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Academic year: 2021



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Uczeń maksymalnie może zdobyć 60 pkt. Laureatami zostają uczniowie, którzy uzyskali co najmniej 90% punktów możliwych do zdobycia, tj. 54 punkty, oraz pozostali uczniowie z największą liczbą punktów, w sumie 25% zdających. Finalistami konkursu zostają uczniowie, którzy uzyskali co najmniej 60% punktów możliwych do zdobycia, tj. 36 pkt.


 Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź w zadaniach nr 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 przyznaje się 1 punkt.

 Do zadań nr 1, 4, 5, 9, 10 stosuje się osobne kryteria podane przy każdym zadaniu.

 W zadaniach przyznaje się tylko całkowite liczby punktów. Nie przyznaje się punktów połówkowych.

 W zadaniach otwartych można zaakceptować inną odpowiedź ucznia, pod warunkiem, że jest logiczna, całkowicie poprawna językowo, a w przypadku transformacji (zadanie 8) precyzyjnie oddaje znaczenia zdania wyjściowego.

Zadanie 1. (0-4 pkt)

Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź przyznaje się punkty zgodnie z podanym schematem:

1. T 2. NI 3. T 4. F 5. NI 6. T

6 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 4 punkty 5 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 3 punkty 4 poprawne odpowiedzi – 2 punkty 3-2 poprawne odpowiedzi – 1 punkt 1-0 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 0 punktów Zadanie 2. (0-6 pkt)

Odpowiedzi na pytania powinny zawierać poniższe informacje (zgodne z treścią nagrania) wyrażone sformułowaniami z nagrania i/lub ich parafrazą. Wymagane jest udzielenie odpowiedzi poprawnych pod względem gramatycznym i ortograficznym.

1. I took 12 hours. It was (about) 9 miles offshore.

Należy odpowiedzieć właściwie na obydwie części pytania.

2. It might have been carried from the coast by a strong current from the coastal town.

It might have been swept up while trying to reach a patch of forest / while crossing the Kokkilai Lagoon.

3. Four/4 vessels took part in the action.

4. They corralled it with rope and towed it back to shore.

5. Because they burn a lot of energy and the salt water is not good for their skin.

6. The causes are: habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation.

Należy podać 2 przyczyny podane w nagraniu.

Zadanie 3. (0-5 pkt) 1. D

2. G 3. C 4. F 5. H


2 9. (celluloid) exposure

10. (to) fiddle 11. pursuit

12. (to) break fresh ground

13. a stand-in 14. (to) fade 15. (to) capture 16. primal / elemental Punktacja do zadań 1-8 i 9-16 (za każdą część osobno):

8 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 5 punktów 7 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 4 punkty 6-5 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 3 punkty 4-3 poprawne odpowiedzi – 2 punkty 2-1 poprawne odpowiedzi – 1 punkt 0 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 0 puktów Zadanie 5. (0-5 pkt)

Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź przyznaje się punkty zgodnie z podanym schematem:

1. from / of 2. at 3. known 4. to 5. being 6. on 7. out 8. take 9. themselves

9 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 5 punktów 8-7 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 4 punkty 6-5 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 3 punkty 4-3 poprawne odpowiedzi – 2 punkty 2-1 poprawne odpowiedzi – 1 punkt 0 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 0 puktów

Zadanie 6. (0-4 pkt) 1. disposable

2. peninsula 3. deciduous 4. approximately Zadanie 7. (0-8 pkt) 1. intensify

2. encountering 3. deaths 4. lowered 5. likelihood 6. previously

7. severity / intensity (jeżeli nie było użyte w 1) 8. analyse / analyze

Zadanie 8. (0-8 pkt)

1. (have) got (gotten) away with it 2. much it had cost me

3. ever be struck twice by 4. had no intention of scaring 5. ought not to have stroked 6. would rather not have caught 7. it not been for Richard 8. ever does he take part


Zadanie 9. (0-3 pkt)

Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź przyznaje się punkty zgodnie z podanym schematem:

1. F 2. D 3. B 4. H 5. A 6. C

6 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 3 punkty 5-4 poprawne odpowiedzi – 2 punkty 3-2 poprawne odpowiedzi – 1 punkt 1-0 poprawnych odpowiedzi – 0 punktów

Zadanie 10. (0-7 pkt)

Za każdą prawidłową odpowiedź przyznaje się punkty zgodnie z podanym schematem:

1. (1) Lake Michigan is located entirely in the United States. 2 punkty (2) Lake Superior is the largest lake.

2. (2) Yellowstone is located in Wyoming / Montana / Idaho. 2 punkty 3. (1) The South Island is the biggest island of New Zealand.

