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I would like to appeal to you to take actions in relation to the situation in Tibet within your competence and the possibilities of the Council of Europe.


Academic year: 2022

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The latest developments in Tibet are a source of serious concern for all those who are guided by the respect for freedom and human rights in their activities. Despite the Chinese censorship, the information about the bloody suppressions of peaceful demonstrations and mass arrests of Tibetans reaches the international community. Using violence against people fighting for their rights, which result also from the Chinese constitution, should meet with strong oppositions from the democratic states that respect human rights and freedoms.

It is a duty of all countries belonging to the Council of Europe to give their, at least moral, support to the fighting Tibetans. The concept of freedom, civil disobedience, right to resistance and the observance of human rights, even with respect to those whose aims and values are different than ours, is a great and beautiful accomplishment of the European legal culture. Our duty is to come to the defence of everyone to whom those fundamental rights are denied.

I would like to appeal to you to take actions in relation to the situation in Tibet within your competence and the possibilities of the Council of Europe.


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