by examining the coupling terms of the three modes. n the equations for modes i and 3, there is a term of the type in the former and ' in the latter. If,

say, becomes large, tue tenu in the third mode equation

vill also become relatively large and will significantly influence

the response. However, the coefficients of the and 33

terms in the second niode equation arezero; thus, there is no significant coupling between the resonant 0(1(1 nnsle.s. In fact, the coupling between the first and second,and the third and second modes is so weak that foi' all practical purposes the nonlinear coupling termsnmv be dropped and the SeCofld-)iìode response calculated from

F13 + K,G2A22 - P/A2


Comparing this response with the complete thì'ee mode response, differences of less than 1% were noted. If this simplification is made, the multiple solutions for corre-sponchng to the multiple solutions for and do not occur.


O W,6)0 13

Q - I_O



Fig. 2. Syniniclric forcing, first and

third modes, 5.1

ca/wo < 7.0, X = 0.0.


01 02 03 04 05

Fig. 3 Response shapes, uirt modercsomla'lee, X = (LO


60-40 b


C 20 3 O 0.5 1.0 .5 20

- IN


If higlier-omder lilodles were included, this pattern of coil-Plimig vould COlItÌIÌmmeexcept that the even modes would also

be coupled through the cubic term. It is interesting to note that the type, of coupling and thus the type and number of coupling resonances are dependent. on the boundary conlli-tions. Reference to Eq. (3) indicates that the coefficient of this term in lime 'ììOh equal ion for /:th mode coupling is

governed by ami integral of the form

fi d,,

Jo mi

If time beani is simply supported at both ends, this term is identically zero foi' uil choices ofin k, silice the linear nmude

shapes are ,, sin(nlri7). Thus, theie will be rio coupling

resonances in a benin which is simply sui)ported at both ends. On the ol hei- hand, if one end is clamped amici one is simply supported, the evaluation of this integral indicate- that all miìodes are coupled through the cubic termn.

A common approximation to the clamped-clamped beam is

= i - cos(2nlri7) j

Evaluation of time integral in Eq. (3) for this mode shape indicates that none of the mundes are coupled through the cubic term. This indicates that. one must he extremely careful in the choice of mode shapes and the number of modes that are retained.



Although a solution lias been found to the steady-state

problem there is neither assurance that these solutions are unique nor that they ame stable solutions because of the non-linearity of the equations. Tlnms, it. will be necessary to

check the stability of these solutions and to investigate tl'ie possibility of further steady-state solutions.

The stability question will he invest igateli by studying the behavior of a small perturbation of time steady-stateresponse.


E =

+ ô where is ihe steady state solution for

Eq. (3), and 6,. is a small perturbation of the oith moIld.

Substituting tins into Eq.(3), and 1-etainingonly first-om-der teims, the following is obtained.


+ K,




= O (s)

For the st ability pi-0h11-mn only the svmmnet nc case will iIC

discussed. In time case of a single assumed niocic this

equa-Fig. 4 Asyinnietric

forcing, first amid

sec-ond modes, O w/o





reduces to a Maihleu type eqiation whose stability is weil known. 1f just two tundes are included the following p:ln of _\iflni'ii eqilat Ions occur:





El = O







cos11ö = O

where T = 2wr. These two \1athieu type equations aie

un-coni tieti ai al the first one is ii lei t ical to t lie asc tor 011e itiode.