(2) They (the South Island and North Island) are separated by the Cook Strait. 2 punkty 4. The largest national park of New Zealand is Fiordland. 1 punkt Źródła do zadania 9

https://www.thoughtco.com/mount-kosciuszko-highest-mountain-in-australia-755926 http://www.ducksters.com/geography/country/united_kingdom.php

http://www.thoughtco.com/geography-the-united-states-of-america-1435745 https://www.thoughtco.com/overview-and-geography-of-new-zealand-1434347 http://www.nationalparks.gov.uk/quick-guide-to-the-uks-national-parks


Oxford Guide to British and American Culture (2003) – str. C2-C3, C8-C9, 296, 339, 475, 498 73, 84, 296, 407

Źródła do zadania 10

1. http://www.ducksters.com/geography/us_states/us_lakes.php

Oxford Guide to British and American Culture (2003) – str. 344, 523, C2-C3 2. https://www.thoughtco.com/largest-national-parks-in-the-united-states-1435732 Oxford Guide to British and American Culture (2003) – str. 595

3. https://www.thoughtco.com/overview-and-geography-of-new-zealand-1434347 4. https://www.newzealand.com/int/national-parks/




Zadanie 1

There are literally thousands of drinks on the Starbucks secret menu, which means they are not commercially advertised, but only one of them is dog-friendly. It’s called the puppuccino, and apparently, pups love them, as witnessed by the dozens of videos on social media of dogs devouring puppuccinos in seconds. One such video of a police pup from Ohio slurping up a puppuccino made the rounds on the internet this week, and the spoiler: “It was adorable”. So naturally, I started scheming, trying to find a pup I could “borrow” to take to Starbucks for a puppuccino, so I could watch the joy happen in front of my eyes. Also – and this seemed like an important detail to nail down – I had to figure out what is in a Starbucks puppuccino.

It sounds fancy, but this Starbucks secret menu item for dogs is simply an espresso cup filled with whipped cream. And nervous dog owners need not be concerned about accidentally making their dog sick, because whipped cream is generally safe for dogs to eat. It shouldn’t be an everyday thing, of course, but letting your dog join you on a Starbucks run once in a while shouldn't affect their health.

I also approached Starbucks to ask if the puppuccino was even a real thing, and a spokesperson explained to me that, despite what folks on the internet were saying, “A puppuccino is not an official menu item. However, all customers have the ability to order extra whipped cream for a beverage, and we’ve seen customers order this for their dogs.” There were also some rumors that the puppuccino is free, but that’s not necessarily the case. “As with any beverage customisation,” the spokesperson added,

“the cost will differ by store.”

Armed with this information, all I needed now was a dog. Snickers entered my mind, a cocker spaniel who just celebrated his first birthday this week, which seemed like a good reason to treat him to a puppuccino. And once I convinced Snickers’s owner Teresa, my wonderful neighbour, that this secret menu item wouldn’t make her pup puke in her apartment, we were off to Starbucks.

Here’s the thing that I’ve learned about the Starbucks secret menu. More often than not, if you order a Chunky Monkey Frappuccino or a Lucky Charms Frappuccino, the barista will have no idea what you’re talking about or how to make it. But the baristas at Starbucks are friendly, and if you explain what you want, they’ll make it. And that’s exactly what happened when I ordered a puppuccino. When I said that all I wanted was an espresso cup full of whipped cream, she very kindly served it up, charging me a cool $1.09. When I made it clear that it was for my friend's dog, not me, she smiled gently but didn't ask any further questions.

To be fair, it’s not really like Snickers knew what a puppuccino was either. He’s a dog, after all. But he really enjoyed it. So if you want to treat your pup to Starbucks, don't expect your barista to know what a puppuccino is, but you should fully expect your dog – or your neighbour’s dog, as the case may be – to love every bite of it.

Adapted from: www.extracrispy.com


Zadanie 2

Considering the legendary memory of elephants, Sri Lanka's navy may have made a lifelong friend this week. On January 7, naval divers and wildlife officials spent 12 hours rescuing a wild Asian elephant that had been swept about 9 miles out to sea.

It's unclear how exactly the elephant wound up so far from shore, but the navy suspects a strong current carried it there from somewhere near the coastal town of Kokkilai. It might have been swept up while trying to reach a patch of forest by crossing the Kokkilai Lagoon, an estuary that connects to the Bay of Bengal.

The situation was discovered by a naval speedboat on routine patrol, prompting the navy to send out another patrol boat with a team of divers. As the scope of the task became clear, two more vessels from the Rapid Action Boat Squadron joined in, with a team from Sri Lanka's Department of Wildlife Conservation on board.

The divers were advised by the wildlife officials on the scene, whose guidance became vital in the rescue mission. Although the distressed elephant was still swimming and snorkeling with its trunk when rescuers arrived, they doubted it could reach land on its own. It seemed hesitant at first, but the divers eventually corralled it with rope and towed it back to shore.

By the time they got there, the rescue had taken 12 exhausting hours, but the elephant was OK. The navy helped guide it to the Yan Oya area, where it was handed over to wildlife officials, who then released the elephant into the nearby jungle.

Elephants may look awkward in water, but they are actually excellent swimmers. They're known to readily cross rivers, or even shallow stretches of ocean when they feel it's worth the trouble. However, they can't keep swimming for long because they burn a lot of energy and the salt water isn't good for their skin, so in this case, the situation probably warranted human intervention.

Asian elephants are listed as an endangered species, mainly due to habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation. The species was once widespread in Sri Lanka, but is now limited to the island's dry zone. This particular elephant was lucky to be spotted by a patrol boat, and to receive so much help from people who could have just done nothing. It was a miraculous escape for the elephant.

Adapted from: www.mnn.com


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