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Academic year: 2021

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19 4 L ’h istoire de la classification des sciences

A. Gella

I w ould like to say some tho ug h ts o n th e classification of sciences from sociological point of view, from w hich I look at th e history of science. It seem s to me, th a t th e re exists a ' possibility to draw such a model o f th e classification of sciences which w ould b e sim ultaneously a model of th e ir developm ent, I w ill tr y to draw such a model.

W hen we tr y to ascend to th e beginning of all kinds of scientific thinking, w e have to realize th a t th e ir sta rtin g point w as conditioned by nomscientific presuppositions a n d te n e ts of a n y given civilization. So, a t th e beginning of all sciences w e have o n ly a n ucleus of certain assum ptions which w ere determ ined by social needs but w hich w ere nonscientific itselves. The conventional axioms of m athem atics and the first philosophical tendencies w ere generated on th e basis of this nucleus.

If I tried to show it in a graphic model, I should p u t this nucleus as a first circle located in th e cen ter of th e figure. T his circle is su rrounded by th e second circle w hich enfolds th e first field of hum an system atic think in g — logic in th e basic sense of th e princip le of non-contradic­ tion. The th ird cirdle circum scribes th e field of m athem atics, w hich is so closely link ed w ith logic th a t th e boundaries: betw een th e n some­ tim es disappear. The fo u rth circle marks: history. F rom certain points of view a n y scientific sentence is a historical sentence also. A nother reason for w hich I h av e p u t history as th e fo u rth circle is the ro le of history a t th e daw n of ancient civilization as a m ain source of hum an

knowledge. j s ^ ;

A nd noiw, having these th re e circles surrounding th e nucleus, we can spread around all p a rtic u la r sciences as ray s going in all directions. If one p articu la r ra y indicates th e w ay of one p a rtic u la r discipline, w e have a general p ic tu re of th e classification a n d th e developm ent of sciences. A t least basic sciences have roots coming to us from th e non­ scientific n ucleus across th e fields of logic, m athem atics and history.

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