It i known that the solutions to the Mathicu equation ill the 1cgioiIs of instahility are of the form c° [ß(i) J. If 3(Ï) is expanded in powers of a small caralnettr, the leading terni is periodic with period 47r/u, where n is the integer number of the stability regiohl. This is discussed in detail by Havashi.9 Thus, the instabilities that arise must be of the form

A,,, Cùsflair


n > I this respomise is called ultraharmonic. Thus, the ñrst instability realoil iii the '\l:tthieu diagram mal)s into tite junii iiistahilitv region in tite _-!, plane. 'l'ue subse-quent legions are identified with tite integer order

ultra-liarnionics. If tIare is sonic damping in the system, only the lower circler ultraharnioitics eau he expected to arise. Two distinct types of instability arise:

first niocle instability,

= .ti coso icr, = O, n = 1,2,3

second mode instability,

= O ö2 = .12 COST1WT, ci = 1,2,3

flie a 111 ezlra ncc of a secI cii cl in cale is of part i culai ii iterest

because it is itormttallv at rest. 1f only the linear termos are coiiiilcred, the rest mode must stay at rest; but, due to the

ni ciili n e: ir ecciti cli 11g, t he rest molle imiv be excited. This

type (cf beli:ìvior has been discussed by the authors iO a

previous paper4 in sonic detail. The stability regions for moles I antI 2 only tie lreemtted iii Fig. 5.

lor the case witcit all three inccdes are considered, the hlrrtitrhatioil equations vi1l take tile formii







+ ('o1)




3C1.13;l3\ - 1


»1.0 + cost) = 0 (10)



X (1.0 + cosT)]2 = O







G:ccoliA:i) X

I(l +


42[' .(( 3I13







X nl e t hat the seem id (ql tat ii cmi is in dei ien dci it of t lie fi ist.

and third. It is ccf the Miii neu type and uutv be si>1yd in a

lii:iitner :tcl:ilogous ti) tlt:ct uecl before. When tIce third no cile i ii icluded, the iii t crcept of the second imistahi ht y



1"ig. 5

Svniinetric forcing, iiitabilitv regions for first

and second modes, X 0.0. Flags are on tite stable side of I)mIfl(Iary.

gion of the second 111011e with the respomise curve shifts

about lower in w!w0. The effect oit the third and

higher regions is iitfinitesimal.

The coupled Matliicoc type equations of the first and third

10(11 les may he ahi:tivze I Icy a cl irecit numerical applicaI ion of Flcw1imet thieorv»° This IicVcdl\TS integrating the equivalent first order differential eqciatiomis over a period to assemtihle a

moat mix, c:illecl the mt iccnoc horny mat mix, amid then obtaining its eigenvalues. l'ue eigeitv:clues directly determine the

sta-bilitv of t he point under eomisideratiomì. The method only analyzes one point on the respomise curve at a time so it is

necessary to determicte tite iiìstability POimits of several re-sponse curves iii order to cccnstruct regions of instability. Stability boimmìdaries fur specific cases are given later in the

repoi't 11h11 are discussed :ihciig vithì the experimental results


Experiimteiital Eiuipuient

An experiment \as designed to pm'oyide data to augment

the theorci ical results 101(1 to iim'ovide insight itito the accuracy of the theoretical llreclictic)mts. The primai'y information

de-sued waS 15 i'(Sl.)d)its(' curve inclinI i ng regions of instability for a beatii. The experiìmieittal edluihciliehit is discussed muore fully

in Ref. 7.

The heino was cccmistriic'ted of tool steel, 10 in. X i in. X

0.0313 iii. It. ivas clamtcpcd in steel blocks G iii. X 6 in. X 4), in. Tice claniciiIg surface was 2 in. X i in. The beam

was hcd'aterl by three steel in. diaiuctci' pins. The corre-spomichmng holes in the bc:uic were individually reamed to fit

the ]ciilS. The jaw vois belch with three - n. diameter steel

bolts. The rciocthitutig blocks ivere placed in the ways of a

l:tthe bed 1111(1 held ht pcIit ion hn a c.l:imittiing plate undermìeath

the ways. Omce end remtuin ed attached, but the other end

t) })p&'ltIiI('ri ial -ellen Id i i(: .-1ioi'selìoe magnet,

I 1li(('(' Id' I'(WI C t i,, er a mii p J i tier, fl.fm ii ict mii

geii-4'I,lì Loi. Eil i,.1ilaeeiiieii t iisoi', Fli I ter, Gfret1tieitcy coil ii ter, i 1-osci I locope.





ig. 7 S'ininctric forcing, (li..pIaceliIent at L/2, X 0.5.

av lie loosened to set tite juil ial tension. Two i in. X 3 in. eel bars were bolt ed to the lop urfaees of theblocks to in-ease the bend ng rigidity ut i lie setup. I)espite all attempts restrain the ends of the beam troni moving toward each ther. it ivas discovered that tite elasticity of lite test rig was significant factor. This suggested that improperly ev:ilu-ted boundary conditions nitty ben prime source of error in revious experinielils of this ty e. The positioii of the

iiiov-block was recilated by a screw artaiigenient atid then )lock was clanipcd into poii)u1t. Ihe initial axial load

irthc beam was measured by two foil-type strain gages laced on opposite sides of the benno 1.5 iii. from tile end.

The beam vas forced by an electi'oniagnet asshown iii the

rheinatic diagram of Fig. 6. The magnet was designed

itch that the motion of the henni would not significantly ffect the force applied to the benin. The magnet was

sus-ei ided on tina wires so that the siiiuoiid:ti torce applied to

he beni u could be i neti sil red (h reel i by phi cing a i i a e

icier-meter on the magnet. The niaguhl udc of the sitiusou.lal

arce could be kept COli st [liii by (01 it iitioiiIv monitoring the

ccelerometer unti at.

The nmgnet actually applied a forcing function of lIte type F(r) (1 ± COsCeT)

Ifa single mode response is sought and a solution is assumed 1 the form = d1 + A1 coso,r whered1 is a constant, after alanciug tite harmonics the tollownig equations result: w2 4 + F11A + G111K(d12A1 + -_1) - P01 = O

F11d1 + KG111(d13 ± iAl2d1) - P01 = O


the first-mode resonance region J1 becomes large it is possible to neglect d2 compared to J12. Or

w2,l1 + FiAi + -G111KA13 - = O


F11d1 + K,G111(Al2d1) - Pot O

'his essentially uncoupies tite equatiulis in tite resonance egion, tinci also iidicaies that the sinusoidal amplitude is lentical to the (ase for llore simtusoh ial foreiig. Outside of le resonance region the respomise is determni ted by tite linear ither litait the nonlinear terni.

- 4 o 60 01

-- 20

0.4 00 6 20

w/w-Wig. 8 Svniiiictric foiing, il i-placenicì t at L/2. X= 0.0.


'l'bemefore the siiiusoicltil part of tite iesi)t)ll-e Thotol(l oc-cutately indicate the leshiOlise to pille sinUS(ii(ltl forcing. l(1t1L0t iolis (1 i ) wele solyei.l a u Ii teilen liv tiid iiidicat ed that. tuis itl)i(li)XiiiiLitiotl \vtIs ttt curate to iviiiiiii

i'lii disitlacememit was uieasured by a Beiitiv-Nevada etidv

clirm.eltt poxiineter. fiit output ivtis liiiearly r(ltte(l tu

lis-ihtcenl( I i over the ra i i ge of ci is dto ce t t ient s t I i a t w ere t et u h.

Ihe iiistztiiilities of the first itiode treme erisilv detecteth by

tite tiisiti:iitintnt mneasurillg (sluihimlient. Flie instabilities of t lie iiigltel mii()des were lI(.(t tiiu':tvs iel1 (lefilic(1 111 the dis-i(iacelio(it t ITI(C. Often it iia i)(sshi)le to see a disturbaiìce.

luit its frequen cv a ud sua PC w(re (Ii iscule. To handle t his. the outituit was filtered by a baini pass filter. The pass band ctuld l)c set. in the neigliborhootl of the litiiuu:il frequency of the n iode whose stai ditty was u nier quest it tui. The filtered

lesilonse would COlIthilul itliluttlitY tite COltiht(tl(ellts tit titis frequemicv. The order of t he ltarmttunic cotib 1 he Casi lv

deter-in med 1 tv Co mìs ci rim ig lit e flit ere I :111(1 un fi lt crei i resi (((Ilse.

Tliu. lit e i tart iculti r i i it tue that was linstal tie ut tuid i e t let

er-tIll ted I ireciseiv by 1nov ii g the t lis1 ditcetnei it noxtitiel ir along

tite henni amid observing the phn.e chamiges of tise filtered

rispo list..

'l'he :txial spring (((listant k was deterntined by measuring tite axial simili itt tite beam with strain g:tges aun! coruittarilie the actnttl stretchiutg of the iw:tiii with tite stretching which wouhi have beets devchtped if tite cutis were eolnpleteiv re-strained. For the ease at hauni a value of K, = 0.9 ivas

(thtained. The rotational spring ittmistant k1 was deterniitied

by comitparing the experi nieltttd static deflectioit curve ivitli

the niirtivl ical solution for elastic rotatittn:tl restraints.


Experimental Results

Three (lifferent values of X, tite ittititti tension rttt io, were


X = 0.0, X = 0.5, X = +0.5.

The theoretical and

experimental resitt)mlses for X = 0.5, 0.0, 0.5 tite plot teti in

Figs. 7, S, and 9, respectiyelv. 'l'be experiutietttal forcing corresiuomided to a value of Pg = 5.0 X 1O° atol this volite



Fig. 9

Syin-iSle Iii e foie i 11g. (I i .})I Lire111 ei i t a t

L/2, X = 0.5.


Fig. lO 'I'Iìeoret irai litai eeriIfleii tIti illstIlbilit ie. symmetric forcing. X = 0.0. i']ag are oit tite REable ide

of Itomiriilarv.





Wa u.e(i j it ti) e t liet ut't i (t1 1 (ti lit I t011. 11)1' t li t't )ret lea I iii it I

('Xieiii]ieIItal tiiliiIitV i)'tl1OklijOSfat X O.() :tit' PJ'eseIttC(I in Fig. IO. IIie re-ui1t at X = 0.0iVili lie tuiti.sd i)riliarily

jitee tite rt-ult far ill iaIue uf X ivere similar.

.\. t.JIIÌI)(IiL = 0.0

The íxiti'titiieiittl )itits a2t('(' it1i tite tittatt'iittl Ct1iVtS

(pute ii-t'I1 vjth sottie tIis(lt'i)jl)(\ lit tIR' higitet ìtlltitlltll(leS. .I'hi i-tII 1)1 Iiscusse(I iii turtits of the iuistahiIitieu.

1'jlst ititait iilsta})iiiti(S \\-t't'e Ol)erve(1 expeiitiieiìtallv in t\Vt, tìetìs. fhe Jililiji t)ItCltOltt('lìOfl was tuliseiveti both for

i i Cieli0t t g t ti (I u I ec icasi ii g c wc,. }ùi i n cleasing w"o, fit e

'I :'- i'-itit'li exelut les dì ln)i1ig (loes not pitliet an inst ability

1_)oint. so there citi he tat coitflittiatioti of this. 1he 1)Oiflt of iilst:tl)ility fc)!' (leireItsilig Wí(_i1 is the point ctf ver1iitI

tan-getì(y. l'bis point is tattfittited liv the expetinteittal iesuiis.

The first ttiode Was ¿uso tuistahie as a seconul-order Ultra-hIU'inolu i('.

'Ihu' su'uuuittl rituulu shuuwi'd uiti'tharmoiucs (uf the second aiid

tu ¿ru i tut_u 1er. 'Ib e tb tu l-u titi ('r i,ilt rti au rmuul t iu_' accu n'veci il_i ait 0X1 reiuiey lOt)'tOW i';uitgt' t) /úo. Ait example .s shoivit in

Fig. I i . lite sepu uti-tu ru i et' uit ridai imam e (ut'eurre(i at a lower

frequency thiit was tiuearetieallv predicteul. Titis disci'ep-atuev vas nuute(l tat ¿ti! values of X. The itstthilitv of

siantuieaiut ituiigiuiluaie attui Ivas visible in the respinse trace.

It tru ut litceti a tut ut le sha t hat ;v: t. nuit v in met rie, as Fig.

1 2 shows. Since energy mut be gu ti tug it to tite asti lintion of lite sceotirl niocle, it titlist bu' taken frani the first or titirul

ituode. Thus, a (Ieei'ease in first tutode aunulituuIe froto that u'('ulicted frctrn the stu.'utIy-state theory ivaulul be 'x1uecteui. 'l'bis effect wits observed ex}tet'imeit1tIlv as was tiateti eiti'lier,

.nupe the expei'i uteiutuI iuiut ttil below the theoretical curve

in the legialt where tite seetuuui lituu'au' tuuuude is uttustable. This uiu.taIuiity pt'i'sisleui ututil the juli11) at_purred, ittu[ieatiuig tinut


5l»1\' del eri i iii uc t h e j um p i h enomeru on, it 'vu tu lui be cessaty to iia'Iuule the secotid uttocie instabilities in the analysis.

'l'ue third mode huiwetl fourth- and fifth-artier uiti'ahar-tu untie bust thilit. 'flue utuaguu it udc of tite ii ustiuhil it ics vei'e tuoi as great ¿SS t itt' secautd nuuucle second order uiItl'aharmOu lic,

hut. the fourth order third niode uIt i'aharttuonic was notice-able ill the l'espanse over a ratIgo tuf ahatut Otte C5 (Fig. 13). The ittuver-order ultru1ucriuuottics of the third nuode occurreti

1ìEG1EE-oF-FiI:EI)oM AI1Pi(JAC'll 'It) BE.'s.\I VIBRATIONS 739

DIS PL4CEMENT T O.25L D SPLA CE MENT T 075L I:) I Secoiìil-order ultra-i la rulITt It nf Lhe .te()ll(I ttitttle, X = 0.0. ¿SPL AC E MEN T .7 O25i. SPL ACE MEN T AT O75L WILt,-'

after the j nui lt:u nul were not u.lt't.eci able ¿uit huuugh tlueoret ucu]ly

tue instability regions exist. Lainlela = +0.5

'lite cOcci (uf positive X is tu) (iCi'i't'itSi' the iifleii' natural

fru'qu.uetucv nuid tut increase the hurdeuuing effect. The saune iuistzihi!jties (iisCU5Se(1 iii tite X = 00 section ivcre observed for X = +0.5.

Lainiula = 0.5

The effet_t of negative X is to increase the linear ivatuiu'al frequenc''iuud to clect'cae the nonlinear harcleiuing. 'flic

u lecrease itu the nu uiuline:u r effect ¿tIsa u hc'crc'aseul theampht udes ut tite fifth uuu-ulei' ultraiutriuuuuuuic of the third moule ¿md the tu iì'ui-order uit rthari u it_uit ic of t lie second nucu(ie to the point that they weu'e not observeti.



Tite u'estilts of the experiuiuental and theoretical studies ii udicat e dutt tite single- t cita harmonic b:tlauuce t euh tu ique gives excellent. aphuroxinu:ute solutions far tlue auutpiitituies ciucountercul iii tite beam pi'tti)letui (tuice the henni thiu'kness).

Hou'ever, I lue sui gie sptt ial ii toile ai upraach uutt_ist be used

with soute e:uut io n. In uru ti dei ut s in w hit_lu the liait h tu ea r

cOlil)li tug is weak, it is P tssii)le t o abt ¿ti iu quit e au'cun'ate

l'espanse u-itt-ves by (lt-utili tug tite nonli tuent' coupling terms

atid cousit lent ig each nut tilt' iuuuliv i(lulailv tu n' response pin'poses. However, itu titutse cases ivluei'e the euuefficient of the cubic coupling tet w is ]ion zeu'o, cautu thug i'esoivaiiee will ill)! tear

which ittay significantly iuuuudif' tite t'espoilse shapes.

lt is also necesstu'v to u'uuiusiíler the PosSibilitY of modal

itustabilities. A matie iiu:uv i-esiuuunul itu an uultrahai'nuouuic type of response nt sottie iututlt i1 tie at tite fou-eiuug frcqtieuicy. It is

further utecessat'y to i'atusiu lei' tise stability of the rest runucies

because thiu'y uiva\' uuscillat u' lite tu) ltuu'anuetnie excitation.


I \ [e L) ut u titi, P, I I-,' Nuu u ii u uc'ai i )vi tLt.Ifli(' Couupliiug in a Bc'uiitt

\'ibi'itioui,'' .Jouur,u,uul of .tppliuul iIuc/ucinics, \'ol, 22, Nut, 4, l)ee. 1955, pp. 573-37-S,

i Srinivasau, A. \',, 'Nouil'utear \'ittrat.iouus of Beams ¿uttd Plate5,'' ¡,uluu-ru,ational .Iouuu-n(u/ of Von/un-ar 11cc/tunics, \ol. I, Nu, 3, Nov, 1960, pii, i 71)-191.

'J Eislev, J, (l,, 'Nuuuutiuuc-ur \'ibrations of Beams ¿nid

lice-t,Aitgiuliui' Phaies, Z' Ouu/uuu/'t tutu' ttugu uu'u.tuuul(u 5fat/tuuuuotit tutu']

I'/uuisu/,-, \'al. I 5, Nut. 2, \ i uuulu i 964, i)J' i 67-174.

4 F:isle', J. ( 'tuuul Itc'uuiut'II ,.1. X,, ''Staluiiitv (uf Large

Atuu1uli-liude 1"onu'eul Sluuthuuu uf u iiiuuiy Suiiupuui't.cul Beato,'' In/duri uil tonal

Io ut'ri uit of .\'ouu ¡¡ru tar .1 (u.u_/tui uit rs, t tu be pu ti uti,-lted.

Buiguu'cuu, I),, ''Fi-ce \'ibr:ut iuuius uuf a Piti Euudu'd Cairumn vith

Cuuttstuuttt I )itaiuu'c Bet weert Euuuis,'' .Jotuu'nutl ni tjtp/uu/ ,tiutiuuin-t'cs, Voi. iS, No. 2, Jutai' 1)1St. up 133-139.

6 Lvuuut, lt. ti., ''Ulusevvuuiuuus tutu Outs [hule tuf Noutlitseanit ¿us

ltanduuiuu Viluniui ions u uf Si ruait ires,'' TN D-1X72, \ [ aix-h 1963, NASA.

Beuutuett, .1, A., ''A ,\iuuir iplu' \luuule Appi'oaeh to Nu,nliuueat'

Beam Vi! ur:tu iuuuus,' ' Pit. I ) , i.lueis, 1)161), U utiv, u uf ?uliu'ltigan, Ann Au'tuuur, Mich,

iruuve, W. E,, ¡lu-lui Xtuuutuu'icl 5[ulhocl,, Preuutii'e-lI:uti, Euugtt.'i-uuui (htfs, N.J., 1966.

it t\'isshti , C' .,V out t itt ut u' O,'uriUutt ¡unis tri P/u tus irs! Sijstu nus,

Mt'Gr:uw-ihil, Nu'w Yuurk. I'.t64, pp. 59-92,

° Pa rs, L.,-\,., ,1'I'ruat u-su u ru .1 ivalìl ucti/ Dytuuuuit iCS, Heiuìeman

Eduicat it uit ti Bu uuuks, Lou uuiu uit' 11)63, pp. 461--463.


tIItItIl1I1tt1i( Uf t h C CC4)fl ti in oti C,

RESPOiSE Fig. 13


liltraliar-iiìi)flc f tite

thirti moite, X =


X = 0M. F ILTE RED 0.0. LT ERE D


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